Why these statements have added to inflation..."We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” and "“no more drilling...there is no more drilling"

However, none of them are able to explain how Biden caused inflation all over the planet.

Who is blaming Biden's idiocy for causing world-wide inflation?

His idiocy is to blame for US inflation.
So it is just a coincidence we have global inflation? :auiqs.jpg:

Kind of like when the housing bubble popped. The American negroes were responsible for it popping all over the planet.
Biden did not cause the GLOBAL inflation problem, retards.

The central banks did.
The politicians use the central banks. The central banks whi infiltrated governments then are like Willy Wonka telling the children when they do what they want......No...No...No do not do that. Full well knowing that they're doing that. Do you really believe that Maxine Waters on the financial committee or whatever as the House Chairman on that knows what the Federal Reserve is and economic and finances? The woman is a moron educated from decades of corrupted power. Progs like Nadler and others are traitors. The laughed as Ron Paul. But now they are silent as the inflation is making people poorer.
According to the author's chart, US GDP is about $9 trillion higher than it should be.

That's not a coincidence.
The politicians use the central banks. The central banks whi infiltrated governments then are like Willy Wonka telling the children when they do what they want......No...No...No do not do that. Full well knowing that they're doing that. Do you really believe that Maxine Waters on the financial committee or whatever as the House Chairman on that knows what the Federal Reserve is and economic and finances? The woman is a moron educated from decades of corrupted power. Progs like Nadler and others are traitors. The laughed as Ron Paul. But now they are silent as the inflation is making people poorer.
Both parties are guilty as sin.

I've been explaining for YEARS on this forum how presidents and congresses of both parties have been artificially juicing GDP.
Why do you keep starting the same old topics, posting the same old horseshit?

You suffer from magical thinking. "Duh more I repeats sumthin, the truer it becomes!"

Here's the reality:

New Data: Biden’s First Year Drilling Permitting Stomps Trump’s By 34%

New federal data shows the Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first year, far outpacing the Trump administration’s first-year total of 2,658.

Nearly 2,000 of the drilling permits were approved on public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management’s New Mexico office, followed by 843 in Wyoming, 285 in Montana and North Dakota, and 191 in Utah. In California, the Biden administration approved 187 permits — more than twice the 71 drilling permits Trump approved in that state in his first year.

Once a leaseholder, operator, or designated agent identifies an oil and gas deposit on a Federal lease, they can file an application for permit to drill (APD). The BLM posts these APDs on its 30 Day Federal Public Posting Report Page.

The lease holder must file an Application for Permit to Drill (APD) with the BLM field office. An APD allows a lease holder to explore the leased land for oil and gas deposits. To apply for an APD, lease holders must submit an Exploration Plan. The Exploration Plan includes information about the well and associated rights of way, roads, pipelines, and production facilities. After the APD is filed, there is a mandatory 30-day public notification period before the permit can be approved.
While reviewing the APD, BLM analyzes the impact of drilling on the environment using an Environmental Impact Statement or an Environmental Assessment in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act. BLM must also ensure that conditions for the National Historic Preservation Act and the Endangered Species Act are met before awarding the permit.
Once granted, the APD expires within two years. During the explore phase, companies pay rent to ONRR.
There is a big difference between presidents.
And of course WHAT is the difference Between what OBAMA left Trump versus what Trump left Biden?
See you idiots think oh the minute the president takes office things are done !
You have obviously NEVER worked for a major bureaucratic organization like the government. Where
the plans for drilling are either discouraged by the predecessor i.e. when Trump took over from Obama...
SEE this listing...
When Obama left office he signed 11,294 leases vs when he took office Bush had signed 23,569 leases over double what Obama left Trump. And so when Trump took over the leases that were signed were generated under Obama and when Biden took over he had more leases signed then Obama had and as a result the leases signed by Biden were previously started under Trump... remember.. oil exploration requires..lease holders must submit an Exploration Plan.Do you think oil companies will sign more leases in the future under Biden who has sworn to get rid of fossil fuels???
So it is just a coincidence we have global inflation? :auiqs.jpg:

Kind of like when the housing bubble popped. The American negroes were responsible for it popping all over the planet.

So it is just a coincidence we have global inflation?

To be fair, Biden's idiocy, global and domestic is partially to blame for the jump in fossil fuel prices.
So it is just a coincidence we have global inflation?

To be fair, Biden's idiocy, global and domestic is partially to blame for the jump in fossil fuel prices.
US oil production increased 30 percent in Biden's first year.

US oil production increased only 20 percent in Trump's first year.

And they both began at the same starting point.
You people really need to get off this "Because Biden" bullshit.

It has been other countries like Saudi Arabia and Venezuela which kept their oil production below pandemic levels which have caused oil prices to skyrocket.
US oil production increased 30 percent in Biden's first year.

US oil production increased only 20 percent in Trump's first year.

And they both began at the same starting point.
You people really need to get off this "Because Biden" bullshit.

It has been other countries like Saudi Arabia and Venezuela which kept their oil production below pandemic levels which have caused oil prices to skyrocket.

US oil production increased 30 percent in Biden's first year.

He's a genius!!!!

Which new policy did he put in place to boost production that much?

It has been other countries like Saudi Arabia and Venezuela which kept their oil production below pandemic levels which have caused oil prices to skyrocket.

You think Venezuela is keeping some production offline? That's funny.
From the link I provided:

Roughly speaking, we need a wealth destruction event that’s equivalent to the 2008-2009 Great
Financial Crisis just to get the ratio of wealth to GDP back to pre-pandemic levels.
US oil production increased 30 percent in Biden's first year.

He's a genius!!!!

Which new policy did he put in place to boost production that much?
And now you are finally coming around to what I have been saying. The US president has nothing to do with oil prices.

Thank you.

Oil production and prices are driven by market forces, not the president.

So you will stop with the "Because Biden" horseshit now, right?
It has been other countries like Saudi Arabia and Venezuela which kept their oil production below pandemic levels which have caused oil prices to skyrocket.

You think Venezuela is keeping some production offline? That's funny.

It always amazes me the "because Biden" tards are completely ignorant about the topic on which they speak!

Venezuela's October oil exports tumble on weaker production

This marks a 25% decline from September and a 23% fall versus October a year-ago, according to the data.
From the link I provided:

Roughly speaking, we need a wealth destruction event that’s equivalent to the 2008-2009 Great
Financial Crisis just to get the ratio of wealth to GDP back to pre-pandemic levels.

What is the proper ratio? How does he know?
Our politicians and the Federal Reserve are all about pain avoidance. Ever since the collapse of Long Term Capital Management.

And yet they ignore the fact that each succeeding crisis is larger than the last and it is just a matter of time their interference will cause a colossally larger pain to be inflicted on our country than if they had let matters take a natural course. And it will be a pain they cannot stop. It will be a matter of banks being Too Big To Save.

This inflation is but a precursor.

But at least the Fed is now increasing interest rates to offset their infinite QE and ZIRP fuckup.

And yes, that means a recession next year, most likely, and the all the tards will sing "Because Biden" because that is what they will be told to do.

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