Why they're against diplomacy with Iran, and FOR war


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Meet The Republican Senators Who Are The Defense Contractors Best Friends -

" The continuous beat of the war-drums by these bought-and-paid for Senators is not a mystery. A closer look at one of President Obama’s harshest foreign policy critic, Senator McCain, reveals;
[In 2013] Republican John McCain received more defense lobby cash than any other senator who cast a vote Wednesday on Syria: $176,300."

Defense OpenSecrets

"1 Cochran, Thad (R-MS) Senate $394,100
2 Thornberry, Mac (R-TX) House $329,350
3 Durbin, Dick (D-IL) Senate $307,899
4 Frelinghuysen, Rodney (R-NJ) House $266,281
5 Reed, Jack (D-RI) Senate $224,750
6 Wittman, Rob (R-VA) House $221,536
7 Crenshaw, Ander (R-FL) House $208,918
8 Smith, Adam (D-WA) House $207,700
9 Forbes, Randy (R-VA) House $200,606
10 Graham, Lindsey (R-SC) Senate $199,393
11 Hunter, Duncan D (R-CA) House $192,365
12 Granger, Kay (R-TX) House $191,850
13 McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) Senate $180,700
14 Warner, Mark (D-VA) Senate $180,550
15 Ruppersberger, Dutch (D-MD) House $173,000
16 Turner, Michael R (R-OH) House $168,175
17 McKeon, Buck (R-CA) House $162,200
18 Rogers, Hal (R-KY) House $160,700
19 Sessions, Jeff (R-AL) Senate $155,500
20 Mikulski, Barbara A (D-MD) Senate $155,400"
Meet The Republican Senators Who Are The Defense Contractors Best Friends -

" The continuous beat of the war-drums by these bought-and-paid for Senators is not a mystery. A closer look at one of President Obama’s harshest foreign policy critic, Senator McCain, reveals;
[In 2013] Republican John McCain received more defense lobby cash than any other senator who cast a vote Wednesday on Syria: $176,300."

Defense OpenSecrets

"1 Cochran, Thad (R-MS) Senate $394,100
2 Thornberry, Mac (R-TX) House $329,350
3 Durbin, Dick (D-IL) Senate $307,899
4 Frelinghuysen, Rodney (R-NJ) House $266,281
5 Reed, Jack (D-RI) Senate $224,750
6 Wittman, Rob (R-VA) House $221,536
7 Crenshaw, Ander (R-FL) House $208,918
8 Smith, Adam (D-WA) House $207,700
9 Forbes, Randy (R-VA) House $200,606
10 Graham, Lindsey (R-SC) Senate $199,393
11 Hunter, Duncan D (R-CA) House $192,365
12 Granger, Kay (R-TX) House $191,850
13 McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) Senate $180,700
14 Warner, Mark (D-VA) Senate $180,550
15 Ruppersberger, Dutch (D-MD) House $173,000
16 Turner, Michael R (R-OH) House $168,175
17 McKeon, Buck (R-CA) House $162,200
18 Rogers, Hal (R-KY) House $160,700
19 Sessions, Jeff (R-AL) Senate $155,500
20 Mikulski, Barbara A (D-MD) Senate $155,400"

Another bizarre conspiracy theory. Republicans would be more than happy to reach a diplomatic solution to stop Iran from getting nukes, but they are sensible enough to understand that it's extremely unlikely that the Iranians would agree to any deal that was genuinely verifiable and that permanently prevented them from getting nukes. That is the point.

After Obama weakened the sanctions last year with the interim agreement, the UN, of all sources, recently reported that its inspectors are unable to verify that Iran is not developing nuke-weapon capability. Did liberals just miss that news or something?
Seeing as how there is no military/war solution as think tanks have said the past 30 or so years, preventing Iran's nuclear program via military strike isn't about preventing it. So there must be another motive. Like money.
The title of this thread is an outright lie. So much for your thread.

You really believe that we don't have Senators who are beholding to the defense industry for a lot of money? And these same Senators don't have any problem putting the USA into a war so that their friends in the Defense Industry can make some big bucks. And you don't believe that? Why is that?

BTW they are Repubs and Dems. that do this.
Seeing as how there is no military/war solution as think tanks have said the past 30 or so years, preventing Iran's nuclear program via military strike isn't about preventing it. So there must be another motive. Like money.
Surgical strikes against nuclear weapons facilities will retard their progress and buy time, even if it reinforces their determination to persevere.

But, if we strike, we will then be obliged to topple their Theocratic Autocracy.

It seems, at first glance, that such follow-up would be vastly more expensive in blood and treasure than either the Iraq or Afghanistan adventures.

But we have also learned lessons from both campaigns, and it seems likely that we would be far more savage and vicious and uncaring and murderous and destructive in any war against Iran, than we were in the case of either Iraq or Afghanistan, and far less willing to risk American lives in order to spare enemy civilians embedded alongside combatants.

With a focus on killing and destruction rather than merely winning a tenuous and unsustainable victory scenario.

We are experts at killing and destroying, when we want to be.

We may see such a manifestation, if we are obliged to go to war against Iran.

God forbid.
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"An attack on Iranian nuclear facilities would make it more, not less, likely that the Iranian regime would decide to produce and deploy nuclear weapons."
How to Defuse Iran s Nuclear Threat RAND

" Israel attack wouldn't stop Iran nuclear program, says U.K. study
Oxford Research Group predicts Israeli attack would spark long war that might even encourage Iran further."
Israel attack wouldn t stop Iran nuclear program says U.K. study - Israel News Haaretz

"Attacking Iran Likely Counter-Productive, Think Tank Warns
The report, "Risk and Rivalry: Iran, Israel and the Bomb,"
..If, however, it does develop a weapon, say the report's authors, who also include Melissa Dalton and Matthew Irvine, Tehran is "unlikely" to use it or transfer a nuclear device to terrorists to use against Israel or any other target. "
Attacking Iran Likely Counter-Productive Think Tank Warns

Been saying this for 30 years. Politicians have been using Iran as a thing every election since.
Meet The Republican Senators Who Are The Defense Contractors Best Friends -

" The continuous beat of the war-drums by these bought-and-paid for Senators is not a mystery. A closer look at one of President Obama’s harshest foreign policy critic, Senator McCain, reveals;
[In 2013] Republican John McCain received more defense lobby cash than any other senator who cast a vote Wednesday on Syria: $176,300."

Defense OpenSecrets

"1 Cochran, Thad (R-MS) Senate $394,100
2 Thornberry, Mac (R-TX) House $329,350
3 Durbin, Dick (D-IL) Senate $307,899
4 Frelinghuysen, Rodney (R-NJ) House $266,281
5 Reed, Jack (D-RI) Senate $224,750
6 Wittman, Rob (R-VA) House $221,536
7 Crenshaw, Ander (R-FL) House $208,918
8 Smith, Adam (D-WA) House $207,700
9 Forbes, Randy (R-VA) House $200,606
10 Graham, Lindsey (R-SC) Senate $199,393
11 Hunter, Duncan D (R-CA) House $192,365
12 Granger, Kay (R-TX) House $191,850
13 McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) Senate $180,700
14 Warner, Mark (D-VA) Senate $180,550
15 Ruppersberger, Dutch (D-MD) House $173,000
16 Turner, Michael R (R-OH) House $168,175
17 McKeon, Buck (R-CA) House $162,200
18 Rogers, Hal (R-KY) House $160,700
19 Sessions, Jeff (R-AL) Senate $155,500
20 Mikulski, Barbara A (D-MD) Senate $155,400"
Now if you were not a partisan hack, you would list those in the D party...which likely receives as much or more...warmongering is a most bi-partisan policy.

How about the beloved Mrs. BJ and Lizzy?
Hillary s Defense Dough Common Dreams Breaking News Views for the Progressive Community
Politico Populist Sen. Warren Courts Major Defense Contractors
Meet The Republican Senators Who Are The Defense Contractors Best Friends -

" The continuous beat of the war-drums by these bought-and-paid for Senators is not a mystery. A closer look at one of President Obama’s harshest foreign policy critic, Senator McCain, reveals;
[In 2013] Republican John McCain received more defense lobby cash than any other senator who cast a vote Wednesday on Syria: $176,300."

Defense OpenSecrets

"1 Cochran, Thad (R-MS) Senate $394,100
2 Thornberry, Mac (R-TX) House $329,350
3 Durbin, Dick (D-IL) Senate $307,899
4 Frelinghuysen, Rodney (R-NJ) House $266,281
5 Reed, Jack (D-RI) Senate $224,750
6 Wittman, Rob (R-VA) House $221,536
7 Crenshaw, Ander (R-FL) House $208,918
8 Smith, Adam (D-WA) House $207,700
9 Forbes, Randy (R-VA) House $200,606
10 Graham, Lindsey (R-SC) Senate $199,393
11 Hunter, Duncan D (R-CA) House $192,365
12 Granger, Kay (R-TX) House $191,850
13 McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) Senate $180,700
14 Warner, Mark (D-VA) Senate $180,550
15 Ruppersberger, Dutch (D-MD) House $173,000
16 Turner, Michael R (R-OH) House $168,175
17 McKeon, Buck (R-CA) House $162,200
18 Rogers, Hal (R-KY) House $160,700
19 Sessions, Jeff (R-AL) Senate $155,500
20 Mikulski, Barbara A (D-MD) Senate $155,400"
Now if you were not a partisan hack, you would list those in the D party...which likely receives as much or more...warmongering is a most bi-partisan policy.

How about the beloved Mrs. BJ and Lizzy?
Hillary s Defense Dough Common Dreams Breaking News Views for the Progressive Community
Politico Populist Sen. Warren Courts Major Defense Contractors

Take a look at the table idiot. Pleanty of dems in it.
The title of this thread is an outright lie. So much for your thread.

You really believe that we don't have Senators who are beholding to the defense industry for a lot of money? And these same Senators don't have any problem putting the USA into a war so that their friends in the Defense Industry can make some big bucks. And you don't believe that? Why is that?

BTW they are Repubs and Dems. that do this.

There's crazy and then there's your post wow.
When your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail

That is all conservatives have. That is why they attack diplomacy so viciously

Meanwhile, Obama is showing the value of diplomacy in deals with Cuba and Iran

As conservatives scream in rage
Meet The Republican Senators Who Are The Defense Contractors Best Friends -

" The continuous beat of the war-drums by these bought-and-paid for Senators is not a mystery. A closer look at one of President Obama’s harshest foreign policy critic, Senator McCain, reveals;
[In 2013] Republican John McCain received more defense lobby cash than any other senator who cast a vote Wednesday on Syria: $176,300."

Defense OpenSecrets

"1 Cochran, Thad (R-MS) Senate $394,100
2 Thornberry, Mac (R-TX) House $329,350
3 Durbin, Dick (D-IL) Senate $307,899
4 Frelinghuysen, Rodney (R-NJ) House $266,281
5 Reed, Jack (D-RI) Senate $224,750
6 Wittman, Rob (R-VA) House $221,536
7 Crenshaw, Ander (R-FL) House $208,918
8 Smith, Adam (D-WA) House $207,700
9 Forbes, Randy (R-VA) House $200,606
10 Graham, Lindsey (R-SC) Senate $199,393
11 Hunter, Duncan D (R-CA) House $192,365
12 Granger, Kay (R-TX) House $191,850
13 McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) Senate $180,700
14 Warner, Mark (D-VA) Senate $180,550
15 Ruppersberger, Dutch (D-MD) House $173,000
16 Turner, Michael R (R-OH) House $168,175
17 McKeon, Buck (R-CA) House $162,200
18 Rogers, Hal (R-KY) House $160,700
19 Sessions, Jeff (R-AL) Senate $155,500
20 Mikulski, Barbara A (D-MD) Senate $155,400"
Now if you were not a partisan hack, you would list those in the D party...which likely receives as much or more...warmongering is a most bi-partisan policy.

How about the beloved Mrs. BJ and Lizzy?
Hillary s Defense Dough Common Dreams Breaking News Views for the Progressive Community
Politico Populist Sen. Warren Courts Major Defense Contractors

Take a look at the table idiot. Pleanty of dems in it.
Well forgive me for missing that...I merely read the disingenuous headline you linked.
Meet The Republican Senators Who Are The Defense Contractors Best Friends -

" The continuous beat of the war-drums by these bought-and-paid for Senators is not a mystery. A closer look at one of President Obama’s harshest foreign policy critic, Senator McCain, reveals;
[In 2013] Republican John McCain received more defense lobby cash than any other senator who cast a vote Wednesday on Syria: $176,300."

Defense OpenSecrets

"1 Cochran, Thad (R-MS) Senate $394,100
2 Thornberry, Mac (R-TX) House $329,350
3 Durbin, Dick (D-IL) Senate $307,899
4 Frelinghuysen, Rodney (R-NJ) House $266,281
5 Reed, Jack (D-RI) Senate $224,750
6 Wittman, Rob (R-VA) House $221,536
7 Crenshaw, Ander (R-FL) House $208,918
8 Smith, Adam (D-WA) House $207,700
9 Forbes, Randy (R-VA) House $200,606
10 Graham, Lindsey (R-SC) Senate $199,393
11 Hunter, Duncan D (R-CA) House $192,365
12 Granger, Kay (R-TX) House $191,850
13 McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) Senate $180,700
14 Warner, Mark (D-VA) Senate $180,550
15 Ruppersberger, Dutch (D-MD) House $173,000
16 Turner, Michael R (R-OH) House $168,175
17 McKeon, Buck (R-CA) House $162,200
18 Rogers, Hal (R-KY) House $160,700
19 Sessions, Jeff (R-AL) Senate $155,500
20 Mikulski, Barbara A (D-MD) Senate $155,400"
Now if you were not a partisan hack, you would list those in the D party...which likely receives as much or more...warmongering is a most bi-partisan policy.

How about the beloved Mrs. BJ and Lizzy?
Hillary s Defense Dough Common Dreams Breaking News Views for the Progressive Community
Politico Populist Sen. Warren Courts Major Defense Contractors

Take a look at the table idiot. Pleanty of dems in it.
Maybe the title should have read "Look at the Democrat and Republican Senators Who..."

That would have been a little less disingenuous and self-serving, and more credible, eh?
Meet The Republican Senators Who Are The Defense Contractors Best Friends -

" The continuous beat of the war-drums by these bought-and-paid for Senators is not a mystery. A closer look at one of President Obama’s harshest foreign policy critic, Senator McCain, reveals;
[In 2013] Republican John McCain received more defense lobby cash than any other senator who cast a vote Wednesday on Syria: $176,300."

Defense OpenSecrets

"1 Cochran, Thad (R-MS) Senate $394,100
2 Thornberry, Mac (R-TX) House $329,350
3 Durbin, Dick (D-IL) Senate $307,899
4 Frelinghuysen, Rodney (R-NJ) House $266,281
5 Reed, Jack (D-RI) Senate $224,750
6 Wittman, Rob (R-VA) House $221,536
7 Crenshaw, Ander (R-FL) House $208,918
8 Smith, Adam (D-WA) House $207,700
9 Forbes, Randy (R-VA) House $200,606
10 Graham, Lindsey (R-SC) Senate $199,393
11 Hunter, Duncan D (R-CA) House $192,365
12 Granger, Kay (R-TX) House $191,850
13 McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) Senate $180,700
14 Warner, Mark (D-VA) Senate $180,550
15 Ruppersberger, Dutch (D-MD) House $173,000
16 Turner, Michael R (R-OH) House $168,175
17 McKeon, Buck (R-CA) House $162,200
18 Rogers, Hal (R-KY) House $160,700
19 Sessions, Jeff (R-AL) Senate $155,500
20 Mikulski, Barbara A (D-MD) Senate $155,400"

Chump change for pols, but, you show no war votes or resolutions to back the lie.

Could we safely say Hillary backs collaboration with Muslim evil because of the millions the Clinton foundation has taken from Muslim millionaires?

I could post that she got a million dollars a head for the Benghazi deaths, and have as much validity as your post.

Stick to funny perv threads; in other words, dance with who brung you.
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Meet The Republican Senators Who Are The Defense Contractors Best Friends -

" The continuous beat of the war-drums by these bought-and-paid for Senators is not a mystery. A closer look at one of President Obama’s harshest foreign policy critic, Senator McCain, reveals;
[In 2013] Republican John McCain received more defense lobby cash than any other senator who cast a vote Wednesday on Syria: $176,300."

Defense OpenSecrets

"1 Cochran, Thad (R-MS) Senate $394,100
2 Thornberry, Mac (R-TX) House $329,350
3 Durbin, Dick (D-IL) Senate $307,899
4 Frelinghuysen, Rodney (R-NJ) House $266,281
5 Reed, Jack (D-RI) Senate $224,750
6 Wittman, Rob (R-VA) House $221,536
7 Crenshaw, Ander (R-FL) House $208,918
8 Smith, Adam (D-WA) House $207,700
9 Forbes, Randy (R-VA) House $200,606
10 Graham, Lindsey (R-SC) Senate $199,393
11 Hunter, Duncan D (R-CA) House $192,365
12 Granger, Kay (R-TX) House $191,850
13 McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) Senate $180,700
14 Warner, Mark (D-VA) Senate $180,550
15 Ruppersberger, Dutch (D-MD) House $173,000
16 Turner, Michael R (R-OH) House $168,175
17 McKeon, Buck (R-CA) House $162,200
18 Rogers, Hal (R-KY) House $160,700
19 Sessions, Jeff (R-AL) Senate $155,500
20 Mikulski, Barbara A (D-MD) Senate $155,400"

Chump change for polls, but, you show no war votes or resolutions to back the lie.

Could we safely say Hillary backs collaboration with Muslim evil because of the millions the Clinton foundation has taken from Muslim millionaires?

I could post that she got a million dollars a head for the Benghazi deaths, and have as much validity as your post.

Stick to funny perv threads; in other words, dance with who brung you.

Love this. You start by doubting the post's validity but by the end say they should vote however their donors say. That's classic.
Meet The Republican Senators Who Are The Defense Contractors Best Friends -

" The continuous beat of the war-drums by these bought-and-paid for Senators is not a mystery. A closer look at one of President Obama’s harshest foreign policy critic, Senator McCain, reveals;
[In 2013] Republican John McCain received more defense lobby cash than any other senator who cast a vote Wednesday on Syria: $176,300."

Defense OpenSecrets

"1 Cochran, Thad (R-MS) Senate $394,100
2 Thornberry, Mac (R-TX) House $329,350
3 Durbin, Dick (D-IL) Senate $307,899
4 Frelinghuysen, Rodney (R-NJ) House $266,281
5 Reed, Jack (D-RI) Senate $224,750
6 Wittman, Rob (R-VA) House $221,536
7 Crenshaw, Ander (R-FL) House $208,918
8 Smith, Adam (D-WA) House $207,700
9 Forbes, Randy (R-VA) House $200,606
10 Graham, Lindsey (R-SC) Senate $199,393
11 Hunter, Duncan D (R-CA) House $192,365
12 Granger, Kay (R-TX) House $191,850
13 McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) Senate $180,700
14 Warner, Mark (D-VA) Senate $180,550
15 Ruppersberger, Dutch (D-MD) House $173,000
16 Turner, Michael R (R-OH) House $168,175
17 McKeon, Buck (R-CA) House $162,200
18 Rogers, Hal (R-KY) House $160,700
19 Sessions, Jeff (R-AL) Senate $155,500
20 Mikulski, Barbara A (D-MD) Senate $155,400"

Another bizarre conspiracy theory. Republicans would be more than happy to reach a diplomatic solution to stop Iran from getting nukes, but they are sensible enough to understand that it's extremely unlikely that the Iranians would agree to any deal that was genuinely verifiable and that permanently prevented them from getting nukes. That is the point.

After Obama weakened the sanctions last year with the interim agreement, the UN, of all sources, recently reported that its inspectors are unable to verify that Iran is not developing nuke-weapon capability. Did liberals just miss that news or something?

"After Obama weakened the sanctions last year with the interim agreement, the UN, of all sources, recently reported that its inspectors are unable to verify that Iran is not developing nuke-weapon capability. Did liberals just miss that news or something?"-mikegriffith1

Before starting this post, did you consider that Israeli intelligence agency, Mossad's cables stated "they believe that Iran was "not performing the activity necessary to produce weapons" in 2012..
Mossad contradicted Netanyahu on Iran nuclear programme - Al Jazeera English

There's always people who fall for the theories of "fear politics", which is a popular tool with tyrants.

Meet The Republican Senators Who Are The Defense Contractors Best Friends -

" The continuous beat of the war-drums by these bought-and-paid for Senators is not a mystery. A closer look at one of President Obama’s harshest foreign policy critic, Senator McCain, reveals;
[In 2013] Republican John McCain received more defense lobby cash than any other senator who cast a vote Wednesday on Syria: $176,300."

Defense OpenSecrets

"1 Cochran, Thad (R-MS) Senate $394,100
2 Thornberry, Mac (R-TX) House $329,350
3 Durbin, Dick (D-IL) Senate $307,899
4 Frelinghuysen, Rodney (R-NJ) House $266,281
5 Reed, Jack (D-RI) Senate $224,750
6 Wittman, Rob (R-VA) House $221,536
7 Crenshaw, Ander (R-FL) House $208,918
8 Smith, Adam (D-WA) House $207,700
9 Forbes, Randy (R-VA) House $200,606
10 Graham, Lindsey (R-SC) Senate $199,393
11 Hunter, Duncan D (R-CA) House $192,365
12 Granger, Kay (R-TX) House $191,850
13 McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) Senate $180,700
14 Warner, Mark (D-VA) Senate $180,550
15 Ruppersberger, Dutch (D-MD) House $173,000
16 Turner, Michael R (R-OH) House $168,175
17 McKeon, Buck (R-CA) House $162,200
18 Rogers, Hal (R-KY) House $160,700
19 Sessions, Jeff (R-AL) Senate $155,500
20 Mikulski, Barbara A (D-MD) Senate $155,400"

Chump change for polls, but, you show no war votes or resolutions to back the lie.

Could we safely say Hillary backs collaboration with Muslim evil because of the millions the Clinton foundation has taken from Muslim millionaires?

I could post that she got a million dollars a head for the Benghazi deaths, and have as much validity as your post.

Stick to funny perv threads; in other words, dance with who brung you.

Love this. You start by doubting the post's validity but by the end say they should vote however their donors say. That's classic.
I never said that.

They take money from both sides, and vote how they feel like voting.

For every donor that thinks they bought a vote, there is a donor who feels they were lied to.

Don't try to put words or anything else in my mouth dude; I am one of the few here that even give you any cred when you are using your brain.
Meet The Republican Senators Who Are The Defense Contractors Best Friends -

" The continuous beat of the war-drums by these bought-and-paid for Senators is not a mystery. A closer look at one of President Obama’s harshest foreign policy critic, Senator McCain, reveals;
[In 2013] Republican John McCain received more defense lobby cash than any other senator who cast a vote Wednesday on Syria: $176,300."

Defense OpenSecrets

"1 Cochran, Thad (R-MS) Senate $394,100
2 Thornberry, Mac (R-TX) House $329,350
3 Durbin, Dick (D-IL) Senate $307,899
4 Frelinghuysen, Rodney (R-NJ) House $266,281
5 Reed, Jack (D-RI) Senate $224,750
6 Wittman, Rob (R-VA) House $221,536
7 Crenshaw, Ander (R-FL) House $208,918
8 Smith, Adam (D-WA) House $207,700
9 Forbes, Randy (R-VA) House $200,606
10 Graham, Lindsey (R-SC) Senate $199,393
11 Hunter, Duncan D (R-CA) House $192,365
12 Granger, Kay (R-TX) House $191,850
13 McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) Senate $180,700
14 Warner, Mark (D-VA) Senate $180,550
15 Ruppersberger, Dutch (D-MD) House $173,000
16 Turner, Michael R (R-OH) House $168,175
17 McKeon, Buck (R-CA) House $162,200
18 Rogers, Hal (R-KY) House $160,700
19 Sessions, Jeff (R-AL) Senate $155,500
20 Mikulski, Barbara A (D-MD) Senate $155,400"

Chump change for polls, but, you show no war votes or resolutions to back the lie.

Could we safely say Hillary backs collaboration with Muslim evil because of the millions the Clinton foundation has taken from Muslim millionaires?

I could post that she got a million dollars a head for the Benghazi deaths, and have as much validity as your post.

Stick to funny perv threads; in other words, dance with who brung you.

Love this. You start by doubting the post's validity but by the end say they should vote however their donors say. That's classic.
I never said that.

They take money from both sides, and vote how they feel like voting.

For every donor that thinks they bought a vote, there is a donor who feels they were lied to.

Don't try to put words or anything else in my mouth dude; I am one of the few here that even give you any cred when you are using your brain.

If someone's right and you oppose them just to oppose them you're a tool. If someone's right and you agree with or support them you're not doing them a favor so much as yourself.
Meet The Republican Senators Who Are The Defense Contractors Best Friends -

" The continuous beat of the war-drums by these bought-and-paid for Senators is not a mystery. A closer look at one of President Obama’s harshest foreign policy critic, Senator McCain, reveals;
[In 2013] Republican John McCain received more defense lobby cash than any other senator who cast a vote Wednesday on Syria: $176,300."

Defense OpenSecrets

"1 Cochran, Thad (R-MS) Senate $394,100
2 Thornberry, Mac (R-TX) House $329,350
3 Durbin, Dick (D-IL) Senate $307,899
4 Frelinghuysen, Rodney (R-NJ) House $266,281
5 Reed, Jack (D-RI) Senate $224,750
6 Wittman, Rob (R-VA) House $221,536
7 Crenshaw, Ander (R-FL) House $208,918
8 Smith, Adam (D-WA) House $207,700
9 Forbes, Randy (R-VA) House $200,606
10 Graham, Lindsey (R-SC) Senate $199,393
11 Hunter, Duncan D (R-CA) House $192,365
12 Granger, Kay (R-TX) House $191,850
13 McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) Senate $180,700
14 Warner, Mark (D-VA) Senate $180,550
15 Ruppersberger, Dutch (D-MD) House $173,000
16 Turner, Michael R (R-OH) House $168,175
17 McKeon, Buck (R-CA) House $162,200
18 Rogers, Hal (R-KY) House $160,700
19 Sessions, Jeff (R-AL) Senate $155,500
20 Mikulski, Barbara A (D-MD) Senate $155,400"

Chump change for polls, but, you show no war votes or resolutions to back the lie.

Could we safely say Hillary backs collaboration with Muslim evil because of the millions the Clinton foundation has taken from Muslim millionaires?

I could post that she got a million dollars a head for the Benghazi deaths, and have as much validity as your post.

Stick to funny perv threads; in other words, dance with who brung you.

Love this. You start by doubting the post's validity but by the end say they should vote however their donors say. That's classic.
I never said that.

They take money from both sides, and vote how they feel like voting.

For every donor that thinks they bought a vote, there is a donor who feels they were lied to.

Don't try to put words or anything else in my mouth dude; I am one of the few here that even give you any cred when you are using your brain.

If they can't buy a politician, these companies just move on to find another tool. To think that Washington isn't bought and paid for is a pure fantasy.
More than one Washington politician has stated that they spend more money raising money than they do legislating.
Washington is a corrupt cesspool and yes, that includes the politicians you vote for. Citizens United was a great decision for plutocracy, now Main Street America is even more ignored than it was before the Supremes decision on Citizens United.
I can't believe people buy into that shit.
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"An attack on Iranian nuclear facilities would make it more, not less, likely that the Iranian regime would decide to produce and deploy nuclear weapons."
How to Defuse Iran s Nuclear Threat RAND

" Israel attack wouldn't stop Iran nuclear program, says U.K. study
Oxford Research Group predicts Israeli attack would spark long war that might even encourage Iran further."
Israel attack wouldn t stop Iran nuclear program says U.K. study - Israel News Haaretz

"Attacking Iran Likely Counter-Productive, Think Tank Warns
The report, "Risk and Rivalry: Iran, Israel and the Bomb,"
..If, however, it does develop a weapon, say the report's authors, who also include Melissa Dalton and Matthew Irvine, Tehran is "unlikely" to use it or transfer a nuclear device to terrorists to use against Israel or any other target. "
Attacking Iran Likely Counter-Productive Think Tank Warns

Been saying this for 30 years. Politicians have been using Iran as a thing every election since.
"An attack on Iranian nuclear facilities would make it more, not less, likely that the Iranian regime would decide to produce and deploy nuclear weapons."

Moot point they have long since decide thats what they want. Any and all all road must be used to prevent them from reaching that goal.
They have publicly said time and time again,they will burn Israel if they can.

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