Why this focus on blacks all of a sudden?

Poor black culture is being glorified and they use the N word, George Carlin never mentioned that ONE word...
The Leftists who dominate Academe, the Media, and national politics are keen to disparage America and spread self loathing to mainly "white" people.

The easiest way to do this is to focus on Black people, how wretched they, are, and how unfair life has been to them. So that narrative permeates the culture. It is woven into every television program, every conversation, every political debate, every issue. Seemingly every advertisement on television or even radio features a Black & white couple - often with a Black female and a white man, a combination that statistically non-existent - a happy, prosperous Black family, and a Black announcer.

It is a puzzle why Black people are not pleased with how exalted they have become.
I am watching say German or Japanese (DW or NHK) news networks and (poof) suddenly they have negro black people as representatives. Blacks are like a tiny tinsy number, why this overrepresentation?
The Leftists who dominate Academe, the Media, and national politics are keen to disparage America and spread self loathing to mainly "white" people.

The easiest way to do this is to focus on Black people, how wretched they, are, and how unfair life has been to them. So that narrative permeates the culture. It is woven into every television program, every conversation, every political debate, every issue. Seemingly every advertisement on television or even radio features a Black & white couple - often with a Black female and a white man, a combination that statistically non-existent - a happy, prosperous Black family, and a Black announcer.

It is a puzzle why Black people are not pleased with how exalted they have become.

A huge,huge propaganda program is currently underway to convince America that blacks are just like whites with a dark tan.
I am watching say German or Japanese (DW or NHK) news networks and (poof) suddenly they have negro black people as representatives. Blacks are like a tiny tinsy number, why this overrepresentation?

Blacks are useful idiots for the democrats. One big example of this is how biden in his ridiculous so called town hall meeting the other night saying.......America has a history of using blacks as guinea pigs....and he looked up like expecting to hear a chorous of cheers....then in his stupidity he went on to say in effect blacks are too stupid to understand how to use computers.

Not even to mention his big lie of 'there was no vaccine when I came into office.'

Yet you hear all those infected with TDS claim the reason they voted for biden was because da big bad orange man was a liar. hehheh

It's not exactly 'all of a sudden'.

Why this focus on blacks all of a sudden?
13% of the population.

  • Black lives matter
    Lets go there. That name is so...cloying. Like say, if Hitler had called...umm "Vegetarians against Badness", Then it was "Kristallnacht", smashing up stores and intimidating...Now its the BLM smashing up stores and intimidating fighting racism...

    • Why this focus on BLACKS?
      Just wondering. Just a random question. Even though blacks are like 14% of the population they are like 40% of the crime rate. Excuse me, WHY do "WE" need to defund the cops? And who is "we"?

      • What is worse racism or black on black crime?
        My dad (a white American nationalist male) fought against the fascist in WWII. Liberated Dachau because that's what white male nationalist do. So anyway prove to me White racism is a thing? I am seeing the HUGE black on black crime rate, and white racism pales in comparison .

        • Black fragility examples post here:
          I hate censorship. Lets trigger, err Um, folks and talk about the huge black on black murder rate and how the (excuse me) BLM never mentions that? There is like a 900.001 billion cop/ black integrations and we get George Floyd meth addict dies of a stress induced heart attack with a...

          • Black reparations for Federal troops lost and money spent to free them pt. I
            Black rapists, black looters black criminals say rioting is a form of reparations. According to the insane black lies matter people. Yeah NOW they say rioting is way of reclaiming reparations. ME? I Smell the fucking Chinese. Nobody wants this shit.

            Black culture VS just being stupid PT 1
            I got a lecture by a rather nice looking person with a darker melanin level than mine, playing loud rap whilst I, the modest white consumer was just buying gas. She interfered with me using the intercom . BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM! She managed to turn it single handedly turn into a racial issue. She...

            Black leaders push to end STEM
            Um, BLM leaders call being rational and reasonable "racism". I am flabbergasted.

            Black lies matter
            ...rather dour right now...and, OH, coincidentally, the media cherry picks events where the cops look bad, and then opsie daisy over look the black crimes and the reason cops are so paranoid...I actually overheard a black boy say, and I quote verbatim: "I hate white people, they are ALL...

            Do black lives matter?
            I realize just how random life is, where we came from and how we got here. Then juxtapose that with the high black on black murder rate...Vs the tiny few blacks ended by white police...Really? Police violence is a drop in the bucket...That's worth rioting? How about blacks fix their own broken...

It's black history month. They say the squeaky wheel gets the grease. In the case of blacks, it's time to change the tire.

Blacks are just not very intelligent as group. Individuals might have some sense of the world, but as a group. They are dumb as rocks. Now blacks are loyal democrats because they believe that democrats aren't WAYYYCCCIIISSS. Yet it is the democrats slicing away at black jugular veins for the benefit of the newly crowned latinx. I say latinx because democrat communists LOVE the new word. Real hispanics HATE being exed out. A subject for another time. As five latinx families take those one bedroom apartments away from blacks because five families can easily pay three times the rent blacks will chew their bottom lips and wonder how the hell this happened to them. They are being replaced as the communist darlings. During black history month. How droll. Unlike whites, the new lovers want the old lovers totally destroyed to the last. They don't want integration, or coexistence. They want La Raza.
I can't figure out why I am seeing advertising execs and politicians are focusing on blacks. Blacks are 13% of the population, it seems rather absurd. Why this fixation? Explain this fixation on poor black culture?
It's black history month. They say the squeaky wheel gets the grease. In the case of blacks, it's time to change the tire.

Blacks are just not very intelligent as group. Individuals might have some sense of the world, but as a group. They are dumb as rocks. Now blacks are loyal democrats because they believe that democrats aren't WAYYYCCCIIISSS. Yet it is the democrats slicing away at black jugular veins for the benefit of the newly crowned latinx. I say latinx because democrat communists LOVE the new word. Real hispanics HATE being exed out. A subject for another time. As five latinx families take those one bedroom apartments away from blacks because five families can easily pay three times the rent blacks will chew their bottom lips and wonder how the hell this happened to them. They are being replaced as the communist darlings. During black history month. How droll. Unlike whites, the new lovers want the old lovers totally destroyed to the last. They don't want integration, or coexistence. They want La Raza.

As a white American, that never owned slaves, my ancestors fought to free the slaves. I want reoperations too.

Yankee Soldiers did not fight to free the slaves.......https://www.facebook.com/notes/3rd-north-carolina-cavalry/union-soldiers-didnt-fight-to-free-the-slaves-an-1876-interview-/1451721671584326/Union Soldiers Didn’t Fight to Free the Slaves, An 1876 Interview - | Facebook

Lots of unknown truths about that era and most especially slavery.

Unfortunately, most of what folks hear is from television and other main stream media as well as the entertainment field – the most unreliable sources. They present the conventional, easy-to-understand, version of events because many people today cannot deal with an issue that has more than one variable.

'New England's exploitation of slaves was one of America's best kept secrets until fairly recently. But now some historians refuse to comply with the conspiracy of silence and they are showing us New England's dirty linen. One of these historians is Joanne Pope Melish and her recent book, Disowning Slavery: Gradual Emancipation and Race in New England, 1780-1860 exposes what has been called "a virtual amnesia about slavery in New England."

New England newspapers, operating from a "Chamber of Commerce" mindset, rarely mention the region's history of slave labor. And some residents of the State of Rhode Island & Providence Plantations want the State's official name changed to simply "Rhode Island" in order to eliminate the reminder of slavery connoted by the word "plantations."

America slavery did indeed begin in New England with Massachusetts being the first colony to legalize the use of slaves in 1641. Other colonies quickly followed suit and soon New England's economy was almost dependent upon slave labor. At first, captured American Indians were exchanged for black slaves from the West Indies. But eventually New Englanders realized that slave trading was more profitable than harpooning whales. "At New England slavery’s peak, around 1760, roughly one in four families owned slaves" which is the same percentage of families in the South owning slaves just prior to the War.

In fact, to a greater or lesser degree, slaves were used throughout all the developed regions of the nation and the New England slave traders amassed huge fortunes from the buying and selling of human beings. Although slave trading was outlawed in 1808, the practice continued surreptitiously for several years. But long before it ended, slave traders, like their counterparts in organized crime, began funneling their profits into reputable ventures and these new investments began to prosper.'

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