Why this focus on blacks all of a sudden?

I can't figure out why I am seeing advertising execs and politicians are focusing on blacks. Blacks are 13% of the population, it seems rather absurd. Why this fixation? Explain this fixation on poor black culture?

They put Biden in the White House!
Fraud put chicom biden in the white house.

Exactly...and eventually the truth about that will come out hopefully in time to make sure it does not happen again.

Right now the only way Republicans can prevent another fraudulent election is to turn out in huge,huge numbers....an election can only be stolen if it is a very tight race.

If the Repubicans can manage to regain controll of congress they first thing they need to do is set up safeguards that will prevent cheating....most especially voter I.D. cards must be implemented.
I am watching say German or Japanese (DW or NHK) news networks and (poof) suddenly they have negro black people as representatives. Blacks are like a tiny tinsy number, why this overrepresentation?

This over-representation of blacks on American TV must astound foreigners who lack the understanding of how poitics and political correctness works in Americ.

If one turns on the t.v. now yo easily the get the impression we are living in an African Country.....at least half of the actors now in commercials are black.....which is certainly not about diversity....ever see any mexicans or asians in commericals on tv....very few.

White actors should be filing lawsuits for racial discrimination....but of course if theiy did that they would be blacklisted and never able to work again.
The Leftists who dominate Academe, the Media, and national politics are keen to disparage America and spread self loathing to mainly "white" people.

The easiest way to do this is to focus on Black people, how wretched they, are, and how unfair life has been to them. So that narrative permeates the culture. It is woven into every television program, every conversation, every political debate, every issue. Seemingly every advertisement on television or even radio features a Black & white couple - often with a Black female and a white man, a combination that statistically non-existent - a happy, prosperous Black family, and a Black announcer.

It is a puzzle why Black people are not pleased with how exalted they have become.

A huge,huge propaganda program is currently underway to convince America that blacks are just like whites with a dark tan.

You have hit the nail on the head.

Many sincere liberals do really believe that.

They refuse to acknowledge that there are differences in the culture of African American people, Asian people, Caucasian people, Hispanic people, and Native American people.

Even the Honorable Abraham Lincoln said (before he was President) that African American people and Caucasian people were two incompatible groups. (Maybe this is one reason why some cities are renaming any schools named after the 16th President.)
I am 83 years old.

So this focus on certain folks is not "sudden."

It started, of course, right after World War II when President Truman integrated the armed forces.

Then the Supreme Court decision in the 1950s outlawed school segregation.

Then, of course, the Civil Rights movement symbolized by Ms. Rosa Parks and led by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The election of Senator Barack Obama was a historic milestone (which I never imagined would happen in my lifetime).

It is probably fair to say that the election of the Honorable Donald J. Trump galvanized the liberals into making ethnicity their key to returning to power -- and it worked! On FOX this morning, I learned that 91% of the folks under discussion voted for the man from Delaware.

I am now so accustomed to certain folks being prominently featured in TV commercials that I feel strange when I occasionally see a commercial that lacks certain folks!

In the coming months, there will be even more emphasis on certain folks as the Dem-controlled Congress and White House roll out their reparations plans.

In my opinion, there is NO "White privilege" and NO "systemic racism," but there sure IS a lot of "white guilt" that high schools & universities have very successfully indoctrinated young Caucasian people with.
This over-representation of blacks on American TV must astound foreigners who lack the understanding of how poitics and political correctness works in Americ.
Be that as it may, what does astound me is the open bigotry against blacks displayed freely on this message bored. I've never seen anything like it.
This over-representation of blacks on American TV must astound foreigners who lack the understanding of how poitics and political correctness works in Americ.
Be that as it may, what does astound me is the open bigotry against blacks displayed freely on this message bored. I've never seen anything like it.

That's because the left's movement of cancel culture and shaming totally lacks any understanding of human nature. They still believe that humans can somehow 'evolve' and become more sophisticated and reasonable if only they're shamed into thinking the way we want them to think. All you've done is throw a blanket over the issue, and those that still do not agree with you may not be able to publicly express it now without facing consequences, but you're not changing how they really think and feel. As a matter of fact, I'd say the resentment and bitterness is just simmering under the surface and it's only a matter of time until the transition of injustices is not tolerated and confronted in a violent way. Human nature is the same today as it was when Cain killed his brother Abel, and it will never change, no matter what pretty picture you try to paint over top of it. Did the religious right manage to shame people into following and accepting the Bible? Why do people think the 'religious left' will have any better success?
What has that to do with open displays of bigotry against blacks on this message bored?
The Leftists who dominate Academe, the Media, and national politics are keen to disparage America and spread self loathing to mainly "white" people.

The easiest way to do this is to focus on Black people, how wretched they, are, and how unfair life has been to them. So that narrative permeates the culture. It is woven into every television program, every conversation, every political debate, every issue. Seemingly every advertisement on television or even radio features a Black & white couple - often with a Black female and a white man, a combination that statistically non-existent - a happy, prosperous Black family, and a Black announcer.

It is a puzzle why Black people are not pleased with how exalted they have become.

A huge,huge propaganda program is currently underway to convince America that blacks are just like whites with a dark tan.
But it's not that simple. Blacks are just like whites, HOWEVER, no "white" person can ever presume to know any Black person intimately because the experience of being Black is so overwhelmingly dominating in one's life that it is un-knowable to anyone who has not had that specific experience. So we have the apparent contradiction: they are 'just like us' but fundamentally different.

It is a puzzlement.
And "we" are to clap and cheer when companies and academic institutions destroy their own processes and procedures to evaluate applicants and accept Blacks with piss-poor credentials, because "diversity" trumps all else...but God help you if you encounter an incompetent Black person and suppose that they were hired or accepted to further organizational "diversity". THAT would be highly INSULTING to the said Black person!
This over-representation of blacks on American TV must astound foreigners who lack the understanding of how poitics and political correctness works in Americ.
Be that as it may, what does astound me is the open bigotry against blacks displayed freely on this message bored. I've never seen anything like it.
Young, are you?

This was the norm 50 years ago--in fact, this is about as tame and insipid a racism as has been seen in this country.
The racial backlash is quite real--and having been empowered by circumstance and technology---Trump and Social media---will be ongoing for years..slowly ebbing...as the demographic changes.
What has that to do with open displays of bigotry against blacks on this message bored?
I would say that most of it is criticism, which can't be done publicly because people like you will call them racists for doing so, risking their jobs in the cancel culture society that has been created for exactly that purpose. Which is exactly what my first post was stating.
et you hear all those infected with TDS claim the reason they voted for biden was because da big bad orange man was a liar. hehheh

To that I would have to agree. We have the politically ignorant out there darkening ovals on their ballot that are doing so based on personality and not accomplishments. They are voting the same way for the leaders of our country the way they used to vote for their American Idol contestant. Those people (who I call headline voters) don't understand the brainwashing technique. In spite of the best economy in 50 years, such great success on securing our southern border by Trump, the MSM reported over 90% negative of him all that time.

After slow Joe got elected, they went out to ask people about Hunter. Many didn't even hear what the deal is with that drug head, and said if they would have known of his shady dealings, they would have never voted for slow Joe.

But this is what we have to deal with now and in the future. The Democrat party knows quite well they can attract votes from stupid people by pushing in this mail-in ballot nonsense.
13% of the population.

A few things here: The Democrats realize they are losing blacks to the Republicans; not in any huge numbers, but enough to be concerned. With their invitation to foreigners to come here and take jobs blacks should actually have, they have to do a lot of ass kissing to overcome Democrats throwing blacks under the bus, as they have done so many times in the past.

If they ever lose the black vote, the party is finished.
I can't figure out why I am seeing advertising execs and politicians are focusing on blacks. Blacks are 13% of the population, it seems rather absurd. Why this fixation? Explain this fixation on poor black culture?
Facebook is running a commercial to attract transsexual Blacks.




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