Why Trump base do not think Trump is corrupt


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
Jason Stanley is correct, I believe, in defining corruption in Trumpian far right base terms.

The Trump voter is not worried about law but rather about our traditional national identify argues an article in The Atlantic. Why Trump Supporters Don’t Care About Cohen’s Admission - The Atlantic

"In a forthcoming book titled How Fascism Works, the Yale philosophy professor Jason Stanley makes an intriguing claim. 'Corruption, to the fascist politician,' he suggests, 'is really about the corruption of purity rather than of the law. Officially, the fascist politician’s denunciations of corruption sound like a denunciation of political corruption. But such talk is intended to evoke corruption in the sense of the usurpation of the traditional order.'”

IOW, Trump calls to the "good old days," evokes images of the fifties, he denounces peoples of color, he calls women dogs and says he can grab them by the pussies.

The quickly changing demography of the electorate, and the outrageous talk and behavior by the President this week and last, and the blows delivered by Mueller in the Manafort and Cohen cases, may end any effective Presidency by the midterms in ten weeks.
Our amazing Pres. Trump is the best president that America has had in decades. ....

He is a great leader and knows what is best for the country.

We are truly a blessed nation to have him in the White House. .... :cool:
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I do not want to go back to the America of the 1950s.

The electorate will not allow the Trump trash minority force us back to the fifties.

The minority will die off first.

PS: GW would have shipped Orange Donald to the Bermuda Triangle and dumped him.
and the blows delivered by Mueller in the Manafort and Cohen cases, may end any effective Presidency by the midterms in ten weeks.
What blows were delivered by Mueller? .... :dunno:

There was nothing offered in the trial about Russian collusion or any other testimony involving Pres. Trump.

Liberals continue to live in a fantasy world. .... :cuckoo:
From Dershowitz:

A candidate can spend as much of their own money as they want to—even if it was a campaign-related expense. You have to show that it’s a crime, it’s “not a crime” for a candidate like Trump to contribute to his own campaign, and probably not even a crime to direct someone else to contribute if he plans to pay that back. Further, Dershowitz said, “The only evidence that the president did anything that might be unlawful … comes from a man who’s admitted to be a liar.”
Jason Stanley is correct, I believe, in defining corruption in Trumpian far right base terms.

The Trump voter is not worried about law but rather about our traditional national identify argues an article in The Atlantic. Why Trump Supporters Don’t Care About Cohen’s Admission - The Atlantic

"In a forthcoming book titled How Fascism Works, the Yale philosophy professor Jason Stanley makes an intriguing claim. 'Corruption, to the fascist politician,' he suggests, 'is really about the corruption of purity rather than of the law. Officially, the fascist politician’s denunciations of corruption sound like a denunciation of political corruption. But such talk is intended to evoke corruption in the sense of the usurpation of the traditional order.'”

IOW, Trump calls to the "good old days," evokes images of the fifties, he denounces peoples of color, he calls women dogs and says he can grab them by the pussies.

The quickly changing demography of the electorate, and the outrageous talk and behavior by the President this week and last, and the blows delivered by Mueller in the Manafort and Cohen cases, may end any effective Presidency by the midterms in ten weeks.

You are seriously one of the dumbest posters here. I am sorry but you are. Or you are a troll. So lowering taxes for corporations, significantly reducing corporate inversions, increasing military spend and innovation, securing the border, making other countries respect our might again is bad how? LOL

Go back to your safe space, jabroni.
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I am so great ZogtheDefiled does not think I cut the grade here at USMB.

If he did, I would seriously question my ability and quality to deal with dumps like him.

Back to the OP: It's a crime if it is money spent for and on behalf of the campaign and is not disclosed.

The Do Not Disclose agreements may be very well bribery cases as well.

Why Trump Supporters Don’t Care About Cohen’s Admission - The Atlantic
I do not want to go back to the America of the 1950s.

The electorate will not allow the Trump trash minority force us back to the fifties.

The minority will die off first.

PS: GW would have shipped Orange Donald to the Bermuda Triangle and dumped him.
Economically, what was wrong with the 50's?
\Europe and Asia were devastated because of WWII, we ruled, as we should have. We bailed out both of those continents.
We earned everything we got in the 50's and 60's.
You and Big Bird Diblasio can go cower in a corner, or better yet, move to Sweden.
There has always been to sets of laws. One for the rich and one for the rest of us. Look at the financial crisis. No one went to jail. Politicians rarely have to answer for their crimes. We have now seen that actions that would get most of us fired at our regular jobs are acceptable at the upper levels of law enforcement. This is nothing new. Just try to get a good Federal or State job without connections.
I am so great ZogtheDefiled does not think I cut the grade here at USMB.

If he did, I would seriously question my ability and quality to deal with dumps like him.

Back to the OP: It's a crime if it is money spent for and on behalf of the campaign and is not disclosed.

The Do Not Disclose agreements may be very well bribery cases as well.

Why Trump Supporters Don’t Care About Cohen’s Admission - The Atlantic

So now you are smarter than the preeminent constitutional lawyer in the country? The man who actually teaches this class at Harvard Law School? Stop reading your biased news sources and listen to the experts. Oh and this:

The Justice Department has a history of treating serious campaign-finance transgressions as administrative violations, not felonies. A prominent example: The 2008 Obama campaign accepted nearly $2 million in illegal campaign contributions, but was permitted to settle the matter with a $375,000 fine.
Bags, we are the majority that woke up: you will discover that in ten weeks.

We are going forward will you are welcome to go and stay in retirement.

And we will see above azog continue to quote Dershowitzs. He is one lawyer, and his opinion does not count.
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Jason Stanley is correct, I believe, in defining corruption in Trumpian far right base terms.

The Trump voter is not worried about law but rather about our traditional national identify argues an article in The Atlantic. Why Trump Supporters Don’t Care About Cohen’s Admission - The Atlantic

"In a forthcoming book titled How Fascism Works, the Yale philosophy professor Jason Stanley makes an intriguing claim. 'Corruption, to the fascist politician,' he suggests, 'is really about the corruption of purity rather than of the law. Officially, the fascist politician’s denunciations of corruption sound like a denunciation of political corruption. But such talk is intended to evoke corruption in the sense of the usurpation of the traditional order.'”

IOW, Trump calls to the "good old days," evokes images of the fifties, he denounces peoples of color, he calls women dogs and says he can grab them by the pussies.

The quickly changing demography of the electorate, and the outrageous talk and behavior by the President this week and last, and the blows delivered by Mueller in the Manafort and Cohen cases, may end any effective Presidency by the midterms in ten weeks.
I do not want to go back to the America of the 1950s.

The electorate will not allow the Trump trash minority force us back to the fifties.

The minority will die off first.

PS: GW would have shipped Orange Donald to the Bermuda Triangle and dumped him.

How else could you have a 90% tax bracket?

Of course, since so many democrats came out wanting to throw the book at Bill Clinton back in the day. Yea, the left really cares about the law and it not being broken. Alert the morality police. The only difference in the far right and far left is ideology. You both react the same way. When your candidate or politician is under the gun you defend them to the bitter end.

I certainly didn't see any lefties yelling for Hilary to be indicted since she did in fact have classified emails on her home server. In fact most all of you were defending her. You all defended Bill Clinton even after he was impeached. Don't hide it you are all a means to and end type of person. How we get there doesn't matter as long as it fits your ideology. Please quit with the hypocrisy or if you are going to be hypocritical admit that it has nothing to do with the "law" and everything to do with who potentially broke the law.

The right reacted the same way, calling libs out when Hilary was under scrutiny, asking how you could defend someone like her. And if you don't think Hilary has broke federal laws your clinically insane. Had they investigated her with nearly the vigor Trump has been investigated there would have been many things that would have popped up.

For us sitting in the middle it's quite tiring watching the hard left and hard right bicker back and forth about how awful the other is. Yall are both extremely hypocritical in many of your stances.

One side defends and downplays illegal immigrants when they commit crime. The other downplays the thought that a black person may have not had the same life experience as you and may very well have experienced racism. Then both of the groups discuss how horrible the other is for each respective stance. Both sides have issues and major ones. Grow up and quit bickering, start working towards putting our country back together. All either side is doing is further tearing our country down brick by brick. Millions of people sit caught in the middle of a political war that we don't want. Most of us just want to go to work, make a living, enjoy time with family and live a quality life. Stuck in the background is this constant, incessant noise trying to tell us how we should live, what we should believe and detesting us if we don't agree with every single thing you spit out.

If you really want to know how most of America feels that is it in a nut shell. All both groups are doing is showing the rest of the country how crazy each side is. And all either group is doing is further hurting their respective party's interests by acting like fools.
I do not want to go back to the America of the 1950s.

The electorate will not allow the Trump trash minority force us back to the fifties.

The minority will die off first.

PS: GW would have shipped Orange Donald to the Bermuda Triangle and dumped him.
All the whining of the Trump trash base does not change

(1) Manafort was convicted in federal court on 8 counts;

(2) and Cohen has pled guilty.

Dershowitz, Azogthedefiled, and the rest simply don't matter.
From Dershowitz:

A candidate can spend as much of their own money as they want to—even if it was a campaign-related expense. You have to show that it’s a crime, it’s “not a crime” for a candidate like Trump to contribute to his own campaign, and probably not even a crime to direct someone else to contribute if he plans to pay that back. Further, Dershowitz said, “The only evidence that the president did anything that might be unlawful … comes from a man who’s admitted to be a liar.”
It is profoundly ironic, astronomically ironic, gut-bustingly hilariously ironic, that any supporter of Trump would point the finger at someone else and call them a liar.

You are actually in danger of creating a vortex of irony which could end the Universe.

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