Why Trump base do not think Trump is corrupt

The backlash now is growing against criminal, incompetent Trump and Gang.
The backlash now is growing against criminal, incompetent Trump and Gang.
and the blows delivered by Mueller in the Manafort and Cohen cases, may end any effective Presidency by the midterms in ten weeks.
What blows were delivered by Mueller? .... :dunno:

There was nothing offered in the trial about Russian collusion or any other testimony involving Pres. Trump.

Liberals continue to live in a fantasy world. .... :cuckoo:

The biggest blow was delivered in New York. One little piece of evidence that may prove to be the ā€œsmoking gunā€ on the whole Russian Conspiracy Investigation.

The piece of evidence in question is an invoice Cohen gave the Trumps which sought reimbursement for a payment made on Trumpā€™s behalf in the amount of $50,000 for ā€œtech mattersā€. What ā€œtech mattersā€ did Cohen pay for on behalf of the campaign?

One of the few remaining unverified claims made in the Steele Dossier was that the Trump campaign used Cohen to funnel money to Russia to pay for the hacking of the DNC. Is this how it was done?

Why would Cohen the Fixer be involved in paying for technical support for the Trump Campaign? Heā€™s a lawyer not a tech nerd. The campaign had a well run and sophisticated IT Department. Cohen wasnā€™t involved with it. Who did he make that $50,000 payment to?

In his crazy ass interview with FOX News this morning, the President implicated himself in still more crimes, and said that ā€œFlipping should be a crimeā€. Only a criminal would say such a thing.

Dumb Donald also said ā€œWhy would you impeach someone whoā€™s doing a good job?ā€. I donā€™t know, Donnie, why donā€™t you ask your Republican buddies who impeached Bill Clinton?

Paul Manafort is now in discussions to sign a plea deal on his remaining charges and coooperate.

Jason Stanley is correct, I believe, in defining corruption in Trumpian far right base terms.

The Trump voter is not worried about law but rather about our traditional national identify argues an article in The Atlantic. Why Trump Supporters Donā€™t Care About Cohenā€™s Admission - The Atlantic

"In a forthcoming book titled How Fascism Works, the Yale philosophy professor Jason Stanley makes an intriguing claim. 'Corruption, to the fascist politician,' he suggests, 'is really about the corruption of purity rather than of the law. Officially, the fascist politicianā€™s denunciations of corruption sound like a denunciation of political corruption. But such talk is intended to evoke corruption in the sense of the usurpation of the traditional order.'ā€

IOW, Trump calls to the "good old days," evokes images of the fifties, he denounces peoples of color, he calls women dogs and says he can grab them by the pussies.

The quickly changing demography of the electorate, and the outrageous talk and behavior by the President this week and last, and the blows delivered by Mueller in the Manafort and Cohen cases, may end any effective Presidency by the midterms in ten weeks.

You are seriously one of the dumbest posters here. I am sorry but you are. Or you are a troll. So lowering taxes for corporations, significantly reducing corporate inversions, increasing military spend and innovation, securing the border, making other countries respect our might again is bad how? LOL

Go back to your safe space, jabroni.

These would be good things if they were true.

Lowering taxes for corporations would be a good thing if the budget was balanced and the tax cut was revenue neutral. Since neither of these things are true, it was a VERY BAD IDEA.

Corporations are already awash in cash and didnā€™t need the money. Most of it went for share but backs - the most in US history. This enriched the shareholders, not the corporations, not the workers, and not the economy.

If the US is not getting involved in other peopleā€™s wars anymore, shouldnā€™t you be cutting military spending? Your current military budget is based on your being involved in two wars with no end in sight. And again, with the budget running the largest deficit in history, why are you putting unnecessary military spending on the credit card. Oh yeah. Pandering to the base.

Trump has done nothing to secure your borders except build concentration camps for asylum seekers. Again an unfunded unnecessary $200 million dollar expense - contracted out to for profit prison companies. So fill ā€˜me up or pay anyway.

As for restoring respect for the US around the world. You said this as a joke right? Trump is the laughingstock of the world. Americans look like idiots for electing him. It will take a generation for the USA to recover the respect of the world, even more if you keep electing racist idiots like Trump.
We would be better off working together than against each other, most of the most crazy stuff, least well thought out stuff, most money waste stuff has happened when one party has to much power. things work best in life as well as government when we work together.
Does a Yale professor really think a GDP of 4.1 and a DOW around 26000 is an example of fascism? Something ain't right in elite academia.
Jason Stanley is correct, I believe, in defining corruption in Trumpian far right base terms.

The Trump voter is not worried about law but rather about our traditional national identify argues an article in The Atlantic. Why Trump Supporters Donā€™t Care About Cohenā€™s Admission - The Atlantic

"In a forthcoming book titled How Fascism Works, the Yale philosophy professor Jason Stanley makes an intriguing claim. 'Corruption, to the fascist politician,' he suggests, 'is really about the corruption of purity rather than of the law. Officially, the fascist politicianā€™s denunciations of corruption sound like a denunciation of political corruption. But such talk is intended to evoke corruption in the sense of the usurpation of the traditional order.'ā€

IOW, Trump calls to the "good old days," evokes images of the fifties, he denounces peoples of color, he calls women dogs and says he can grab them by the pussies.

The quickly changing demography of the electorate, and the outrageous talk and behavior by the President this week and last, and the blows delivered by Mueller in the Manafort and Cohen cases, may end any effective Presidency by the midterms in ten weeks.

You are seriously one of the dumbest posters here. I am sorry but you are. Or you are a troll. So lowering taxes for corporations, significantly reducing corporate inversions, increasing military spend and innovation, securing the border, making other countries respect our might again is bad how? LOL

Go back to your safe space, jabroni.

You've posted here 735 times in just 19 days since you've joined.

Paid shill or unemployed and on government assistance?

More likely a russian bot.

They're coming out of the woodwork now because of the election in November. Putin knows that republicans are behind in the polls so they've sent even more russian bots out to try to muddy the waters.

Oh absolutely. Look how many accounts are brand new as of this month and are posting endlessly.

The admins on the site don't care either.

This is a conservative site. Those who run it are conservative.

Of course they don't care. The russians are trying to get more republicans elected to our government.

Republicans and conservatives don't care that it's illegal for a foreign government to interfere with our elections. They don't care that it's usurping the will of the people.

All they care about is that republicans continue to control our nation.

The problem with all of that is that it's a prescription for a very big backlash to come down the road. Backlashes aren't good things and never turn out well for all concerned.

Do you have proof of your drivel or you just spewing nonsense to see what sticks?
Jason Stanley is correct, I believe, in defining corruption in Trumpian far right base terms.

The Trump voter is not worried about law but rather about our traditional national identify argues an article in The Atlantic. Why Trump Supporters Donā€™t Care About Cohenā€™s Admission - The Atlantic

"In a forthcoming book titled How Fascism Works, the Yale philosophy professor Jason Stanley makes an intriguing claim. 'Corruption, to the fascist politician,' he suggests, 'is really about the corruption of purity rather than of the law. Officially, the fascist politicianā€™s denunciations of corruption sound like a denunciation of political corruption. But such talk is intended to evoke corruption in the sense of the usurpation of the traditional order.'ā€

IOW, Trump calls to the "good old days," evokes images of the fifties, he denounces peoples of color, he calls women dogs and says he can grab them by the pussies.

The quickly changing demography of the electorate, and the outrageous talk and behavior by the President this week and last, and the blows delivered by Mueller in the Manafort and Cohen cases, may end any effective Presidency by the midterms in ten weeks.

You are seriously one of the dumbest posters here. I am sorry but you are. Or you are a troll. So lowering taxes for corporations, significantly reducing corporate inversions, increasing military spend and innovation, securing the border, making other countries respect our might again is bad how? LOL

Go back to your safe space, jabroni.

These would be good things if they were true.

Lowering taxes for corporations would be a good thing if the budget was balanced and the tax cut was revenue neutral. Since neither of these things are true, it was a VERY BAD IDEA.

Corporations are already awash in cash and didnā€™t need the money. Most of it went for share but backs - the most in US history. This enriched the shareholders, not the corporations, not the workers, and not the economy.

If the US is not getting involved in other peopleā€™s wars anymore, shouldnā€™t you be cutting military spending? Your current military budget is based on your being involved in two wars with no end in sight. And again, with the budget running the largest deficit in history, why are you putting unnecessary military spending on the credit card. Oh yeah. Pandering to the base.

Trump has done nothing to secure your borders except build concentration camps for asylum seekers. Again an unfunded unnecessary $200 million dollar expense - contracted out to for profit prison companies. So fill ā€˜me up or pay anyway.

As for restoring respect for the US around the world. You said this as a joke right? Trump is the laughingstock of the world. Americans look like idiots for electing him. It will take a generation for the USA to recover the respect of the world, even more if you keep electing racist idiots like Trump.

"except build concentration camps" are these the same ones Obama used to house asylum seekers?
whitehall needs to go look at German GDP in 36, 37, and 38. :lol:
Lowering taxes for corporations would be a good thing if the budget was balanced and the tax cut was revenue neutral. Since neither of these things are true, it was a VERY BAD IDEA.

If a tax cut is revenue neutral it isn't a tax cut.

Corporations are already awash in cash and didnā€™t need the money. Most of it went for share but backs - the most in US history. This enriched the shareholders, not the corporations, not the workers, and not the economy.

Trump has been saying the same thing for years (before running for president). The difference is instead of hiring parasites to go after them he is trying to get the corporations to bring their money back voluntarily (I know liberals don't know what voluntarily means so look up the word)
whitehall needs to go look at German GDP in 36, 37, and 38. :lol:

You mean when they were coming off the severe WWI sanctions. Only a complete dolt, who doesn't know history would compare Trump to Hitler. So you are case in point. Moron.
Then why are you making the comparisons, dolt?

I am comparing the GDPs then and now, both the result of fascist cooperation of Big Government and Big Business.

AzogtheDefiled is not any good at the board play.
Jason Stanley is correct, I believe, in defining corruption in Trumpian far right base terms.

The Trump voter is not worried about law but rather about our traditional national identify argues an article in The Atlantic. Why Trump Supporters Donā€™t Care About Cohenā€™s Admission - The Atlantic

"In a forthcoming book titled How Fascism Works, the Yale philosophy professor Jason Stanley makes an intriguing claim. 'Corruption, to the fascist politician,' he suggests, 'is really about the corruption of purity rather than of the law. Officially, the fascist politicianā€™s denunciations of corruption sound like a denunciation of political corruption. But such talk is intended to evoke corruption in the sense of the usurpation of the traditional order.'ā€

IOW, Trump calls to the "good old days," evokes images of the fifties, he denounces peoples of color, he calls women dogs and says he can grab them by the pussies.

The quickly changing demography of the electorate, and the outrageous talk and behavior by the President this week and last, and the blows delivered by Mueller in the Manafort and Cohen cases, may end any effective Presidency by the midterms in ten weeks.

This and the fact Trump supporters aren't very bright.
whitehall needs to go look at German GDP in 36, 37, and 38. :lol:

You mean when they were coming off the severe WWI sanctions. Only a complete dolt, who doesn't know history would compare Trump to Hitler. So you are case in point. Moron.
Then why are you making the comparisons, dolt?

I am comparing the GDPs then and now, both the result of fascist cooperation of Big Government and Big Business.

AzogtheDefiled is not any good at the board play.

Because the US was not in that position. We were doing OK in 2016, with a strong stock market. We just had too many regulations and corp. taxes were too high so corporate inversions were happening. Our growth is due to capitalism not Fascism or nationalization of businesses. Actually small businesses drive revenues in the US not big business. Companies like Lockheed Martin, who are helped by lower taxes and more military spend rely on thousands of sub contractors who in turn employ other sub contractors. This is true for Boeing, GM, Ford, etc.

Maybe you should learn about business before stupidly opining on it. There is a thing called an education in this country. I recommend you get one.

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