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Trump Why Trump Has My Vote Over Hillary

Well, I'm paid to be here (or is it well-paid to be here???) as miketx pointed out so I have to show up every day and point out that Drumpf is light years behind Clinton in every aspect. Sorry.

It is incredibly easy.

Yes, it is easy. The ease with which lies escape your mouth that is.

Drumpf is light years behind Hillary in support, readiness, maturity (even though he is older).
Singing the praises of HRC is great since she is easily the superior candidate.
I cannot imagine someone who pisses off all the major minorities to win any of the swing states.

To win swing states you need very broad appeal.

Trump has very narrow appeal and then only in the red states.

There are even those news commentators who fear Trump will lose some of the red states as well.

There are even some that fear he will lose Senate and House seats as well as red states.

So I would say the odds of a Trump win is like the odds of a snowball in Hell.

First of all, you are over-analyzing and secondly, you are doing it based on one-sided information. We still have five months before the election, we've not even had the conventions, we still have to have the debates. Every poll I see, swing state or not, Trump is within striking distance of Clinton. There is nowhere she is running away with this. The Democrats always win the minority vote, that's not going to change but ...again... the polls I have seen show Trump is faring better with Hispanics and blacks than some previous GOP nominees.

Look... I am no Trump cheerleader. I personally don't like many of his proposals and think they are totally the wrong way to go. His tariffs and protectionism is going to cost us jobs and set off a tariff war. The last time this stuff was tried it resulted in 25% unemployment and sent us into the Great Depression. We don't ever hear Trump quoting Herbert Hoover although most of his plan is what Hoover proposed. That said, Trump is malleable in his positions and can change. He's not tied to rigid ideology. He is a negotiator and deal maker. So I hold out hope the Congress he has to work with will moderate some of his plans and things won't be so bad. With Hillary, forget about it... we'll have full-on progressive tyranny for another 8 years and our country is done.
Well, I'm paid to be here (or is it well-paid to be here???) as miketx pointed out so I have to show up every day and point out that Drumpf is light years behind Clinton in every aspect. Sorry.

It is incredibly easy.

Yes, it is easy. The ease with which lies escape your mouth that is.

Drumpf is light years behind Hillary in support, readiness, maturity (even though he is older).
Singing the praises of HRC is great since she is easily the superior candidate.

Smoke spin troll lie...rinse...reword...repeat...fail.
Well, I'm paid to be here (or is it well-paid to be here???) as miketx pointed out so I have to show up every day and point out that Drumpf is light years behind Clinton in every aspect. Sorry.

It is incredibly easy.

Yes, it is easy. The ease with which lies escape your mouth that is.

Drumpf is light years behind Hillary in support, readiness, maturity (even though he is older).
Singing the praises of HRC is great since she is easily the superior candidate.

Smoke spin troll lie...rinse...reword...repeat...fail.
You are heading for a Fall
I cannot imagine someone who pisses off all the major minorities to win any of the swing states.

To win swing states you need very broad appeal.

Trump has very narrow appeal and then only in the red states.

There are even those news commentators who fear Trump will lose some of the red states as well.

There are even some that fear he will lose Senate and House seats as well as red states.

So I would say the odds of a Trump win is like the odds of a snowball in Hell.

First of all, you are over-analyzing and secondly, you are doing it based on one-sided information. We still have five months before the election, we've not even had the conventions, we still have to have the debates. Every poll I see, swing state or not, Trump is within striking distance of Clinton. There is nowhere she is running away with this. The Democrats always win the minority vote, that's not going to change but ...again... the polls I have seen show Trump is faring better with Hispanics and blacks than some previous GOP nominees.

Look... I am no Trump cheerleader. I personally don't like many of his proposals and think they are totally the wrong way to go. His tariffs and protectionism is going to cost us jobs and set off a tariff war. The last time this stuff was tried it resulted in 25% unemployment and sent us into the Great Depression. We don't ever hear Trump quoting Herbert Hoover although most of his plan is what Hoover proposed. That said, Trump is malleable in his positions and can change. He's not tied to rigid ideology. He is a negotiator and deal maker. So I hold out hope the Congress he has to work with will moderate some of his plans and things won't be so bad. With Hillary, forget about it... we'll have full-on progressive tyranny for another 8 years and our country is done.
Spoken like a real Trump .....Lemming.....You talk some shit at times Bozz
I was wrong- it was a 70 million dollar loan guarantee

Fred Trump — along with the Hyatt hotel chain — jointly guaranteed the $70 million construction loan from Manufacturers Hanover bank, “each assuming a 50 percent share of the obligation and each committing itself to complete the project should Donald be unable to finish it,” according to veteran Trump chronicler Wayne Barrett in his 1992 book, “Trump: The Deals and the Downfall.
Fred Trump’s signature on the guarantee ensured the new hotel would get built. “No document in the long paper trail attached to the Commodore deal better demonstrated the lack of bank confidence in the Donald or the project, and none made clear the limits of his promoter role,” Barrett wrote. Trump simply did not have the credit or connections to obtain such financing on his own. “It was Fred’s two-decade-old relationship with a top Equitable officer, Ben Holloway, that had helped entice them to do the project.”
Trump’s false claim he built his empire with a ‘small loan’ from his father

I was wrong

yes you are

a loan guarantee is not a loan

Will you give me a 70 million dollar loan guarantee?

With that 70 million dollars, I too could build an empire all by myself.......

no why would i

but you should take the time to learn

the difference between a loan and a loan guarantee

before you make yourself look all the more stupid

LOL- I know the difference between a loan and a loan guarantee.

I originally spoke from my memory of a 17 million dollar loan his father gave him.
I was wrong- and when I checked I realized that he had 'only' gotten a 70 million dollar loan guarantee because of his father.

Yep- Trump the original rags to riches story.

glad you looked it up and learned something today

I learn something new everyday! Part of how wonderful life is.

I wish someone had given me a 70 million dollar loan guarantee fresh out of college to start my 'rags to riches' story.
1. He is not Hillary
2. He is one of the best businessmen ever, and our country needs that for the economy.

I have said time and again I am not a Party person, I vote for the individual.

Has Trump made screw up's? Umm yeah, like others I would like to smack him now and then. Feel the same about my husband (and I am sure he does me). :p

MY values are the same as ever. I am not like some that bought into Obama and actually voted for him, then pretend they didn't.
I saw through Obama from the beginning....and I mean long before he decided to run for President, he caught my eye, and I started studying him, never dreaming he would run for office.

LOL I never bought into the ''Change". Oh, but I guess he told the truth there, because things certainly have changed. Maybe the USA will survive, or maybe not,. But, I think the only possible chance is Trump.....for sure someone other than Hillary.

Any of you guys that are making fun of his hair...anything superficial...it doesn't wash in the end. I don't judge political figures for their looks (well except maybe Cruz with the booger on his lip /snort).

I think Trump DOES care about the country. I think Hillary cares about herself and power.

That's just a little of why he would get my vote over Hillary.

If he loses I have to accept it, but I sure would be scared for this country....and actually myself.
Just as I am now.

What reasons would you vote for him?

I could not have said it better myself.Yeah I saw right through Obama as well and knew he was a fraud just a couple months before he got elected.that he was no different than Bush.I had no idea he would be much worse,just that he was not there to serve us like many gullible blacks believed.

It was easy to see right through his facade because he is a member of the evil CFR group same as the clintons and bushs are so it was easy as pie to spot through his deception and lies and see that he was here just to serve the bankers instead of the people as every president since LBJ has.

what the LAMESTREAM media left out Obama when he was running is they had connections to terrorists,a member of the CFR,and mass murderer Henry Kissinger was his mentor in college.

The Clintons and Bushs are mass murderers so anybody with a brain would vote Trump over her.Trump is not connected to the CFR,not a mass murderer and is not connected to the CIA or other government institutions.

I am just glad that americas worst nightmare did not come true with another bush going against another clinton. thank god for that.

I am with dotcom as well in the anybody but Hillery camp.

everybody who has doubts about Trump NEEDS to watch this video.The video also shows why i dont completely trust Trump because there is one thing he says at the end that is an outright lie saying Iran wants to control the middle east and leaves out that Israel wants to rule the world.Everything else he is spot on though.:thup:

I did. I gave a few in the OP.

No- you just claimed he was one of the best businessmen ever- and haven't provided any examples of what those are.
Guys and Ladies, I have been trawling various threads and I have noticed that very few of the posters ever do,"Due Dilligence" regarding your so called politicians or wanabees.........Firstly ALL Polititians LIE to you.......Full Stop and they always have,but still you don't care because they are telling you what you want to hear(Trump)is a great exponent of this,Lying has become acceptable to the voters even when you know it's a Lie because you like what you are being told...thus when reality arrives..the disappointment is greater

You are just helping her proove her case for her WHY trump should be elected because thats just it,Trump is NOT a politician.Has he ever been a governor,mayor,or congressman before? No so it would be a refreshing change to have an outsider as president.

He wont get elected though.If he is really wants to stop the destruction of america and the world that Reagan got started and every president since then has contunied and expanded upon,I guarantee he wont get elected since he is not a globalist as the bushs and clintons and Obama and Romney and all the other candidates are.

They will do the same thing with him they did with ron paul in the last election if he is really for the american people as he says he is.Paul was the only candidate in the last election who believed in the constitution so the establishment rigged the elections to make sure he did not get the republican nomination.

Paul was the only one not part of the new world order agenda of the elite and the only non globalist so they invented rule changes at the last minute to make sure he did not get the election so if Trump is really not a globalist and on the level with everyone,people here are foolish if they think he will get elected.

I was gullible once before in the last election and bought into all the positive thinking out there since paul was leading in all the polls taken,he would get the republican nomination and have a chance of being the new president but i was thinking with me heart and not my head. fool me once,not twice.

Elections are rigged and they will make sure their next puppet Hillery is the next POTUS since they know she will be their willing puppet that will do everything they tell her to do and sabotogage Trumps campaine same as they did paul and also invent new rules at the last minute so he does not get elected.

that is what everyone here who is gullible into thinking he has a snowballs chance in hell of getting elected doesnt seem to understand why there is no chance he will since he is not a gloabalist same as paul wasnt which is why they fixed and destroyed his campaine so he did not get the nomination,they wil do the same with trump.

The reason the establishment was afraid of ron paul being president is he was ALWAYS consistant in everything he said he would do when he was a congressman.when he first got to washington he was a republican and knew reagan very well. Once he saw how corrupt they all were in washington and the REAL Ronald Reagan though,he got out of politics and became a doctor. He then got back into politics and became a congressman as an independent since he saw first hand how both parties are corrupt and there was no difference in the two.

the only reason he ran under the republican ticket in the last last election was because the independent never wins.Paul was a RINO which i am sure you know what that means right? lol

All I am saying 9/11 is that I don't think he is capable of running the United States,that is my opinion,OPINION and for many reasons,...he will be a disaster....I cannot see him being President,dispite me living in Australia.......I will be proven right,let us see............anyhow Americans deserve better(IN MY OPINION)steve

IF he does get in.............I hope you are wrong. We. Need. A. Leader.

If Trump is elected- I will be hoping that he will be a great President.

Just as if Clinton is elected I will be hoping she will be a great President.

I always hope- and wish great success for a newly elected President.
Maybe the USA will survive, or maybe not,.

THIS reasoning right here is why you will be voting for Trump. Trump in every single speech Quote UnQUOTE Asks the same question or pushes you to the same conclusion

America is dying, dead, lost, loser, over and the best one "We might not have a Country anymore". But vote for Trump it will be great, fantastic, YUGE, Phenomenal etc
1. He is not Hillary
2. He is one of the best businessmen ever, and our country needs that for the economy.

I have said time and again I am not a Party person, I vote for the individual.

Has Trump made screw up's? Umm yeah, like others I would like to smack him now and then. Feel the same about my husband (and I am sure he does me). :p

MY values are the same as ever. I am not like some that bought into Obama and actually voted for him, then pretend they didn't.
I saw through Obama from the beginning....and I mean long before he decided to run for President, he caught my eye, and I started studying him, never dreaming he would run for office.

LOL I never bought into the ''Change". Oh, but I guess he told the truth there, because things certainly have changed. Maybe the USA will survive, or maybe not,. But, I think the only possible chance is Trump.....for sure someone other than Hillary.

Any of you guys that are making fun of his hair...anything superficial...it doesn't wash in the end. I don't judge political figures for their looks (well except maybe Cruz with the booger on his lip /snort).

I think Trump DOES care about the country. I think Hillary cares about herself and power.

That's just a little of why he would get my vote over Hillary.

If he loses I have to accept it, but I sure would be scared for this country....and actually myself.
Just as I am now.

What reasons would you vote for him?


one of the best businessmen ever?

what does he have to do, file bankruptcy for the 5th time to fall off that false list?

ah... for the good old days of jim crow, right?

Why in the world would you want ''the good old days of Jim Crow" (that democrat)??? You're right. You're nuts.
And next time I want you to speak for me, I will let you know.
Maybe the USA will survive, or maybe not,.

THIS reasoning right here is why you will be voting for Trump. Trump in every single speech Quote UnQUOTE Asks the same question or pushes you to the same conclusion

America is dying, dead, lost, loser, over and the best one "We might not have a Country anymore". But vote for Trump it will be great, fantastic, YUGE, Phenomenal etc

Dayum. I looked and looked, yet I can't find where I said that. Can't just speak for yourself, yet trying to speak for me. If I need your help, you'll be the first to know. ;)
LOL I can't help it if you lied.. I never said anything you say I said. You made it all up. Move on. Resorting to name calling says a lot. :)

All this bunch of degenerates can do is lie and call people names. They are one more nasty slimy bunch of 'crapweasels' as Michelle Malkin calls them. (Actually... that's too good of a word for what they are.)

I think people are sick and tired of these damn fools. They've turned this country upside down, created more divisiveness, continue to foment hate while at the same time, apologize for and prop up radical Islamic terrorism, illegal immigration, and every disgusting perversion they can get away with supporting. There is literally no limit on how sleazy and despicable they can be and they prove that every day here.

And somehow... in their sick perverted little heads, they think it is constructive to call their detractors a bunch of names and smear them every way they can think of. Their political power trip has caused them to become completely unhinged and unreasonable. You can't even talk to them anymore. If we can't pretty soon defeat them resoundingly on the political stage, it will take a civil war to put them down.
And it is amazing to me how filled with hate people are. You can even apologize to them, even if you are not at fault, and you were the one attacked, yet they ignore, and still try and be hard core. Must suck to be them.
I was wrong

yes you are

a loan guarantee is not a loan

Will you give me a 70 million dollar loan guarantee?

With that 70 million dollars, I too could build an empire all by myself.......

no why would i

but you should take the time to learn

the difference between a loan and a loan guarantee

before you make yourself look all the more stupid

LOL- I know the difference between a loan and a loan guarantee.

I originally spoke from my memory of a 17 million dollar loan his father gave him.
I was wrong- and when I checked I realized that he had 'only' gotten a 70 million dollar loan guarantee because of his father.

Yep- Trump the original rags to riches story.

glad you looked it up and learned something today

I learn something new everyday! Part of how wonderful life is.

I wish someone had given me a 70 million dollar loan guarantee fresh out of college to start my 'rags to riches' story.

envy is a personal problem

you should work on that
Will you give me a 70 million dollar loan guarantee?

With that 70 million dollars, I too could build an empire all by myself.......

no why would i

but you should take the time to learn

the difference between a loan and a loan guarantee

before you make yourself look all the more stupid

LOL- I know the difference between a loan and a loan guarantee.

I originally spoke from my memory of a 17 million dollar loan his father gave him.
I was wrong- and when I checked I realized that he had 'only' gotten a 70 million dollar loan guarantee because of his father.

Yep- Trump the original rags to riches story.

glad you looked it up and learned something today

I learn something new everyday! Part of how wonderful life is.

I wish someone had given me a 70 million dollar loan guarantee fresh out of college to start my 'rags to riches' story.

envy is a personal problem

you should work on that

Am I envious that I didn't have a Daddy who could arrange for a 70 million dollar loan guarantee when I was fresh out of college so I could pull myself up by my bootstraps?

Nah- I like my dad better.
1. He is not Hillary
2. He is one of the best businessmen ever, and our country needs that for the economy.

I have said time and again I am not a Party person, I vote for the individual.

Has Trump made screw up's? Umm yeah, like others I would like to smack him now and then. Feel the same about my husband (and I am sure he does me). :p

MY values are the same as ever. I am not like some that bought into Obama and actually voted for him, then pretend they didn't.
I saw through Obama from the beginning....and I mean long before he decided to run for President, he caught my eye, and I started studying him, never dreaming he would run for office.

LOL I never bought into the ''Change". Oh, but I guess he told the truth there, because things certainly have changed. Maybe the USA will survive, or maybe not,. But, I think the only possible chance is Trump.....for sure someone other than Hillary.

Any of you guys that are making fun of his hair...anything superficial...it doesn't wash in the end. I don't judge political figures for their looks (well except maybe Cruz with the booger on his lip /snort).

I think Trump DOES care about the country. I think Hillary cares about herself and power.

That's just a little of why he would get my vote over Hillary.

If he loses I have to accept it, but I sure would be scared for this country....and actually myself.
Just as I am now.

What reasons would you vote for him?

I could not have said it better myself.Yeah I saw right through Obama as well and knew he was a fraud just a couple months before he got elected.that he was no different than Bush.I had no idea he would be much worse,just that he was not there to serve us like many gullible blacks believed.

It was easy to see right through his facade because he is a member of the evil CFR group same as the clintons and bushs are so it was easy as pie to spot through his deception and lies and see that he was here just to serve the bankers instead of the people as every president since LBJ has.

what the LAMESTREAM media left out Obama when he was running is they had connections to terrorists,a member of the CFR,and mass murderer Henry Kissinger was his mentor in college.

The Clintons and Bushs are mass murderers so anybody with a brain would vote Trump over her.Trump is not connected to the CFR,not a mass murderer and is not connected to the CIA or other government institutions.

I am just glad that americas worst nightmare did not come true with another bush going against another clinton. thank god for that.

I am with dotcom as well in the anybody but Hillery camp.

everybody who has doubts about Trump NEEDS to watch this video.The video also shows why i dont completely trust Trump because there is one thing he says at the end that is an outright lie saying Iran wants to control the middle east and leaves out that Israel wants to rule the world.Everything else he is spot on though.:thup:

Okay I completely get voting for someone because he or she is not the other candidate- so lets accept #1.

But #2- one of the best businessmen 'ever'?


By what measure?

He started with lots of money- and built it up to lots more money. He has done well with real estate, less well with casino's, he started a failed airline and several other failed business's. Along the way he used bankruptcy laws for his personal gain.

How do you think that experience would make him a good President?

He started with no where near what he has now. Not even close. He knows business.
I know of MANY that may have had a million or more, and they did nothing but lose it.

Why don't you name his successes rather than ''failures''?? Surely he has a couple. ;)

I did mention them.

But he started out with several hundred thousand- and a loan of I believe 17 million from his dad. He did well with it- but we have had many businessmen who have started with less and achieved more.

I pointed out his major success- real estate. He also has been brilliant at establishing the Trump brand- which he sells all over the world- most projects with his name on it he has little to do with.

Now- why don't you tell us about the successes you think make him your choice for President.

I did. I gave a few in the OP.

No- you just claimed he was one of the best businessmen ever- and haven't provided any examples of what those are.
Guys and Ladies, I have been trawling various threads and I have noticed that very few of the posters ever do,"Due Dilligence" regarding your so called politicians or wanabees.........Firstly ALL Polititians LIE to you.......Full Stop and they always have,but still you don't care because they are telling you what you want to hear(Trump)is a great exponent of this,Lying has become acceptable to the voters even when you know it's a Lie because you like what you are being told...thus when reality arrives..the disappointment is greater

So, Steve, do you prefer Hillie's lies, or Donnie's?
How do you know?

You are wrong about one thing for sure, because I care. What dear theliq do we have to choose from? WHO would you choose from what we have to choose from?

Kat, I believe what you are getting from him is the default neo-libertine straw man argument. This is how it works... Failing to convince you to accept their radical ideological philosophy, they work on getting you to at least accept an "all politicians are scum" viewpoint. Rationale being, if they cannot convert you, take you out of the game.

You nailed the important thing to note... these people have no answers. It's a cynical world view that we are fucked no matter what we do. Granted, many people might actually have such a viewpoint... they usually aren't found on political message boards. The mere fact that this dweeb felt inclined to comment tells you he doesn't believe his own bullshit.

I think you have a very good point. Now I do like theliq, but he doesn't even live in this country, and I am not even sure he totally gets how our politics work.
Thanks Kat and Boss,....I totally dislike your form and or your type of elections.....for one it is a total waste of money...extreme and obscene.
The ridiculous carry on eg The Repub candidates,during the process they all abuse,demean and criticize each other......(Yet they all represent the same Political Party).....This I find most STRANGE,moreover whilst huge donations are more often than not given by VESTED INTRESTS (Who later demand their pound of flesh)..this in itself makes your system corrupt and the quality of your polititians sic..of very basic quality indeed........How can a Statesman arise in the American Electerol sic System when only a minute can afford to?????? no 99.999999999r% of Clever,Educated People will never be able to achieve the Party System of GRAFT...for that is what it is or becomes,Who really runs America.......Surely not the President that is for sure.

We have a great system,a more fair system......You can criticize what you don't understand but It's all shit off a DUCKS BACK TO ME.

I understand most of you are disheartened but you get what you vote for,trouble is all your Pollies are a cart load of Monkeys(No Insult intended) so I agree who else can you vote for???????? And therein lies your delemia.......sic..........out of 360 Million Souls.....you are attracting the wrong type of people........Full Stop..and some of you think that if someone has made a dubious self fortune,he is able to run the Great country of the USA,WRONG......That is self delusion,just sayin steve........and Boss ...I don't do BULLSHIT......I leave Lemmings like you to Spew Dross,and somehow it seems to suit you.
I agree, we appear to have the best government that can be bought. I am also thoroughly tired hearing/reading how bad the other "guy" is. What I really want is some idea of what each candidate will offer as a solution to the perceived problems in this country. Alas! That makes poor theatre.

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