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Trump Why Trump Has My Vote Over Hillary

You know... there is something rather intriguing about Trump that no one ever seems to touch on. I'd like to take a moment to do this at this time...

Have you noticed his family is embarrassingly functional? His kids adore him... have nothing but praise for him. They are all smart and successful people who have good heads on their shoulders. Not even Ronald Reagan could claim this. By contrast, his was a very dysfunctional family... this one hates that one... this one didn't think Dad was all that great... that one liked him... the other one didn't... all over the board... But with Trump, all his family is 100% in his corner and thinks he is a brilliant man.

He doesn't have an addiction problem with alcohol or tobacco... or anything else (other than Twitter). He hasn't been involved in anything illegal or corrupt... oh, they make claims about his "university" and stuff, but purely unfounded allegations and speculations. This man has dealt in the highly-dirty world of real estate wheeling and dealing all his life and not so much as an unpaid traffic ticket. For a man of his means, he is incredibly clean and high in integrity.

Some will make the claim he is a narcissist... but that's also not exactly true. He surrounds himself with the best of the best... people who know what they're talking about and he follows their wisdom. What is often mistaken for narcissism is actually confidence. He has tremendous confidence.... that's not a BAD attribute for any leader.

Now.... that's not saying he is some kind of perfect being.... he is human and he makes his share of mistakes. He sometimes falters and fails in his personal life as well as professionally.... But, as people go, he's not really all that bad. He seems to have reasonably good ethics and character.... his mouth gets him in trouble sometimes and like Kat says, you want to just smack him... but all-in-all, he's a decent person and I think he genuinely cares about his country and wants to make it better.
I've been thinking we need more businessmen and women in office and less lawyers. The US is facing 20 trillion dollars of debt with no answer from our current crop of leaders on what to do about it. No word at all. Maybe Trump can get the nation back in the black. Also he will not continue the divisive politics of the left and that will be good for all of us. He will support the police and the border patrol and he will put America first with every decision something we have not seen in the white house since Reagan.
Fewer lawyers, and certainly a change from the standard career politician who has practically no experience in the world most of us inhabit.
I've been thinking we need more businessmen and women in office and less lawyers. The US is facing 20 trillion dollars of debt with no answer from our current crop of leaders on what to do about it. No word at all. Maybe Trump can get the nation back in the black. Also he will not continue the divisive politics of the left and that will be good for all of us. He will support the police and the border patrol and he will put America first with every decision something we have not seen in the white house since Reagan.
Fewer lawyers, and certainly a change from the standard career politician who has practically no experience in the world most of us inhabit.
. Oh they have experience alright, and that is how to screw us over every chance they get.
Because I'm stupid and blithely accept that we are only allowed shitty leaders.

Trump may not be shitty. We have no way to know. Hillary on the other hand........
1. He is not Hillary
2. He is one of the best businessmen ever, and our country needs that for the economy.

Okay I completely get voting for someone because he or she is not the other candidate- so lets accept #1.

But #2- one of the best businessmen 'ever'?


By what measure?

He started with lots of money- and built it up to lots more money. He has done well with real estate, less well with casino's, he started a failed airline and several other failed business's. Along the way he used bankruptcy laws for his personal gain.

How do you think that experience would make him a good President?

He started with no where near what he has now. Not even close. He knows business.
I know of MANY that may have had a million or more, and they did nothing but lose it.

Why don't you name his successes rather than ''failures''?? Surely he has a couple. ;)

I did mention them.

But he started out with several hundred thousand- and a loan of I believe 17 million from his dad. He did well with it- but we have had many businessmen who have started with less and achieved more.

I pointed out his major success- real estate. He also has been brilliant at establishing the Trump brand- which he sells all over the world- most projects with his name on it he has little to do with.

Now- why don't you tell us about the successes you think make him your choice for President.

I did. I gave a few in the OP.

When did it turn into 17 million?? I always hear 1 million. Just did as super quick search..

Donald Trump's father gave him a $1 million loan to start out—and
Oct 26, 2015 Donald Trump, Citing $1 Million Loan His Dad Gave Him to Start Out: “It Has Not Been Easy” One of the ways at least some presidential candidates give away their plutocratic borrow money if you have to from your parents, start a business. But a million dollars isn't very much compared to what I built.
Source: www.slate.com
And it is not just or only successes. Syriusly (or lack thereof). It is also what a person believes, and what they do.

Yanno Hillary is worth a lot of money....where did HERS come from??
You had me at "He's not Hillary"!


I was listening to the radio last week and the talk show host put it this way: Behind door number one is a man eating lion. Behind door number two MIGHT be a man eating lion. You have to go through one of the doors. Which will you choose?

Not Hillary.
The only reason that Trump stands a chance is because he is up against the worst of the worst. Hillary represents so much of what people are rejecting...policies of the past, corruption, elitism, political correctness, etc. Hillary is a definitive dead end, and in that light, Trump is a giant risk that many are willing to take.
You know... there is something rather intriguing about Trump that no one ever seems to touch on. I'd like to take a moment to do this at this time...

Have you noticed his family is embarrassingly functional? His kids adore him... have nothing but praise for him. They are all smart and successful people who have good heads on their shoulders. Not even Ronald Reagan could claim this. By contrast, his was a very dysfunctional family... this one hates that one... this one didn't think Dad was all that great... that one liked him... the other one didn't... all over the board... But with Trump, all his family is 100% in his corner and thinks he is a brilliant man.

He doesn't have an addiction problem with alcohol or tobacco... or anything else (other than Twitter). He hasn't been involved in anything illegal or corrupt... oh, they make claims about his "university" and stuff, but purely unfounded allegations and speculations. This man has dealt in the highly-dirty world of real estate wheeling and dealing all his life and not so much as an unpaid traffic ticket. For a man of his means, he is incredibly clean and high in integrity.

Some will make the claim he is a narcissist... but that's also not exactly true. He surrounds himself with the best of the best... people who know what they're talking about and he follows their wisdom. What is often mistaken for narcissism is actually confidence. He has tremendous confidence.... that's not a BAD attribute for any leader.

Now.... that's not saying he is some kind of perfect being.... he is human and he makes his share of mistakes. He sometimes falters and fails in his personal life as well as professionally.... But, as people go, he's not really all that bad. He seems to have reasonably good ethics and character.... his mouth gets him in trouble sometimes and like Kat says, you want to just smack him... but all-in-all, he's a decent person and I think he genuinely cares about his country and wants to make it better.

I concur 100%. His family I have watched closely. It's one way to help gauge someone.
You had me at "He's not Hillary"!


I was listening to the radio last week and the talk show host put it this way: Behind door number one is a man eating lion. Behind door number two MIGHT be a man eating lion. You have to go through one of the doors. Which will you choose?

Not Hillary.
I give Kat my vote to Kat....Go Kat....."Make America Normal".........steve
Both parties got us here along with the aid of the big government loving media and now we can see their desires are not the desires of the American middle class. The working class is getting screwed. Government is too big and too powerful and too scary...just ask the tea party folks. Trump will be one of us in the oval office... a businessman a working man that earns money by creating businesses and jobs. We will have someone in the highest office in the land that dislikes the IRS...that is reason one in my book.

I Hope that is the case but Trump has been guilty of doing what corrupt politicians do,flip flop that is why I dont trust him and am not gung ho on him as I was with ron paul because paul was different than the croooked politicians,he was always consistant in doing what he said he would do and would not say one thing then contradict himself later like flip floppers do.Trump has flip flopped a couple times so that makes me wonder.
You know... there is something rather intriguing about Trump that no one ever seems to touch on. I'd like to take a moment to do this at this time...

Have you noticed his family is embarrassingly functional? His kids adore him... have nothing but praise for him. They are all smart and successful people who have good heads on their shoulders. Not even Ronald Reagan could claim this. By contrast, his was a very dysfunctional family... this one hates that one... this one didn't think Dad was all that great... that one liked him... the other one didn't... all over the board... But with Trump, all his family is 100% in his corner and thinks he is a brilliant man.

He doesn't have an addiction problem with alcohol or tobacco... or anything else (other than Twitter). He hasn't been involved in anything illegal or corrupt... oh, they make claims about his "university" and stuff, but purely unfounded allegations and speculations. This man has dealt in the highly-dirty world of real estate wheeling and dealing all his life and not so much as an unpaid traffic ticket. For a man of his means, he is incredibly clean and high in integrity.

Some will make the claim he is a narcissist... but that's also not exactly true. He surrounds himself with the best of the best... people who know what they're talking about and he follows their wisdom. What is often mistaken for narcissism is actually confidence. He has tremendous confidence.... that's not a BAD attribute for any leader.

Now.... that's not saying he is some kind of perfect being.... he is human and he makes his share of mistakes. He sometimes falters and fails in his personal life as well as professionally.... But, as people go, he's not really all that bad. He seems to have reasonably good ethics and character.... his mouth gets him in trouble sometimes and like Kat says, you want to just smack him... but all-in-all, he's a decent person and I think he genuinely cares about his country and wants to make it better.

He may well be a decent person- but I haven't really seen anything to indicate that 'he genuinely cares about this country' any more than any other politician.

I think its great that his kids are doing well and say good things about him- but remember he doesn't have one family- he has three families- for each of his three marriages. The result of him cheating on his first two wives.

Would that make him a bad President? I don't know how relevant it is- any more than how relevant it is that his kids from all of his wives are so normal for being the kids of a billionaire.
1. He is not Hillary
2. He is one of the best businessmen ever, and our country needs that for the economy.

I have said time and again I am not a Party person, I vote for the individual.

Has Trump made screw up's? Umm yeah, like others I would like to smack him now and then. Feel the same about my husband (and I am sure he does me). :p

MY values are the same as ever. I am not like some that bought into Obama and actually voted for him, then pretend they didn't.
I saw through Obama from the beginning....and I mean long before he decided to run for President, he caught my eye, and I started studying him, never dreaming he would run for office.

LOL I never bought into the ''Change". Oh, but I guess he told the truth there, because things certainly have changed. Maybe the USA will survive, or maybe not,. But, I think the only possible chance is Trump.....for sure someone other than Hillary.

Any of you guys that are making fun of his hair...anything superficial...it doesn't wash in the end. I don't judge political figures for their looks (well except maybe Cruz with the booger on his lip /snort).

I think Trump DOES care about the country. I think Hillary cares about herself and power.

That's just a little of why he would get my vote over Hillary.

If he loses I have to accept it, but I sure would be scared for this country....and actually myself.
Just as I am now.

What reasons would you vote for him?

I could not have said it better myself.Yeah I saw right through Obama as well and knew he was a fraud just a couple months before he got elected.that he was no different than Bush.I had no idea he would be much worse,just that he was not there to serve us like many gullible blacks believed.

It was easy to see right through his facade because he is a member of the evil CFR group same as the clintons and bushs are so it was easy as pie to spot through his deception and lies and see that he was here just to serve the bankers instead of the people as every president since LBJ has.

what the LAMESTREAM media left out Obama when he was running is they had connections to terrorists,a member of the CFR,and mass murderer Henry Kissinger was his mentor in college.

The Clintons and Bushs are mass murderers so anybody with a brain would vote Trump over her.Trump is not connected to the CFR,not a mass murderer and is not connected to the CIA or other government institutions.

I am just glad that americas worst nightmare did not come true with another bush going against another clinton. thank god for that.

I am with dotcom as well in the anybody but Hillery camp.

everybody who has doubts about Trump NEEDS to watch this video.The video also shows why i dont completely trust Trump because there is one thing he says at the end that is an outright lie saying Iran wants to control the middle east and leaves out that Israel wants to rule the world.Everything else he is spot on though.:thup:

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  • Thanks
Reactions: Kat
Both parties got us here along with the aid of the big government loving media and now we can see their desires are not the desires of the American middle class. The working class is getting screwed. Government is too big and too powerful and too scary...just ask the tea party folks. Trump will be one of us in the oval office... a businessman a working man that earns money by creating businesses and jobs. We will have someone in the highest office in the land that dislikes the IRS...that is reason one in my book.

I Hope that is the case but Trump has been guilty of doing what corrupt politicians do,flip flop that is why I dont trust him and am not gung ho on him as I was with ron paul because paul was different than the croooked politicians,he was always consistant in doing what he said he would do and would not say one thing then contradict himself later like flip floppers do.Trump has flip flopped a couple times so that makes me wonder.
. Yes, but Trump's not Hillary. Need anything else really ?
  • Thanks
Reactions: Kat
1. He is not Hillary
2. He is one of the best businessmen ever, and our country needs that for the economy.

Okay I completely get voting for someone because he or she is not the other candidate- so lets accept #1.

But #2- one of the best businessmen 'ever'?


By what measure?

He started with lots of money- and built it up to lots more money. He has done well with real estate, less well with casino's, he started a failed airline and several other failed business's. Along the way he used bankruptcy laws for his personal gain.

How do you think that experience would make him a good President?

He started with no where near what he has now. Not even close. He knows business.
I know of MANY that may have had a million or more, and they did nothing but lose it.

Why don't you name his successes rather than ''failures''?? Surely he has a couple. ;)

I did mention them.

But he started out with several hundred thousand- and a loan of I believe 17 million from his dad. He did well with it- but we have had many businessmen who have started with less and achieved more.

I pointed out his major success- real estate. He also has been brilliant at establishing the Trump brand- which he sells all over the world- most projects with his name on it he has little to do with.

Now- why don't you tell us about the successes you think make him your choice for President.

I did. I gave a few in the OP.

When did it turn into 17 million?? I always hear 1 million. Just did as super quick search..

Donald Trump's father gave him a $1 million loan to start out—and
Oct 26, 2015 Donald Trump, Citing $1 Million Loan His Dad Gave Him to Start Out: “It Has Not Been Easy” One of the ways at least some presidential candidates give away their plutocratic borrow money if you have to from your parents, start a business. But a million dollars isn't very much compared to what I built.
Source: www.slate.com
I was wrong- it was a 70 million dollar loan guarantee

Fred Trump — along with the Hyatt hotel chain — jointly guaranteed the $70 million construction loan from Manufacturers Hanover bank, “each assuming a 50 percent share of the obligation and each committing itself to complete the project should Donald be unable to finish it,” according to veteran Trump chronicler Wayne Barrett in his 1992 book, “Trump: The Deals and the Downfall.
Fred Trump’s signature on the guarantee ensured the new hotel would get built. “No document in the long paper trail attached to the Commodore deal better demonstrated the lack of bank confidence in the Donald or the project, and none made clear the limits of his promoter role,” Barrett wrote. Trump simply did not have the credit or connections to obtain such financing on his own. “It was Fred’s two-decade-old relationship with a top Equitable officer, Ben Holloway, that had helped entice them to do the project.”
Trump’s false claim he built his empire with a ‘small loan’ from his father
. Well think goodness for the loan being 70 mill, because it was scary to think that Trump took a measly 1 mill, and then turned it into billions without being a little corrupt in doing so. Thanks. Trump claiming he did it with a small amount of money, was to feed his ego, and to suggest to us that we can do it also. I understand his motivation, and see nothing wrong with it.
  • Thanks
Reactions: Kat
Both parties got us here along with the aid of the big government loving media and now we can see their desires are not the desires of the American middle class. The working class is getting screwed. Government is too big and too powerful and too scary...just ask the tea party folks. Trump will be one of us in the oval office... a businessman a working man that earns money by creating businesses and jobs. We will have someone in the highest office in the land that dislikes the IRS...that is reason one in my book.

I Hope that is the case but Trump has been guilty of doing what corrupt politicians do,flip flop that is why I dont trust him and am not gung ho on him as I was with ron paul because paul was different than the croooked politicians,he was always consistant in doing what he said he would do and would not say one thing then contradict himself later like flip floppers do.Trump has flip flopped a couple times so that makes me wonder.
. Yes, but Trump's not Hillary. Need anything else really ?

yeah that was what dotcom was saying earlier and i agree with.Only thing i disagree with is the anyone but hillery thing>If it were another bush,or cruz for example,that would every bit just as bad,they are all globalists. That more than anything is why I will take Trump is aat least as far as we know,he is not one.
Okay I completely get voting for someone because he or she is not the other candidate- so lets accept #1.

But #2- one of the best businessmen 'ever'?


By what measure?

He started with lots of money- and built it up to lots more money. He has done well with real estate, less well with casino's, he started a failed airline and several other failed business's. Along the way he used bankruptcy laws for his personal gain.

How do you think that experience would make him a good President?

He started with no where near what he has now. Not even close. He knows business.
I know of MANY that may have had a million or more, and they did nothing but lose it.

Why don't you name his successes rather than ''failures''?? Surely he has a couple. ;)

I did mention them.

But he started out with several hundred thousand- and a loan of I believe 17 million from his dad. He did well with it- but we have had many businessmen who have started with less and achieved more.

I pointed out his major success- real estate. He also has been brilliant at establishing the Trump brand- which he sells all over the world- most projects with his name on it he has little to do with.

Now- why don't you tell us about the successes you think make him your choice for President.

I did. I gave a few in the OP.

When did it turn into 17 million?? I always hear 1 million. Just did as super quick search..

Donald Trump's father gave him a $1 million loan to start out—and
Oct 26, 2015 Donald Trump, Citing $1 Million Loan His Dad Gave Him to Start Out: “It Has Not Been Easy” One of the ways at least some presidential candidates give away their plutocratic borrow money if you have to from your parents, start a business. But a million dollars isn't very much compared to what I built.
Source: www.slate.com
I was wrong- it was a 70 million dollar loan guarantee

Fred Trump — along with the Hyatt hotel chain — jointly guaranteed the $70 million construction loan from Manufacturers Hanover bank, “each assuming a 50 percent share of the obligation and each committing itself to complete the project should Donald be unable to finish it,” according to veteran Trump chronicler Wayne Barrett in his 1992 book, “Trump: The Deals and the Downfall.
Fred Trump’s signature on the guarantee ensured the new hotel would get built. “No document in the long paper trail attached to the Commodore deal better demonstrated the lack of bank confidence in the Donald or the project, and none made clear the limits of his promoter role,” Barrett wrote. Trump simply did not have the credit or connections to obtain such financing on his own. “It was Fred’s two-decade-old relationship with a top Equitable officer, Ben Holloway, that had helped entice them to do the project.”
Trump’s false claim he built his empire with a ‘small loan’ from his father
. Well think goodness for the loan being 70 mill, because it was scary to think that Trump took a measly 1 mill, and then turned it into billions without being a little corrupt in doing so. Thanks. Trump claiming he did it with a small amount of money, was to feed his ego, and to suggest to us that we can do it also. I understand his motivation, and see nothing wrong with it.

that is why I am not sold on Trump like I was with Ron Paul.would be interesting to know exactly what he used that money he got for as well.
He started with no where near what he has now. Not even close. He knows business.
I know of MANY that may have had a million or more, and they did nothing but lose it.

Why don't you name his successes rather than ''failures''?? Surely he has a couple. ;)

I did mention them.

But he started out with several hundred thousand- and a loan of I believe 17 million from his dad. He did well with it- but we have had many businessmen who have started with less and achieved more.

I pointed out his major success- real estate. He also has been brilliant at establishing the Trump brand- which he sells all over the world- most projects with his name on it he has little to do with.

Now- why don't you tell us about the successes you think make him your choice for President.

I did. I gave a few in the OP.

When did it turn into 17 million?? I always hear 1 million. Just did as super quick search..

Donald Trump's father gave him a $1 million loan to start out—and
Oct 26, 2015 Donald Trump, Citing $1 Million Loan His Dad Gave Him to Start Out: “It Has Not Been Easy” One of the ways at least some presidential candidates give away their plutocratic borrow money if you have to from your parents, start a business. But a million dollars isn't very much compared to what I built.
Source: www.slate.com
I was wrong- it was a 70 million dollar loan guarantee

Fred Trump — along with the Hyatt hotel chain — jointly guaranteed the $70 million construction loan from Manufacturers Hanover bank, “each assuming a 50 percent share of the obligation and each committing itself to complete the project should Donald be unable to finish it,” according to veteran Trump chronicler Wayne Barrett in his 1992 book, “Trump: The Deals and the Downfall.
Fred Trump’s signature on the guarantee ensured the new hotel would get built. “No document in the long paper trail attached to the Commodore deal better demonstrated the lack of bank confidence in the Donald or the project, and none made clear the limits of his promoter role,” Barrett wrote. Trump simply did not have the credit or connections to obtain such financing on his own. “It was Fred’s two-decade-old relationship with a top Equitable officer, Ben Holloway, that had helped entice them to do the project.”
Trump’s false claim he built his empire with a ‘small loan’ from his father
. Well think goodness for the loan being 70 mill, because it was scary to think that Trump took a measly 1 mill, and then turned it into billions without being a little corrupt in doing so. Thanks. Trump claiming he did it with a small amount of money, was to feed his ego, and to suggest to us that we can do it also. I understand his motivation, and see nothing wrong with it.

that is why I am not sold on Trump like I was with Ron Paul.would be interesting to know exactly what he used that money he got for as well.
. Used it to make billions in which was quite good.

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