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Trump Why Trump Has My Vote Over Hillary

It is what it is here, and I didn't make it that way.

If you feel so down on American politics, the it puzzles me why you are so involved.
I sincerely doubt yours is better. We are used to having the freedom to speak our opinions, but I do agree about the hatred shown toward one another. It is worse that I have ever seen it.
Because I care,Kat,anyhow call me steve not theliq,all my friends do.

Trust you are well.......I still think Don Trump is on a hiding-to-nothing...but we will see..steve

Okay Steve. And maybe Trump is. I don't know. If you know enlighten me please. I doubt we will find out. Hillary will make her way in. I won't say how, because I then would be attacked.
my previous post #118 pretty much details WHY she will be elected Kat.
Trump - Why Trump Has My Vote Over Hillary

Yes sir. I had read that. :)
I could not have said it better myself.Yeah I saw right through Obama as well and knew he was a fraud just a couple months before he got elected.that he was no different than Bush.I had no idea he would be much worse,just that he was not there to serve us like many gullible blacks believed.

It was easy to see right through his facade because he is a member of the evil CFR group same as the clintons and bushs are so it was easy as pie to spot through his deception and lies and see that he was here just to serve the bankers instead of the people as every president since LBJ has.

what the LAMESTREAM media left out Obama when he was running is they had connections to terrorists,a member of the CFR,and mass murderer Henry Kissinger was his mentor in college.

The Clintons and Bushs are mass murderers so anybody with a brain would vote Trump over her.Trump is not connected to the CFR,not a mass murderer and is not connected to the CIA or other government institutions.

I am just glad that americas worst nightmare did not come true with another bush going against another clinton. thank god for that.

I am with dotcom as well in the anybody but Hillery camp.

everybody who has doubts about Trump NEEDS to watch this video.The video also shows why i dont completely trust Trump because there is one thing he says at the end that is an outright lie saying Iran wants to control the middle east and leaves out that Israel wants to rule the world.Everything else he is spot on though.:thup:

No- you just claimed he was one of the best businessmen ever- and haven't provided any examples of what those are.
Guys and Ladies, I have been trawling various threads and I have noticed that very few of the posters ever do,"Due Dilligence" regarding your so called politicians or wanabees.........Firstly ALL Polititians LIE to you.......Full Stop and they always have,but still you don't care because they are telling you what you want to hear(Trump)is a great exponent of this,Lying has become acceptable to the voters even when you know it's a Lie because you like what you are being told...thus when reality arrives..the disappointment is greater

So, Steve, do you prefer Hillie's lies, or Donnie's?

I don't like LAIRS .......Period Gallie,but as you only have a two party(STUPID) system.....I will vote DONKEY LOL..steve

If you are so down on liars, Steve, why in HELL would you consider Shrillary? Seriously? I would vote for a dog turd before that lying, sack-of-shit, murdering, incompetent, b**ch, c**t. But, I suppose the attraction of having the first "woman" president is so attractive...good thing you don't vote in this country.

Hold On Gallie,I never said I would Vote Hillary.........I said your System was Stupid because you only have two choices......I said I would Vote Donkey(Australian for a Non Vote).........Gallie,you must not put words I have Never muttered into my Mouth.....I see your passion but it's your System that creates Creatures like you have....All Politicians LIE,you need a Statesman/woman........Quick Smart,Keep Cool......and SOON FORWARD..steve...I don't think Trump(I'd Love to see how much Tax he pays as a %,and his Tax Returns for the past 10 years) just saying

which of course steve as you well know is in reality a ONE PARTY SYSTEM where both parties are corrupt and there is no difference between the two because this one party system is designed to LOOK like two so the sheep think they have a choice in who gets elected not understanding what they have been taught in our corrupt schools here in the states are lies,that we dont elect these people,that the Establishment SELECTS them for us and whoever they want in,they put in.
I don't like LAIRS .......Period Gallie,but as you only have a two party(STUPID) system.....I will vote DONKEY LOL..steve
If you are so down on liars, Steve, why in HELL would you consider Shrillary? Seriously? I would vote for a dog turd before that lying, sack-of-shit, murdering, incompetent, b**ch, c**t. But, I suppose the attraction of having the first "woman" president is so attractive...good thing you don't vote in this country.
Hold On Gallie,I never said I would Vote Hillary.........I said your System was Stupid because you only have two choices......I said I would Vote Donkey(Australian for a Non Vote).........Gallie,you must not put words I have Never muttered into my Mouth.....I see your passion but it's your System that creates Creatures like you have....All Politicians LIE,you need a Statesman/woman........Quick Smart,Keep Cool......and SOON FORWARD..steve

Exactly why a woman, Steve? theliq
I don't understand the question Kat.....hold on you mean a Statesman or STATESWOMEN........well women are just as intelligent if not more so than most men,we have some Great Femme Politicians who are muched liked and Respected here in Paradise...Why not a Woman??????steve

ps have I been upsetting you lately ? I just thought I'd tell you I think Don Trump is a Dandy and would be most unsuitable to be the President but that is my opinion...Look at Mr Obama 75 weeks of continued employment growth,.....Unlike Trump would like to see.....Mr Obama didn't reduce the minimum wage but increased it.......by the was WHY are Americans so VULGAR to Women,Mrs Obama and her Children from day one have been spoken of in the disgraceful manner,so much for American Manhood....and Mrs Clinton,your potential President to be called a Bitch,Slut,****,lets not mince words here Fuck-**** etc., NO ONE IN THE WORLD SPEAKS OF WOMEN LIKE THIS......but as a Lovely Woman yourself Kat,I note you are Mute on this point,...yet Trump(that foulmouth) is some saviour...There is something innately wrong in this attitude,very wrong indeed.steve.....and by the way I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton either

You missed my point. You said we needed a woman. I didn't say there was anything wrong with woman. I asked you why you said we NEEDED a woman.
Well not Mrs Clinton maybe,but America have never had a Woman President/Prime Minister,but many have in Europe,South America,India,Australia,Eire,Israel,UK and New Zealand etc,....And on the whole been very good,they tend to be very intelligent and tough,but have that caring touch.....which a lot of men are oblivious of.

I think America could well do well with a FEMME IN CHARGE,(WETHER Mrs Clinton is the best choice,i have my doubts)BUT OTHERS WILL COME ALONG.steve
If you are so down on liars, Steve, why in HELL would you consider Shrillary? Seriously? I would vote for a dog turd before that lying, sack-of-shit, murdering, incompetent, b**ch, c**t. But, I suppose the attraction of having the first "woman" president is so attractive...good thing you don't vote in this country.
Hold On Gallie,I never said I would Vote Hillary.........I said your System was Stupid because you only have two choices......I said I would Vote Donkey(Australian for a Non Vote).........Gallie,you must not put words I have Never muttered into my Mouth.....I see your passion but it's your System that creates Creatures like you have....All Politicians LIE,you need a Statesman/woman........Quick Smart,Keep Cool......and SOON FORWARD..steve

Exactly why a woman, Steve? theliq
I don't understand the question Kat.....hold on you mean a Statesman or STATESWOMEN........well women are just as intelligent if not more so than most men,we have some Great Femme Politicians who are muched liked and Respected here in Paradise...Why not a Woman??????steve

ps have I been upsetting you lately ? I just thought I'd tell you I think Don Trump is a Dandy and would be most unsuitable to be the President but that is my opinion...Look at Mr Obama 75 weeks of continued employment growth,.....Unlike Trump would like to see.....Mr Obama didn't reduce the minimum wage but increased it.......by the was WHY are Americans so VULGAR to Women,Mrs Obama and her Children from day one have been spoken of in the disgraceful manner,so much for American Manhood....and Mrs Clinton,your potential President to be called a Bitch,Slut,****,lets not mince words here Fuck-**** etc., NO ONE IN THE WORLD SPEAKS OF WOMEN LIKE THIS......but as a Lovely Woman yourself Kat,I note you are Mute on this point,...yet Trump(that foulmouth) is some saviour...There is something innately wrong in this attitude,very wrong indeed.steve.....and by the way I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton either

You missed my point. You said we needed a woman. I didn't say there was anything wrong with woman. I asked you why you said we NEEDED a woman.
Well not Mrs Clinton maybe,but America have never had a Woman President/Prime Minister,but many have in Europe,South America,India,Australia,Eire,Israel,UK and New Zealand etc,....And on the whole been very good,they tend to be very intelligent and tough,but have that caring touch.....which a lot of men are oblivious of.

I think America could well do well with a FEMME IN CHARGE,(WETHER Mrs Clinton is the best choice,i have my doubts)BUT OTHERS WILL COME ALONG.steve

I don't believe any President should be elected due to race or gender. If one you like, or agree with happens to be another race or gender, so be it. But, to vote for someone just because of those reasons is a bit ignorant imo.
Hold On Gallie,I never said I would Vote Hillary.........I said your System was Stupid because you only have two choices......I said I would Vote Donkey(Australian for a Non Vote).........Gallie,you must not put words I have Never muttered into my Mouth.....I see your passion but it's your System that creates Creatures like you have....All Politicians LIE,you need a Statesman/woman........Quick Smart,Keep Cool......and SOON FORWARD..steve

Exactly why a woman, Steve? theliq
I don't understand the question Kat.....hold on you mean a Statesman or STATESWOMEN........well women are just as intelligent if not more so than most men,we have some Great Femme Politicians who are muched liked and Respected here in Paradise...Why not a Woman??????steve

ps have I been upsetting you lately ? I just thought I'd tell you I think Don Trump is a Dandy and would be most unsuitable to be the President but that is my opinion...Look at Mr Obama 75 weeks of continued employment growth,.....Unlike Trump would like to see.....Mr Obama didn't reduce the minimum wage but increased it.......by the was WHY are Americans so VULGAR to Women,Mrs Obama and her Children from day one have been spoken of in the disgraceful manner,so much for American Manhood....and Mrs Clinton,your potential President to be called a Bitch,Slut,****,lets not mince words here Fuck-**** etc., NO ONE IN THE WORLD SPEAKS OF WOMEN LIKE THIS......but as a Lovely Woman yourself Kat,I note you are Mute on this point,...yet Trump(that foulmouth) is some saviour...There is something innately wrong in this attitude,very wrong indeed.steve.....and by the way I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton either

You missed my point. You said we needed a woman. I didn't say there was anything wrong with woman. I asked you why you said we NEEDED a woman.
Well not Mrs Clinton maybe,but America have never had a Woman President/Prime Minister,but many have in Europe,South America,India,Australia,Eire,Israel,UK and New Zealand etc,....And on the whole been very good,they tend to be very intelligent and tough,but have that caring touch.....which a lot of men are oblivious of.

I think America could well do well with a FEMME IN CHARGE,(WETHER Mrs Clinton is the best choice,i have my doubts)BUT OTHERS WILL COME ALONG.steve

I don't believe any President should be elected due to race or gender. If one you like, or agree with happens to be another race or gender, so be it. But, to vote for someone just because of those reasons is a bit ignorant imo.

You seemed a little hooked up on this femme thing.......I never thought or mentioned about race or gender,just that it can be a positive thing to have a femme Pres/Prime Minister.......Maybe America is still too immature for this to happen,Kat please REFRAIN from assuming I say things when I don't...steve.......and stop implying I am somehow IGNORANT,when the truth is the opposite.

Take Care Kat.
Exactly why a woman, Steve? theliq
I don't understand the question Kat.....hold on you mean a Statesman or STATESWOMEN........well women are just as intelligent if not more so than most men,we have some Great Femme Politicians who are muched liked and Respected here in Paradise...Why not a Woman??????steve

ps have I been upsetting you lately ? I just thought I'd tell you I think Don Trump is a Dandy and would be most unsuitable to be the President but that is my opinion...Look at Mr Obama 75 weeks of continued employment growth,.....Unlike Trump would like to see.....Mr Obama didn't reduce the minimum wage but increased it.......by the was WHY are Americans so VULGAR to Women,Mrs Obama and her Children from day one have been spoken of in the disgraceful manner,so much for American Manhood....and Mrs Clinton,your potential President to be called a Bitch,Slut,****,lets not mince words here Fuck-**** etc., NO ONE IN THE WORLD SPEAKS OF WOMEN LIKE THIS......but as a Lovely Woman yourself Kat,I note you are Mute on this point,...yet Trump(that foulmouth) is some saviour...There is something innately wrong in this attitude,very wrong indeed.steve.....and by the way I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton either

You missed my point. You said we needed a woman. I didn't say there was anything wrong with woman. I asked you why you said we NEEDED a woman.
Well not Mrs Clinton maybe,but America have never had a Woman President/Prime Minister,but many have in Europe,South America,India,Australia,Eire,Israel,UK and New Zealand etc,....And on the whole been very good,they tend to be very intelligent and tough,but have that caring touch.....which a lot of men are oblivious of.

I think America could well do well with a FEMME IN CHARGE,(WETHER Mrs Clinton is the best choice,i have my doubts)BUT OTHERS WILL COME ALONG.steve

I don't believe any President should be elected due to race or gender. If one you like, or agree with happens to be another race or gender, so be it. But, to vote for someone just because of those reasons is a bit ignorant imo.

You seemed a little hooked up on this femme thing.......I never thought or mentioned about race or gender,just that it can be a positive thing to have a femme Pres/Prime Minister.......Maybe America is still too immature for this to happen,Kat please REFRAIN from assuming I say things when I don't...steve.......and stop implying I am somehow IGNORANT,when the truth is the opposite.

Take Care Kat.

I have no clue what you are talking about. You are getting upset over something I am not saying. I will refrain from nothing, as I only gave my opinion. Sheesh.

Oh and I am hooked on nothing. Reread my last post please, Steve.
Oh and lastly Steve. I never implied you are ignorant. Couldn't have, since I do not think that. ;)
I don't understand the question Kat.....hold on you mean a Statesman or STATESWOMEN........well women are just as intelligent if not more so than most men,we have some Great Femme Politicians who are muched liked and Respected here in Paradise...Why not a Woman??????steve

ps have I been upsetting you lately ? I just thought I'd tell you I think Don Trump is a Dandy and would be most unsuitable to be the President but that is my opinion...Look at Mr Obama 75 weeks of continued employment growth,.....Unlike Trump would like to see.....Mr Obama didn't reduce the minimum wage but increased it.......by the was WHY are Americans so VULGAR to Women,Mrs Obama and her Children from day one have been spoken of in the disgraceful manner,so much for American Manhood....and Mrs Clinton,your potential President to be called a Bitch,Slut,****,lets not mince words here Fuck-**** etc., NO ONE IN THE WORLD SPEAKS OF WOMEN LIKE THIS......but as a Lovely Woman yourself Kat,I note you are Mute on this point,...yet Trump(that foulmouth) is some saviour...There is something innately wrong in this attitude,very wrong indeed.steve.....and by the way I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton either

You missed my point. You said we needed a woman. I didn't say there was anything wrong with woman. I asked you why you said we NEEDED a woman.
Well not Mrs Clinton maybe,but America have never had a Woman President/Prime Minister,but many have in Europe,South America,India,Australia,Eire,Israel,UK and New Zealand etc,....And on the whole been very good,they tend to be very intelligent and tough,but have that caring touch.....which a lot of men are oblivious of.

I think America could well do well with a FEMME IN CHARGE,(WETHER Mrs Clinton is the best choice,i have my doubts)BUT OTHERS WILL COME ALONG.steve

I don't believe any President should be elected due to race or gender. If one you like, or agree with happens to be another race or gender, so be it. But, to vote for someone just because of those reasons is a bit ignorant imo.

You seemed a little hooked up on this femme thing.......I never thought or mentioned about race or gender,just that it can be a positive thing to have a femme Pres/Prime Minister.......Maybe America is still too immature for this to happen,Kat please REFRAIN from assuming I say things when I don't...steve.......and stop implying I am somehow IGNORANT,when the truth is the opposite.

Take Care Kat.

I have no clue what you are talking about. You are getting upset over something I am not saying. I will refrain from nothing, as I only gave my opinion. Sheesh.

Oh and I am hooked on nothing. Reread my last post please, Steve.
Now calm down,calm,calm Kat........All Good.....I'm fine...steve
as you know Kat I have been tooting Trumps horn as much as you here based on things that I know about him. Well if this article is indeed true,I fail to see how he is any different than Hellery. If he indeed spoke these words saying Obama has not done enough on terrorism and he indeed praised Saddam for his torture on terrorists,then I withdraw my support. Torturing someone regardless of their actions is inhuman.to condone it is as bad as you well know.

Well it is apparent that rules are flexible, but Facts, Trump is called a racist, yet I have seen nothing racist about him, he is called sexist, but other than being a man, and much less of a PIG than bill clinton, he seems to take good care of his female employees, He is called incompetent, but his corporation is doing well, He is called many things by liberals who back a person who is a criminal, who just like all rich piles of shit paid her way out of jail by bribes, lies, and political influence. The idea she is more competent is laughable, she has failed at EVERYTHING she has undertaken, every job, every (position) even as a wife apparently, so I am a DEMOCRAT, PAST PRESIDENT of a Teamsters union local, and supporting TRUMP because the other side is destroying American workers, and the American dream for a regalist\globalist agenda of ruling class over subjects worldwide. Anyone unable to ferret that out is so unintelligent their IQ must be around 40.
as you know Kat I have been tooting Trumps horn as much as you here based on things that I know about him. Well if this article is indeed true,I fail to see how he is any different than Hellery. If he indeed spoke these words saying Obama has not done enough on terrorism and he indeed praised Saddam for his torture on terrorists,then I withdraw my support. Torturing someone regardless of their actions is inhuman.to condone it is as bad as you well know.

Donald Trump praises Saddam Hussein for killing terrorists

9/11 inside job He was not PRAISING Saddam. Sheesh.
Well it is apparent that rules are flexible, but Facts, Trump is called a racist, yet I have seen nothing racist about him, he is called sexist, but other than being a man, and much less of a PIG than bill clinton, he seems to take good care of his female employees, He is called incompetent, but his corporation is doing well, He is called many things by liberals who back a person who is a criminal, who just like all rich piles of shit paid her way out of jail by bribes, lies, and political influence. The idea she is more competent is laughable, she has failed at EVERYTHING she has undertaken, every job, every (position) even as a wife apparently, so I am a DEMOCRAT, PAST PRESIDENT of a Teamsters union local, and supporting TRUMP because the other side is destroying American workers, and the American dream for a regalist\globalist agenda of ruling class over subjects worldwide. Anyone unable to ferret that out is so unintelligent their IQ must be around 40.

Looks like you made a mistake in your post there.Since you were pointing out the facts how Hellery is a nightmare for americans as president,and you are behind Trump,that would make you a REPUBLICAN,at least for this election.:biggrin:
Actually NO it does not, the people you refer to as Democrats are NOT in fact Democrats, they ARE members of the democratic socialist party that have infiltrated the REAL DEMOCRAT party. I want the scum out of my party, and will vote for ANYONE BUT one of them unless that person is going to be worse for the country, and that hasn't been the case for a while. Right now a dog with mange would be better for this country than the democratic socialist nominee.
I think you should take a look at these videos Kat. He is very connected to the zionists same as Hillery is. I think he is double speak same as Obama,that same as him,he doesnt mean to do anything he says same as Obama never meant to do what he said he would.Looks like he is a fraud same as Obama.

Ignore how funny looking this guy is and the way he dresses.He does an excellent job of uncovering facts you dont hear anywhere else.He has always been spot on in his reporting.You dont hear any of the mainstream media reporting any of this. there is a reason WHY he is so rich.You even hear him say in the video he is a friend of Israel.

did you hear Trump in that second video supporting AIPAC? sorry to say the proof is in the pudding in those two videos that he is no different than Obama or Hellery.

It makes sense now Why he has pretty much locked up the republican nomination.I was wondering how he made it that far because the elite sabatoged ron pauls campaine making rule changes at the last second so he could not get the republican nomination.

Ron Paul unlike trump and hillery,DOES believe in the constitution and is not a suppoerter of Israel.If you dont support Israel,then you dont get elected.

I just dont see Trump pulling a Kennedy our last president who was not a supporter of Israel.That was why Israel had him bumped off.Every president since has been a supporter of Israel,thats why they all have stayed alive since then.

When kennedy got in,he bit the hand that fed him.You knew the mob got him elected right? well in return,the mob thought Kennedy would let them continue their stronghold on businesses let them roam free and do as they pleases but instead,he went after them tooth and nail with a furry with Bobby Kennedy prosecuting Jimmy Hoffa and deporting Carlos Marcella.

Do you see Trump doing the same thing,biting the hand that fed him and made him rich? I dont.He knows he will suffer the same fate as JFK if he does not do their bidding and be their willing puppet.Like the bearded dude said,Israel is going to expect something in return with from Trump for helping him to power all the way.

something else i also wasnt aware of is he attacked Rosie O'donnel calling her names when she told the truth that 9/11 was an inside job which makes sense because anyone who has done any research into 9/11 as I obviously have-:biggrin: knows that Israel had a huge hand in 9/11.that has been exposed in the conspiracy section by many posters including myself many times.
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Bottom line. It is going to be Trump, or Hillary. I will take Trump over Hillary any day. I am concerned over SCOTUS.
Bottom line. It is going to be Trump, or Hillary. I will take Trump over Hillary any day. I am concerned over SCOTUS.
fair enough.I myself after watching those two informative videos have gone from hoping Trump gets elected to now not caring which one does for the reason mentioned in the previous post.
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I try not to, but ultimately I do care. Mostly due to the SCOTUS.

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