Why Trump is obsessed with Hillary Clinton

Putin's puppet hastes Hillary because Putin hates Hillary, nothing more complicated than that.

If you want to know why Putin hates Hillary and how much, watch this video.

Putin's Revenge

Putin and Trump hate Hillary. That's why she campaigned in Texas and Arizona instead of Wisconsin and Michigan?
Putin and his puppet Tramp hated Hillary no matter where she campaigned or didn't campaign.
So what's your point? Almost everybody hates Hillary, maybe that's why she lost.
She got 3 million more votes than DoTard Trump, so you lie that "Almost everybody hates Hillary" is pure Right-wing BULLSHIT!!!!!
Let me correct myself. Almost every AMERICAN hates Hillary.
More people voted for Hillar

Drives Trump nuts
Putin's puppet hastes Hillary because Putin hates Hillary, nothing more complicated than that.

If you want to know why Putin hates Hillary and how much, watch this video.

Putin's Revenge

Putin and Trump hate Hillary. That's why she campaigned in Texas and Arizona instead of Wisconsin and Michigan?
Putin and his puppet Tramp hated Hillary no matter where she campaigned or didn't campaign.
So what's your point? Almost everybody hates Hillary, maybe that's why she lost.
She got 3 million more votes than DoTard Trump, so you lie that "Almost everybody hates Hillary" is pure Right-wing BULLSHIT!!!!!

It was less than 3 million.

Hillary - 63,649,670
Trump - 61,943,670
She got 1,706,308 more votes not 3million.
Less than 2million votes.
Putin's puppet hastes Hillary because Putin hates Hillary, nothing more complicated than that.

If you want to know why Putin hates Hillary and how much, watch this video.

Putin's Revenge

Putin and Trump hate Hillary. That's why she campaigned in Texas and Arizona instead of Wisconsin and Michigan?
Putin and his puppet Tramp hated Hillary no matter where she campaigned or didn't campaign.
So what's your point? Almost everybody hates Hillary, maybe that's why she lost.
She got 3 million more votes than DoTard Trump, so you lie that "Almost everybody hates Hillary" is pure Right-wing BULLSHIT!!!!!

It was less than 3 million.

Hillary - 63,649,670
Trump - 61,943,670
She got 1,706,308 more votes not 3million.
Less than 2million votes.
And they all came form California (where illegals are allowed to vote).
Putin and Trump hate Hillary. That's why she campaigned in Texas and Arizona instead of Wisconsin and Michigan?
Putin and his puppet Tramp hated Hillary no matter where she campaigned or didn't campaign.
So what's your point? Almost everybody hates Hillary, maybe that's why she lost.
She got 3 million more votes than DoTard Trump, so you lie that "Almost everybody hates Hillary" is pure Right-wing BULLSHIT!!!!!

It was less than 3 million.

Hillary - 63,649,670
Trump - 61,943,670
She got 1,706,308 more votes not 3million.
Less than 2million votes.
And they all came form California (where illegals are allowed to vote).

You got proof of that?
REPORT: Donald Trump has just shot an innocent man on Fifth Avenue.

FOX NEWS: B-b-b-b-b-but Clinton!
Putin's puppet hastes Hillary because Putin hates Hillary, nothing more complicated than that.

If you want to know why Putin hates Hillary and how much, watch this video.

Putin's Revenge

Putin and Trump hate Hillary. That's why she campaigned in Texas and Arizona instead of Wisconsin and Michigan?
Putin and his puppet Tramp hated Hillary no matter where she campaigned or didn't campaign.
So what's your point? Almost everybody hates Hillary, maybe that's why she lost.
She got 3 million more votes than DoTard Trump, so you lie that "Almost everybody hates Hillary" is pure Right-wing BULLSHIT!!!!!
Let me correct myself. Almost every AMERICAN hates Hillary.
3 million More AMERICANS voted for Hillary so you are STILL a liar.
Putin and his puppet Tramp hated Hillary no matter where she campaigned or didn't campaign.
So what's your point? Almost everybody hates Hillary, maybe that's why she lost.
She got 3 million more votes than DoTard Trump, so you lie that "Almost everybody hates Hillary" is pure Right-wing BULLSHIT!!!!!

It was less than 3 million.

Hillary - 63,649,670
Trump - 61,943,670
She got 1,706,308 more votes not 3million.
Less than 2million votes.
And they all came form California (where illegals are allowed to vote).

You got proof of that?
I reported one to a poll worker on election day. She wasn't concerned and I'm sure you wouldn't be either.
Putin's puppet hastes Hillary because Putin hates Hillary, nothing more complicated than that.

If you want to know why Putin hates Hillary and how much, watch this video.

Putin's Revenge

Putin and Trump hate Hillary. That's why she campaigned in Texas and Arizona instead of Wisconsin and Michigan?
Putin and his puppet Tramp hated Hillary no matter where she campaigned or didn't campaign.
So what's your point? Almost everybody hates Hillary, maybe that's why she lost.
She got 3 million more votes than DoTard Trump, so you lie that "Almost everybody hates Hillary" is pure Right-wing BULLSHIT!!!!!

It was less than 3 million.

Hillary - 63,649,670
Trump - 61,943,670
She got 1,706,308 more votes not 3million.
Less than 2million votes.
Hillary- 65,853,516
Tramp- 62,984,825
Just under 3 million rounded off to 3 million.
Putin and Trump hate Hillary. That's why she campaigned in Texas and Arizona instead of Wisconsin and Michigan?
Putin and his puppet Tramp hated Hillary no matter where she campaigned or didn't campaign.
So what's your point? Almost everybody hates Hillary, maybe that's why she lost.
She got 3 million more votes than DoTard Trump, so you lie that "Almost everybody hates Hillary" is pure Right-wing BULLSHIT!!!!!
Let me correct myself. Almost every AMERICAN hates Hillary.
3 million More AMERICANS voted for Hillary so you are STILL a liar.
She lost. She's never gonna be POTUS. Deal with it, loser.
Putin and his puppet Tramp hated Hillary no matter where she campaigned or didn't campaign.
So what's your point? Almost everybody hates Hillary, maybe that's why she lost.
She got 3 million more votes than DoTard Trump, so you lie that "Almost everybody hates Hillary" is pure Right-wing BULLSHIT!!!!!
Let me correct myself. Almost every AMERICAN hates Hillary.
3 million More AMERICANS voted for Hillary so you are STILL a liar.
She lost. She's never gonna be POTUS. Deal with it, loser.
You're a LIAR. You will never be HONEST. Deal with it, liar.
So what's your point? Almost everybody hates Hillary, maybe that's why she lost.
She got 3 million more votes than DoTard Trump, so you lie that "Almost everybody hates Hillary" is pure Right-wing BULLSHIT!!!!!
Let me correct myself. Almost every AMERICAN hates Hillary.
3 million More AMERICANS voted for Hillary so you are STILL a liar.
She lost. She's never gonna be POTUS. Deal with it, loser.
You're a LIAR. You will never be HONEST. Deal with it, liar.
Did I ruffle your feathers? :lol:
She got 3 million more votes than DoTard Trump, so you lie that "Almost everybody hates Hillary" is pure Right-wing BULLSHIT!!!!!
Let me correct myself. Almost every AMERICAN hates Hillary.
3 million More AMERICANS voted for Hillary so you are STILL a liar.
She lost. She's never gonna be POTUS. Deal with it, loser.
You're a LIAR. You will never be HONEST. Deal with it, liar.
Did I ruffle your feathers? :lol:
No, snowflake.
1) the clintons are greedy crooks
2) people who don't understand this are stupid
3) the collusion delusion is a huge failure
1) The Trumps are greedy crooks
2) people who don't understand this are stupid
3) The collusion mess has got Trump & Co pinned to the mat
Hillary is the gift that keeps on giving, we'll continue to punish the Democratic party by talking about her at every opportunity. :muahaha:
Putin and Trump hate Hillary. That's why she campaigned in Texas and Arizona instead of Wisconsin and Michigan?
Putin and his puppet Tramp hated Hillary no matter where she campaigned or didn't campaign.
So what's your point? Almost everybody hates Hillary, maybe that's why she lost.
She got 3 million more votes than DoTard Trump, so you lie that "Almost everybody hates Hillary" is pure Right-wing BULLSHIT!!!!!

It was less than 3 million.

Hillary - 63,649,670
Trump - 61,943,670
She got 1,706,308 more votes not 3million.
Less than 2million votes.
Hillary- 65,853,516
Tramp- 62,984,825
Just under 3 million rounded off to 3 million.

2,853,691 not 3million.
She is the one who decided not to go to the important EC States.
Popular vote does not win, deal with it.

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