Why Trump is obsessed with Hillary Clinton

Putin and his puppet Tramp hated Hillary no matter where she campaigned or didn't campaign.
So what's your point? Almost everybody hates Hillary, maybe that's why she lost.
She got 3 million more votes than DoTard Trump, so you lie that "Almost everybody hates Hillary" is pure Right-wing BULLSHIT!!!!!

It was less than 3 million.

Hillary - 63,649,670
Trump - 61,943,670
She got 1,706,308 more votes not 3million.
Less than 2million votes.
Hillary- 65,853,516
Tramp- 62,984,825
Just under 3 million rounded off to 3 million.

2,853,691 not 3million.
She is the one who decided not to go to the important EC States.
Popular vote does not win, deal with it.
2,868,691 is a hell of a lot closer to 3 million than your 1,706,308 and well within rounding to 3 million.

Again the claim was almost everybody hates Hillary, not who won the election. 3 million More people liked Hillary than Tramp!
Things were going well for Elliot Ness, but he was still obsessed with catching Al Capone and his Mob.

In cases like Hillary Clinton, Hell seems like a logical necessity....but those of us who don't like the uncertainty, nor care to see depravity go unpunished, hope Trump's Justice Department will finally put Mrs. Clinton behind bars----where she so obviously belongs.
Trump also continues to tweet about her regularly – seven times last month – reminding people that he believes, among other things, that Clinton lost the debates in 2016, and blaming Hillary Clinton for everything from his stalled agenda, to ISIS, to the weather. The election of 2016 over, but Donald Trump cannot let it go

How can this President hope to govern while living in the past??

Oh he is doing plenty, we just have not felt the effects yet. Well the market is higher due to deregulation. False high.
As described here, presidents dont control equity markets. And the markets are up more outside USA, so this is currently a global effect. And Trump himself says its a big fat ugly bubble.
/—-/ Funny howdems forgot that when Obozo was in office. They say he personally drove the market.
He maybe trying to bait her into 2020.

If she does run and win the nomination again then the Democrats have no one to blame but themselves!
I hope the Dems are smart enough to short circuit any more attempts by Hillary to hijack the Dem presidential nomination in 2020. The woman is a nightmare. She and Billdo have already done everything possible to destroy the DNC and the credibility of the Democratic party.

Hillary has shown that she is every bit as narcissistic and arrogant as trump. If she does run in 2020 the American people will once again be presented with the two most disgusting candidates ever to slither toward the White House.

5 hours later.....


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