Why Trump is obsessed with Hillary Clinton

Trump also continues to tweet about her regularly – seven times last month – reminding people that he believes, among other things, that Clinton lost the debates in 2016, and blaming Hillary Clinton for everything from his stalled agenda, to ISIS, to the weather. The election of 2016 over, but Donald Trump cannot let it go

How can this President hope to govern while living in the past??

Oh he is doing plenty, we just have not felt the effects yet. Well the market is higher due to deregulation. False high.
As described here, presidents dont control equity markets. And the markets are up more outside USA, so this is currently a global effect. And Trump himself says its a big fat ugly bubble.

No he brags all the time about it,even in reference even to our national debt (like it has an effect on it). Of course during the debate he said that, never wants to give Obama credit he deserves.
Hillary Clinton is a criminal, a traitor, and a proven threat to our national security and to the lives of Americans.

Her and Obama's failed Foreign Policies led to the deaths of countless people around the world - those murdered by the Mexican Drug Cartels they armed, by the terrorists they armed / financed / trained, by terrorists they allowed into this country and allowed to murder Americans...

She has been proven to have endangered this nation's national security and violated numerous laws during her server scandal...

During her Presidential campaign, her staff paid an organization to send thugs to Trump Rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters - citizens she wanted to 'rule' over as their President...

She paid millions for a fake report containing Russia propaganda from a foreign agent through a company connected to Russia and illegally used it in an election...

She took millions from the KGB Bank through the Leader of a team responsible for securing the purchase of Uranium one...while the same bank paid her husband millions to give speeches, while the same Russians gave her campaign manager thousands of shares of un-reported stock, while HIS brother worked as an un-registered (illegal) agent of that KGB Bank - the leading financier for the Russian effort to buy Uranium One, AND he worked for the Russian Spy Agency...

In a fair and equal Justice system in this country Hillary Clinton would be getting 1 hour a day 'yard time' otherwise she would be staring at 3 walls and prison bars.

WHY is Trump 'obsessed' with Hillary Clinton?

The better question is why are snowflakes obsessed with kissing her ass and defending her when she has proved time and again she could care less about the people who do this for her, that she only cares about money, power, and herself ?!
trump always puts up a big ‘front’ — acting tough and strong and manly, but all of his actions: blaming everyone else for anything that goes wrong, his inablilty to take responsibility for mistakes and screwups, hanging on to perceived slights, insulting people who cannot possible hurt him, etc., makes it clear that he is one of the weakest, most insecure and infantile people on the planet. From a psychological and emotional standpoint, trump seems to be a total nightmare.

trump may really believe, deep inside, that he is not as smart or capable or deserving of the presidency as Hillary. In many ways he would be right in thinking that. Hillary is smarter and more of a man than trump, for instance. So, it's no wonder he can’t get over her. Lol...
I think all the females Hillary has munched on over the years would agree that Hillary has got the 'technique' down pat.
All hose little 'lotitas' on Lolita Island would agree.
Unlike Baby Bush, Clinton DID accept the the results, no lawsuits, no other "stop the recount/count" ploys. She won the popular vote by 2.9 million but the EC is the only factor.
/—-/ It was AlBore who filed suit. Deranged Hildabeast can’t accept she lost.
Trump also continues to tweet about her regularly – seven times last month – reminding people that he believes, among other things, that Clinton lost the debates in 2016, and blaming Hillary Clinton for everything from his stalled agenda, to ISIS, to the weather. The election of 2016 over, but Donald Trump cannot let it go

How can this President hope to govern while living in the past??
What a disingenuous post. He tweets about everybody who attacks him, that doesn't constitute an obsession. Hillary is STILL attacking him a year after the election as if it hasn't been held yet. "The election of 2016 over, but Donald Trump cannot let it go". When you write a book attacking your opponent a year after losing an election, YOU are the one who can't let it go. YOU are the one who is obsessed, not the person you are constantly targeting.
Obsessive tweeting, S. J., is obsession, yes.

Clinton lost, but Trump can't let it go.
Hillary Clinton is a criminal, a traitor, and a proven threat to our national security and to the lives of Americans.

Her and Obama's failed Foreign Policies led to the deaths of countless people around the world - those murdered by the Mexican Drug Cartels they armed, by the terrorists they armed / financed / trained, by terrorists they allowed into this country and allowed to murder Americans...

She has been proven to have endangered this nation's national security and violated numerous laws during her server scandal...

During her Presidential campaign, her staff paid an organization to send thugs to Trump Rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters - citizens she wanted to 'rule' over as their President...

She paid millions for a fake report containing Russia propaganda from a foreign agent through a company connected to Russia and illegally used it in an election...

She took millions from the KGB Bank through the Leader of a team responsible for securing the purchase of Uranium one...while the same bank paid her husband millions to give speeches, while the same Russians gave her campaign manager thousands of shares of un-reported stock, while HIS brother worked as an un-registered (illegal) agent of that KGB Bank - the leading financier for the Russian effort to buy Uranium One, AND he worked for the Russian Spy Agency...

In a fair and equal Justice system in this country Hillary Clinton would be getting 1 hour a day 'yard time' otherwise she would be staring at 3 walls and prison bars.

WHY is Trump 'obsessed' with Hillary Clinton?

The better question is why are snowflakes obsessed with kissing her ass and defending her when she has proved time and again she could care less about the people who do this for her, that she only cares about money, power, and herself ?!
You might then be pleased to learn she is not president nor does she hold any office, and is therefore not worthy of our time or effort.
Putin's puppet hastes Hillary because Putin hates Hillary, nothing more complicated than that.

If you want to know why Putin hates Hillary and how much, watch this video.

Putin's Revenge

Putin's puppet hastes Hillary because Putin hates Hillary, nothing more complicated than that.

If you want to know why Putin hates Hillary and how much, watch this video.

Putin's Revenge

Putin and Trump hate Hillary. That's why she campaigned in Texas and Arizona instead of Wisconsin and Michigan?
Putin's puppet hastes Hillary because Putin hates Hillary, nothing more complicated than that.

If you want to know why Putin hates Hillary and how much, watch this video.

Putin's Revenge

Putin and Trump hate Hillary. That's why she campaigned in Texas and Arizona instead of Wisconsin and Michigan?
Putin and his puppet Tramp hated Hillary no matter where she campaigned or didn't campaign.
Putin's puppet hastes Hillary because Putin hates Hillary, nothing more complicated than that.

If you want to know why Putin hates Hillary and how much, watch this video.

Putin's Revenge

Putin and Trump hate Hillary. That's why she campaigned in Texas and Arizona instead of Wisconsin and Michigan?
Putin and his puppet Tramp hated Hillary no matter where she campaigned or didn't campaign.
So what's your point? Almost everybody hates Hillary, maybe that's why she lost.
Putin's puppet hastes Hillary because Putin hates Hillary, nothing more complicated than that.

If you want to know why Putin hates Hillary and how much, watch this video.

Putin's Revenge

Putin and Trump hate Hillary. That's why she campaigned in Texas and Arizona instead of Wisconsin and Michigan?
Putin and his puppet Tramp hated Hillary no matter where she campaigned or didn't campaign.
So what's your point? Almost everybody hates Hillary, maybe that's why she lost.
She got 3 million more votes than DoTard Trump, so you lie that "Almost everybody hates Hillary" is pure Right-wing BULLSHIT!!!!!
Unlike Baby Bush, Clinton DID accept the the results, no lawsuits, no other "stop the recount/count" ploys. She won the popular vote by 2.9 million but the EC is the only factor.

It was Hillary's arrogance who thought she had the EC sown up.
She was the one who ignored her husband and advisors and decided not to go to the States that she should have gone to in order to get the EC votes.

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