Why Trump must keep his promise to stop bringing in Muslim refugees


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
These are just average refugees. The woman who works with them as a translator gets to hear them in private. They have no idea she is a Christian and they talk to each other as they normally would when not around infidels. Usually, we only hear what they want us to hear. The Muslim leaders push the usual stuff about them being peaceful and all, but when they are alone it becomes clear that they hold extremely radical views. They have zero tolerance for non-Muslims and they are all working toward the same goal, which is a world dominated by Islam.

This isn't ISIS or your fringe element that the left says makes up such a small percent that it's not worth being concerned about. These are the "helpless" women and children refugees that the world is being asked to reach out and help. These are women born into Muslim families and taught from birth that they must obey the men at all costs. They are raising their children to hold the same mindset. That mindset is one which fosters absolute hatred toward all non-Muslim people. The young males that make up the majority of refugees aren't all talk. They are the ones ready to take action against infidels, like the ones at Pulse nightclub in Florida or the terrorists in San Bernardino. The woman have been indoctrinated over their entire lives to do their part. And they have no choice. They submit to men or suffer beatings or death. And the left still seems to think that they can undo a lifetime of brainwashing with a little kindness and offers of jobs.

I wondered why only a few Christians were among the tens of thousands of refugees approved by the U.N. It's because no one is helping Christians apply. No one wants to help them in any way, whether they are being slaughtered or begging for refuge.

"A translator, herself a 1991 refugee from Eritrea, volunteers in refugee aid. To ake a greater connection with Muslim refugees, she has not disclosed her Christian faith. What she discovered is sickening.

The translator attends Quran teaching and reports the same occurrence in refugee homes and mosques alike. She observes that once Muslims are among themselves, the conversation changes. Radically, if you will.

“Pure hatred against non-believers is preached,” says the translator. She encourages children to play together, but Muslim boys refuse to play with Christians.

She quotes Islamic women as saying, “We will multiply our numbers. We must have more children than the Christians because it’s the only way we can destroy them here.”

Refugee translators, nearly all of whom are educated German Muslims, routinely translate asylum applications into Arabic for other Muslims, but do not inform Christian refugees that they have that right also. Additionally, interpreters often add false information to Muslim applications to aid successful asylum, while omitting essential information for Christian refugees.

Muslim aid workers also intimidate non-Muslims in practical ways. When clothing is distributed, Christian names are called last, making sure Christians get leftovers or nothing at all.

In 2016 alone, 743 Christians have been subjected to Muslim attacks in Germany’s asylum system, according to a report released last month by Open Doors, an international research and outreach organization. The report points to widespread violence by Muslims with no recourse for victims.

Bottom line: Muslims intend to outbreed the Germans, outlast them, or kill off the rest. Let’s take this warning to heart."

Arabic Translators Reveal Chilling Discussion They Heard German "Refugees" Having
These are just average refugees. The woman who works with them as a translator gets to hear them in private. They have no idea she is a Christian and they talk to each other as they normally would when not around infidels. Usually, we only hear what they want us to hear. The Muslim leaders push the usual stuff about them being peaceful and all, but when they are alone it becomes clear that they hold extremely radical views. They have zero tolerance for non-Muslims and they are all working toward the same goal, which is a world dominated by Islam.

This isn't ISIS or your fringe element that the left says makes up such a small percent that it's not worth being concerned about. These are the "helpless" women and children refugees that the world is being asked to reach out and help. These are women born into Muslim families and taught from birth that they must obey the men at all costs. They are raising their children to hold the same mindset. That mindset is one which fosters absolute hatred toward all non-Muslim people. The young males that make up the majority of refugees aren't all talk. They are the ones ready to take action against infidels, like the ones at Pulse nightclub in Florida or the terrorists in San Bernardino. The woman have been indoctrinated over their entire lives to do their part. And they have no choice. They submit to men or suffer beatings or death. And the left still seems to think that they can undo a lifetime of brainwashing with a little kindness and offers of jobs.

I wondered why only a few Christians were among the tens of thousands of refugees approved by the U.N. It's because no one is helping Christians apply. No one wants to help them in any way, whether they are being slaughtered or begging for refuge.

"A translator, herself a 1991 refugee from Eritrea, volunteers in refugee aid. To ake a greater connection with Muslim refugees, she has not disclosed her Christian faith. What she discovered is sickening.

The translator attends Quran teaching and reports the same occurrence in refugee homes and mosques alike. She observes that once Muslims are among themselves, the conversation changes. Radically, if you will.

“Pure hatred against non-believers is preached,” says the translator. She encourages children to play together, but Muslim boys refuse to play with Christians.

She quotes Islamic women as saying, “We will multiply our numbers. We must have more children than the Christians because it’s the only way we can destroy them here.”

Refugee translators, nearly all of whom are educated German Muslims, routinely translate asylum applications into Arabic for other Muslims, but do not inform Christian refugees that they have that right also. Additionally, interpreters often add false information to Muslim applications to aid successful asylum, while omitting essential information for Christian refugees.

Muslim aid workers also intimidate non-Muslims in practical ways. When clothing is distributed, Christian names are called last, making sure Christians get leftovers or nothing at all.

In 2016 alone, 743 Christians have been subjected to Muslim attacks in Germany’s asylum system, according to a report released last month by Open Doors, an international research and outreach organization. The report points to widespread violence by Muslims with no recourse for victims.

Bottom line: Muslims intend to outbreed the Germans, outlast them, or kill off the rest. Let’s take this warning to heart."

Arabic Translators Reveal Chilling Discussion They Heard German "Refugees" Having
conservative tribune? lol

and references a Rupert Murdoch tabloid in England :laugh:
I support a temporary ban on all Immigration from Muslim nations known to be Terrorist-havens. Trump should start with Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Somalia, Iran, and Yemen. It's time to get a grip on things.
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So much for the Religious Freedom provisions of the Constitution.

There is nothing in the constitution that allows for another form of government to trump ours. Islam is more government than religion and we all know it. They cannot separate church and state because they are one and the same, just as they proved in Dearborn, MI. The minute a Muslim mayor was elected, the signs downtown changed to Arabic, loud calls to prayer numerous times a day, bars closed because they violate sharia law and they're not done yet.
Trump needs to keep his promises so his SS army (supporters) dont turn on him. Trump supporters aren't the smartest and will turn on him as soon as Trump doesn't give what he promised and wanted.
Trump needs to keep his promises so his SS army (supporters) dont turn on him. Trump supporters aren't the smartest and will turn on him as soon as Trump doesn't give what he promised and wanted.

In the meantime, tell us how bringing these refugees here is good for America. We have poor and needy Americans here who aren't getting all the help they need due to lack of money. This includes Veterans. People on a life boat eventually have to limit the amount of survivors they let on the boat, or it will sink. The same thing happens with countries.
They cannot separate church and state because they are one and the same, just as they proved in Dearborn, MI. The minute a Muslim mayor was elected, the signs downtown changed to Arabic, loud calls to prayer numerous times a day, bars closed because they violate sharia law and they're not done yet.

Trump needs to keep his promises so his SS army (supporters) dont turn on him. Trump supporters aren't the smartest and will turn on him as soon as Trump doesn't give what he promised and wanted.

In the meantime, tell us how bringing these refugees here is good for America. We have poor and needy Americans here who aren't getting all the help they need due to lack of money. This includes Veterans. People on a life boat eventually have to limit the amount of survivors they let on the boat, or it will sink. The same thing happens with countries.

Did I mention anything about refugees in my post? I think not but you seemed to be obessed with them.

This proposed Muslim registration rplan doesn't just apply to refugees it will apply to any Muslim wanting to immigrate to America.
These are just average refugees. The woman who works with them as a translator gets to hear them in private. They have no idea she is a Christian and they talk to each other as they normally would when not around infidels. Usually, we only hear what they want us to hear. The Muslim leaders push the usual stuff about them being peaceful and all, but when they are alone it becomes clear that they hold extremely radical views. They have zero tolerance for non-Muslims and they are all working toward the same goal, which is a world dominated by Islam.

This isn't ISIS or your fringe element that the left says makes up such a small percent that it's not worth being concerned about. These are the "helpless" women and children refugees that the world is being asked to reach out and help. These are women born into Muslim families and taught from birth that they must obey the men at all costs. They are raising their children to hold the same mindset. That mindset is one which fosters absolute hatred toward all non-Muslim people. The young males that make up the majority of refugees aren't all talk. They are the ones ready to take action against infidels, like the ones at Pulse nightclub in Florida or the terrorists in San Bernardino. The woman have been indoctrinated over their entire lives to do their part. And they have no choice. They submit to men or suffer beatings or death. And the left still seems to think that they can undo a lifetime of brainwashing with a little kindness and offers of jobs.

I wondered why only a few Christians were among the tens of thousands of refugees approved by the U.N. It's because no one is helping Christians apply. No one wants to help them in any way, whether they are being slaughtered or begging for refuge.

"A translator, herself a 1991 refugee from Eritrea, volunteers in refugee aid. To ake a greater connection with Muslim refugees, she has not disclosed her Christian faith. What she discovered is sickening.

The translator attends Quran teaching and reports the same occurrence in refugee homes and mosques alike. She observes that once Muslims are among themselves, the conversation changes. Radically, if you will.

“Pure hatred against non-believers is preached,” says the translator. She encourages children to play together, but Muslim boys refuse to play with Christians.

She quotes Islamic women as saying, “We will multiply our numbers. We must have more children than the Christians because it’s the only way we can destroy them here.”

Refugee translators, nearly all of whom are educated German Muslims, routinely translate asylum applications into Arabic for other Muslims, but do not inform Christian refugees that they have that right also. Additionally, interpreters often add false information to Muslim applications to aid successful asylum, while omitting essential information for Christian refugees.

Muslim aid workers also intimidate non-Muslims in practical ways. When clothing is distributed, Christian names are called last, making sure Christians get leftovers or nothing at all.

In 2016 alone, 743 Christians have been subjected to Muslim attacks in Germany’s asylum system, according to a report released last month by Open Doors, an international research and outreach organization. The report points to widespread violence by Muslims with no recourse for victims.

Bottom line: Muslims intend to outbreed the Germans, outlast them, or kill off the rest. Let’s take this warning to heart."

Arabic Translators Reveal Chilling Discussion They Heard German "Refugees" Having

Trump was for letting Syrian refugees into this country, one week before he was against it, and I believe he is now for it again.
Trump calls for taking in Syrian refugees
So much for the Religious Freedom provisions of the Constitution.

There is nothing in the constitution that allows for another form of government to trump ours. Islam is more government than religion and we all know it. They cannot separate church and state because they are one and the same, just as they proved in Dearborn, MI. The minute a Muslim mayor was elected, the signs downtown changed to Arabic, loud calls to prayer numerous times a day, bars closed because they violate sharia law and they're not done yet.

This is total bullshit. Dearborn's population is 44% Muslim, but there is NO SHARIA LAW.

A fake news site reported that Dearborn is under Sharia law and you alt-right types don't bother to fact check anything. Idiots.


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