Why Trump Rallies Would be Such Bad News for Democrats if They Could Only Think

The recent Michigan rally was really big. At the rally, which was 19 degrees freezing cold outside to wait to get in and some waited for over SEVEN hours to get in, the crowd was very enthusiastic and had about 6000 inside and 2000 turned away. SEVEN THOUSAND PEOPLE WAITED IN FREEZING WEATHER TO HEAR TRUMP SPEAK.

This is more like a popular rock band attendance, not a freaking political rally.

How Many Attended Trump’s Michigan Rally? Crowd Size | Heavy.com

And at these rallies the trump people get the names and contact information from these people who volunteer to work in the election. These are people who will drive people to the voting booths, sign people up, pass out literature, man phone banks and donate their time in other ways as well. SEVEN THOUSAND IN MICHIGAN!

I was listening to Rush a little earlier and he reinforced something I have been told by several people but I couldnt believe it. MOST OF THESE PEOPLE ATTENDING DID NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP IN 2016.

Think about that for a moment. Trump is so popular right now that more than half the people who go through hell to attend his rallies are political CONVERTS to Trump. CONVERTS!

This is just devastating news for Democrats, but unfortunately for them they are too stupid to grasp the point.

Lol, I am going to enjoy this year a whole bunch, methinks.
Preaching to the choir

Trump needs to convince the 54 percent who do not want him as president

Yeah says CNN or some other bullshit liberal news outlet. Keep telling yourself that. It will make it even more fun when President Trump stomps on your Demtard candidate.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
As President, Trump has never exceeded 50 percent approval

Preaching to a MAGA crowd will not help him converting those who don’t approve
The recent Michigan rally was really big. At the rally, which was 19 degrees freezing cold outside to wait to get in and some waited for over SEVEN hours to get in, the crowd was very enthusiastic and had about 6000 inside and 2000 turned away. SEVEN THOUSAND PEOPLE WAITED IN FREEZING WEATHER TO HEAR TRUMP SPEAK.

This is more like a popular rock band attendance, not a freaking political rally.

How Many Attended Trump’s Michigan Rally? Crowd Size | Heavy.com

And at these rallies the trump people get the names and contact information from these people who volunteer to work in the election. These are people who will drive people to the voting booths, sign people up, pass out literature, man phone banks and donate their time in other ways as well. SEVEN THOUSAND IN MICHIGAN!

I was listening to Rush a little earlier and he reinforced something I have been told by several people but I couldnt believe it. MOST OF THESE PEOPLE ATTENDING DID NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP IN 2016.

Think about that for a moment. Trump is so popular right now that more than half the people who go through hell to attend his rallies are political CONVERTS to Trump. CONVERTS!

This is just devastating news for Democrats, but unfortunately for them they are too stupid to grasp the point.

Lol, I am going to enjoy this year a whole bunch, methinks.
Sheep are easily herded

Keep insulting them. That will get them to vote for your side.
The recent Michigan rally was really big. At the rally, which was 19 degrees freezing cold outside to wait to get in and some waited for over SEVEN hours to get in, the crowd was very enthusiastic and had about 6000 inside and 2000 turned away. SEVEN THOUSAND PEOPLE WAITED IN FREEZING WEATHER TO HEAR TRUMP SPEAK.

This is more like a popular rock band attendance, not a freaking political rally.

How Many Attended Trump’s Michigan Rally? Crowd Size | Heavy.com

And at these rallies the trump people get the names and contact information from these people who volunteer to work in the election. These are people who will drive people to the voting booths, sign people up, pass out literature, man phone banks and donate their time in other ways as well. SEVEN THOUSAND IN MICHIGAN!

I was listening to Rush a little earlier and he reinforced something I have been told by several people but I couldnt believe it. MOST OF THESE PEOPLE ATTENDING DID NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP IN 2016.

Think about that for a moment. Trump is so popular right now that more than half the people who go through hell to attend his rallies are political CONVERTS to Trump. CONVERTS!

This is just devastating news for Democrats, but unfortunately for them they are too stupid to grasp the point.

Lol, I am going to enjoy this year a whole bunch, methinks.
Preaching to the choir

Trump needs to convince the 54 percent who do not want him as president

Yeah says CNN or some other bullshit liberal news outlet. Keep telling yourself that. It will make it even more fun when President Trump stomps on your Demtard candidate.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
As President, Trump has never exceeded 50 percent approval

Preaching to a MAGA crowd will not help him converting those who don’t approve

It will. Because it counters the lies that your side tells about him being soooo hated.
The recent Michigan rally was really big. At the rally, which was 19 degrees freezing cold outside to wait to get in and some waited for over SEVEN hours to get in, the crowd was very enthusiastic and had about 6000 inside and 2000 turned away. SEVEN THOUSAND PEOPLE WAITED IN FREEZING WEATHER TO HEAR TRUMP SPEAK.

This is more like a popular rock band attendance, not a freaking political rally.

How Many Attended Trump’s Michigan Rally? Crowd Size | Heavy.com

And at these rallies the trump people get the names and contact information from these people who volunteer to work in the election. These are people who will drive people to the voting booths, sign people up, pass out literature, man phone banks and donate their time in other ways as well. SEVEN THOUSAND IN MICHIGAN!

I was listening to Rush a little earlier and he reinforced something I have been told by several people but I couldnt believe it. MOST OF THESE PEOPLE ATTENDING DID NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP IN 2016.

Think about that for a moment. Trump is so popular right now that more than half the people who go through hell to attend his rallies are political CONVERTS to Trump. CONVERTS!

This is just devastating news for Democrats, but unfortunately for them they are too stupid to grasp the point.

Lol, I am going to enjoy this year a whole bunch, methinks.
Preaching to the choir

Trump needs to convince the 54 percent who do not want him as president

Yeah says CNN or some other bullshit liberal news outlet. Keep telling yourself that. It will make it even more fun when President Trump stomps on your Demtard candidate.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
As President, Trump has never exceeded 50 percent approval

Preaching to a MAGA crowd will not help him converting those who don’t approve

It will. Because it counters the lies that your side tells about him being soooo hated.
Trump is hated at home, he is hated abroad

Where is the lie?
The recent Michigan rally was really big. At the rally, which was 19 degrees freezing cold outside to wait to get in and some waited for over SEVEN hours to get in, the crowd was very enthusiastic and had about 6000 inside and 2000 turned away. SEVEN THOUSAND PEOPLE WAITED IN FREEZING WEATHER TO HEAR TRUMP SPEAK.

This is more like a popular rock band attendance, not a freaking political rally.

How Many Attended Trump’s Michigan Rally? Crowd Size | Heavy.com

And at these rallies the trump people get the names and contact information from these people who volunteer to work in the election. These are people who will drive people to the voting booths, sign people up, pass out literature, man phone banks and donate their time in other ways as well. SEVEN THOUSAND IN MICHIGAN!

I was listening to Rush a little earlier and he reinforced something I have been told by several people but I couldnt believe it. MOST OF THESE PEOPLE ATTENDING DID NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP IN 2016.

Think about that for a moment. Trump is so popular right now that more than half the people who go through hell to attend his rallies are political CONVERTS to Trump. CONVERTS!

This is just devastating news for Democrats, but unfortunately for them they are too stupid to grasp the point.

Lol, I am going to enjoy this year a whole bunch, methinks.
Preaching to the choir

Trump needs to convince the 54 percent who do not want him as president

Yeah says CNN or some other bullshit liberal news outlet. Keep telling yourself that. It will make it even more fun when President Trump stomps on your Demtard candidate.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
As President, Trump has never exceeded 50 percent approval

Preaching to a MAGA crowd will not help him converting those who don’t approve

It will. Because it counters the lies that your side tells about him being soooo hated.
Trump is hated at home, he is hated abroad

Where is the lie?

Because he is only hated by lefties. Real Americans love him.

And thus, anyone that would want to be a real American as opposed to a lefty, would want to support him.
Nope. You clowns have so turned off the thinking people that you are screwed.
Pelosi's shampeachment, and her latest nonbinding shaming of our nation by acting like a coward are just two examples of why she is a senile old fool, like the Democratic party itself.
Well we now know you haven't a clue what the Muller investigation report says and your lack of understanding of the Constitution is more evident than ever.
Actually I do, and Mueller confirmed in his testimony that there was Zero evidence Trump and everyone in his campaign colluded with Russia. That's why Dems had to wait for some lie that had not been officially debunked to impeach him.

Look. I get that you're still butthurt.

Suck it up, cupcake.
The recent Michigan rally was really big. At the rally, which was 19 degrees freezing cold outside to wait to get in and some waited for over SEVEN hours to get in, the crowd was very enthusiastic and had about 6000 inside and 2000 turned away. SEVEN THOUSAND PEOPLE WAITED IN FREEZING WEATHER TO HEAR TRUMP SPEAK.

This is more like a popular rock band attendance, not a freaking political rally.

How Many Attended Trump’s Michigan Rally? Crowd Size | Heavy.com

And at these rallies the trump people get the names and contact information from these people who volunteer to work in the election. These are people who will drive people to the voting booths, sign people up, pass out literature, man phone banks and donate their time in other ways as well. SEVEN THOUSAND IN MICHIGAN!

I was listening to Rush a little earlier and he reinforced something I have been told by several people but I couldnt believe it. MOST OF THESE PEOPLE ATTENDING DID NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP IN 2016.

Think about that for a moment. Trump is so popular right now that more than half the people who go through hell to attend his rallies are political CONVERTS to Trump. CONVERTS!

This is just devastating news for Democrats, but unfortunately for them they are too stupid to grasp the point.

Lol, I am going to enjoy this year a whole bunch, methinks.
Your wishful thinking. How long does it take for you, everyday, to convince yourself trump is gawd almighty.
I sure hope more of those non-white people show up for his rallies, garnering their support. Good Luck at the polls.
The recent Michigan rally was really big. At the rally, which was 19 degrees freezing cold outside to wait to get in and some waited for over SEVEN hours to get in, the crowd was very enthusiastic and had about 6000 inside and 2000 turned away. SEVEN THOUSAND PEOPLE WAITED IN FREEZING WEATHER TO HEAR TRUMP SPEAK.

This is more like a popular rock band attendance, not a freaking political rally.

How Many Attended Trump’s Michigan Rally? Crowd Size | Heavy.com

And at these rallies the trump people get the names and contact information from these people who volunteer to work in the election. These are people who will drive people to the voting booths, sign people up, pass out literature, man phone banks and donate their time in other ways as well. SEVEN THOUSAND IN MICHIGAN!

I was listening to Rush a little earlier and he reinforced something I have been told by several people but I couldnt believe it. MOST OF THESE PEOPLE ATTENDING DID NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP IN 2016.

Think about that for a moment. Trump is so popular right now that more than half the people who go through hell to attend his rallies are political CONVERTS to Trump. CONVERTS!

This is just devastating news for Democrats, but unfortunately for them they are too stupid to grasp the point.

Lol, I am going to enjoy this year a whole bunch, methinks.
Your wishful thinking. How long does it take for you, everyday, to convince yourself trump is gawd almighty.
I sure hope more of those non-white people show up for his rallies, garnering their support. Good Luck at the polls.

You guys were just as confident last time. Even more so.

You going to learn anything, if you are wrong AGAIN?
Preaching to the choir

Trump needs to convince the 54 percent who do not want him as president

Yeah says CNN or some other bullshit liberal news outlet. Keep telling yourself that. It will make it even more fun when President Trump stomps on your Demtard candidate.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
As President, Trump has never exceeded 50 percent approval

Preaching to a MAGA crowd will not help him converting those who don’t approve

It will. Because it counters the lies that your side tells about him being soooo hated.
Trump is hated at home, he is hated abroad

Where is the lie?

Because he is only hated by lefties. Real Americans love him.

And thus, anyone that would want to be a real American as opposed to a lefty, would want to support him.
Evidently not since most Americans voted against him
Your wishful thinking. How long does it take for you, everyday, to convince yourself trump is gawd almighty.

Lol, I am not a huge Trump fan, in fact it was only a month ago or so he became my number one pick, having been hoping Gabbard would get some traction.

Yang looks pretty good, for the most part, but he is not tying UBI to a Robotics Tax, as he should, and he is weak on 2A rights. But over all I am impressed with his future vision of where things are going. Most candidates think UBI is some kind of socialism, lol.

Nah, I respect what Trump has accomplished, and it is just hilarious how Democrats try to spin everything he has done in a negative light: if he cured cancer Dimocrats wuold whine about the devastation it would cause the chemotherapy industry.

I sure hope more of those non-white people show up for his rallies, garnering their support. Good Luck at the polls.
I dont care how many minorities show up, really. Over 14 million who showed up to vote for him in 2016 did not go out and vote in 2018.
They will all be back, along with about 1.5 million Democrats who also sat out 2018.
The recent Michigan rally was really big. At the rally, which was 19 degrees freezing cold outside to wait to get in and some waited for over SEVEN hours to get in, the crowd was very enthusiastic and had about 6000 inside and 2000 turned away. SEVEN THOUSAND PEOPLE WAITED IN FREEZING WEATHER TO HEAR TRUMP SPEAK.

This is more like a popular rock band attendance, not a freaking political rally.

How Many Attended Trump’s Michigan Rally? Crowd Size | Heavy.com

And at these rallies the trump people get the names and contact information from these people who volunteer to work in the election. These are people who will drive people to the voting booths, sign people up, pass out literature, man phone banks and donate their time in other ways as well. SEVEN THOUSAND IN MICHIGAN!

I was listening to Rush a little earlier and he reinforced something I have been told by several people but I couldnt believe it. MOST OF THESE PEOPLE ATTENDING DID NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP IN 2016.

Think about that for a moment. Trump is so popular right now that more than half the people who go through hell to attend his rallies are political CONVERTS to Trump. CONVERTS!

This is just devastating news for Democrats, but unfortunately for them they are too stupid to grasp the point.

Lol, I am going to enjoy this year a whole bunch, methinks.
Trump rallies/hitler rallies. No dif

And anyone who is a trumpkin is incapable of thought, so I understand that you aren’t capable of understanding
Yeah says CNN or some other bullshit liberal news outlet. Keep telling yourself that. It will make it even more fun when President Trump stomps on your Demtard candidate.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
As President, Trump has never exceeded 50 percent approval

Preaching to a MAGA crowd will not help him converting those who don’t approve

It will. Because it counters the lies that your side tells about him being soooo hated.
Trump is hated at home, he is hated abroad

Where is the lie?

Because he is only hated by lefties. Real Americans love him.

And thus, anyone that would want to be a real American as opposed to a lefty, would want to support him.
Evidently not since most Americans voted against him

Lefties like you, are not real Americans, whatever your paperwork says.
Lefties like you, are not real Americans, whatever your paperwork says.
Being an American in ones heart is like being a Redneck.

It really isnt about where you were born so much as much as where your heart is.

And mine is in the backwoods watching the deer tip-toe through the low grass.
The recent Michigan rally was really big. At the rally, which was 19 degrees freezing cold outside to wait to get in and some waited for over SEVEN hours to get in, the crowd was very enthusiastic and had about 6000 inside and 2000 turned away. SEVEN THOUSAND PEOPLE WAITED IN FREEZING WEATHER TO HEAR TRUMP SPEAK.

This is more like a popular rock band attendance, not a freaking political rally.

How Many Attended Trump’s Michigan Rally? Crowd Size | Heavy.com

And at these rallies the trump people get the names and contact information from these people who volunteer to work in the election. These are people who will drive people to the voting booths, sign people up, pass out literature, man phone banks and donate their time in other ways as well. SEVEN THOUSAND IN MICHIGAN!

I was listening to Rush a little earlier and he reinforced something I have been told by several people but I couldnt believe it. MOST OF THESE PEOPLE ATTENDING DID NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP IN 2016.

Think about that for a moment. Trump is so popular right now that more than half the people who go through hell to attend his rallies are political CONVERTS to Trump. CONVERTS!

This is just devastating news for Democrats, but unfortunately for them they are too stupid to grasp the point.

Lol, I am going to enjoy this year a whole bunch, methinks.

Trump had lots more people at his rallies than did Hillary and yet she beat him by 2 or 3 million votes. Now imagine if republicans weren't allowed to keep Blacks and other minorities from voting.
Voter Suppression Is Warping Democracy
As President, Trump has never exceeded 50 percent approval

Preaching to a MAGA crowd will not help him converting those who don’t approve

It will. Because it counters the lies that your side tells about him being soooo hated.
Trump is hated at home, he is hated abroad

Where is the lie?

Because he is only hated by lefties. Real Americans love him.

And thus, anyone that would want to be a real American as opposed to a lefty, would want to support him.
Evidently not since most Americans voted against him

Lefties like you, are not real Americans, whatever your paperwork says.

The recent Michigan rally was really big. At the rally, which was 19 degrees freezing cold outside to wait to get in and some waited for over SEVEN hours to get in, the crowd was very enthusiastic and had about 6000 inside and 2000 turned away. SEVEN THOUSAND PEOPLE WAITED IN FREEZING WEATHER TO HEAR TRUMP SPEAK.

This is more like a popular rock band attendance, not a freaking political rally.

How Many Attended Trump’s Michigan Rally? Crowd Size | Heavy.com

And at these rallies the trump people get the names and contact information from these people who volunteer to work in the election. These are people who will drive people to the voting booths, sign people up, pass out literature, man phone banks and donate their time in other ways as well. SEVEN THOUSAND IN MICHIGAN!

I was listening to Rush a little earlier and he reinforced something I have been told by several people but I couldnt believe it. MOST OF THESE PEOPLE ATTENDING DID NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP IN 2016.

Think about that for a moment. Trump is so popular right now that more than half the people who go through hell to attend his rallies are political CONVERTS to Trump. CONVERTS!

This is just devastating news for Democrats, but unfortunately for them they are too stupid to grasp the point.

Lol, I am going to enjoy this year a whole bunch, methinks.

Crowd size means nothing. Voting is what counts. Democrats picked up the Governor's seat in 2 of 3 races held in red states. Trump has lost the support of suburban voters that he won in 2016.

I'd say the last election proves you wrong.

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