Why Trump Rallies Would be Such Bad News for Democrats if They Could Only Think

It will. Because it counters the lies that your side tells about him being soooo hated.
Trump is hated at home, he is hated abroad

Where is the lie?

Because he is only hated by lefties. Real Americans love him.

And thus, anyone that would want to be a real American as opposed to a lefty, would want to support him.
Evidently not since most Americans voted against him

Lefties like you, are not real Americans, whatever your paperwork says.


Yeah, asking for a link to something that is obviously my personal opinion, is you admitting that you can't post a real challenge to it.

I accept your admission of defeat.

What is it, about America that you hate the most?
The recent Michigan rally was really big. At the rally, which was 19 degrees freezing cold outside to wait to get in and some waited for over SEVEN hours to get in, the crowd was very enthusiastic and had about 6000 inside and 2000 turned away. SEVEN THOUSAND PEOPLE WAITED IN FREEZING WEATHER TO HEAR TRUMP SPEAK.

This is more like a popular rock band attendance, not a freaking political rally.

How Many Attended Trump’s Michigan Rally? Crowd Size | Heavy.com

And at these rallies the trump people get the names and contact information from these people who volunteer to work in the election. These are people who will drive people to the voting booths, sign people up, pass out literature, man phone banks and donate their time in other ways as well. SEVEN THOUSAND IN MICHIGAN!

I was listening to Rush a little earlier and he reinforced something I have been told by several people but I couldnt believe it. MOST OF THESE PEOPLE ATTENDING DID NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP IN 2016.

Think about that for a moment. Trump is so popular right now that more than half the people who go through hell to attend his rallies are political CONVERTS to Trump. CONVERTS!

This is just devastating news for Democrats, but unfortunately for them they are too stupid to grasp the point.

Lol, I am going to enjoy this year a whole bunch, methinks.
Sheep are easily herded

Where do you follow them?
You are so stupid you haven't even figured out you're the sheep. People are leaving the Dem Party because they have a brain.
Yeah that explains all the House gains in 2018 :rolleyes:


Gains that were less than the historical average you ape. The House ALWAYS flips to the opposing Party. Dems won fewer House seats than the average. Congrats, you're a blithering fool.

Their lack of any knowledge of history is amazing.
The recent Michigan rally was really big. At the rally, which was 19 degrees freezing cold outside to wait to get in and some waited for over SEVEN hours to get in, the crowd was very enthusiastic and had about 6000 inside and 2000 turned away. SEVEN THOUSAND PEOPLE WAITED IN FREEZING WEATHER TO HEAR TRUMP SPEAK.

This is more like a popular rock band attendance, not a freaking political rally.

How Many Attended Trump’s Michigan Rally? Crowd Size | Heavy.com

And at these rallies the trump people get the names and contact information from these people who volunteer to work in the election. These are people who will drive people to the voting booths, sign people up, pass out literature, man phone banks and donate their time in other ways as well. SEVEN THOUSAND IN MICHIGAN!

I was listening to Rush a little earlier and he reinforced something I have been told by several people but I couldnt believe it. MOST OF THESE PEOPLE ATTENDING DID NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP IN 2016.

Think about that for a moment. Trump is so popular right now that more than half the people who go through hell to attend his rallies are political CONVERTS to Trump. CONVERTS!

This is just devastating news for Democrats, but unfortunately for them they are too stupid to grasp the point.

Lol, I am going to enjoy this year a whole bunch, methinks.
Your wishful thinking. How long does it take for you, everyday, to convince yourself trump is gawd almighty.
I sure hope more of those non-white people show up for his rallies, garnering their support. Good Luck at the polls.

You realize that he won before yes?
Republicans and independents that weren't sure that he would govern responsibly are now assured.
He will only gain votes.

What states that Hillary lost, can a current Democrat win?
The recent Michigan rally was really big. At the rally, which was 19 degrees freezing cold outside to wait to get in and some waited for over SEVEN hours to get in, the crowd was very enthusiastic and had about 6000 inside and 2000 turned away. SEVEN THOUSAND PEOPLE WAITED IN FREEZING WEATHER TO HEAR TRUMP SPEAK.

This is more like a popular rock band attendance, not a freaking political rally.

How Many Attended Trump’s Michigan Rally? Crowd Size | Heavy.com

And at these rallies the trump people get the names and contact information from these people who volunteer to work in the election. These are people who will drive people to the voting booths, sign people up, pass out literature, man phone banks and donate their time in other ways as well. SEVEN THOUSAND IN MICHIGAN!

I was listening to Rush a little earlier and he reinforced something I have been told by several people but I couldnt believe it. MOST OF THESE PEOPLE ATTENDING DID NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP IN 2016.

Think about that for a moment. Trump is so popular right now that more than half the people who go through hell to attend his rallies are political CONVERTS to Trump. CONVERTS!

This is just devastating news for Democrats, but unfortunately for them they are too stupid to grasp the point.

Lol, I am going to enjoy this year a whole bunch, methinks.
Preaching to the choir

Trump needs to convince the 54 percent who do not want him as president

No, he doesn't. He merely has to make their lives better, and show them how the Dems have been holding them down.

Most Presidents would only have to do that

Trump has to convince 54 percent of the population that he is not a dishonest, inept President who is failing miserably
/——/ And what is your yet to be named candidate going to do better than Trump? Checklist please...
Trump had lots more people at his rallies than did Hillary and yet she beat him by 2 or 3 million votes. Now imagine if republicans weren't allowed to keep Blacks and other minorities from voting.
Voter Suppression Is Warping Democracy
Horse shit. Outside of one state, California, wherre Hiollary inexplicably got MORE votes than the polls said she would get by more than 8% more, other t han California that has drivers license registration and ZERO voter ID validation in practical terms, Hillary, outside of that shit hole of a state, Trump won.

Hillary got more votes in California than there are REGISTERED DEMOCRATS.

If you think that was all copacetic, then you exemplify why the Democratic party is to stupid to be allowed to continue to exist.
/——/ And what is your yet to be named candidate going to do better than Trump? Checklist please...
There is no one left with any chance of getting the Dim nomination that I would consider over Trump.

If Trump died, and I have been having bad dreams about this for the last month, then Yang would be the last good candidate remaining at debate level competition.

And I think he is too weak on 2A issues to really be enthusiastic about him.

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