Why Trump supporters won't listen

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In spite of all the filthy language, lies, shady business deals, behaving like Putin's lap dog, jumping into bed with playmates and pornstars, racist comments, and his ceremonial gift of highly classified intelligence information to high ranking Russians right in the oval office, Trump supporters love and adore him for one reason: They believe with all their hearts that Donald J Trump is GOD's chosen instrument to lead America back to the shining path of Christian values, and that period of the late 40's and 50's when they believe America was at its best. A time when women were kept pregnant and barefoot, Jews were barely tolerated, and the "darkies" knew their place. Present any evidence to the contrary to Trump supporters, and they get a glazed over look in their eyes and look to the heavens and think to themselves "but he's a GOD fearing man, how dare you!" As a Christian myself, I find it repulsive that right wing evangelicals and politicians like Trump twist the true meaning of scripture, cherry pick only the verses that suit their needs, and use them as a political tools, but this is the reality we're faced with. So don't waste your time arguing with Trump supporters, they don't know what you're talking about, and worse, they don't want to know.

Millions of Americans Believe God Made Trump President

Why Evangelicals Support President Trump, Despite His Immorality

An evangelical university is helping make a film that implies God chose Trump

Wow. NONE of that is true.
Do you have links for this assertion: "Actually, the lower Trump has gotten the USA's "standing around the globe", the higher he has gotten the USA's standing to the American people. " If you do, let's see them. If you don't, then it simply your stated belief.
What could be easier ? Mexico, China, India, and the Phillipines have a combined income of $64.6 Billion from remittances taken from the US economy, by their citizens holding jobs in the US (most illegally). Trump is putting a stop to this and will even more once his border wall is built. The imperialist countries don't like this and this has lowered the US "standing" to the. Well GOOD. This makes the USA better off and the American people like it (higher standing to us)

Same thing applies to the tariffs, soon to be $500 Billion to China. Same applies to trade deals, Same applies to US leaving TPP, renegotiating NAFTA , etc. No charge for the tutoring. :th_smiley_emoticons_gaehn:

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2016
So, workers can't send money but it is OK for Trump to send money over seas.

I winder how much profit that the Russian Banks (Putin) make from loaning Trump money?
Up from the ashes then,

What was the other choice Hillary ?
She is not white trash. He is.
After the 2020 election, the landslide will be so massive, that instead of Trump being declared POTUS for 4 more years, he will be declared KING FOR LIFE.


So your wish will come true you America hating jackass.
"Being arrogant and always think you are right makes people not like you" and this is exactly Trump's problem.

President Trump isn't arrogant at all. In actuality, he's fairly modest. A couple of months ago, I remember him commenting "Everyone thinks I should get the Nobel Peace Prize, but I would never say anything",and he hasn't.

The truth of the matter is that Donald Trump is well liked and well respected by all of the people he's dealt with over the years. The media tried, they couldn't find anyone in Trump's employ that had bad things to say about him, even those he fired.

The Media hates him, because he calls them out for their fake news and he bypasses them by communicating directly with the people through Twitter.

The Deep State hates him because he owes no one anything, he's doing exactly what he was sent to Washington to do.
et another ignorant Trumpette thinking it is all the Press's fault.
IF THE BRIEF AND befuddling government shutdown was an appropriate cap to President Donald J. Trump's first year in office, here's the fitting postscript: A full year of Trump's leadership has only solidified and in some cases exacerbated America's slide in standing around the globe.

That's the conclusion from the 2018 iteration of U.S. News' Best Countries rankings, which are based on a global survey of more than 21,000 persons.

According to that survey, the United States has dropped to 8th most powerful country, down one slot from last year (7) and down four spots from 2016 (4). We were passed on the list this year by Australia which means that we are now down under the "land down under."

So as my colleague Kevin Drew puts it: "Donald Trump pledged to 'Make America Great Again.' The world thinks he is doing the opposite."

Interesting how GLOBALISTS come in here, and talk about global concerns. Only one problem >> Trump is President of the United States, not president of the WORLD.

EARTH TO GLOBALISTS: The "world" can go jump. The POTUS is paid to protect the interest of the USA, not the world.

Actually, the lower Trump has gotten the USA's "standing around the globe", the higher he has gotten the USA's standing to the American people. The globe is an entity that has been at odds with the US for quite some time, gotten used to that, and now is reacting to Trump finally standing up to them and taking action. Leftists still are not getting this. Trump (thank goodness) is a NATIONALIST, not a GLOBALIST.

Are you concerned with your "standing" to a team of burglars whose goal is to rip off your house ?
I mean, who the fuck wants the USA to be the world leader. You & Your buttbreath Trumpettes rather China & Russia lead the world.

This is how fucking stupid you are.
He was running against this. Of course he won.


See post #2, example #2.

Thank you.
Who would vote for this psychopath that was under Russian control? Only the most depraved fringe leftist pigs that hate America.

From the NY Times:
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
Thoroughly debunked. Over and over. The very fact that you kids keep trying to recycle it is proof of the fact you aren't very smart.
Shit....all a liberal has to say to debunk an accusation of the Clintons to dummies like yourself is just say it never happened, and that's all you need to know.

Really. You are trhis stupid & f=show usall your ignorance.

The bulk of the money donated by those involved with uranium were made from a man who sold out his interest in uranium long before the donations were made.
'Liar, stupid, ignorant, asshoile POS. Can't you EVER tell the truth.
It all boils down to 2 things.

1) They're not smart.....at all. You have to be an idiot to fall for his sad routine.
2) They're not good people. You can see it in the racism, the hatred and the sheer laziness in their arguments. These are not good people in any sense of the word.
Actually we're not stupid.
That's why we don't buy all of this fake news.
Also, we have long memories.
We remember when Democrats changed their stories so they could go full retard on Trump. They did it to Bush and Palin. With Trump it's so obvious only a fool or a fag buys this horse shit.

You have to have serious issues against any Republican to buy into the communist propaganda the Democrats are constantly pumping out.
Ever notice that when you push these ignorant fuck Trumpettes, their bigotry comes out.

Stupid is believing Trump over the News Media.
Stupid is believing the same folks that lied to you about Hillary winning in a landslide.
And pointing out communist propaganda is bad isn't bigotry, it's common-sense.
And the joy of knowing that your bigotry is so inbred, you don't even know how big a bigot you are.

I didn't call you bigot because you rambled somerhing stupid about communism.

I called you a fucking low life POS bigot because of your slur against homosexuals.
My sister's gay, motherfucker.
You know where you can shove your accusations of homophobia....PRICK!!!
You used the slur. You are a fucking bigot,. You used slurs before.Fucking Bigot. Can post it but too God damn chickenshit to admit it.
Stupid is believing the same folks that lied to you about Hillary winning in a landslide.
And pointing out communist propaganda is bad isn't bigotry, it's common-sense.

I bet you throw your feces at the weatherman because the pos lied to you & said it would rain & it didn't.

Trump told you so many lies. All the media does is report what Trump does & says.

Independent studies have shown that the MSM reports at a 95% negative rate for Trump and was 67% positive for Obama. Believe it or not FXN was the most fair at about 50% positive and negative. I also noticed that on FXN there are always democrats to debate fairly. On MSNBC, CNN, NBC and other MSM propaganda outlets there are rarely competent GOP folks there to sort thru the Leftist bullsh!t. The Left (and never trumpers) can't debate, so they just spew propaganda.

Did it ever occur to you that the difference in positive and negative coverage might have something to do with what Trump has been doing since he got elected? Trump does a lot of stuff that deserves criticism, says the country. Says the world. I agree it goes overboard sometimes with petty stuff, but CNN has a right to be as biased as Fox in their coverage and everyone has their choice which to watch.

The 95% MSM negative coverage of Trump is inexcusable. If the Left doesn't understand the economic strategy to help the middle class, why do they keep putting up the 1%'ers to whine about the tariffs and bringing manufacturing plants and good paying jobs back to the US? Also, why does the Left insist on open borders and all that cheap unskilled labor? The black voters are finally seeing that they are being played by democrats to keep them on the urban plantations and that the rich are to blame for their problems, just keep voting democrat. I'm hopeful that in 2018 the black vote will be more GOP to help bring good jobs back to the USA, and to keep cheap labor out. Can Trump fix the US economy? Stay tuned...
I wouldn't count on it.
I'm sure the Dems have another Trayvon Martin in store for us to swing the black vote.
We just did in Clearwater.
Maybe lefties "adored" Bubba Bill Clinton who bombed freaking Europe when he was caught with his pants down but republicans don't "adore" anyone. You would think that lefties would forgive the President for jumping into bed with a Playboy Playmate but suddenly the freaking angry hypocrites get all righteous after they smashed windows and torched cars on inauguration day.

The Left yelled and taunted Bush as he departed Washington on Obama’s Inaugration Day and welcomed Trump with smashed windows and fires.
He was running against this. Of course he won.


See post #2, example #2.

Thank you.
Who would vote for this psychopath that was under Russian control? Only the most depraved fringe leftist pigs that hate America.

From the NY Times:
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
Thoroughly debunked. Over and over. The very fact that you kids keep trying to recycle it is proof of the fact you aren't very smart.
Shit....all a liberal has to say to debunk an accusation of the Clintons to dummies like yourself is just say it never happened, and that's all you need to know.

Really. You are trhis stupid & f=show usall your ignorance.

The bulk of the money donated by those involved with uranium were made from a man who sold out his interest in uranium long before the donations were made.
'Liar, stupid, ignorant, asshoile POS. Can't you EVER tell the truth.
FakeDave, quit whining. All I did was post a NY Times article.

Dumb bitch.
Maybe lefties "adored" Bubba Bill Clinton who bombed freaking Europe when he was caught with his pants down but republicans don't "adore" anyone. You would think that lefties would forgive the President for jumping into bed with a Playboy Playmate but suddenly the freaking angry hypocrites get all righteous after they smashed windows and torched cars on inauguration day.


Not even defending Trump... Just go after some thing that happened over 20 years ago... This is just admission of guilt...
The entire premise that Putin is colluding in the United States is beyond Absurd.

Indeed, B. Hussein O himself, went to Uncle Pooty and told him , and I quote "cut it out".

Putin was quaking in his boots, he was obviously scared straight. It is uncertain whether he shit himself in fear.

If you just listen to Obama, you will know that Hillary's complaint about Putin-Trump Collusion is bullshit.

Another Whataboutism...

These are all Guilty pleas... Unable to defend...
The entire premise that Putin is colluding in the United States is beyond Absurd.

Indeed, B. Hussein O himself, went to Uncle Pooty and told him , and I quote "cut it out".

Putin was quaking in his boots, he was obviously scared straight. It is uncertain whether he shit himself in fear.

If you just listen to Obama, you will know that Hillary's complaint about Putin-Trump Collusion is bullshit.

Odds your IP traces back to Russia - 80%

That's what all you pathetic leftist losers say. You are more of an enemy than Russia is. Indoctrianted a.h.


What about Russia... No defense, now just insult...
Maybe lefties "adored" Bubba Bill Clinton who bombed freaking Europe when he was caught with his pants down but republicans don't "adore" anyone. You would think that lefties would forgive the President for jumping into bed with a Playboy Playmate but suddenly the freaking angry hypocrites get all righteous after they smashed windows and torched cars on inauguration day.

The Left yelled and taunted Bush as he departed Washington on Obama’s Inaugration Day and welcomed Trump with smashed windows and fires.

More what about ism.... No defense... must have been saving insults for page two
In spite of all the filthy language, lies, shady business deals, behaving like Putin's lap dog, jumping into bed with playmates and pornstars, racist comments, and his ceremonial gift of highly classified intelligence information to high ranking Russians right in the oval office, Trump supporters love and adore him for one reason: They believe with all their hearts that Donald J Trump is GOD's chosen instrument to lead America back to the shining path of Christian values, and that period of the late 40's and 50's when they believe America was at its best. A time when women were kept pregnant and barefoot, Jews were barely tolerated, and the "darkies" knew their place. Present any evidence to the contrary to Trump supporters, and they get a glazed over look in their eyes and look to the heavens and think to themselves "but he's a GOD fearing man, how dare you!" As a Christian myself, I find it repulsive that right wing evangelicals and politicians like Trump twist the true meaning of scripture, cherry pick only the verses that suit their needs, and use them as a political tools, but this is the reality we're faced with. So don't waste your time arguing with Trump supporters, they don't know what you're talking about, and worse, they don't want to know.

Millions of Americans Believe God Made Trump President

Why Evangelicals Support President Trump, Despite His Immorality

An evangelical university is helping make a film that implies God chose Trump

Christian values, and that period of the late 40's and 50's when they believe America was at its best.”

How terrible...you mean some people prefer to live among likeminded, positive contributing, law abiding, prideful, patriotic, English speaking, REAL Americans. Weird huh?
In spite of all the filthy language, lies, shady business deals, behaving like Putin's lap dog, jumping into bed with playmates and pornstars, racist comments, and his ceremonial gift of highly classified intelligence information to high ranking Russians right in the oval office, Trump supporters love and adore him for one reason: They believe with all their hearts that Donald J Trump is GOD's chosen instrument to lead America back to the shining path of Christian values, and that period of the late 40's and 50's when they believe America was at its best. A time when women were kept pregnant and barefoot, Jews were barely tolerated, and the "darkies" knew their place. Present any evidence to the contrary to Trump supporters, and they get a glazed over look in their eyes and look to the heavens and think to themselves "but he's a GOD fearing man, how dare you!" As a Christian myself, I find it repulsive that right wing evangelicals and politicians like Trump twist the true meaning of scripture, cherry pick only the verses that suit their needs, and use them as a political tools, but this is the reality we're faced with. So don't waste your time arguing with Trump supporters, they don't know what you're talking about, and worse, they don't want to know.

Millions of Americans Believe God Made Trump President

Why Evangelicals Support President Trump, Despite His Immorality

An evangelical university is helping make a film that implies God chose Trump

Wow. NONE of that is true.

Denial ain't just a river in Egypt. In the last couple of days, even, I've seen a thread in which the OP made some sort of claim that trump had something to do with God.
So, workers can't send money but it is OK for Trump to send money over seas.

I winder how much profit that the Russian Banks (Putin) make from loaning Trump money?
You might as well be speaking Chinese. Your words make no sense. Trump is doing a lot of things to keep US money in the US. I've never heard of Trump having anything to do with US money going to Russia, and I doubt you have either.
So, workers can't send money but it is OK for Trump to send money over seas.

I winder how much profit that the Russian Banks (Putin) make from loaning Trump money?
You might as well be speaking Chinese. Your words make no sense. Trump is doing a lot of things to keep US money in the US. I've never heard of Trump having anything to do with US money going to Russia, and I doubt you have either.
Trump has loans from foreign banks & likely Russian banks.

Where rhe fuck do you think his loan payments go? Dumbass.
I mean, who the fuck wants the USA to be the world leader. You & Your buttbreath Trumpettes rather China & Russia lead the world.

This is how fucking stupid you are.
You are just WORLD CRAZY that's all. "Lead the world" ? LOL. You leftist globalists are a looney bunch. If you had a little sense of NATIONALISM in your veins, maybe you wouldn't be so casual with letting the world "lead" the US (into bankruptcy)

And maybe you wouldn't be OK with letting the world steal everything we've got (money, jobs, intellectual property, etc)

It 's not a question of being a world leader. It's a question of NOT being the victim for the world's thievery.
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