Why Trump supporters won't listen

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Trump has loans from foreign banks & likely Russian banks.

Where rhe fuck do you think his loan payments go? Dumbass.
"Likely". So you're blabbering about what you don't know. Come back when you've got some substance to present. Sources, links, etc
Hillary didn’t lose because of any grand consiparcy she lost because she and she wasn’t alone in this underestimated Trump and ran a bad campaign. Her biggest fail was her Mitt Romney moment when she got caught calling Trump supporters deplorable, un-American, and irredeemable she not only insulted Trump supporters but by extension any who were leaning Trump or considering him not a great way to win over moderates and independents. This seems to be a mistake more than a few on the left still haven’t learned from.

Your problem is that you can't tell the truth. Probably why you love Trump.

Hillary did not call Trump supporters deplorables. She said deplorables support Trump. & he welcomes them

But hey, you're a Trumpette & therefore too fucking stupid to know the difference.
You really are a fucking idiot.

RealDave, seems the video shows her calling trump supporters deplorable. so what fact is he missing?
Why the FUCK should we listen to liberal violent, baby-tantrum, rioting, death-threatening, rape-threatening, waaaycism-falsely-accusing, muderously-white-male-hating, Islam-fellating animals obsessed with selling America out to the dregs of humanity? By every standard of societal normality in the book, you liberals are insane. And even if you weren't insane, you liberals are such pathological liars you have ZERO credibility to any rational person.
This is called the PLAIN TRUTH.
and nothing but the truth. so help me god.
Knowledgable people giggle at phrases such as "leftist globalists", realizing that uber nationalists are put forth a neo-fascist platform.
Knowledgable people giggle at phrases such as "leftist globalists", realizing that uber nationalists are put forth a neo-fascist platform.
Knowledgable people giggle at posts like this, realizing that fascism is an idea that consists of heavy, BIG government, with lots of control/regulation over people. Attributes clearly symptomatic of the left in America.

Secondly, there is no doubt regarding the left's globalist identity. Their latest candidate for POTUS, Hillary Clinton, was a staunch supporter of NAFTA, TPP, and belonged to such globalist organizations as the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission. Obama heavily globalist as well. Ho hum.
We just did in Clearwater.
Yup. Trayvon Martin, Markeis McGlockton. Any more violent, criminal thugs you want to praise and make a hero of ?
I get it. When Martin was being folloed, he had no right to defense.

We just did in Clearwater.
Yup. Trayvon Martin, Markeis McGlockton. Any more violent, criminal thugs you want to praise and make a hero of ?

I grt it.

Black people have no right to defend themselves or their wives.

But the white guy have the right to kill black men by claiming they feared for their lives.

McGlocton was walking away when he was murdered.
Knowledgable people giggle at phrases such as "leftist globalists", realizing that uber nationalists are put forth a neo-fascist platform.

Globalists come in all shapes, sizes and political persuasions. ALL knowledgable know that.
Thread is not on the topic of Christian Values and Trump. Probably should have been in Religion. Kinda looks like the usual free-for-all --- so it's closing now. Before people get warned and ejected.
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