Why Trump was, is, and will always be an idiot...

It is difficult to understand how so many right wingers can't realize what a charlatan Trump really is and how this huckster has been able to fool so many.......Please bear in mind that, as a left leaning voter, NOTHING pleases me more than to have Trump as the GOP nominee...or even "better", Trump as a 3rd party candidate.

However, anyone with half a brain should realize that what Trump is spewing is unadulterated bullshit.......

Trump calls for a 2,000 mile massive wall to be built on our southern border.....and any nitwit should realize that walls are never an effective way to guard anything......From the Great Wall in China, to the Berlin Wall, history has shown that they basically do little...and for us to truly hold back Latino immigrant immigration would be to seriously punish those businesses that thrive because of such an influx.

Trump boasts that he would collect some huge amount from Mexico for every illegal alien....but has anyone heard HOW he would do this??? Declare war on Mexico for non-payment?

Trump calls for China and Japan to stop flooding the US with cheaper products that cause unemployment is the states...Has anyone heard exactly HOW this charlatan would accomplish this?

Trump boasts that he "knows" how to defeat ISIS, but would obly tell us once he is elected.....and ONLY idiots would take his word for it.

Bottom line is this: Trump is strictly comical entertainment and those who honestly support this idiot have now become part of the joke.
Donald Trump is a billionaire and the press follows his every word.
You're an idiot on a message board read by about 30 people.
Game, set, match.

Well, we can have a "match" about who is the bigger iddiot....me for posting the above, or YOU for reading it for thinking that because one is a billionaire he can't be a moron.

Calling Trump a "moron" shows that you are the true moron.

How many golf course, hotels, casinos and recreational facilities have you built?
Trump is a media invention. He would be ignored for the unbalanced dolt he is except the media uses his antics to provide 24 hour entertainment at no cost to the networks.

And non-thinking limited knowledge ideologues swallow the hype.
Trump is a media invention. He would be ignored for the unbalanced dolt he is except the media uses his antics to provide 24 hour entertainment at no cost to the networks.

And non-thinking limited knowledge ideologues swallow the hype.

you sound worred
It is difficult to understand how so many right wingers can't realize what a charlatan Trump really is and how this huckster has been able to fool so many.......Please bear in mind that, as a left leaning voter, NOTHING pleases me more than to have Trump as the GOP nominee...or even "better", Trump as a 3rd party candidate.

However, anyone with half a brain should realize that what Trump is spewing is unadulterated bullshit.......

Trump calls for a 2,000 mile massive wall to be built on our southern border.....and any nitwit should realize that walls are never an effective way to guard anything......From the Great Wall in China, to the Berlin Wall, history has shown that they basically do little...and for us to truly hold back Latino immigrant immigration would be to seriously punish those businesses that thrive because of such an influx.

Trump boasts that he would collect some huge amount from Mexico for every illegal alien....but has anyone heard HOW he would do this??? Declare war on Mexico for non-payment?

Trump calls for China and Japan to stop flooding the US with cheaper products that cause unemployment is the states...Has anyone heard exactly HOW this charlatan would accomplish this?

Trump boasts that he "knows" how to defeat ISIS, but would obly tell us once he is elected.....and ONLY idiots would take his word for it.

Bottom line is this: Trump is strictly comical entertainment and those who honestly support this idiot have now become part of the joke.

Good post. However, there are some inherent flaws in your reasoning.

First, on immigration. We have had both establishment Republican politicians and Democrat politicians who told the public they would address this issue. The public KNOWS they are all liars. The people who bankroll Republican politicians want illegals to work cheap in their industries, so Republicans do nothing. The Democrats want the illegals because their constituents are related, and also they use the social services that will be enlarged by the influx of illegals. Those social services will need more workers and thus more voters, thus, they have no intention of doing anything. So does it really matter if building a wall will work? Voters don't care, it is DOING SOMETHING. And it brings jobs, paying jobs, to lower income and middle income Americans. If they can find the money for social services and multi-billion dollar war toys, they can find the money.

As far as getting money from Mexico? Trump has proclaimed himself ostensibly a protectionist. We haven't had a protectionist in office in over a century. We have had nothing but globalists. Seriously. None of the politicians that get elected give a damn about America's environment, citizens, or it's economy. So the money seems to be gotten from import duties. I think he also intends to heavily tax funds sent out of the country back to foreign families by illegals. Not sure. But given the drug cartels sending drugs into the country, yeah, I think there is a slight possibility he intends to intervene in Mexican politics and drug interdiction. Who knows. But I think he is sick of their shit.

As far as the Asian question goes, yes, he has stated over and over again, that this TPP shit Hillary negotiated was crap. The trade deals that the globalists negotiate are good for multi-national corporations only, they are not good for the nation. We are getting our ass handed to us in negotiations. He would end that shit immediately. Or at least that is what he says he would do.

And as far a your bottom line goes, you are right, he is comical. A clown at best, just like Obama is. Everyone realizes that DC is a damned circus. So it's one big reality show, you get the best clown you can get. The thing voters don't realize is that, like patrons at a circus, they don't actually have any say who chooses the clown, the ring master and the investors in the circus do. So don't worry your pretty little head over it. This clown would have people looking at the wrong rings, the investors and the ring master wouldn't like that. They will be picking a different clown. You will still get to enjoy your circus.
Trump is a media invention. He would be ignored for the unbalanced dolt he is except the media uses his antics to provide 24 hour entertainment at no cost to the networks.

And non-thinking limited knowledge ideologues swallow the hype.

The stupid shit liberals believe. SMH
It is difficult to understand how so many right wingers can't realize what a charlatan Trump really is and how this huckster has been able to fool so many.......Please bear in mind that, as a left leaning voter, NOTHING pleases me more than to have Trump as the GOP nominee...or even "better", Trump as a 3rd party candidate.

However, anyone with half a brain should realize that what Trump is spewing is unadulterated bullshit.......

Trump calls for a 2,000 mile massive wall to be built on our southern border.....and any nitwit should realize that walls are never an effective way to guard anything......From the Great Wall in China, to the Berlin Wall, history has shown that they basically do little...and for us to truly hold back Latino immigrant immigration would be to seriously punish those businesses that thrive because of such an influx.

Trump boasts that he would collect some huge amount from Mexico for every illegal alien....but has anyone heard HOW he would do this??? Declare war on Mexico for non-payment?

Trump calls for China and Japan to stop flooding the US with cheaper products that cause unemployment is the states...Has anyone heard exactly HOW this charlatan would accomplish this?

Trump boasts that he "knows" how to defeat ISIS, but would obly tell us once he is elected.....and ONLY idiots would take his word for it.

Bottom line is this: Trump is strictly comical entertainment and those who honestly support this idiot have now become part of the joke.

It is difficult to understand how so many right wingers can't realize what a charlatan Trump really is and how this huckster has been able to fool so many.......Please bear in mind that, as a left leaning voter, NOTHING pleases me more than to have Trump as the GOP nominee...or even "better", Trump as a 3rd party candidate.

However, anyone with half a brain should realize that what Trump is spewing is unadulterated bullshit.......

Trump calls for a 2,000 mile massive wall to be built on our southern border.....and any nitwit should realize that walls are never an effective way to guard anything......From the Great Wall in China, to the Berlin Wall, history has shown that they basically do little...and for us to truly hold back Latino immigrant immigration would be to seriously punish those businesses that thrive because of such an influx.

Trump boasts that he would collect some huge amount from Mexico for every illegal alien....but has anyone heard HOW he would do this??? Declare war on Mexico for non-payment?

Trump calls for China and Japan to stop flooding the US with cheaper products that cause unemployment is the states...Has anyone heard exactly HOW this charlatan would accomplish this?

Trump boasts that he "knows" how to defeat ISIS, but would obly tell us once he is elected.....and ONLY idiots would take his word for it.

Bottom line is this: Trump is strictly comical entertainment and those who honestly support this idiot have now become part of the joke.
Donald Trump is a billionaire and the press follows his every word.
You're an idiot on a message board read by about 30 people.
Game, set, match.



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It is difficult to understand how so many right wingers can't realize what a charlatan Trump really is and how this huckster has been able to fool so many.......Please bear in mind that, as a left leaning voter, NOTHING pleases me more than to have Trump as the GOP nominee...or even "better", Trump as a 3rd party candidate.

However, anyone with half a brain should realize that what Trump is spewing is unadulterated bullshit.......

Trump calls for a 2,000 mile massive wall to be built on our southern border.....and any nitwit should realize that walls are never an effective way to guard anything......From the Great Wall in China, to the Berlin Wall, history has shown that they basically do little...and for us to truly hold back Latino immigrant immigration would be to seriously punish those businesses that thrive because of such an influx.

Trump boasts that he would collect some huge amount from Mexico for every illegal alien....but has anyone heard HOW he would do this??? Declare war on Mexico for non-payment?

Trump calls for China and Japan to stop flooding the US with cheaper products that cause unemployment is the states...Has anyone heard exactly HOW this charlatan would accomplish this?

Trump boasts that he "knows" how to defeat ISIS, but would obly tell us once he is elected.....and ONLY idiots would take his word for it.

Bottom line is this: Trump is strictly comical entertainment and those who honestly support this idiot have now become part of the joke.
If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. Period.
If you like you doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period.
Cost of insurance will decrease by 2,500
"I will work in a bi partisan manner"
"I will read each bill with a scalpel"
All bills will be posted on line for the public to read for a minimum of 3 days before I sign it

ANd folks like you were chanting "yes we can"....
It is difficult to understand how so many right wingers can't realize what a charlatan Trump really is and how this huckster has been able to fool so many.......Please bear in mind that, as a left leaning voter, NOTHING pleases me more than to have Trump as the GOP nominee...or even "better", Trump as a 3rd party candidate.

However, anyone with half a brain should realize that what Trump is spewing is unadulterated bullshit.......

Trump calls for a 2,000 mile massive wall to be built on our southern border.....and any nitwit should realize that walls are never an effective way to guard anything......From the Great Wall in China, to the Berlin Wall, history has shown that they basically do little...and for us to truly hold back Latino immigrant immigration would be to seriously punish those businesses that thrive because of such an influx.

Trump boasts that he would collect some huge amount from Mexico for every illegal alien....but has anyone heard HOW he would do this??? Declare war on Mexico for non-payment?

Trump calls for China and Japan to stop flooding the US with cheaper products that cause unemployment is the states...Has anyone heard exactly HOW this charlatan would accomplish this?

Trump boasts that he "knows" how to defeat ISIS, but would obly tell us once he is elected.....and ONLY idiots would take his word for it.

Bottom line is this: Trump is strictly comical entertainment and those who honestly support this idiot have now become part of the joke.
Let's see Trump says we should make Mexico pay for a wall on the border. And in response you say walls are not effective. So what? The people want a wall let's let Mexico build it or... stop it's people from illegally migrating across the border. Making the people guilty of illegal acts is not bullshit, it's common sense. Can you cite to the statement about building a great wall of china? Or are you just yet another lying paid political shill?

Are you pro flooding our markets with cheap goods built with child labor? Have you never heard of import duties? Are you a moron?
You have something against consumers saving money?
What good is saving money if you have none to spend? When a country is dumping to take over a market, do you cede the market? What happens to a country that cedes all markets?

The idea of saving money is not having to spend it. Who ties your shoes?
So basically it's all about you, screw the entire country so long as you get your cheap goods from china.
The good thing that I hope will come out of the Trump candidacy is that some GOP candidate might realize by watching him that the GOP base is looking for SOMEONE with a spine and some balls. Maybe a legit candidate will follow his example and grow both.
It is indeed easy to understand why and how the Rabid Right supports Trump. Trump is a feckless thug, a bully , an egomaniac who spews stream of consciousness invectives and then threatens critics with a pack of lawyers he will loose like guard dogs on an estate.

He believes that his wealth entitles him to act the bully and that his wealth alone should make him eminently qualified to run the United States of America. Trump's bullying tactics are part and parcel of his wealth gathering operation. He bullied the people of Scotland to destroy a coastal section in order to build a luxury golf resort, in spite of the nearly unanimous objections of the locals.

His candidacy is to shine the light of publicity upon himself. He will not be the Republican nominee. He will poison the well for other, qualified Republican candidates.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute most of what Trump stands for, either.
It is indeed easy to understand why and how the Rabid Right supports Trump. Trump is a feckless thug, a bully , an egomaniac who spews stream of consciousness invectives and then threatens critics with a pack of lawyers he will loose like guard dogs on an estate.

He believes that his wealth entitles him to act the bully and that his wealth alone should make him eminently qualified to run the United States of America. Trump's bullying tactics are part and parcel of his wealth gathering operation. He bullied the people of Scotland to destroy a coastal section in order to build a luxury golf resort, in spite of the nearly unanimous objections of the locals.

His candidacy is to shine the light of publicity upon himself. He will not be the Republican nominee. He will poison the well for other, qualified Republican candidates.
Mommy look at the mean successful republican he's evil cause he's making money, mommy make the bad man go away!!!

Do you need a tissue you pansy piece of shit?
See the pattern developing here?

The usual leftist fanatics can't reply to what Trump says, and hate the fact that so many normal Americans agree with him.

So they smear him, insult him, insult the people who agree with him, call names, ANYTHING except discuss what Trump has actually said.

Leftist after leftist falls into the same pattern.

For good reason.
It is indeed easy to understand why and how the Rabid Right supports Trump. Trump is a feckless thug, a bully , an egomaniac who spews stream of consciousness invectives and then threatens critics with a pack of lawyers he will loose like guard dogs on an estate.

He believes that his wealth entitles him to act the bully and that his wealth alone should make him eminently qualified to run the United States of America. Trump's bullying tactics are part and parcel of his wealth gathering operation. He bullied the people of Scotland to destroy a coastal section in order to build a luxury golf resort, in spite of the nearly unanimous objections of the locals.

His candidacy is to shine the light of publicity upon himself. He will not be the Republican nominee. He will poison the well for other, qualified Republican candidates.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute most of what Trump stands for, either.
Is English your second language? I refuted EVERYTHING Trump stands for.
It is indeed easy to understand why and how the Rabid Right supports Trump. Trump is a feckless thug, a bully , an egomaniac who spews stream of consciousness invectives and then threatens critics with a pack of lawyers he will loose like guard dogs on an estate.

He believes that his wealth entitles him to act the bully and that his wealth alone should make him eminently qualified to run the United States of America. Trump's bullying tactics are part and parcel of his wealth gathering operation. He bullied the people of Scotland to destroy a coastal section in order to build a luxury golf resort, in spite of the nearly unanimous objections of the locals.

His candidacy is to shine the light of publicity upon himself. He will not be the Republican nominee. He will poison the well for other, qualified Republican candidates.
Mommy look at the mean successful republican he's evil cause he's making money, mommy make the bad man go away!!!

Do you need a tissue you pansy piece of shit?
Bullies, like birds, idiots and feckless scum, flock together.

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