Why Trump was, is, and will always be an idiot...

It is indeed easy to understand why and how the Rabid Right supports Trump. Trump is a feckless thug, a bully , an egomaniac who spews stream of consciousness invectives and then threatens critics with a pack of lawyers he will loose like guard dogs on an estate.

He believes that his wealth entitles him to act the bully and that his wealth alone should make him eminently qualified to run the United States of America. Trump's bullying tactics are part and parcel of his wealth gathering operation. He bullied the people of Scotland to destroy a coastal section in order to build a luxury golf resort, in spite of the nearly unanimous objections of the locals.

His candidacy is to shine the light of publicity upon himself. He will not be the Republican nominee. He will poison the well for other, qualified Republican candidates.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute most of what Trump stands for, either.
Is English your second language? I refuted EVERYTHING Trump stands for.
No, you're just a piece of shit socialist moocher. Get a job.
It is indeed easy to understand why and how the Rabid Right supports Trump. Trump is a feckless thug, a bully , an egomaniac who spews stream of consciousness invectives and then threatens critics with a pack of lawyers he will loose like guard dogs on an estate.

He believes that his wealth entitles him to act the bully and that his wealth alone should make him eminently qualified to run the United States of America. Trump's bullying tactics are part and parcel of his wealth gathering operation. He bullied the people of Scotland to destroy a coastal section in order to build a luxury golf resort, in spite of the nearly unanimous objections of the locals.

His candidacy is to shine the light of publicity upon himself. He will not be the Republican nominee. He will poison the well for other, qualified Republican candidates.
Mommy look at the mean successful republican he's evil cause he's making money, mommy make the bad man go away!!!

Do you need a tissue you pansy piece of shit?
Bullies, like birds, idiots and feckless scum, flock together.
Says the brown shirt with the NAZI boots.
It is indeed easy to understand why and how the Rabid Right supports Trump. Trump is a feckless thug, a bully , an egomaniac who spews stream of consciousness invectives and then threatens critics with a pack of lawyers he will loose like guard dogs on an estate.

He believes that his wealth entitles him to act the bully and that his wealth alone should make him eminently qualified to run the United States of America. Trump's bullying tactics are part and parcel of his wealth gathering operation. He bullied the people of Scotland to destroy a coastal section in order to build a luxury golf resort, in spite of the nearly unanimous objections of the locals.

His candidacy is to shine the light of publicity upon himself. He will not be the Republican nominee. He will poison the well for other, qualified Republican candidates.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute most of what Trump stands for, either.
Is English your second language? I refuted EVERYTHING Trump stands for.
No, you're just a piece of shit socialist moocher. Get a job.
Well argued! First, you make wild assumptions then you use them to make a ham handed attack for no justification. You are not bright enough to be anything other than a feckless Conservative. You've found your nitch, no caution against any intellectual pursuits. It's a scary world for the ignorant.
It is indeed easy to understand why and how the Rabid Right supports Trump. Trump is a feckless thug, a bully , an egomaniac who spews stream of consciousness invectives and then threatens critics with a pack of lawyers he will loose like guard dogs on an estate.

He believes that his wealth entitles him to act the bully and that his wealth alone should make him eminently qualified to run the United States of America. Trump's bullying tactics are part and parcel of his wealth gathering operation. He bullied the people of Scotland to destroy a coastal section in order to build a luxury golf resort, in spite of the nearly unanimous objections of the locals.

His candidacy is to shine the light of publicity upon himself. He will not be the Republican nominee. He will poison the well for other, qualified Republican candidates.
Mommy look at the mean successful republican he's evil cause he's making money, mommy make the bad man go away!!!

Do you need a tissue you pansy piece of shit?
Bullies, like birds, idiots and feckless scum, flock together.
Says the brown shirt with the NAZI boots.
Didn't you just call me a mooching Socialist? Now, you've veered off into Nazi imagery. Something tells me that you failed every civics class you ever attended.
It is indeed easy to understand why and how the Rabid Right supports Trump. Trump is a feckless thug, a bully , an egomaniac who spews stream of consciousness invectives and then threatens critics with a pack of lawyers he will loose like guard dogs on an estate.

He believes that his wealth entitles him to act the bully and that his wealth alone should make him eminently qualified to run the United States of America. Trump's bullying tactics are part and parcel of his wealth gathering operation. He bullied the people of Scotland to destroy a coastal section in order to build a luxury golf resort, in spite of the nearly unanimous objections of the locals.

His candidacy is to shine the light of publicity upon himself. He will not be the Republican nominee. He will poison the well for other, qualified Republican candidates.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute most of what Trump stands for, either.
Is English your second language? I refuted EVERYTHING Trump stands for.
No, you refuted your own lies about what you WISH Trump stood for.

Get back when you're ready to start telling the truth. (not holding my breath)

BTW, for those who DO want to know what Trump really stands for:

Donald Trump on the Issues

Donald Trump on Abortion
Click here for 6 full quotes on Abortion OR other candidates on Abortion OR background on Abortion.
•Ban late abortions; exceptions for rape, incest or health. (Jun 2015)
•I am now pro-life; after years of being pro-choice. (Apr 2011)
•I changed my views to pro-life based on personal stories. (Apr 2011)
•I am pro-life; fight ObamaCare abortion funding. (Feb 2011)
•Pro-choice, but ban partial birth abortion. (Jul 2000)
•Favors abortion rights but respects opposition. (Dec 1999)

Donald Trump on Budget & Economy
Click here for 6 full quotes on Budget & Economy OR other candidates on Budget & Economy OR background on Budget & Economy.
•If debt reaches $24T, that's the point of no return. (Jun 2015)
•Prepare for upcoming crash, bigger than 1929. (Jul 2000)
•Optimistic about future of Atlantic City. (Jul 1990)
•Rent control only benefits a privileged minority. (Jul 1987)
•One-time 14.25% tax on wealth, to erase national debt. (Nov 1999)
•Predicts 35% boost to economy from eliminating national debt. (Nov 1999)

Donald Trump on Civil Rights
Click here for 3 full quotes on Civil Rights OR other candidates on Civil Rights OR background on Civil Rights.
•Same-sex marriage is a state issue. (Jun 2015)
•No gay marriage; no same-sex partner benefits. (Mar 2011)
•Tolerate diversity; prosecute hate crimes against gays. (Jul 2000)

Donald Trump on Corporations
Click here for 4 full quotes on Corporations OR other candidates on Corporations OR background on Corporations.
•2002: Participated in development boom of Jersey City. (Apr 2012)
•0% corporate tax would create millions of jobs. (Dec 2011)
•Fight crony capitalism with a level playing field. (Dec 2011)
•Wealthy move assets around globally based on tax incentives. (Apr 2011)

Donald Trump on Crime
Click here for 4 full quotes on Crime OR other candidates on Crime OR background on Crime.
•Capital punishment isn’t uncivilized; murderers living is. (Jul 2000)
•Death penalty deters like violent TV leads kids astray. (Jul 2000)
•Hold judges accountable; don’t reduce sentences. (Jul 2000)
•For tough anti-crime policies; not criminals’ rights. (Jul 2000)

Donald Trump on Drugs
Click here for 4 full quotes on Drugs OR other candidates on Drugs OR background on Drugs.
•Legalize drugs and use tax revenue to fund drug education. (Apr 2011)
•Never drinks, smokes, nor does drugs. (Feb 2011)
•Fired Miss USA crown winner due to drug over-indulgence. (Dec 2006)
•Never touched drugs, nor alcohol, tobacco, or coffee. (Jul 2000)

Donald Trump on Education
Click here for 8 full quotes on Education OR other candidates on Education OR background on Education.
•Common Core is a disaster. (Jun 2015)
•Cut the Department of Education way, way down. (Jun 2015)
•Founded Trump University to teach the art of deal-making. (Jun 2015)
•Opposes Common Core. (Feb 2015)
•Teach citizenship; stop “dumbing down”. (Jul 2000)
•End “creative spelling,” “estimating,” & “empowerment”. (Jul 2000)
•Bring on the competition; tear down the union walls. (Jul 2000)
•School choice will improve public schools. (Jul 2000)

Donald Trump on Energy & Oil
Click here for 6 full quotes on Energy & Oil OR other candidates on Energy & Oil OR background on Energy & Oil.
•Climate change is a hoax. (Jun 2015)
•No Cap-and-Tax: oil is this country's lifeblood. (Dec 2011)
•Jobs will slump until our lifeblood--oil--is cheap again. (Dec 2011)
•Enough natural gas in Marcellus Shale for 110 year supply. (Dec 2011)
•Libya: No oil, no support; no exceptions. (Dec 2011)
•It's incredible how slowly we're drilling for oil. (Mar 2011)

Donald Trump on Environment
Click here for 2 full quotes on Environment OR other candidates on Environment OR background on Environment.
•Good development enhances the environment. (Jan 2008)
•FactCheck: Yes, hybrid family vehicles are available in US. ()

Donald Trump on Families & Children
Click here for the full quote on Families & Children OR other candidates on Families & Children OR background on Families & Children.
•Stress importance of a strong family, & a culture of Life. (Jun 2015)

Donald Trump on Foreign Policy
Click here for 9 full quotes on Foreign Policy OR other candidates on Foreign Policy OR background on Foreign Policy.
•More sanctions on Iran; more support of Israel. (Jun 2015)
•China is our enemy; they're bilking us for billions. (Dec 2011)
•When you love America, you protect it with no apologies. (Dec 2011)
•By 2027, tsunami as China overtakes US as largest economy. (Dec 2011)
•Criticized Buchanan’s view on Hitler as appeasement. (Jul 2000)
•Post-Cold War: switch from chess player to dealmaker. (Jul 2000)
•Support Russia, but with strings attached. (Jul 2000)
•China: lack of human rights prevents consumer development. (Jul 2000)
•Be tougher on China-we’re too eager to please. (Jul 2000)

Donald Trump on Free Trade
Click here for 10 full quotes on Free Trade OR other candidates on Free Trade OR background on Free Trade.
•China and Japan are beating us; I can beat China. (Jun 2015)
•35% import tax on Mexican border. (Jun 2015)
•Stupid people negotiate our trade bills, & trade won't work. (Jun 2015)
•20% tax on all imported goods. (Dec 2011)
•Fair trade instead of embarrassing deal with South Korea. (Dec 2011)
•Repatriate jobs that China has been stealing. (Dec 2011)
•Embrace globalization and international markets. (Jan 2008)
•Renegotiate tougher & fairer trade agreements. (Jul 2000)
•President should be nation’s trade representative. (Dec 1999)
•World views US trade officials as ‘saps’. (Dec 1999)

Donald Trump on Government Reform
Click here for 5 full quotes on Government Reform OR other candidates on Government Reform OR background on Government Reform.
•Two-term limit on NYC mayor is a terrible idea. (Sep 2010)
•Government scrutiny is greatest threat to American Dream. (Jul 2000)
•Ban soft money; but allow unlimited personal contributions. (Jul 2000)
•Government should do public works & safety & little else. (Jul 2000)
•Rebuilt Wollman Rink in 4 months; city failed for 6 years. (Jul 1987)

Donald Trump on Gun Control
Click here for 4 full quotes on Gun Control OR other candidates on Gun Control OR background on Gun Control.
•A very strong person on the Second Amendment. (Jun 2015)
•I am against gun control. (Feb 2011)
•Dems and Reps are both wrong on guns. (Jul 2000)
•For assault weapon ban, waiting period, & background check. (Jul 2000)

Donald Trump on Health Care
Click here for 7 full quotes on Health Care OR other candidates on Health Care OR background on Health Care.
•ObamaCare is a catastrophe that must be repealed & replaced. (Jun 2015)
•Don't cut Medicare; grow the economy to keep benefits. (Jun 2015)
•ObamaCare deductibles are so high that it's useless. (Jun 2015)
•Save Medicare & Medicaid without cutting them to the bone. (Jan 2015)
•Kill ObamaCare before it becomes a trillion-ton weight. (Dec 2011)
•Increase insurance competition across state lines. (Dec 2011)
•We must have universal health care. (Jul 2000)

Donald Trump on Homeland Security
Click here for 8 full quotes on Homeland Security OR other candidates on Homeland Security OR background on Homeland Security.
•Our nuclear arsenal doesn't work; it's 30 years old. (Jun 2015)
•Increased Veterans Day parade audience from 100 to 1 million. (Jun 2015)
•Defeat ISIS and stop Islamic terrorists. (Jan 2015)
•American interests come first; no apologies. (Dec 2011)
•All freedoms flow from national security. (Dec 2011)
•3% of GNP for military is too low. (Jul 2000)
•Missile defense is inappropriate; focus on terrorism. (Jul 2000)
•Prepare for bio-terrorism attack. (Jul 2000)

Donald Trump on Immigration
Click here for 12 full quotes on Immigration OR other candidates on Immigration OR background on Immigration.
•OpEd: businesses & Republicans condemn anti-Mexico terms. (Jul 2015)
•Half of the undocumented residents in America are criminals. (Jun 2015)
•Mexico & Latin America send us drugs, crime, and rapists. (Jun 2015)
•Build great wall on southern border; have Mexico pay for it. (Jun 2015)
•We need strong borders; we need a wall. (Feb 2015)
•Citizenship for illegal immigrants is a GOP suicide mission. (Mar 2013)
•351,000 illegal aliens are in our prisons; costing $1.1B. (Dec 2011)
•Anchor babies were NEVER the intent of the 14th Amendment. (Dec 2011)
•Invite foreigners graduating from college to stay in US. (Dec 2011)
•Triple-layered fence & Predator drones on Mexican border. (Dec 2011)
•Control borders; even legal immigration should be difficult. (Jul 2000)
•Limit new immigration; focus on people already here. (Dec 1999)

Donald Trump on Jobs
Click here for 4 full quotes on Jobs OR other candidates on Jobs OR background on Jobs.
•Real unemployment rate is 20%; don't believe 5.6%. (Jun 2015)
•Raising business tax causes businesses to move jobs overseas. (Dec 2011)
•Unions fight for pay; managers fight for less; consumers win. (Jul 2000)
•Foreign companies are taking jobs from US. (Dec 1999)

Donald Trump on Principles & Values
Click here for 24 full quotes on Principles & Values OR other candidates on Principles & Values OR background on Principles & Values.
•Attended military academy & Wharton Business School. (Jun 2015)
•Stoked Tea Party suspicions about Obama's legitimacy. (Jan 2012)
•No more morning in America; we'll be mourning FOR America. (Dec 2011)
•5-point plan to return America to her former greatness. (Dec 2011)
•USA is the greatest force for freedom world has ever known. (Dec 2011)
•Bad students (like Obama) shouldn't go to Harvard. (Apr 2011)
•One hour to produce my birth certificate; Obama should too. (Feb 2011)
•If I run & win, our country will be great again. (Feb 2011)
•Never give up; look at the solution, not the problem. (Jan 2008)
•To negotiate well, prepare and know as much as possible. (Jan 2008)
•In the best negotiations, everyone wins. (Jan 2008)
•Failure is not permanent. (Jan 2008)
•Tell people you’re successful or they won’t know it. (Mar 2004)
•Good management requires hiring good people. (Mar 2004)
•Lessons: stay focused on big picture. (Mar 2004)
•Surround yourself with people you can trust. (Mar 2004)
•3 principles: One term, two-fisted policies, zero excuses. (Jul 2000)
•Non-politicians are the wave of the future. (Jul 2000)
•In business & politics, stands for getting things done. (Jul 2000)
•Burned by press too often to be available any more. (Jul 1990)
•Rules for surviving the perils of success. (Jul 1990)
•Separated from Ivana after long less-than-perfect marriage. (Jul 1990)
•Toughness is equally strength, intelligence, & self-respect. (Jul 1990)
•Appealing to middle Americans leery of political elite. (Nov 1999)

Donald Trump on Social Security
Click here for 6 full quotes on Social Security OR other candidates on Social Security OR background on Social Security.
•Cannot change Medicare or Soc.Sec. and still win elections. (Mar 2013)
•Social Security isn't an "entitlement"; it's honoring a deal. (Dec 2011)
•Disability Racket: $25B in fraudulent disability filings. (Dec 2011)
•Pay off debt; put $3T interest savings into Trust Fund. (Jul 2000)
•Let people invest their own retirement funds. (Jul 2000)
•No government investment of retirement funds. (Jul 2000)

Donald Trump on Tax Reform
Click here for 10 full quotes on Tax Reform OR other candidates on Tax Reform OR background on Tax Reform.
•One-time 14% tax on wealthy to pay down national debt. (Jun 2015)
•4 brackets; 1-5-10-15%; kill death tax & corporate tax. (Dec 2011)
•Cutting tax rates incentivizes a strong national work ethic. (Dec 2011)
•Previously supported wealth tax; now supports Bush tax cuts. (Apr 2011)
•Repeal the inheritance tax to offset one-time wealth tax. (Jul 2000)
•Simplify tax code; end marriage penalty & other hidden taxes. (Jul 2000)
•Opposes flat tax; benefits wealthy too much. (Jul 2000)
•Personally avoids sales tax, but knows many people like it. (Dec 1999)
•One-time 14.25% tax on wealth, to erase national debt. (Nov 1999)
•Tax assets over $10 million, paid over 10 years. (Nov 1999)

Donald Trump on Technology
Click here for 3 full quotes on Technology OR other candidates on Technology OR background on Technology.
•Rebuild our infrastructure on time & on budget. (Jun 2015)
•Emmy award & Hollywood Walk of Fame for "The Apprentice". (Jun 2015)
•China threatens US with cyber warfare & industrial espionage. (Dec 2011)

Donald Trump on War & Peace
Click here for 10 full quotes on War & Peace OR other candidates on War & Peace OR background on War & Peace.
•Boots on the ground to fight ISIS. (Jun 2015)
•I said "don't hit Iraq," because it destabilized Middle East. (Jun 2015)
•Hit ISIS hard and fast. (Feb 2015)
•Take $1.5T in oil from Iraq to pay for US victims. (Mar 2013)
•Iraq should pick up the tab for their own liberation. (Dec 2011)
•Stop Iran's nuclear programs by any & all means necessary. (Dec 2011)
•John McCain's actions in Vietnam were not "heroic". (Sep 2000)
•Use force to stop North Korean nuke development. (Jul 2000)
•Support Israel, our unsinkable Mideast aircraft carrier. (Jul 2000)
•No humanitarian intervention; only to direct threats. (Jul 2000)

Donald Trump on Welfare & Poverty
Click here for 4 full quotes on Welfare & Poverty OR other candidates on Welfare & Poverty OR background on Welfare & Poverty.
•I don't like firing people; work makes people better. (Dec 2011)
•Food stamps should be temporary; not a decade on the dole. (Dec 2011)
•Apply welfare-to-work to 76 other welfare programs. (Dec 2011)
•Let “saints” help teen moms; restrict public assistance. (Jul 2000)
It is indeed easy to understand why and how the Rabid Right supports Trump. Trump is a feckless thug, a bully , an egomaniac who spews stream of consciousness invectives and then threatens critics with a pack of lawyers he will loose like guard dogs on an estate.

He believes that his wealth entitles him to act the bully and that his wealth alone should make him eminently qualified to run the United States of America. Trump's bullying tactics are part and parcel of his wealth gathering operation. He bullied the people of Scotland to destroy a coastal section in order to build a luxury golf resort, in spite of the nearly unanimous objections of the locals.

His candidacy is to shine the light of publicity upon himself. He will not be the Republican nominee. He will poison the well for other, qualified Republican candidates.
Mommy look at the mean successful republican he's evil cause he's making money, mommy make the bad man go away!!!

Do you need a tissue you pansy piece of shit?
Bullies, like birds, idiots and feckless scum, flock together.
Says the brown shirt with the NAZI boots.
Didn't you just call me a mooching Socialist? Now, you've veered off into Nazi imagery. Something tells me that you failed every civics class you ever attended.
Yeah cause everyone knows NAZI does not stand for National Socialist Party and you can't be a moocher if you have a job enforcing socialism with said NAZI boots. Face it, you've been found out as a piece of shit brown shirt NAZI.
See the pattern developing here?

The usual leftist fanatics can't reply to what Trump says, and hate the fact that so many normal Americans agree with him.

So they smear him, insult him, insult the people who agree with him, call names, ANYTHING except discuss what Trump has actually said.

Leftist after leftist falls into the same pattern.

For good reason.
Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi
It is indeed easy to understand why and how the Rabid Right supports Trump. Trump is a feckless thug, a bully , an egomaniac who spews stream of consciousness invectives and then threatens critics with a pack of lawyers he will loose like guard dogs on an estate.

He believes that his wealth entitles him to act the bully and that his wealth alone should make him eminently qualified to run the United States of America. Trump's bullying tactics are part and parcel of his wealth gathering operation. He bullied the people of Scotland to destroy a coastal section in order to build a luxury golf resort, in spite of the nearly unanimous objections of the locals.

His candidacy is to shine the light of publicity upon himself. He will not be the Republican nominee. He will poison the well for other, qualified Republican candidates.
Mommy look at the mean successful republican he's evil cause he's making money, mommy make the bad man go away!!!

Do you need a tissue you pansy piece of shit?
Bullies, like birds, idiots and feckless scum, flock together.
Says the brown shirt with the NAZI boots.
Didn't you just call me a mooching Socialist? Now, you've veered off into Nazi imagery. Something tells me that you failed every civics class you ever attended.
Yeah cause everyone knows NAZI does not stand for National Socialist Party and you can't be a moocher if you have a job enforcing socialism with said NAZI boots. Face it, you've been found out as a piece of shit brown shirt NAZI.
Aren't you supposed to be out on a ledge somewhere?
Mommy look at the mean successful republican he's evil cause he's making money, mommy make the bad man go away!!!

Do you need a tissue you pansy piece of shit?
Bullies, like birds, idiots and feckless scum, flock together.
Says the brown shirt with the NAZI boots.
Didn't you just call me a mooching Socialist? Now, you've veered off into Nazi imagery. Something tells me that you failed every civics class you ever attended.
Yeah cause everyone knows NAZI does not stand for National Socialist Party and you can't be a moocher if you have a job enforcing socialism with said NAZI boots. Face it, you've been found out as a piece of shit brown shirt NAZI.
Aren't you supposed to be out on a ledge somewhere?
What's the matter, you need a tissue?
Bullies, like birds, idiots and feckless scum, flock together.
Says the brown shirt with the NAZI boots.
Didn't you just call me a mooching Socialist? Now, you've veered off into Nazi imagery. Something tells me that you failed every civics class you ever attended.
Yeah cause everyone knows NAZI does not stand for National Socialist Party and you can't be a moocher if you have a job enforcing socialism with said NAZI boots. Face it, you've been found out as a piece of shit brown shirt NAZI.
Aren't you supposed to be out on a ledge somewhere?
What's the matter, you need a tissue?
Do you? There's a little spittle in the corner of your mouth. Much like the foam on the mouth of a rabid dumb animal, which, oddly enough, I regard you to be.
Says the brown shirt with the NAZI boots.
Didn't you just call me a mooching Socialist? Now, you've veered off into Nazi imagery. Something tells me that you failed every civics class you ever attended.
Yeah cause everyone knows NAZI does not stand for National Socialist Party and you can't be a moocher if you have a job enforcing socialism with said NAZI boots. Face it, you've been found out as a piece of shit brown shirt NAZI.
Aren't you supposed to be out on a ledge somewhere?
What's the matter, you need a tissue?
Do you? There's a little spittle in the corner of your mouth. Much like the foam on the mouth of a rabid dumb animal, which, oddly enough, I regard you to be.
That's right anyone that stands up to your fucking bullshit cowardly crap must be rabid. You brown shirt nazi pussy.
Trump. Trump. Trump. That's all anyone is talking about.

I hope he wins.
Thus rendering everything you said in your other bullshit thread hypocritical.

Trump is a corrupt human being.

He literally has a huge fucking hand in sending manufacturing jobs to China.

He PERSONALLY partakes in doing so, himself.

And to rally mouth breathing idiots like YOU, out the other side of his mouth he says he will stop letting America outsource manufacturing jobs to China.

Didn't you just call me a mooching Socialist? Now, you've veered off into Nazi imagery. Something tells me that you failed every civics class you ever attended.
Yeah cause everyone knows NAZI does not stand for National Socialist Party and you can't be a moocher if you have a job enforcing socialism with said NAZI boots. Face it, you've been found out as a piece of shit brown shirt NAZI.
Aren't you supposed to be out on a ledge somewhere?
What's the matter, you need a tissue?
Do you? There's a little spittle in the corner of your mouth. Much like the foam on the mouth of a rabid dumb animal, which, oddly enough, I regard you to be.
That's right anyone that stands up to your fucking bullshit cowardly crap must be rabid. You brown shirt nazi pussy.
And now you're on ignore due to the fact you cannot make a coherent statement. Stop wasting bandwidth. Take some night classes. Learn some manners. Then come back, hopefully, a better person. Because, in your current condition, you're utterly worthless.
Dems are running three old White left-wingers with nothing but a record of failure; a hopelessly out of touch, corrupt wife of a former President, an old as dirt Socialist from a Nothern state that isnt doing so well; and a pussy that was shouted down and forced to apologize for the "crime" of saying "All Lives Matter" by a group of Black racists
Well, the first debate is less than a month away. But Iowa isn't until Feb 1 and NH Feb 10, so I'm not sure Trump can sustain the surge, nor am I sure he wants to. BUT, the facts remain that what he's saying about the issues, appeal to many gopers, so whether or not he's simply grandstanding and has no interest in actually effectuating any change, may be irrelevant.
Trump. Trump. Trump. That's all anyone is talking about.

I hope he wins.
Thus rendering everything you said in your other bullshit thread hypocritical.

Trump is a corrupt human being.

He literally has a huge fucking hand in sending manufacturing jobs to China.

He PERSONALLY partakes in doing so, himself.

And to rally mouth breathing idiots like YOU, out the other side of his mouth he says he will stop letting America outsource manufacturing jobs to China.

View attachment 45185

i really really doubt Trump sent anywhere near the jobs to china that obama's actual own "Job's Czar", whose very existence in the position was to save jobs in America, has sent to China. as head of one of the largest corporations on the planet, GE, Immelt has moved actual jobs to china; the idiotic Left; addicted to lying to itself, will tell y ou they were just a handful of executive jobs. ......but the jobs CREATED BY GE are IN CHINA. so the left will say he didnt "send jobs to china, didnt "outsource" them, but NEW jobs went to China and not the USA. This, again, from a guy who's own existence in the position was to create an environment for job growth HERE.

talk about mouthbreathers??
It is difficult to understand how so many right wingers can't realize what a charlatan Trump really is and how this huckster has been able to fool so many.......Please bear in mind that, as a left leaning voter, NOTHING pleases me more than to have Trump as the GOP nominee...or even "better", Trump as a 3rd party candidate.

However, anyone with half a brain should realize that what Trump is spewing is unadulterated bullshit.......

Trump calls for a 2,000 mile massive wall to be built on our southern border.....and any nitwit should realize that walls are never an effective way to guard anything......From the Great Wall in China, to the Berlin Wall, history has shown that they basically do little...and for us to truly hold back Latino immigrant immigration would be to seriously punish those businesses that thrive because of such an influx.

Trump boasts that he would collect some huge amount from Mexico for every illegal alien....but has anyone heard HOW he would do this??? Declare war on Mexico for non-payment?

Trump calls for China and Japan to stop flooding the US with cheaper products that cause unemployment is the states...Has anyone heard exactly HOW this charlatan would accomplish this?

Trump boasts that he "knows" how to defeat ISIS, but would obly tell us once he is elected.....and ONLY idiots would take his word for it.

Bottom line is this: Trump is strictly comical entertainment and those who honestly support this idiot have now become part of the joke.

Reading your OP.....and considering your support for the terrorist sympathizers in the Whitehouse......all I can say is.....pHffffffft!!!!
Trump. Trump. Trump. That's all anyone is talking about.

I hope he wins.
Thus rendering everything you said in your other bullshit thread hypocritical.

Trump is a corrupt human being.

He literally has a huge fucking hand in sending manufacturing jobs to China.

He PERSONALLY partakes in doing so, himself.

And to rally mouth breathing idiots like YOU, out the other side of his mouth he says he will stop letting America outsource manufacturing jobs to China.

View attachment 45185

i really really doubt Trump sent anywhere near the jobs to china that obama's actual own "Job's Czar", whose very existence in the position was to save jobs in America, has sent to China. as head of one of the largest corporations on the planet, GE, Immelt has moved actual jobs to china; the idiotic Left; addicted to lying to itself, will tell y ou they were just a handful of executive jobs. ......but the jobs CREATED BY GE are IN CHINA. so the left will say he didnt "send jobs to china, didnt "outsource" them, but NEW jobs went to China and not the USA. This, again, from a guy who's own existence in the position was to create an environment for job growth HERE.

talk about mouthbreathers??
Trump is the one crowing about jobs going to China

While sending them there via his own business.

Yes, talk about mouthbreathers Im not even a "supporter" of your imaginary friend.

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