Why Trump's Comment on Election Acceptance Help Him

A.) We have a long tradition of election fraud including when Democrats in Chicago stole Illinois in 1960.
B.) Showed supporters and independent voters that he is "in it to win it" despite MSM that want a coronation for Billary.
C.) Opens door for him to fight any voter fraud.
Overall...well played sir.

Hardly surprising that people would support him basically undermining the democratic principles. Had he wanted to show what you say he wants to show, there would have been far better ways of doing it.
What was wrong about how he did it?

You know that in the beginning, late 1700s, the Founding Fathers put in place the stability of accepting defeat. Go look at Africa and see what happens when people don't accept defeat.

For a country that seems to be moving (again) towards division and hatred, not accepting the result of an election could cause major, major problems. Is Trump trying to turn the US into that sort of country?

Look, elections haven't been fair for a long time, they're actually getting fairer all the time, and corruption is a problem, we all know this, most people don't care because the stability gives it legitimacy, and that stability makes the US stable.

Well, if you want to go like Africa, then that's you're issue, but I don't know why you would. (I could also point to Latin America, even Asia for such things).
Yep. I agree. People are saying he scared people off. Nah. He just won more people. People don't trust the media,they don't trust congress and 41% of ALL people think the elections are rigged. He just won big time.

Those that are backing Trump don't trust common sense.
Its reversed. Trump supporters use and have common sense Clinton supporters use and have the propaganda channels.

The only thing that Trump making it this far proves is that there are more misogynists and sociopaths in this country than was before believed.
Misogyny has NOTHING to do with the election and yes Trump is going against a TRUE sociopath...we all know that. I can name SEVERAL women I would have no problem at all being president.
Al Gore dragged the nation through months of turmoil by refusing to concede the election in 2000 and many Democrats demanded that Kerry do the same in 2004. This is yet another example of Democratic party double standards and hypocrisy. Al Gore and the Democrats tried to get the SCOTUS to overturn a presidential election and the will of the people. Democrats started this shit so don't come preaching to us about Trump.

Date of Election 11/7/2000
Date of Gore’s Concession Speech 12/14/2000 (less than 48 hours after the SCOTUS told him it was over).

In no universe did Gore “drag the nation through months of turmoil”….

Your “months” was something like 5 weeks and Mr. Gore conceded when the final authority told him to.
He's going to have to prove a whole lot of voter fraud to overcome the millions and millions of votes deficit he'll be facing the night of November 8
This debate helped him. People will not care about the comment being somehow negative. Liberal media will try to spin, but it is starting to backfire as Wki Leaks shows her campaign and Clinton foundation to be deceitful on a daily basis.
Be sure to tune in next week to realclearpolitics when the polls show you're correct. (roflmfao)
A.) We have a long tradition of election fraud including when Democrats in Chicago stole Illinois in 1960.
B.) Showed supporters and independent voters that he is "in it to win it" despite MSM that want a coronation for Billary.
C.) Opens door for him to fight any voter fraud.
Overall...well played sir.

And I noticed you didn't pull one single verifiable link out of your ass to verify that.

Fact-checking two false claims by Trump alleging widespread voter fraud

In conclusion--Trump's claim of widespread voter fraud is :bsflag:
Yep. I agree. People are saying he scared people off. Nah. He just won more people. People don't trust the media,they don't trust congress and 41% of ALL people think the elections are rigged. He just won big time.

Those that are backing Trump don't trust common sense.
It's all about common sense vs. A Washington establishment insider.

It's about backing a misogynist capitalist racketeer who's made the majority of his money by bankrupting companies vs. a politician who has actual plans to help the middle class financially and take steps to equalize taxes.
Al Gore dragged the nation through months of turmoil by refusing to concede the election in 2000 and many Democrats demanded that Kerry do the same in 2004. This is yet another example of Democratic party double standards and hypocrisy. Al Gore and the Democrats tried to get the SCOTUS to overturn a presidential election and the will of the people. Democrats started this shit so don't come preaching to us about Trump.

Except the Democrats were right.

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