Why Trump's Comment on Election Acceptance Help Him

Al Gore dragged the nation through months of turmoil by refusing to concede the election in 2000 and many Democrats demanded that Kerry do the same in 2004. This is yet another example of Democratic party double standards and hypocrisy. Al Gore and the Democrats tried to get the SCOTUS to overturn a presidential election and the will of the people. Democrats started this shit so don't come preaching to us about Trump.

Date of Election 11/7/2000
Date of Gore’s Concession Speech 12/14/2000 (less than 48 hours after the SCOTUS told him it was over).

In no universe did Gore “drag the nation through months of turmoil”….

Your “months” was something like 5 weeks and Mr. Gore conceded when the final authority told him to.
and for the next 4 years (and even now) we had to listen to the democrats cry about their stolen election.
difference here is that we didnt know going into that election that it could be rigged. This time there is no question, I knew that she would beat Bernie no matter what, and I know she will beat Trump no matter what. She was promised.
Al Gore dragged the nation through months of turmoil by refusing to concede the election in 2000 and many Democrats demanded that Kerry do the same in 2004. This is yet another example of Democratic party double standards and hypocrisy. Al Gore and the Democrats tried to get the SCOTUS to overturn a presidential election and the will of the people. Democrats started this shit so don't come preaching to us about Trump.

Date of Election 11/7/2000
Date of Gore’s Concession Speech 12/14/2000 (less than 48 hours after the SCOTUS told him it was over).

In no universe did Gore “drag the nation through months of turmoil”….

Your “months” was something like 5 weeks and Mr. Gore conceded when the final authority told him to.
and for the next 4 years (and even now) we had to listen to the democrats cry about their stolen election.
difference here is that we didnt know going into that election that it could be rigged. This time there is no question, I knew that she would beat Bernie no matter what, and I know she will beat Trump no matter what. She was promised.
Do not overlook Bradley Effect
Al Gore dragged the nation through months of turmoil by refusing to concede the election in 2000 and many Democrats demanded that Kerry do the same in 2004. This is yet another example of Democratic party double standards and hypocrisy. Al Gore and the Democrats tried to get the SCOTUS to overturn a presidential election and the will of the people. Democrats started this shit so don't come preaching to us about Trump.

Date of Election 11/7/2000
Date of Gore’s Concession Speech 12/14/2000 (less than 48 hours after the SCOTUS told him it was over).

In no universe did Gore “drag the nation through months of turmoil”….

Your “months” was something like 5 weeks and Mr. Gore conceded when the final authority told him to.
and for the next 4 years (and even now) we had to listen to the democrats cry about their stolen election.
difference here is that we didnt know going into that election that it could be rigged. This time there is no question, I knew that she would beat Bernie no matter what, and I know she will beat Trump no matter what. She was promised.
Do not overlook Bradley Effect
No doubt there are many that are just too afraid to admit publicly that they are voting Trump.
Ive seen people on this forum that have said they were afraid to put Trump stickers on their car or signs in their yard.
trump: I am a thin skinned whiner and am going to have a massive tantrum.
did you watch the debate?
Hillary looked like she was going to cry at times.
When she brought up the violence at Trumps rallies, and he pointed out the video that showed her party paying people to go in and start the trouble, she lost it, the pissed off look never left her face for the rest of the debate.
I just cant understand how people are not able to see through this bitch for exactly what she is.
Al Gore dragged the nation through months of turmoil by refusing to concede the election in 2000 and many Democrats demanded that Kerry do the same in 2004. This is yet another example of Democratic party double standards and hypocrisy. Al Gore and the Democrats tried to get the SCOTUS to overturn a presidential election and the will of the people. Democrats started this shit so don't come preaching to us about Trump.

Date of Election 11/7/2000
Date of Gore’s Concession Speech 12/14/2000 (less than 48 hours after the SCOTUS told him it was over).

In no universe did Gore “drag the nation through months of turmoil”….

Your “months” was something like 5 weeks and Mr. Gore conceded when the final authority told him to.
and for the next 4 years (and even now) we had to listen to the democrats cry about their stolen election.
difference here is that we didnt know going into that election that it could be rigged. This time there is no question, I knew that she would beat Bernie no matter what, and I know she will beat Trump no matter what. She was promised.
This is an example of what they put out. Fails to mention Democratic approved butterfly ballot that caused all the consternation. Also played the race card.
Al Gore dragged the nation through months of turmoil by refusing to concede the election in 2000 and many Democrats demanded that Kerry do the same in 2004. This is yet another example of Democratic party double standards and hypocrisy. Al Gore and the Democrats tried to get the SCOTUS to overturn a presidential election and the will of the people. Democrats started this shit so don't come preaching to us about Trump.

Date of Election 11/7/2000
Date of Gore’s Concession Speech 12/14/2000 (less than 48 hours after the SCOTUS told him it was over).

In no universe did Gore “drag the nation through months of turmoil”….

Your “months” was something like 5 weeks and Mr. Gore conceded when the final authority told him to.
That's a month and a half. OMG. Lol.

For something to be plural…it has to be more than one.
Al Gore dragged the nation through months of turmoil by refusing to concede the election in 2000 and many Democrats demanded that Kerry do the same in 2004. This is yet another example of Democratic party double standards and hypocrisy. Al Gore and the Democrats tried to get the SCOTUS to overturn a presidential election and the will of the people. Democrats started this shit so don't come preaching to us about Trump.

Date of Election 11/7/2000
Date of Gore’s Concession Speech 12/14/2000 (less than 48 hours after the SCOTUS told him it was over).

In no universe did Gore “drag the nation through months of turmoil”….

Your “months” was something like 5 weeks and Mr. Gore conceded when the final authority told him to.
That's a month and a half. OMG. Lol.

For something to be plural…it has to be more than one.
You mean like "Billary " you vote for one crook and you really get two?
Al Gore dragged the nation through months of turmoil by refusing to concede the election in 2000 and many Democrats demanded that Kerry do the same in 2004. This is yet another example of Democratic party double standards and hypocrisy. Al Gore and the Democrats tried to get the SCOTUS to overturn a presidential election and the will of the people. Democrats started this shit so don't come preaching to us about Trump.

Date of Election 11/7/2000
Date of Gore’s Concession Speech 12/14/2000 (less than 48 hours after the SCOTUS told him it was over).

In no universe did Gore “drag the nation through months of turmoil”….

Your “months” was something like 5 weeks and Mr. Gore conceded when the final authority told him to.
That's a month and a half. OMG. Lol.

For something to be plural…it has to be more than one.
not always.
you can put on your pants, and you can own many pairs of pants.
But you generally only wear one pair of pants at a time.
He's going to have to prove a whole lot of voter fraud to overcome the millions and millions of votes deficit he'll be facing the night of November 8
This debate helped him. People will not care about the comment being somehow negative. Liberal media will try to spin, but it is starting to backfire as Wki Leaks shows her campaign and Clinton foundation to be deceitful on a daily basis.

Will you guys ever learn that you are the minority, and what you think is great about Trump everybody else does not?
He's going to have to prove a whole lot of voter fraud to overcome the millions and millions of votes deficit he'll be facing the night of November 8
This debate helped him. People will not care about the comment being somehow negative. Liberal media will try to spin, but it is starting to backfire as Wki Leaks shows her campaign and Clinton foundation to be deceitful on a daily basis.

Will you guys ever learn that you are the minority, and what you think is great about Trump everybody else does not?
what he is not understanding is that the lazy dont care how crooked and spiteful the bitch hillary is. She promises free shit, and they want free shit. Dont care where it comes from or what it costs down the road, they want the free shit now and she promised.
Vote for a one world government and Ill give you free shit.
These are the same people that rush to the bank to open that new account just to get the free toaster.
He's going to have to prove a whole lot of voter fraud to overcome the millions and millions of votes deficit he'll be facing the night of November 8
This debate helped him. People will not care about the comment being somehow negative. Liberal media will try to spin, but it is starting to backfire as Wki Leaks shows her campaign and Clinton foundation to be deceitful on a daily basis.

Will you guys ever learn that you are the minority, and what you think is great about Trump everybody else does not?
what he is not understanding is that the lazy dont care how crooked and spiteful the bitch hillary is. She promises free shit, and they want free shit. Dont care where it comes from or what it costs down the road, they want the free shit now and she promised.
Vote for a one world government and Ill give you free shit.
These are the same people that rush to the bank to open that new account just to get the free toaster.

See, you guys are nuts.

When you talk about "One World Government," everyone who doesn't live in your weird echo chamber just tunes you out.

The Republican Party needs a Sister Souljah moment to deal with the crazies.

It's time for the adults to regain control.
He's going to have to prove a whole lot of voter fraud to overcome the millions and millions of votes deficit he'll be facing the night of November 8
This debate helped him. People will not care about the comment being somehow negative. Liberal media will try to spin, but it is starting to backfire as Wki Leaks shows her campaign and Clinton foundation to be deceitful on a daily basis.

Will you guys ever learn that you are the minority, and what you think is great about Trump everybody else does not?
what he is not understanding is that the lazy dont care how crooked and spiteful the bitch hillary is. She promises free shit, and they want free shit. Dont care where it comes from or what it costs down the road, they want the free shit now and she promised.
Vote for a one world government and Ill give you free shit.
These are the same people that rush to the bank to open that new account just to get the free toaster.

See, you guys are nuts.

When you talk about "One World Government," everyone who doesn't live in your weird echo chamber just tunes you out.

The Republican Party needs a Sister Souljah moment to deal with the crazies.

It's time for the adults to regain control.
you guys are like race horses with the blinders on. can only see the free stuff at the finish line, never see what about to slam into you on your way there.
A.) We have a long tradition of election fraud including when Democrats in Chicago stole Illinois in 1960.
B.) Showed supporters and independent voters that he is "in it to win it" despite MSM that want a coronation for Billary.
C.) Opens door for him to fight any voter fraud.
Overall...well played sir.

Hardly surprising that people would support him basically undermining the democratic principles. Had he wanted to show what you say he wants to show, there would have been far better ways of doing it.
A.) We have a long tradition of election fraud including when Democrats in Chicago stole Illinois in 1960.
B.) Showed supporters and independent voters that he is "in it to win it" despite MSM that want a coronation for Billary.
C.) Opens door for him to fight any voter fraud.
Overall...well played sir.

Hardly surprising that people would support him basically undermining the democratic principles. Had he wanted to show what you say he wants to show, there would have been far better ways of doing it.
What was wrong about how he did it?
Yep. I agree. People are saying he scared people off. Nah. He just won more people. People don't trust the media,they don't trust congress and 41% of ALL people think the elections are rigged. He just won big time.

What's going on in the Clinton camp is far worse than watergate ever was.

On tape we have a Clinton campaign operative admitting he paid to have thugs start violence at trump rally's.

Americans were injured during those assaults.

The press knows this, yet hardly any coverage?

I think Trump is right!
He's going to have to prove a whole lot of voter fraud to overcome the millions and millions of votes deficit he'll be facing the night of November 8
This debate helped him. People will not care about the comment being somehow negative. Liberal media will try to spin, but it is starting to backfire as Wki Leaks shows her campaign and Clinton foundation to be deceitful on a daily basis.

Will you guys ever learn that you are the minority, and what you think is great about Trump everybody else does not?
what he is not understanding is that the lazy dont care how crooked and spiteful the bitch hillary is. She promises free shit, and they want free shit. Dont care where it comes from or what it costs down the road, they want the free shit now and she promised.
Vote for a one world government and Ill give you free shit.
These are the same people that rush to the bank to open that new account just to get the free toaster.

See, you guys are nuts.

When you talk about "One World Government," everyone who doesn't live in your weird echo chamber just tunes you out.

The Republican Party needs a Sister Souljah moment to deal with the crazies.

It's time for the adults to regain control.
what do you think the prune skin bitch is talking about when she says she wants countries without borders, totally free trade between all?
Sounds to me like she wants to get rid of countries and just have one government control everyone.
Hopefully somebody does the right thing once she takes office.
Wont be me, I didnt like jail for just weekends, dont think I could deal with it for life. So my coward ass wont be doing anything, however I will finance one hell of a party at the local bar, and I dont even drink.
Are we all supposed to assume that there has never been any fraudulent votes casted in any deep blue states {you know, the ones that will let anyone vote, even on election day with no ID?}
A.) We have a long tradition of election fraud including when Democrats in Chicago stole Illinois in 1960.
B.) Showed supporters and independent voters that he is "in it to win it" despite MSM that want a coronation for Billary.
C.) Opens door for him to fight any voter fraud.
Overall...well played sir.

Plus do this over wrought news pundits like Juan Williams on Fox who was so angsted about Trump's comments REMEMBER the 2000 election when it
took a Supreme court to finally decide OVER AL GORE'S REFUSAL TO ACCEPT THE RESULTS?
Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98 (2000), is the United States Supreme Court decision that resolved the dispute surrounding the 2000 presidential election. On December 9 (three days earlier), the Court had preliminarily halted the Florida recount that was occurring.
Eight days earlier, the Court unanimously decided the closely related case of Bush v. Palm Beach County Canvassing Board, 531 U.S. 70 (2000).
Bush v. Gore - Wikipedia
He's going to have to prove a whole lot of voter fraud to overcome the millions and millions of votes deficit he'll be facing the night of November 8
This debate helped him. People will not care about the comment being somehow negative. Liberal media will try to spin, but it is starting to backfire as Wki Leaks shows her campaign and Clinton foundation to be deceitful on a daily basis.

Will you guys ever learn that you are the minority, and what you think is great about Trump everybody else does not?
what he is not understanding is that the lazy dont care how crooked and spiteful the bitch hillary is. She promises free shit, and they want free shit. Dont care where it comes from or what it costs down the road, they want the free shit now and she promised.
Vote for a one world government and Ill give you free shit.
These are the same people that rush to the bank to open that new account just to get the free toaster.

See, you guys are nuts.

When you talk about "One World Government," everyone who doesn't live in your weird echo chamber just tunes you out.

The Republican Party needs a Sister Souljah moment to deal with the crazies.

It's time for the adults to regain control.
what do you think the prune skin bitch is talking about when she says she wants countries without borders, totally free trade between all?
Sounds to me like she wants to get rid of countries and just have one government control everyone.
Hopefully somebody does the right thing once she takes office.
Wont be me, I didnt like jail for just weekends, dont think I could deal with it for life. So my coward ass wont be doing anything, however I will finance one hell of a party at the local bar, and I dont even drink.

Free trade is capitalism and liberty.

Open Borders does not mean everyone can come here to work. And I bloody well know because I spent five figures and years in the American immigration system.

And neither of those things preclude one world government. It's up there with black helicopters and birferism. It's crazy.

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