Why Trump's Not So Bad


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
A lot of people like to slam Trump calling him all kinds of bad things, but if they were all true, at least they are sins of omission. Like a kid with a gimp leg who still goes to bat and tries his best to get around the bases. But look at what Trump has given us, on top of all the good he has done so far going into the future; among the 60 or so good things he's done these past 100 days, do not forget two things:

1). He saved the Supreme Court with Gorsuch.

2). He's not Hillary.


While some beat on Trump day and night, the important thing to remember is that at least he's not Hillary! If you think Trump is so bad, if you've forgotten all the wrong Hillary did as Secretary of State, if you never knew what she and Bill did when in the White House or back in Arkansas, here is a little refresher. When thinking about or talking about Trump allegations, accusations or investigations, here is a list of criminal wrongdoing by the Clintons, none of which ever got a special prosecutor, and ask yourself what kind of president might she have made and why no prosecutor on any of these things, yet one on Trump just for an alleged memo, passing request and a hostile article in an unfriendly newspaper!!!

Imagine if Trump had THIS RESUME:

Watergate: Fired for being a ‘liar’

As a House Judiciary Committee staffer in 1974, Hillary Clinton helped investigate the Watergate scandal that led to Richard Nixon’s resignation. She was soon fired by a supervisor who described her as an “unethical, dishonest lawyer.”

Hillary laughs about defending child rapist

Audio unveiled decades after it was recorded Hillary Clinton celebrating the fact that an accused child rapist she represented was set free in 1975 – despite the fact that she believed him to be guilty of the crime.

Hillary’s radical pal, Saul Alinsky

Reports indicate socialist community organizer and author of Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky, was a major influence on a young Hillary Clinton. She was involved in Alinsky’s group, Industrial Areas Foundation, for decades after the radical activist’s death.

Hillary’s cash cows and 9,987% profit

A series of investments in cattle futures was seriously profitable for a young Hillary Clinton. Between 1978 and 1979, a $1,000 investment turned into a nearly $100,000 profit, a success subsequently linked to a Clinton supporter who also happened to be a high-level player at Tyson Foods.

Whitewater: Jail for friends, but not Clintons

One of the most identifiable Clinton scandals involved an investigation into a real estate deal that later encompassed accusations of improper campaign donations and the couple’s potential involvement in Foster’s death.

Vince Foster’s 1993 death

Family friend and White House counsel Vince Foster was himself embroiled in at least a few of the Clintons’ early scandals until his suspicious death. Initially ruled a suicide, the circumstances of Foster’s death have led to significant speculation in the decades since.

Clinton body count: ‘You find dead people’

Foster was not the only suspicious death linked to the Clintons. In addition to those who met an untimely end after crossing the powerful couple, many others on their wrong side also ended up behind bars.

Hillary’s ‘missing’ law firm billing records

More than 100 pages of pertinent information went missing ahead of a 1994 federal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s involvement in the Watergate scandal. When the documents did surface two years later, it was revealed that she was in contact with many of the scandal’s central figures.

Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets

Judicial Watch released a report implicating Chinese corporations supported Bill Clinton’s 1996 reelection effort in exchange for major U.S. technology secrets.

Covering Bill’s dirty deeds

Amid multiple allegations of sexual assault and rape against Bill Clinton that cast a negative light on the political power couple, Hillary reportedly aided her husband not only by publicly defending him, but by using shady – and potentially criminal tactics in an effort to harm his lady accusers.

Travelgate: Always room for friends

During the Clinton administration, the Clintons laid off the White House travel office staff so that they could fill the department with family members and friends.

Filegate: FBI files on GOP enemies

The Clintons gained confidential tax records on many of their political rivals, a scheme in which Judicial Watch found Hillary played a central role.

Clintons turn IRS into ‘gestapo’

During Bill Clinton’s second term, reports surfaced that prominent conservative groups had been subjected to audits while there was no indication that any corresponding organizations on the political left had been similarly targeted by the IRS.

Looting the White House

After Clinton’s second term came to a close, the couple attempted to take roughly $190,000 worth of furniture and other irreplaceable and historic items from the White House – on top of causing about $14,000 in vandalism damage to the presidential mansion.

Pardongate: Hillary Senate contributions

The wife of one convicted tax cheat pardoned by Bill Clinton at the end of his second term responded by becoming a major contributor to Hillary’s 2000 campaign to become a New York senator.

Peter Franklin Paul: Another Hillary friend goes to prison

Paul was an entertainment executive and major financial supporter of Hillary Clinton’s 2000 Senate bid. He has since become an outspoken critic after accepting a plea deal and serving three years in prison for what he contended was retaliation for calling attention to fraud within Clinton’s fundraising methods.

Hillary cashes in: Iranian fundraising

The Clinton Foundation reportedly received numerous financial contributions from a group accused of serving as an agent of the Iranian government.

Landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia

Hillary Clinton has faced criticism for her since-debunked 2008 claim that, more than a decade earlier, she was touring war-torn Bosnia in a helicopter as it sustained sniper fire. While she described a very dramatic landing, news footage of the event showed no such threat existed.

Hillary’s ‘Muslim Brotherhood princess’

Huma Abedin, a confidant who served as Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, was linked to the Muslim Brotherhood – specifically through the al-Qaeda connections of both her mother and father.

Clinton Foundation: Scandals keep coming

The Clintons’ nonprofit organization has faced controversy far beyond the Iranian connection, including accusations of tax fraud and a secretive deal believed to have facilitated the release of nuclear material to Russia.

Benghazi: 4 American lives lost

A scandal that continues to incite passions involves then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, lambasted for her perceived inaction before, during, and after a 2012 attack that killed four Americans in Libya where she ignored hundreds of pleas for evacuation and reinforcements.

Emailgate: ‘She should go to prison for this’

One of the more recent scandals involves Hillary Clinton’s admitted use of a personal email server to share official government correspondences during her stint as secretary of state, where said data was subsequently destroyed before anyone could see the contents.


On top of all of that, going back to the Clinton’s early career between Arkansas and getting to the White House there are 98 known deaths of close associates to the Clintons who all died under suspicious and unresolved circumstances. Here are most of the better known and investigated names:

1 – James McDougal
2 – Mary Mahoney
3 – Vince Foster
4 – Ron Brown
5 – C. Victor Raiser, II
6 – Paul Tulley
7 – Ed Willey
8 – Jerry Parks
9 – James Bunch
10 – John Wilson
11 – Kathy Ferguson
12 – Bill Shelton
13 – Gandy Baugh
14 – Florence Martin
15 - Suzanne Coleman
16 – Paula Grober
17 – Danny Casolaro
18 – Paul Wilcher
19 – Jon Parnell Walker
20 – Barbara Wise
21 – Charles Meissner
22 – Dr. Stanley Heard
23 – Barry Seal
24 – Johnny Lawhorn, Jr.
25 – Stanley Huggins
26 – Herschel Friday
27 – Kevin Ives and Don Henry
28 – Keith Coney
29 – Keith McMaskle
30 – Gregory Collins
32-Jeff Rhodes
33-James Milan
34-Jordan Kettleson
35-Richard Winters


36 -Major William S. Barkley Jr. 

37-Captain Scott J . Reynolds 

38-Sgt. Brian Hanley

39-Sgt. Tim Sabel 

40-Major General William Robertson 

41-Col. William Densberger

42-Col. Robert Kelly 

43-Spec. Gary Rhodes 

44-Steve Willis

45-Robert Williams 

46-Conway LeBleu 

47-Todd McKeehan

Remember, this is just a partial list. Remember, this is the person the Democrats wanted to be the next president, so much so that they funded her to the nines, loaded her up with a staff of nearly 400, and rigged the election so that Bernie Sanders could not possibly win. Then they put out the full democratic voter ID cheat machine, had Donna Brazil feed her debate questions in advance so she had an edge, and literally held her up as she flew around avoiding the press for months on end, fainting, falling over and coughing her head off.

And most of all none of the above was ever deeply investigate and prosecuted, except for the Bengazi case which they delayed and dragged out, and the Emailgate, which FBI agent Comey allowed the destruction of much of the evidence, then found her essentially innocent in the face of damming evidence as the Attorney General met Bill Clinton in secret.

Now the very same people who looked the other way on all of the above, defended it, excused it, rationalized it, want President Trump's head for a case where there hasn't even been found any wrongdoing in ten months of hard digging, and all of the accusations have been found false and/or misleading!

If you didn't know the history of Hillary Clinton, NOW YOU KNOW!!!


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A lot of people like to slam Trump calling him all kinds of bad things, but if they were all true, at least they are sins of omission. Like a kid with a gimp leg who still goes to bat and tries his best to get around the bases. But look at what Trump has given us, on top of all the good he has done so far going into the future; among the 60 or so good things he's done these past 100 days, do not forget two things:

1). He saved the Supreme Court with Gorsuch.

2). He's not Hillary.

View attachment 127320

While some beat on Trump day and night, the important thing to remember is that at least he's not Hillary! If you think Trump is so bad, if you've forgotten all the wrong Hillary did as Secretary of State, if you never knew what she and Bill did when in the White House or back in Arkansas, here is a little refresher. When thinking about or talking about Trump allegations, accusations or investigations, here is a list of criminal wrongdoing by the Clintons, none of which ever got a special prosecutor, and ask yourself what kind of president might she have made and why no prosecutor on any of these things, yet one on Trump just for an alleged memo, passing request and a hostile article in an unfriendly newspaper!!!

Imagine if Trump had THIS RESUME:

Watergate: Fired for being a ‘liar’

As a House Judiciary Committee staffer in 1974, Hillary Clinton helped investigate the Watergate scandal that led to Richard Nixon’s resignation. She was soon fired by a supervisor who described her as an “unethical, dishonest lawyer.”

Hillary laughs about defending child rapist

Audio unveiled decades after it was recorded Hillary Clinton celebrating the fact that an accused child rapist she represented was set free in 1975 – despite the fact that she believed him to be guilty of the crime.

Hillary’s radical pal, Saul Alinsky

Reports indicate socialist community organizer and author of Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky, was a major influence on a young Hillary Clinton. She was involved in Alinsky’s group, Industrial Areas Foundation, for decades after the radical activist’s death.

Hillary’s cash cows and 9,987% profit

A series of investments in cattle futures was seriously profitable for a young Hillary Clinton. Between 1978 and 1979, a $1,000 investment turned into a nearly $100,000 profit, a success subsequently linked to a Clinton supporter who also happened to be a high-level player at Tyson Foods.

Whitewater: Jail for friends, but not Clintons

One of the most identifiable Clinton scandals involved an investigation into a real estate deal that later encompassed accusations of improper campaign donations and the couple’s potential involvement in Foster’s death.

Vince Foster’s 1993 death

Family friend and White House counsel Vince Foster was himself embroiled in at least a few of the Clintons’ early scandals until his suspicious death. Initially ruled a suicide, the circumstances of Foster’s death have led to significant speculation in the decades since.

Clinton body count: ‘You find dead people’

Foster was not the only suspicious death linked to the Clintons. In addition to those who met an untimely end after crossing the powerful couple, many others on their wrong side also ended up behind bars.

Hillary’s ‘missing’ law firm billing records

More than 100 pages of pertinent information went missing ahead of a 1994 federal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s involvement in the Watergate scandal. When the documents did surface two years later, it was revealed that she was in contact with many of the scandal’s central figures.

Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets

Judicial Watch released a report implicating Chinese corporations supported Bill Clinton’s 1996 reelection effort in exchange for major U.S. technology secrets.

Covering Bill’s dirty deeds

Amid multiple allegations of sexual assault and rape against Bill Clinton that cast a negative light on the political power couple, Hillary reportedly aided her husband not only by publicly defending him, but by using shady – and potentially criminal tactics in an effort to harm his lady accusers.

Travelgate: Always room for friends

During the Clinton administration, the Clintons laid off the White House travel office staff so that they could fill the department with family members and friends.

Filegate: FBI files on GOP enemies

The Clintons gained confidential tax records on many of their political rivals, a scheme in which Judicial Watch found Hillary played a central role.

Clintons turn IRS into ‘gestapo’

During Bill Clinton’s second term, reports surfaced that prominent conservative groups had been subjected to audits while there was no indication that any corresponding organizations on the political left had been similarly targeted by the IRS.

Looting the White House

After Clinton’s second term came to a close, the couple attempted to take roughly $190,000 worth of furniture and other irreplaceable and historic items from the White House – on top of causing about $14,000 in vandalism damage to the presidential mansion.

Pardongate: Hillary Senate contributions

The wife of one convicted tax cheat pardoned by Bill Clinton at the end of his second term responded by becoming a major contributor to Hillary’s 2000 campaign to become a New York senator.

Peter Franklin Paul: Another Hillary friend goes to prison

Paul was an entertainment executive and major financial supporter of Hillary Clinton’s 2000 Senate bid. He has since become an outspoken critic after accepting a plea deal and serving three years in prison for what he contended was retaliation for calling attention to fraud within Clinton’s fundraising methods.

Hillary cashes in: Iranian fundraising

The Clinton Foundation reportedly received numerous financial contributions from a group accused of serving as an agent of the Iranian government.

Landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia

Hillary Clinton has faced criticism for her since-debunked 2008 claim that, more than a decade earlier, she was touring war-torn Bosnia in a helicopter as it sustained sniper fire. While she described a very dramatic landing, news footage of the event showed no such threat existed.

Hillary’s ‘Muslim Brotherhood princess’

Huma Abedin, a confidant who served as Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, was linked to the Muslim Brotherhood – specifically through the al-Qaeda connections of both her mother and father.

Clinton Foundation: Scandals keep coming

The Clintons’ nonprofit organization has faced controversy far beyond the Iranian connection, including accusations of tax fraud and a secretive deal believed to have facilitated the release of nuclear material to Russia.

Benghazi: 4 American lives lost

A scandal that continues to incite passions involves then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, lambasted for her perceived inaction before, during, and after a 2012 attack that killed four Americans in Libya where she ignored hundreds of pleas for evacuation and reinforcements.

Emailgate: ‘She should go to prison for this’

One of the more recent scandals involves Hillary Clinton’s admitted use of a personal email server to share official government correspondences during her stint as secretary of state, where said data was subsequently destroyed before anyone could see the contents.

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On top of all of that, going back to the Clinton’s early career between Arkansas and getting to the White House there are 98 known deaths of close associates to the Clintons who all died under suspicious and unresolved circumstances. Here are most of the better known and investigated names:

1 – James McDougal
2 – Mary Mahoney
3 – Vince Foster
4 – Ron Brown
5 – C. Victor Raiser, II
6 – Paul Tulley
7 – Ed Willey
8 – Jerry Parks
9 – James Bunch
10 – John Wilson
11 – Kathy Ferguson
12 – Bill Shelton
13 – Gandy Baugh
14 – Florence Martin
15 - Suzanne Coleman
16 – Paula Grober
17 – Danny Casolaro
18 – Paul Wilcher
19 – Jon Parnell Walker
20 – Barbara Wise
21 – Charles Meissner
22 – Dr. Stanley Heard
23 – Barry Seal
24 – Johnny Lawhorn, Jr.
25 – Stanley Huggins
26 – Herschel Friday
27 – Kevin Ives and Don Henry
28 – Keith Coney
29 – Keith McMaskle
30 – Gregory Collins
32-Jeff Rhodes
33-James Milan
34-Jordan Kettleson
35-Richard Winters


36 -Major William S. Barkley Jr. 

37-Captain Scott J . Reynolds 

38-Sgt. Brian Hanley

39-Sgt. Tim Sabel 

40-Major General William Robertson 

41-Col. William Densberger

42-Col. Robert Kelly 

43-Spec. Gary Rhodes 

44-Steve Willis

45-Robert Williams 

46-Conway LeBleu 

47-Todd McKeehan

Remember, this is just a partial list. Remember, this is the person the Democrats wanted to be the next president, so much so that they funded her to the nines, loaded her up with a staff of nearly 400, and rigged the election so that Bernie Sanders could not possibly win. Then they put out the full democratic voter ID cheat machine, had Donna Brazil feed her debate questions in advance so she had an edge, and literally held her up as she flew around avoiding the press for months on end, fainting, falling over and coughing her head off.

And most of all none of the above was ever deeply investigate and prosecuted, except for the Bengazi case which they delayed and dragged out, and the Emailgate, which FBI agent Comey allowed the destruction of much of the evidence, then found her essentially innocent in the face of damming evidence as the Attorney General met Bill Clinton in secret.

Now the very same people who looked the other way on all of the above, defended it, excused it, rationalized it, want President Trump's head for a case where there hasn't even been found any wrongdoing in ten months of hard digging, and all of the accusations have been found false and/or misleading!

If you didn't know the history of Hillary Clinton, NOW YOU KNOW!!!

View attachment 127324

Get a fucking life. Jesus.
Those two things are about the only good thing about him. Well, maybe immigration as well.
Trump is a HUGE letdown. At least he should be for people with consistent standards. Well, unless you voted for lies and flip flops :dunno:

GRANTED, he just started
A lot of people like to slam Trump calling him all kinds of bad things, but if they were all true, at least they are sins of omission. Like a kid with a gimp leg who still goes to bat and tries his best to get around the bases. But look at what Trump has given us, on top of all the good he has done so far going into the future; among the 60 or so good things he's done these past 100 days, do not forget two things:

1). He saved the Supreme Court with Gorsuch.

2). He's not Hillary.

View attachment 127320

While some beat on Trump day and night, the important thing to remember is that at least he's not Hillary! If you think Trump is so bad, if you've forgotten all the wrong Hillary did as Secretary of State, if you never knew what she and Bill did when in the White House or back in Arkansas, here is a little refresher. When thinking about or talking about Trump allegations, accusations or investigations, here is a list of criminal wrongdoing by the Clintons, none of which ever got a special prosecutor, and ask yourself what kind of president might she have made and why no prosecutor on any of these things, yet one on Trump just for an alleged memo, passing request and a hostile article in an unfriendly newspaper!!!

Imagine if Trump had THIS RESUME:

Watergate: Fired for being a ‘liar’

As a House Judiciary Committee staffer in 1974, Hillary Clinton helped investigate the Watergate scandal that led to Richard Nixon’s resignation. She was soon fired by a supervisor who described her as an “unethical, dishonest lawyer.”

Hillary laughs about defending child rapist

Audio unveiled decades after it was recorded Hillary Clinton celebrating the fact that an accused child rapist she represented was set free in 1975 – despite the fact that she believed him to be guilty of the crime.

Hillary’s radical pal, Saul Alinsky

Reports indicate socialist community organizer and author of Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky, was a major influence on a young Hillary Clinton. She was involved in Alinsky’s group, Industrial Areas Foundation, for decades after the radical activist’s death.

Hillary’s cash cows and 9,987% profit

A series of investments in cattle futures was seriously profitable for a young Hillary Clinton. Between 1978 and 1979, a $1,000 investment turned into a nearly $100,000 profit, a success subsequently linked to a Clinton supporter who also happened to be a high-level player at Tyson Foods.

Whitewater: Jail for friends, but not Clintons

One of the most identifiable Clinton scandals involved an investigation into a real estate deal that later encompassed accusations of improper campaign donations and the couple’s potential involvement in Foster’s death.

Vince Foster’s 1993 death

Family friend and White House counsel Vince Foster was himself embroiled in at least a few of the Clintons’ early scandals until his suspicious death. Initially ruled a suicide, the circumstances of Foster’s death have led to significant speculation in the decades since.

Clinton body count: ‘You find dead people’

Foster was not the only suspicious death linked to the Clintons. In addition to those who met an untimely end after crossing the powerful couple, many others on their wrong side also ended up behind bars.

Hillary’s ‘missing’ law firm billing records

More than 100 pages of pertinent information went missing ahead of a 1994 federal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s involvement in the Watergate scandal. When the documents did surface two years later, it was revealed that she was in contact with many of the scandal’s central figures.

Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets

Judicial Watch released a report implicating Chinese corporations supported Bill Clinton’s 1996 reelection effort in exchange for major U.S. technology secrets.

Covering Bill’s dirty deeds

Amid multiple allegations of sexual assault and rape against Bill Clinton that cast a negative light on the political power couple, Hillary reportedly aided her husband not only by publicly defending him, but by using shady – and potentially criminal tactics in an effort to harm his lady accusers.

Travelgate: Always room for friends

During the Clinton administration, the Clintons laid off the White House travel office staff so that they could fill the department with family members and friends.

Filegate: FBI files on GOP enemies

The Clintons gained confidential tax records on many of their political rivals, a scheme in which Judicial Watch found Hillary played a central role.

Clintons turn IRS into ‘gestapo’

During Bill Clinton’s second term, reports surfaced that prominent conservative groups had been subjected to audits while there was no indication that any corresponding organizations on the political left had been similarly targeted by the IRS.

Looting the White House

After Clinton’s second term came to a close, the couple attempted to take roughly $190,000 worth of furniture and other irreplaceable and historic items from the White House – on top of causing about $14,000 in vandalism damage to the presidential mansion.

Pardongate: Hillary Senate contributions

The wife of one convicted tax cheat pardoned by Bill Clinton at the end of his second term responded by becoming a major contributor to Hillary’s 2000 campaign to become a New York senator.

Peter Franklin Paul: Another Hillary friend goes to prison

Paul was an entertainment executive and major financial supporter of Hillary Clinton’s 2000 Senate bid. He has since become an outspoken critic after accepting a plea deal and serving three years in prison for what he contended was retaliation for calling attention to fraud within Clinton’s fundraising methods.

Hillary cashes in: Iranian fundraising

The Clinton Foundation reportedly received numerous financial contributions from a group accused of serving as an agent of the Iranian government.

Landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia

Hillary Clinton has faced criticism for her since-debunked 2008 claim that, more than a decade earlier, she was touring war-torn Bosnia in a helicopter as it sustained sniper fire. While she described a very dramatic landing, news footage of the event showed no such threat existed.

Hillary’s ‘Muslim Brotherhood princess’

Huma Abedin, a confidant who served as Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, was linked to the Muslim Brotherhood – specifically through the al-Qaeda connections of both her mother and father.

Clinton Foundation: Scandals keep coming

The Clintons’ nonprofit organization has faced controversy far beyond the Iranian connection, including accusations of tax fraud and a secretive deal believed to have facilitated the release of nuclear material to Russia.

Benghazi: 4 American lives lost

A scandal that continues to incite passions involves then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, lambasted for her perceived inaction before, during, and after a 2012 attack that killed four Americans in Libya where she ignored hundreds of pleas for evacuation and reinforcements.

Emailgate: ‘She should go to prison for this’

One of the more recent scandals involves Hillary Clinton’s admitted use of a personal email server to share official government correspondences during her stint as secretary of state, where said data was subsequently destroyed before anyone could see the contents.

View attachment 127323

On top of all of that, going back to the Clinton’s early career between Arkansas and getting to the White House there are 98 known deaths of close associates to the Clintons who all died under suspicious and unresolved circumstances. Here are most of the better known and investigated names:

1 – James McDougal
2 – Mary Mahoney
3 – Vince Foster
4 – Ron Brown
5 – C. Victor Raiser, II
6 – Paul Tulley
7 – Ed Willey
8 – Jerry Parks
9 – James Bunch
10 – John Wilson
11 – Kathy Ferguson
12 – Bill Shelton
13 – Gandy Baugh
14 – Florence Martin
15 - Suzanne Coleman
16 – Paula Grober
17 – Danny Casolaro
18 – Paul Wilcher
19 – Jon Parnell Walker
20 – Barbara Wise
21 – Charles Meissner
22 – Dr. Stanley Heard
23 – Barry Seal
24 – Johnny Lawhorn, Jr.
25 – Stanley Huggins
26 – Herschel Friday
27 – Kevin Ives and Don Henry
28 – Keith Coney
29 – Keith McMaskle
30 – Gregory Collins
32-Jeff Rhodes
33-James Milan
34-Jordan Kettleson
35-Richard Winters


36 -Major William S. Barkley Jr. 

37-Captain Scott J . Reynolds 

38-Sgt. Brian Hanley

39-Sgt. Tim Sabel 

40-Major General William Robertson 

41-Col. William Densberger

42-Col. Robert Kelly 

43-Spec. Gary Rhodes 

44-Steve Willis

45-Robert Williams 

46-Conway LeBleu 

47-Todd McKeehan

Remember, this is just a partial list. Remember, this is the person the Democrats wanted to be the next president, so much so that they funded her to the nines, loaded her up with a staff of nearly 400, and rigged the election so that Bernie Sanders could not possibly win. Then they put out the full democratic voter ID cheat machine, had Donna Brazil feed her debate questions in advance so she had an edge, and literally held her up as she flew around avoiding the press for months on end, fainting, falling over and coughing her head off.

And most of all none of the above was ever deeply investigate and prosecuted, except for the Bengazi case which they delayed and dragged out, and the Emailgate, which FBI agent Comey allowed the destruction of much of the evidence, then found her essentially innocent in the face of damming evidence as the Attorney General met Bill Clinton in secret.

Now the very same people who looked the other way on all of the above, defended it, excused it, rationalized it, want President Trump's head for a case where there hasn't even been found any wrongdoing in ten months of hard digging, and all of the accusations have been found false and/or misleading!

If you didn't know the history of Hillary Clinton, NOW YOU KNOW!!!

View attachment 127324

traitorous trump freak.....
A lot of people like to slam Trump calling him all kinds of bad things, but if they were all true, at least they are sins of omission. Like a kid with a gimp leg who still goes to bat and tries his best to get around the bases. But look at what Trump has given us, on top of all the good he has done so far going into the future; among the 60 or so good things he's done these past 100 days, do not forget two things:

1). He saved the Supreme Court with Gorsuch.

2). He's not Hillary.

View attachment 127320

While some beat on Trump day and night, the important thing to remember is that at least he's not Hillary! If you think Trump is so bad, if you've forgotten all the wrong Hillary did as Secretary of State, if you never knew what she and Bill did when in the White House or back in Arkansas, here is a little refresher. When thinking about or talking about Trump allegations, accusations or investigations, here is a list of criminal wrongdoing by the Clintons, none of which ever got a special prosecutor, and ask yourself what kind of president might she have made and why no prosecutor on any of these things, yet one on Trump just for an alleged memo, passing request and a hostile article in an unfriendly newspaper!!!

Imagine if Trump had THIS RESUME:

Watergate: Fired for being a ‘liar’

As a House Judiciary Committee staffer in 1974, Hillary Clinton helped investigate the Watergate scandal that led to Richard Nixon’s resignation. She was soon fired by a supervisor who described her as an “unethical, dishonest lawyer.”

Hillary laughs about defending child rapist

Audio unveiled decades after it was recorded Hillary Clinton celebrating the fact that an accused child rapist she represented was set free in 1975 – despite the fact that she believed him to be guilty of the crime.

Hillary’s radical pal, Saul Alinsky

Reports indicate socialist community organizer and author of Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky, was a major influence on a young Hillary Clinton. She was involved in Alinsky’s group, Industrial Areas Foundation, for decades after the radical activist’s death.

Hillary’s cash cows and 9,987% profit

A series of investments in cattle futures was seriously profitable for a young Hillary Clinton. Between 1978 and 1979, a $1,000 investment turned into a nearly $100,000 profit, a success subsequently linked to a Clinton supporter who also happened to be a high-level player at Tyson Foods.

Whitewater: Jail for friends, but not Clintons

One of the most identifiable Clinton scandals involved an investigation into a real estate deal that later encompassed accusations of improper campaign donations and the couple’s potential involvement in Foster’s death.

Vince Foster’s 1993 death

Family friend and White House counsel Vince Foster was himself embroiled in at least a few of the Clintons’ early scandals until his suspicious death. Initially ruled a suicide, the circumstances of Foster’s death have led to significant speculation in the decades since.

Clinton body count: ‘You find dead people’

Foster was not the only suspicious death linked to the Clintons. In addition to those who met an untimely end after crossing the powerful couple, many others on their wrong side also ended up behind bars.

Hillary’s ‘missing’ law firm billing records

More than 100 pages of pertinent information went missing ahead of a 1994 federal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s involvement in the Watergate scandal. When the documents did surface two years later, it was revealed that she was in contact with many of the scandal’s central figures.

Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets

Judicial Watch released a report implicating Chinese corporations supported Bill Clinton’s 1996 reelection effort in exchange for major U.S. technology secrets.

Covering Bill’s dirty deeds

Amid multiple allegations of sexual assault and rape against Bill Clinton that cast a negative light on the political power couple, Hillary reportedly aided her husband not only by publicly defending him, but by using shady – and potentially criminal tactics in an effort to harm his lady accusers.

Travelgate: Always room for friends

During the Clinton administration, the Clintons laid off the White House travel office staff so that they could fill the department with family members and friends.

Filegate: FBI files on GOP enemies

The Clintons gained confidential tax records on many of their political rivals, a scheme in which Judicial Watch found Hillary played a central role.

Clintons turn IRS into ‘gestapo’

During Bill Clinton’s second term, reports surfaced that prominent conservative groups had been subjected to audits while there was no indication that any corresponding organizations on the political left had been similarly targeted by the IRS.

Looting the White House

After Clinton’s second term came to a close, the couple attempted to take roughly $190,000 worth of furniture and other irreplaceable and historic items from the White House – on top of causing about $14,000 in vandalism damage to the presidential mansion.

Pardongate: Hillary Senate contributions

The wife of one convicted tax cheat pardoned by Bill Clinton at the end of his second term responded by becoming a major contributor to Hillary’s 2000 campaign to become a New York senator.

Peter Franklin Paul: Another Hillary friend goes to prison

Paul was an entertainment executive and major financial supporter of Hillary Clinton’s 2000 Senate bid. He has since become an outspoken critic after accepting a plea deal and serving three years in prison for what he contended was retaliation for calling attention to fraud within Clinton’s fundraising methods.

Hillary cashes in: Iranian fundraising

The Clinton Foundation reportedly received numerous financial contributions from a group accused of serving as an agent of the Iranian government.

Landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia

Hillary Clinton has faced criticism for her since-debunked 2008 claim that, more than a decade earlier, she was touring war-torn Bosnia in a helicopter as it sustained sniper fire. While she described a very dramatic landing, news footage of the event showed no such threat existed.

Hillary’s ‘Muslim Brotherhood princess’

Huma Abedin, a confidant who served as Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, was linked to the Muslim Brotherhood – specifically through the al-Qaeda connections of both her mother and father.

Clinton Foundation: Scandals keep coming

The Clintons’ nonprofit organization has faced controversy far beyond the Iranian connection, including accusations of tax fraud and a secretive deal believed to have facilitated the release of nuclear material to Russia.

Benghazi: 4 American lives lost

A scandal that continues to incite passions involves then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, lambasted for her perceived inaction before, during, and after a 2012 attack that killed four Americans in Libya where she ignored hundreds of pleas for evacuation and reinforcements.

Emailgate: ‘She should go to prison for this’

One of the more recent scandals involves Hillary Clinton’s admitted use of a personal email server to share official government correspondences during her stint as secretary of state, where said data was subsequently destroyed before anyone could see the contents.

View attachment 127323

On top of all of that, going back to the Clinton’s early career between Arkansas and getting to the White House there are 98 known deaths of close associates to the Clintons who all died under suspicious and unresolved circumstances. Here are most of the better known and investigated names:

1 – James McDougal
2 – Mary Mahoney
3 – Vince Foster
4 – Ron Brown
5 – C. Victor Raiser, II
6 – Paul Tulley
7 – Ed Willey
8 – Jerry Parks
9 – James Bunch
10 – John Wilson
11 – Kathy Ferguson
12 – Bill Shelton
13 – Gandy Baugh
14 – Florence Martin
15 - Suzanne Coleman
16 – Paula Grober
17 – Danny Casolaro
18 – Paul Wilcher
19 – Jon Parnell Walker
20 – Barbara Wise
21 – Charles Meissner
22 – Dr. Stanley Heard
23 – Barry Seal
24 – Johnny Lawhorn, Jr.
25 – Stanley Huggins
26 – Herschel Friday
27 – Kevin Ives and Don Henry
28 – Keith Coney
29 – Keith McMaskle
30 – Gregory Collins
32-Jeff Rhodes
33-James Milan
34-Jordan Kettleson
35-Richard Winters


36 -Major William S. Barkley Jr. 

37-Captain Scott J . Reynolds 

38-Sgt. Brian Hanley

39-Sgt. Tim Sabel 

40-Major General William Robertson 

41-Col. William Densberger

42-Col. Robert Kelly 

43-Spec. Gary Rhodes 

44-Steve Willis

45-Robert Williams 

46-Conway LeBleu 

47-Todd McKeehan

Remember, this is just a partial list. Remember, this is the person the Democrats wanted to be the next president, so much so that they funded her to the nines, loaded her up with a staff of nearly 400, and rigged the election so that Bernie Sanders could not possibly win. Then they put out the full democratic voter ID cheat machine, had Donna Brazil feed her debate questions in advance so she had an edge, and literally held her up as she flew around avoiding the press for months on end, fainting, falling over and coughing her head off.

And most of all none of the above was ever deeply investigate and prosecuted, except for the Bengazi case which they delayed and dragged out, and the Emailgate, which FBI agent Comey allowed the destruction of much of the evidence, then found her essentially innocent in the face of damming evidence as the Attorney General met Bill Clinton in secret.

Now the very same people who looked the other way on all of the above, defended it, excused it, rationalized it, want President Trump's head for a case where there hasn't even been found any wrongdoing in ten months of hard digging, and all of the accusations have been found false and/or misleading!

If you didn't know the history of Hillary Clinton, NOW YOU KNOW!!!

View attachment 127324

Having Erodgan at the Wh is not that bad ..... really.
Those two things are about the only good thing about him. Well, maybe immigration as well.
Trump is a HUGE letdown. At least he should be for people with consistent standards. Well, unless you voted for lies and flip flops :dunno:

GRANTED, he just started
Perhaps if he didn't have to spend all his time being obstructed and lied about 24/7?
Those two things are about the only good thing about him. Well, maybe immigration as well.
Trump is a HUGE letdown. At least he should be for people with consistent standards. Well, unless you voted for lies and flip flops :dunno:

GRANTED, he just started
Perhaps if he didn't have to spend all his time being obstructed and lied about 24/7?
Everyone is out to get him. No doubt about that. And he doesn't help it at ALL.
Wow! I don't think anyone could have more capably than does the OP damned Trump with faint praise.....

The fact of the matter is that principals rise and fall by the merits and demerits of their own actions, not in reference to those of others. I mean really, what sort of accolade is "so and so isn't as bad as someone else who's also lousy?"
I mean he and Erdogan and Putin have similar views of the media.

Obama and every dictator had the same view toward media, which was a desire to control information. I think Putin is more in line with Obama.

Every rational person dislikes MSNBC, CNN and a few others who outright lie about some things and ignore facts. Anyone who opposes propaganda is smart.

Trump has rightfully called out some fake news. Only snowflakes are upset about that.
Wow! I don't think anyone could have more capably than does the OP damned Trump with faint praise.....

Wow, and so you totally do not get the whole point. It isn't about Trump or Hillary at all. No damning anyone with faint praise. It is about the hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance of liberals that they live in a blind spot all of their lives that they never see because when they almost see it, they change the conditions of the argument to stay blinded to their own stupidity!
A lot of people like to slam Trump calling him all kinds of bad things, but if they were all true, at least they are sins of omission. Like a kid with a gimp leg who still goes to bat and tries his best to get around the bases. But look at what Trump has given us, on top of all the good he has done so far going into the future; among the 60 or so good things he's done these past 100 days, do not forget two things:

1). He saved the Supreme Court with Gorsuch.

2). He's not Hillary.

View attachment 127320

While some beat on Trump day and night, the important thing to remember is that at least he's not Hillary! If you think Trump is so bad, if you've forgotten all the wrong Hillary did as Secretary of State, if you never knew what she and Bill did when in the White House or back in Arkansas, here is a little refresher. When thinking about or talking about Trump allegations, accusations or investigations, here is a list of criminal wrongdoing by the Clintons, none of which ever got a special prosecutor, and ask yourself what kind of president might she have made and why no prosecutor on any of these things, yet one on Trump just for an alleged memo, passing request and a hostile article in an unfriendly newspaper!!!

Imagine if Trump had THIS RESUME:

Watergate: Fired for being a ‘liar’

As a House Judiciary Committee staffer in 1974, Hillary Clinton helped investigate the Watergate scandal that led to Richard Nixon’s resignation. She was soon fired by a supervisor who described her as an “unethical, dishonest lawyer.”

Hillary laughs about defending child rapist

Audio unveiled decades after it was recorded Hillary Clinton celebrating the fact that an accused child rapist she represented was set free in 1975 – despite the fact that she believed him to be guilty of the crime.

Hillary’s radical pal, Saul Alinsky

Reports indicate socialist community organizer and author of Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky, was a major influence on a young Hillary Clinton. She was involved in Alinsky’s group, Industrial Areas Foundation, for decades after the radical activist’s death.

Hillary’s cash cows and 9,987% profit

A series of investments in cattle futures was seriously profitable for a young Hillary Clinton. Between 1978 and 1979, a $1,000 investment turned into a nearly $100,000 profit, a success subsequently linked to a Clinton supporter who also happened to be a high-level player at Tyson Foods.

Whitewater: Jail for friends, but not Clintons

One of the most identifiable Clinton scandals involved an investigation into a real estate deal that later encompassed accusations of improper campaign donations and the couple’s potential involvement in Foster’s death.

Vince Foster’s 1993 death

Family friend and White House counsel Vince Foster was himself embroiled in at least a few of the Clintons’ early scandals until his suspicious death. Initially ruled a suicide, the circumstances of Foster’s death have led to significant speculation in the decades since.

Clinton body count: ‘You find dead people’

Foster was not the only suspicious death linked to the Clintons. In addition to those who met an untimely end after crossing the powerful couple, many others on their wrong side also ended up behind bars.

Hillary’s ‘missing’ law firm billing records

More than 100 pages of pertinent information went missing ahead of a 1994 federal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s involvement in the Watergate scandal. When the documents did surface two years later, it was revealed that she was in contact with many of the scandal’s central figures.

Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets

Judicial Watch released a report implicating Chinese corporations supported Bill Clinton’s 1996 reelection effort in exchange for major U.S. technology secrets.

Covering Bill’s dirty deeds

Amid multiple allegations of sexual assault and rape against Bill Clinton that cast a negative light on the political power couple, Hillary reportedly aided her husband not only by publicly defending him, but by using shady – and potentially criminal tactics in an effort to harm his lady accusers.

Travelgate: Always room for friends

During the Clinton administration, the Clintons laid off the White House travel office staff so that they could fill the department with family members and friends.

Filegate: FBI files on GOP enemies

The Clintons gained confidential tax records on many of their political rivals, a scheme in which Judicial Watch found Hillary played a central role.

Clintons turn IRS into ‘gestapo’

During Bill Clinton’s second term, reports surfaced that prominent conservative groups had been subjected to audits while there was no indication that any corresponding organizations on the political left had been similarly targeted by the IRS.

Looting the White House

After Clinton’s second term came to a close, the couple attempted to take roughly $190,000 worth of furniture and other irreplaceable and historic items from the White House – on top of causing about $14,000 in vandalism damage to the presidential mansion.

Pardongate: Hillary Senate contributions

The wife of one convicted tax cheat pardoned by Bill Clinton at the end of his second term responded by becoming a major contributor to Hillary’s 2000 campaign to become a New York senator.

Peter Franklin Paul: Another Hillary friend goes to prison

Paul was an entertainment executive and major financial supporter of Hillary Clinton’s 2000 Senate bid. He has since become an outspoken critic after accepting a plea deal and serving three years in prison for what he contended was retaliation for calling attention to fraud within Clinton’s fundraising methods.

Hillary cashes in: Iranian fundraising

The Clinton Foundation reportedly received numerous financial contributions from a group accused of serving as an agent of the Iranian government.

Landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia

Hillary Clinton has faced criticism for her since-debunked 2008 claim that, more than a decade earlier, she was touring war-torn Bosnia in a helicopter as it sustained sniper fire. While she described a very dramatic landing, news footage of the event showed no such threat existed.

Hillary’s ‘Muslim Brotherhood princess’

Huma Abedin, a confidant who served as Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, was linked to the Muslim Brotherhood – specifically through the al-Qaeda connections of both her mother and father.

Clinton Foundation: Scandals keep coming

The Clintons’ nonprofit organization has faced controversy far beyond the Iranian connection, including accusations of tax fraud and a secretive deal believed to have facilitated the release of nuclear material to Russia.

Benghazi: 4 American lives lost

A scandal that continues to incite passions involves then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, lambasted for her perceived inaction before, during, and after a 2012 attack that killed four Americans in Libya where she ignored hundreds of pleas for evacuation and reinforcements.

Emailgate: ‘She should go to prison for this’

One of the more recent scandals involves Hillary Clinton’s admitted use of a personal email server to share official government correspondences during her stint as secretary of state, where said data was subsequently destroyed before anyone could see the contents.

View attachment 127323

On top of all of that, going back to the Clinton’s early career between Arkansas and getting to the White House there are 98 known deaths of close associates to the Clintons who all died under suspicious and unresolved circumstances. Here are most of the better known and investigated names:

1 – James McDougal
2 – Mary Mahoney
3 – Vince Foster
4 – Ron Brown
5 – C. Victor Raiser, II
6 – Paul Tulley
7 – Ed Willey
8 – Jerry Parks
9 – James Bunch
10 – John Wilson
11 – Kathy Ferguson
12 – Bill Shelton
13 – Gandy Baugh
14 – Florence Martin
15 - Suzanne Coleman
16 – Paula Grober
17 – Danny Casolaro
18 – Paul Wilcher
19 – Jon Parnell Walker
20 – Barbara Wise
21 – Charles Meissner
22 – Dr. Stanley Heard
23 – Barry Seal
24 – Johnny Lawhorn, Jr.
25 – Stanley Huggins
26 – Herschel Friday
27 – Kevin Ives and Don Henry
28 – Keith Coney
29 – Keith McMaskle
30 – Gregory Collins
32-Jeff Rhodes
33-James Milan
34-Jordan Kettleson
35-Richard Winters


36 -Major William S. Barkley Jr. 

37-Captain Scott J . Reynolds 

38-Sgt. Brian Hanley

39-Sgt. Tim Sabel 

40-Major General William Robertson 

41-Col. William Densberger

42-Col. Robert Kelly 

43-Spec. Gary Rhodes 

44-Steve Willis

45-Robert Williams 

46-Conway LeBleu 

47-Todd McKeehan

Remember, this is just a partial list. Remember, this is the person the Democrats wanted to be the next president, so much so that they funded her to the nines, loaded her up with a staff of nearly 400, and rigged the election so that Bernie Sanders could not possibly win. Then they put out the full democratic voter ID cheat machine, had Donna Brazil feed her debate questions in advance so she had an edge, and literally held her up as she flew around avoiding the press for months on end, fainting, falling over and coughing her head off.

And most of all none of the above was ever deeply investigate and prosecuted, except for the Bengazi case which they delayed and dragged out, and the Emailgate, which FBI agent Comey allowed the destruction of much of the evidence, then found her essentially innocent in the face of damming evidence as the Attorney General met Bill Clinton in secret.

Now the very same people who looked the other way on all of the above, defended it, excused it, rationalized it, want President Trump's head for a case where there hasn't even been found any wrongdoing in ten months of hard digging, and all of the accusations have been found false and/or misleading!

If you didn't know the history of Hillary Clinton, NOW YOU KNOW!!!

View attachment 127324

The biggest bunch of innuendo and crackpot theories I have ever seen. Aside from the first one, the rest is conjecture. Let's look at Trump

He is a serial sexual harasser and 1 or 2 could rise to the level of rape.

He has used the bankruptcy laws to benefit himself and leave others holding the bag

Trump bought off politicians

Trump used eminent domain against widows to steal their property

Trump University was a scam

Trump used illegals and then cheated them

Trump violated his own ethics rules by hiring a lobbyist in the EPA

Trump fired the White House Chief Usher who takes care of the first family and runs the staff. Since 1900, there has been only 9 ushers as they are non-partisan. Interestingly the Clintons fired one as well.

Trump's conflict of interests with his businesses. Every time he goes to Florida, taxpayers pay to rent space at Mar-a-Lago and that goes into his pocket

Mar-a-Lago is Trump's Lincoln Bedroom. The Clintons allowed campaign donors to stay in the Lincoln Bedroom. If you are a lobbyist and want to talk to Trump then go to Mar-a-Lago when he goes on vacation.

Trump's carelessness with secrets. Trump was openly talking with the Japanese PM in full view of diners. He gave classified information to Russia when he was bragging.

The fact is that there is little difference between Clinton and Trump. That is why voters hated both of them.

The biggest bunch of innuendo and crackpot theories I have ever seen. Aside from the first one, the rest is conjecture.

Friend, you are an amazing work! That list of crap you put up has no evidence or documentation to back up any of it, most of it has long since been proven wrong as just more fake news. And even if it were true, how you possibly equate minor travails with high crimes is beyond laughable. Your spin isn't even good spin. Everything I posted above has been documented in detail over and over forwards and back for the past two decades.
Trump and Hillary were terrible candidates. The American people have only themselves to blame

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