Why Trump’s Sanctuary City Plan has DemonRATS so Enraged

Since you returds claim Trump is Hitler why doesn't he just put them all in ovens?
Trump isn't Hitler but the Hitler fans absolutely love him. If White Supremacists think you are an awesome leader you are doing things very wrong.
While we were setting the slaves free and emancipating them, you Democrats were donning scary ghost costumes and burning crosses on black people's 40 acres to reduce the price on the land after you ran them off. You can lie your butt off, sir or madam, and you can try to change the facts of history by rewriting the books over and over, but you can't stand in front of Republicans who know our history and get away with it when we are around. You have to go online with a bucketful of bullshit and smear us in front of a receptive audience that consists of young kids barely able to read, but have eager and open minds, because their teachers have prepared them to believe the lies the rewritten history books tell them.
The Klan likes Trump too.
Not near as much as the communists love their comrade, lying, cheatin', crooked Hillary.
I don't know any card carrying communists, Do you? Also Hillary is not the President of the United States.
Do you know of any "card carrying" Klan members?
Look law abiding cities don't want illegals dumped into their town, let the left's sanctuary cities take them in.
It has the Democrats enraged because it shows the utter HYPOCRISY of their goal of Amnesty and Open Borders. They want to create a huge voting block for Democrats but don't want to have to pay to support them. They want the out in the country working farms, doing landscaping, construction etc. They want the very people they hate, the rural and semi rural population to support them. They call it "Flyover Country" but it is good enough to fund their Illegal Vote Getting Scheme.
nobody trolls the dems as effectively as Trump.
Yep. He "trolls" them with the truth, and they can't handle the truth. o_O

Oddly enough, this is true. He is blunt and way less polished than most politicians.

He's been saying since Day 1 this border situation was a serious problem. The dems insisted it wasn't, and used his position to revile him and paint him as a racist to score points with latinos. They did so right up to the point it became literally impossible to deny without looking like bigger fools than they already did, and now they're pissed because he is mocking them to their faces.

If I thought the dems would deal in good faith I'd say this is a good time to start some serious discussions, as they're scrambling for cover right now, but they won't, not with the election coming up, so as far as I'm concerned as long as this is going nowhere he might as well mock the hell out the very same people that have treated him like a total piece of shit since he won the election.
Think about this...hard and long...the logic is inevitable!
Because it negates their own long-term plan for placement of millions of illegal aliens into Republican and/or battleground states.

Starting in the Clinton Administration, the DemonRATplan has been to keep as many illegals as possible in border “red” states like Texas and Arizona, so that when their longed-for amnesty comes about, those “red” states will suddenly turn into “blue” states. During the Obama years, that plan was broadened to include putting thousands of illegals onto planes and buses and shipping them to other “red” or borderline states like Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina, Colorado and Wisconsin for the same political ends.

They have almost gotten to critical mass now at which a blanket amnesty would in fact render all of those states – with the possible exception of Texas – as permanent Democrat states, making it virtually impossible for the GOP to ever elect another president.

This has been the long-term plan of the DemonRAT Party for a quarter of a century now. They cannot possibly conduct an honest public debate on the merits, so their immediate response is what we have seen: Have national Dems like Pelosi and Schumer and Beto and Mayor Pete demonize the President for his supposed “cruelty” in using all of these “innocent” illegals as “political pawns”, while the DemonRAT mayors of those sanctuary cities issue pious statements claiming that they would welcome such an influx into their already bankrupt towns as they pray to whatever god they might worship that it never happens.

Apparently, when President Trump broached this concept at a recent White House meeting a few weeks ago, it was quickly scuttled by then-Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and her department’s lawyers. Nielsen simply lacked the intestinal fortitude to do what is necessary to stem this border invasion....Now she is gone, replaced by a man who understands the above and will act on it and not care what a corrupt and colluding DEMONRAT judge says about it being unconstitutional....our very Republic depends on it!!!

Democrats also hate mixing with the slave class.
Trump is playing hardball with the dems who think that they can manage things with their usual MSM shills whining about Trump. trump doesn't care what the MSM says, he never did. Trump is showing the voters what open borders means. he is showing the dems for the hypocrites they are. He is showing the sanctuary cities what that really means. I hope he buses the migrants into the districts of the whiny dems leaders. Get them really screaming, then laugh at them.

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