Why ''Under God'' phrase added on the Pledge of Allegiance in U.S?


Mar 9, 2017
United States is a country which is completely based on secular principles. So, I just wonder about: why they added that phrase on the Pledge of Allegiance? Actually scientifically; humanity doesn't need any god, spirituel or holy thing in its life to be succesful. Because we know that these beliefs doesn't provide or help anything better.

In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')
Because "Under Clinton" would be confusing?

Aks OB..........................he says "God bless Merica EeryBodddy"
United States is a country which is completely based on secular principles. So, I just wonder about: why they added that phrase on the Pledge of Allegiance? Actually scientifically; humanity doesn't need any god, spirituel or holy thing in its life to be succesful. Because we know that these beliefs doesn't provide or help anything better.

In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')
Because we house a shrinking but still regretfully large number of religious nutjobs
United States is a country which is completely based on secular principles. So, I just wonder about: why they added that phrase on the Pledge of Allegiance? Actually scientifically; humanity doesn't need any god, spirituel or holy thing in its life to be succesful. Because we know that these beliefs doesn't provide or help anything better.

In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')

There are numerous mentions of God in our founding documents. Not sure, but "under God" wasn't there until the fifties? Not sure why it was added.
United States is a country which is completely based on secular principles. So, I just wonder about: why they added that phrase on the Pledge of Allegiance? Actually scientifically; humanity doesn't need any god, spirituel or holy thing in its life to be succesful. Because we know that these beliefs doesn't provide or help anything better.

In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')
under god was added in the 1950's by right wing Christians in order to brainwash Americans into worshiping Jebus pretty much every atheist political group is against it

Remove "Under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance | Secular Coalition for America
United States is a country which is completely based on secular principles. So, I just wonder about: why they added that phrase on the Pledge of Allegiance? Actually scientifically; humanity doesn't need any god, spirituel or holy thing in its life to be succesful. Because we know that these beliefs doesn't provide or help anything better.

In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')
under god was added in the 1950's by right wing Christians in order to brainwash Americans into worshiping Jebus pretty much every atheist political group is against it

Remove "Under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance | Secular Coalition for America

Good grief, you people slay me.
United States is a country which is completely based on secular principles. So, I just wonder about: why they added that phrase on the Pledge of Allegiance? Actually scientifically; humanity doesn't need any god, spirituel or holy thing in its life to be succesful. Because we know that these beliefs doesn't provide or help anything better.

In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')
under god was added in the 1950's by right wing Christians in order to brainwash Americans into worshiping Jebus pretty much every atheist political group is against it

Remove "Under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance | Secular Coalition for America

Good grief, you people slay me.
what do you mean "you people"?
United States is a country which is completely based on secular principles. So, I just wonder about: why they added that phrase on the Pledge of Allegiance? Actually scientifically; humanity doesn't need any god, spirituel or holy thing in its life to be succesful. Because we know that these beliefs doesn't provide or help anything better.

In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')

United States is a country which is completely based on secular principles.

Completely? Are you sure?
what do you mean "you people"?



United States is a country which is completely based on secular principles. So, I just wonder about: why they added that phrase on the Pledge of Allegiance? Actually scientifically; humanity doesn't need any god, spirituel or holy thing in its life to be succesful. Because we know that these beliefs doesn't provide or help anything better.

In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')
Per usual, no one knows so they're making stuff up.
It was added during the Commie scare in the 50's to weed out the communists among us. As we all know, communists shrivel and die if exposed to the word "God." Thank Uncle Joe McCarthy.
United States is a country which is completely based on secular principles. So, I just wonder about: why they added that phrase on the Pledge of Allegiance? Actually scientifically; humanity doesn't need any god, spirituel or holy thing in its life to be succesful. Because we know that these beliefs doesn't provide or help anything better.

In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')
So the godless commies couldn't mess with our elections

United States is a country which is completely based on secular principles. So, I just wonder about: why they added that phrase on the Pledge of Allegiance? Actually scientifically; humanity doesn't need any god, spirituel or holy thing in its life to be succesful. Because we know that these beliefs doesn't provide or help anything better.

In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')
"Believe me, dear Sir: there is not in the British empire a man who more cordially loves a union with Great Britain than I do. But, by the God that made me, I will cease to exist before I yield to a connection on such terms as the British Parliament propose; and in this, I think I speak the sentiments of America."

— Thomas Jefferson, November 29, 1775

United States Declaration of Independence - Wikipedia
"In God We Trust" is a secret Free Mason's coded message that no one has worked out yet. Until we figure it out, it stays.
United States is a country which is completely based on secular principles. So, I just wonder about: why they added that phrase on the Pledge of Allegiance? Actually scientifically; humanity doesn't need any god, spirituel or holy thing in its life to be succesful. Because we know that these beliefs doesn't provide or help anything better.

In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')

Amen! I couldn't agree more! I support Ron Reagan and Freedom From Religion.

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

United States Declaration of Independence - Wikipedia
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

United States Declaration of Independence - Wikipedia

Funny. No one is governed by the Declaration of Independence - it is only a founding document - not a governing document. It was basically filing for divorce from England. We are governed by the Constitution - which makes no mention of God.
United States is a country which is completely based on secular principles. So, I just wonder about: why they added that phrase on the Pledge of Allegiance? Actually scientifically; humanity doesn't need any god, spirituel or holy thing in its life to be succesful. Because we know that these beliefs doesn't provide or help anything better.

In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')

Amen! I couldn't agree more! I support Ron Reagan and Freedom From Religion.

Get thee to the Sweat Lodge, Lakhota!
United States is a country which is completely based on secular principles. So, I just wonder about: why they added that phrase on the Pledge of Allegiance? Actually scientifically; humanity doesn't need any god, spirituel or holy thing in its life to be succesful. Because we know that these beliefs doesn't provide or help anything better.

In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')

There is nothing Secular about The United States. It is a Christian, or if you like a Deist Nation and all of our founding documents refer to God and Our Creator as the one who gave us our "Natural Rights."

It is the only Nation on Earth that grants you Freedom of Religion, but you are not guaranteed Freedom From Religion.

Jefferson said, "A Nation that does not restrain itself through morality and religion must be ruled by a Tyrant."

All of our principles, laws, and rights are based on the Judeo Christian Ethic and the Belief that God gives us Free Will and wants us to be Moral, Ethical and Happy.

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