Why USA don't Accept Refugees?

Why the USA the supposed "friend of syrian people" doesn't accept a quota of refugees and turn his back to Syria?

Why only Turkey or Germany should receive refugees?

America seems good to air strike cities and aid "israel" in the region.

Note that there are millions of americans with syrian origins, the most famous is Steve Jobs!
Will USA accept the UN call?


Freeman, is the Muslim country you come from taking in any of these refugees? If they are, can you tell us how many? Freeman seems concerned with the refugees that he feels the U.S. should be taking in because they will be mainly Muslims like he is, but does anyone think that Freeman ever concerned himself with those south of our border where times have been very hard for many people. I don't think,it is a bed or roses for people in places like Guatemala, Columbia or Mexico, and they would like to come here too.

Your followed zionazis have expelled thousands of palestinians don't wonder if they don't accept refugees, as for your question all arab countries have received refugees except some Gulf countries.
Why hasn't these countries gone in and dealt with ISIS............................
And in the picture above posted.........many of these men are of fighting age................arm them and take back their home..............

Why don't they fight to save their homes.........................
They have millions capable of fighting from all the camps around the region.................They would outnumber ISIS 20 to 1. Boogles the mind.............Perhaps that is because I come from a country that would fight to the death should someone try to take our home and country.
Those with severely limited language skills cannot communicate without resorting to ethnic slurs. Those who are also fucking assholes take infantile joy in doing so.
I agree. We should be taking in some of the Syrian refugees. It's a humanitarian crisis and we have the resources to help.


We're one of the largest and richest countries and we take in amongst the FEWEST.

we were ONCE the richest countries. But have you see the figures out of our lives under Obama?
wages down
welfare up
poverty up
they say 94million people not working that could work.
they are now going to be FORCED to purchase insurance that will add another monthly expenditure to people monthly income or be FINED or those who aren't working and has enough INCOME will get SUBSIDIZED thanks to those you all claim are, rich rich rich.
so where do you people get the right to speak for everyone in the country that claims we are the richest? we are already having to care for 20 MILLION illegal invaders over our boarders, but yet we are told we have to take in and CARE for more people because Obama bombed their country and left it a hellhole for the people. And here's the kicker, WE DON'T even get ASKED if we will do it, again we are TOLD we will so shut up and sit down

Have you wiped the spittle off your monitor yet?

whatever, but witch is fitting for you anymore. just like you going around claiming how we are the Richest country, so we should throw open our doors to everyone and anyone. When they bring in the refugees, I hope you and people like you plan on hosting a few families in your homes until they get on their feet. then you crow about how much you really care
Raise your hand if you have actually worked on behalf of refugees and asylum seekers.

*raises hand *
Raise your hand if you have actually worked on behalf of refugees and asylum seekers.

*raises hand *

You might be the only one here. It is one thing to give money to the various relief organizations, but it is another thing to actually get involved.
Granny says, "Dat's right - is like buyin' a pig inna poke...

FBI Director Admits U.S. Will Have No Basis to Vet Some Syrian Refugees
October 21, 2015 | FBI Director James Comey, flanked by the nation’s top intelligence officials, admitted to the House Homeland Security Committee Wednesday that for some of the 10,000 Syrian refugees the administration has agreed to allow into the U.S., there will be no basis to vet them through the databases it uses to determine if they have ties to terrorism. “We can only query against that which we have collected, and so if someone has never made a ripple in the pond in Syria in a way that would get their identity or their interests reflected in our database, we can query our database til the cows come home, but … there’ll be nothing show up, because we have no record on that person,” said Comey.
As CNSNews.com reported earlier, the White House has agreed to take in at least 10,000 Syrian refugees into the United States over the next year. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson also admitted last week that the U.S. won’t “know a whole lot” about the refugees it allows into the U.S.

Ranking member Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) asked Comey, “Mr. Director, before this committee, [FBI] Assistant Director [Michael] Steinbach said that the concerns in Syria is that we don’t have the systems in place on the ground to collect the information to vet. That would be the concern. Databases don’t hold the information on these individuals. Is that still the position of the department?” “Yes, I think that’s the challenge we’re all talking about, is that we can only query against that which we have collected, and so if someone has never made a ripple in the pond in Syria in a way that would get their identity or their interests reflected in our database, we can query our database til the cows come home, but we’re not gonna—there’ll be nothing show up, because we have no record on that person,” said Comey. “That’s what Assistant Director Steinbach was talking about,” he added.

Comey said the U.S. had a decade’s worth of information with which to vet Iraqi refugees because of the United States’ work there. “You can only query what you’ve collected, and with respect to Iraqi refugees, we had far more in our databases because of our country’s work there for a decade. This is a different situation,” he said.

Earlier in the hearing, Thompson asked Comey, Johnson, and Director of the National Counterterrorism Center Nicholas Rasmussen to explain their agencies’ position on the vetting process. “A lot of us are concerned about whether you have enough information available to you to do an accurate vetting,” said Thompson. “You can’t account for what you don’t know, and that goes to the intelligence deficit that I think is embedded in your question. What we can do though is understand where the potential vulnerabilities are so that we’re asking in the screening and vetting process the right kinds of questions to give our screeners and vetters the best possible opportunity to make an informed judgment,” said Rasmussen. “It is not a perfect process. There is a degree of risk attached to any screening and vetting process. We look to manage that risk as best we can,” Rasmussen added. “We may have somebody who comes to us and is simply not on our radar for any discernible reason, and there may also be the possibility that somebody decides to do something bad after being admitted through the process, but we do have a good system in place for the undertaking that we have made,” Johnson said.

FBI Director Admits U.S. Will Have No Basis to Vet Some Syrian Refugees

See also:

Judiciary Chair: Don’t Release Criminal Illegals Under New Sentencing Guidelines--Deport Them
October 20, 2015 | – House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) sent a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson on Tuesday to request that criminal illegal aliens convicted of drug crimes, who are set to be released from federal prisons following a sentencing commission decision, be deported rather than be allowed to stay in the U.S.
“I fully expect that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will issue a detainer with the BOP (Bureau of Prisons) for each alien expected to be released pursuant to Amendment 782, and that each alien will be taken into custody by ICE, as required by the Immigration and Nationality Act, for purposes of initiating removal proceedings or to execute the removal order of each alien who is already subject to a final order of removal from the United States,” Goodlatte said in the letter.

On April 30, 2014, the United States Sentencing Commission approved Amendment 782, which modified the United States Sentencing Guidelines to lower the base offense level for federal controlled substances offenses, Goodlatte explained in his letter. That amendment was made retroactive by the commission. As a result, Goodlatte explained, of the 6,000 convicted criminals set for release on Nov. 1, some 2,000 are convicted criminal aliens and should be deported, in keeping with the Obama administration’s immigration policy that prioritizes deporting illegals who have been convicted of certain crimes, including the drug trafficking offenses detailed in Priority 1 of the November 2014 DHS directive.

In the letter, Goodlatte reminds Johnson of his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee in July when he was asked by committee members about the commission’s amendment and its impact on illegal aliens incarcerated in federal prisons. “I’m aware of this issue,” Johnson said. “I’m aware of the adjustment to the Federal Sentencing Guidelines. “I’m aware that a number of individuals will be released as a result,” Johnson said. “I’m aware that a number of them are probably undocumented, and we’ve been working with DOJ to do the most effective thing for public safety in that regard.” Goodlatte said in the letter that he expects a response from Johnson by Oct. 30.

Judiciary Chair: Don’t Release Criminal Illegals Under New Sentencing Guidelines--Deport Them


Pew: Immigrants Will Account For 88% of US Population Growth by 2065
October 21, 2015 | If current demographic trends continue, over 100 million future immigrants and their descendants will account for 88 percent of population growth in the U.S. over the next 50 years, according to a recent report by the Pew Research Center.
Pew's analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data projects that the total population of the United States will increase by 117 million people, from 324 million in 2015 to 441 million people in 2065. Without immigration, the projected U.S. population in 2065 would be 338 million, according to Pew. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) recently released a chart, using Pew data, showing that for every native-born American added to the country’s current population, immigration will add seven more over the next half century. One in five immigrants worldwide currently reside in the U.S. With 103 million first- or second-generation immigrants comprising 36 percent of the U.S. population by 2065, Pew estimates that in 50 years, a record 17.7 percent of the U.S. population will be foreign-born - compared to the current 14 percent and five percent in 1965.

Pew also reports that since 1965, foreign-born immigrants have been the main driver of U.S. population growth as well as demographic change. The report argues that 1965 saw a major shift in immigration policy with the passage of the U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson. The 1965 law changed the criteria for immigrants admitted to the United States. Before 1965, quotas were assigned to countries based on how nationalities were represented in the census. According to Pew, 70 percent of visas were reserved for immigrants from Europe, primarily the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Germany. Prior to 1965, 80 percent of immigrants were white. However, the new immigration system abandoned national origin quotas, and instead focused on bringing in relatives of U.S. citizens, as well as taking in immigrants based on their skills in the workplace.

Since the 1965 changes in the law, three quarters of immigrants to the U.S. have been Hispanics and Asians. Hispanics currently represent 47 percent of immigrants, while Asians represent 26 percent. While whites currently comprise the majority of Americans (62 percent), Pew projects that they will only make up 46 percent of the population in 2065. Hispanics are expected to make up 24 percent, a six percent increase from 2015, while Asians are expected to make up 14 percent of the population. Meanwhile, the black percentage of the U.S. population is expected to grow slightly from 12 to 13 percent. Similarly, the black percentage of immigrants is expected to rise only one percent in the next 50 years, from eight percent to nine percent. By 2055, "no racial or ethnic group will constitute a majority of the U.S. population," Pew predicts.

Pew: Immigrants Will Account For 88% of US Population Growth by 2065
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