Why USA don't Accept Refugees?

Lots of americans of Syrian descent----I am all for Christian americans of syian descent getting their relatives into the USA------the program should be funded if NECESSARY however
there are lots of very prosperous Syrian americans who could, very likely, handly the issue themselves

You missed my point. If an individual living here in this country pays attention to where their relatives came from then they cannot truly be AMERICAN. ....

Absolute nonsense.
20 million beaners isn't enough?

Tell us again how the illegal immigration argument is only about following the law and not flat out bigotry

you should go be the judge and jury of everyone in another country you believe that hateful spew. why would you want to live amongst people who might think they have ENOUGH to take care OF as it is now.
We already have a huge problem With Mexican refugees.
We have a huge problem with American far right nativists. Let's swap them for some of the refugees. America would be better off.

Then ISIS would have a problem..............we wouldn't run away............................unlike the men who are running from them and giving them their homes and country..............................

But, in order to send us away...............Mr. Fakey.........people like you would have to grow a set.............Mr. Eunuch....................
The only way to end the refugee crisis is to destroy ISIS...........the world as one could go in there and wipe the floor with them..........but would rather watch millions flee and watch as the Genocide continues......................

Secondly, why bring the refugees half way around the world when there is open areas in the middle east.............set up some refugee camps there so when the war finally ends they can GO HOME..............
Cheney: European refugee crisis 'direct consequence' of failed Obama policy
Cheney: European refugee crisis 'direct consequence' of failed Obama policy

It's Obama's fault.
Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Sunday that the European refugee crisis is “a direct consequence” of President Obama’s failed foreign policy and that he does not support the Iran nuclear deal.

Cheney, who was vice president in the George W. Bush administration, said Obama has helped to “create a huge vacuum” in Iraq for terror groups like the Islamic State to flourish and kill by failing to secure an agreement with Iraqi leaders to keep U.S. troops in the country after the war.

“That contributed directly to the refugee crisis,” Cheney told “Fox News Sunday.” “It’s a crisis of major proportions.”

If the crappy Obama has applicated no fly zone to protect civilians, there would be a low rate of refugees but Obama has turn his back to Syria and let iranians and russians invade the country.
Everyone knows what needs to be done....................the UN is a paper tiger............and Europe would rather deal with a mass refugee problem than do what needs to be done...................................

Or allow it to grow and expand by ignoring it..................which they have done for 5 years...........
I believe we have a duty to help these people, it's sick that we are not.
Cheney: European refugee crisis 'direct consequence' of failed Obama policy
Cheney: European refugee crisis 'direct consequence' of failed Obama policy

It's Obama's fault.
Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Sunday that the European refugee crisis is “a direct consequence” of President Obama’s failed foreign policy and that he does not support the Iran nuclear deal.

Cheney, who was vice president in the George W. Bush administration, said Obama has helped to “create a huge vacuum” in Iraq for terror groups like the Islamic State to flourish and kill by failing to secure an agreement with Iraqi leaders to keep U.S. troops in the country after the war.

“That contributed directly to the refugee crisis,” Cheney told “Fox News Sunday.” “It’s a crisis of major proportions.”
Quoting Cheney as some sort of foreign policy expert is hilarious and obscene at the same time.
I believe we have a duty to help these people, it's sick that we are not.
The Syrian Crisis: U.S. Assistance and Support for the Transition

At the Humanitarian Pledging Conference for Syria in Kuwait January 15, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry announced that the United States would contribute an additional $380 million to Syrian humanitarian relief efforts – bringing the total U.S. humanitarian commitment to more than $1.7 billion, the largest of any nation. These resources support international and non-governmental organizations assisting those affected by the conflict both inside Syria and across the region.

The United States is also providing nearly $260 million in direct non-lethal support to the moderate Syrian opposition. This assistance is helping the Syrian Opposition Coalition, local opposition councils and civil society groups provide essential services to their communities, extend the rule of law, and enhance stability inside liberated areas of Syria. These funds are also being used to provide non-lethal assistance to moderate factions of the Supreme Military Council (SMC) of the Free Syrian Army, which is contesting extremist groups for leadership of the struggle against the Asad regime.

Special Report: Inherent Resolve


As of 4:59 p.m. EDT September 1, the U.S. and coalition have conducted a total of 6,550 airstrikes (4,085 Iraq / 2,465 Syria).

  • U.S. has 5,128 airstrikes in Iraq and Syria (2,782 Iraq / 2,346 Syria)
  • Coalition has 1,422 airstrikes in Iraq and Syria (1,303 Iraq /119 Syria)
The countries that have participated in the airstrikes include:

  • In Iraq: (1) Australia, (2) Canada, (3) Denmark, (4) France, (5) Jordan, (6) The Netherlands, and (7) UK
  • In Syria: (1) Bahrain, (2) Canada, (3) Jordan, (4) Saudi Arabia, (5) Turkey and (6) UAE
As of September 1, U.S. and partner nation aircraft have flown an estimated 51,991 sorties in support of operations in Iraq and Syria.

Cost of Operations
As of Aug. 15, 2015, the total cost of operations related to ISIL since kinetic operations started on Aug. 8, 2014, is $3.7 billion and the average daily cost is $9.9 million for 373 days of operations. A further breakdown of cost associated with the operations is here.
Haven't you heard?

We are a nation founded on "christianity" and "christian principles", so we ignore refugee children fleeing from drug gangs and sex trafficking in South America and now, refugees from Syria.

Just like Jesus taught.
You know that obama is in charge and has the final say?

and that, under the evul Boooosh, we took people in?

now go start cutting yourself to get those facts out of your leftist peabrain
Lots of americans of Syrian descent----I am all for Christian americans of syian descent getting their relatives into the USA------the program should be funded if NECESSARY however
there are lots of very prosperous Syrian americans who could, very likely, handly the issue themselves

You missed my point. If an individual living here in this country pays attention to where their relatives came from then they cannot truly be AMERICAN. AMERICANS have lotalty ONLY to this country. No other.

Yes----I noted your pointless point. I happen to like PIZZA------I even like Pierogis (spelling?) Your concept that people should just FORGET all about their relatives "over there"-----kinda nauseates me Syrian Christians in the USA have been a delight for a very long time-----many do hang onto
some of their former traditions----like speaking Arabic and THEY ARE THE SOURCE-----for middle eastern groceries ---
sheeeesh ------you are a bore There are churches in the USA that are specifically Syrian eastern orthodox---you want them demolished? You want to outlaw "baklava"
(turks and greeks out there------toss your baklava------
learn to love biscuits and gravy and "grits")
I agree. We should be taking in some of the Syrian refugees. It's a humanitarian crisis and we have the resources to help.


We're one of the largest and richest countries and we take in amongst the FEWEST.

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