Why was Cuomo booted, what's the real reason?

Why was Cuomo booted, what's the real reason?

  • democrats are dead serious about sexual harassment (lol)

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Cuomo thought he could stand up to Progressives

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • He was on the opposite side of AOC & the Amazon Deal

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Cuomo fought Progressives turning over the real estate to "the people" and fuck over landlords

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 7 70.0%

  • Total voters
Cuomo is out because of the voting vaginas.

Democrats now rely on the voting vaginas to win elections. If they let Cuomo stay in office with all those sexual harassment accusations against him, some of those voting vaginas might not be so thrilled to vote for Democrats in future elections. The voting vaginas also got Al Franken.
He did the damage they needed to Trump. Trump is gone. His usefulness went out the door with Trump so values were allowed to return momentarily
Why was Cuomo booted, what's the real reason? Notice it's not about the nursing home deaths otherwise 4 other democrat governors would be next in line

I've been giving this some thought and none of the reasons are any good for NY.
For exactly the reasons that have been being discussed for months.

It's not a conspiracy. He sexually harassed his staff.

Simple stuff. Don't make it more difficult than it has to be.
Cuomo had to go because he is involved in a conspiracy with other Democrat governors to send covid patients into nursing homes to kill old people, all to justify lockdowns. Newsom and the others will all slowly disappear for a while.
For exactly the reasons that have been being discussed for months.

It's not a conspiracy. He sexually harassed his staff.

Simple stuff. Don't make it more difficult than it has to be.
Righties simply cant understand this stuff. They have no morality or sense of justice.
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Why was Cuomo booted, what's the real reason? Notice it's not about the nursing home deaths otherwise 4 other democrat governors would be next in line

I've been giving this some thought and none of the reasons are any good for NY.
Cuomo was the sacrificial lamb.
Why was Cuomo booted, what's the real reason? Notice it's not about the nursing home deaths otherwise 4 other democrat governors would be next in line

I've been giving this some thought and none of the reasons are any good for NY.
I DeBlasio hates Cuomo----maybe it was cuomos ego------he thought he was top dog but he wasn't--he was just another in a long line of corrupt soros dems.

The nazis had internal power groups who fought against one another--initially their battles would end up with forcing one member or another to step down, then they started arresting one another or group of other, assassinating one another, that moved onto shooting one another killing some during arrests, then it came down to arresting and then killing as a state sanctioned executions. And btw, just because one was forced to resign early on didn't mean that the group later didn't come back and imprison their former member and kill him later on for giggles. It was simply a vie for power---and this is how each faction moved up (or down) in the nazi hierarchy.......

The French Revolution also played out much like this.....
this is what Saddam regime did
This is also what the Russia communists did
What Mao did
This is what Venzuela did and so on and so on

Socialists/communists/other freaks seeking power promising free chit and through violence eventually start eating their own...which is the bright spot that I hold onto as these dark days have arrived.
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Why was Cuomo booted, what's the real reason? Notice it's not about the nursing home deaths otherwise 4 other democrat governors would be next in line

I've been giving this some thought and none of the reasons are any good for NY.
Like you I started a thread on this.

Other democrats like Biden have been accused of sexual abuse, so why single out Cuomo?

He must have stepped on the wrong toes is all I can think.

As it is, resigning should give him a get out of jail free card.

No harm will come to him.
For exactly the reasons that have been being discussed for months.

It's not a conspiracy. He sexually harassed his staff.

Simple stuff. Don't make it more difficult than it has to be.

Righties simply cant understand this stuff. They have no morality or since of justice.
We must have missed the trial and conviction?
We get all wrapped up in that American Way shit....you know, presumption of innocence and all?

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