Why was FBI so wrong in Trump-Russia wiretap warrant?

Secret Courts like Secret Indictments are Unconstitutional and it's time to Abolish FISA and the Misnamed "Patriot Act"
I'm sure you Russians would love that to happen. :p
The irony of you carrying the water for favorite policies of police state neocons and Chimpola Bush is simply delicious.
I do not have a problem with most FISA warrants, I do not believe they are all willy nilly dilly...

There is a vigorous process, probable cause has to be demonstrated before the FISA Court Judge approves, the Supreme Court Chief Justice picks the FISA Court Judges...

if a mistake or abuse is alleged there is legal recourse for the victim, with review by 3 FISA Judges, compensation for the victim, and legal reprimand steps for the investigators or prosecutors for their abuse....

It's the information gathering that could happen outside of a court review and approval for surveillance that would concern me!
Nothing will ever come from all this made-up hogwash and all the Trumpbots will blame it on the mythical "deep state", you people are so easy to lead.
Says the drip who bought the RUSSIA! hoax, hook, line, and sinker.

Tell that to the Trump cartel goons in prison.
None of whom had anything to do with RUSSIA!, foo.

nah - they lied and went to prison to hide their innocence -
Cohen got 3 years on a plea bargain because they probably found enough dirt on him in the break-in of his home and offices to put him away for life, so they stacked some undisclosed charges and tried getting him to 'cooperate', or lie, but his other charges probably had nothing to do with Trump.
Nothing will ever come from all this made-up hogwash and all the Trumpbots will blame it on the mythical "deep state", you people are so easy to lead.
Says the drip who bought the RUSSIA! hoax, hook, line, and sinker.

Tell that to the Trump cartel goons in prison.
None of whom had anything to do with RUSSIA!, foo.

nah - they lied and went to prison to hide their innocence -
Cohen got 3 years on a plea bargain because they probably found enough dirt on him in the break-in of his home and offices to put him away for life, so they stacked some undisclosed charges and tried getting him to 'cooperate', or lie, but his other charges probably had nothing to do with Trump.

probably ?

well then,as long as you're sure about it -

Secret Courts like Secret Indictments are Unconstitutional and it's time to Abolish FISA and the Misnamed "Patriot Act"
I'm sure you Russians would love that to happen. :p
The irony of you carrying the water for favorite policies of police state neocons and Chimpola Bush is simply delicious.
I do not have a problem with most FISA warrants, I do not believe they are all willy nilly dilly...

There is a vigorous process, probable cause has to be demonstrated before the FISA Court Judge approves, the Supreme Court Chief Justice picks the FISA Court Judges...

if a mistake or abuse is alleged there is legal recourse for the victim, with review by 3 FISA Judges, compensation for the victim, and legal reprimand steps for the investigators or prosecutors for their abuse....

It's the information gathering that could happen outside of a court review and approval for surveillance that would concern me!
Well, here's a day I never thought I'd see....You've gone full-on police state Bushbot neocon.

You're all for secret star chamber "courts", where the subject has no representation or any way to find out if they're being spied on....The Stasi approves.

I weep for my nation.
probably ?

well then,as long as you're sure about it -

Supposedly, anything they found that would be admissible in court under the search warrant would be connections to Russian collusion, which they never found.
Secret Courts like Secret Indictments are Unconstitutional and it's time to Abolish FISA and the Misnamed "Patriot Act"

Secret Courts like Secret Indictments are Unconstitutional and it's time to Abolish FISA and the Misnamed "Patriot Act"
I'm sure you Russians would love that to happen. :p

Just asking, but did you people know that many in, and formerly in the FBI have already flipped? How about the State Department?

Many Leftists aren't aware, that this was the ONLY way that the GOP could get those hand written notes; because the TYPED notes were held from them for over 2 years. A PATRIOT who had access to the hand written ones, PERSONALLY delivered them-)

I will get a lot of funnies from the Left on this, but be aware-----------------> Our version is coming up ROSES, your version of the events, has totally fallen apart!

Look, you believe what you want, I get it; but what is coming is going to make you very, very, very, unhappy. You better start planning 2024, cause unless something new happens that is really bad, you have a far less chance then Hillary did, to be elected dogcatcher in any state, that is even close to 50-50. REAL Democrats have a conscience too, just like REAL Republicans did when they threw Nixon out of office. (I know, I know, most people who post on this board as Democrats are FAR LEFTISTS, but a lot of your party is NOT. They will stay home in DISGUST after seeing what is coming at the very least)

YOU have overplayed your hand, and if YOU would have gotten ahold of this sooner, you might have won. Instead, you just closed your eyes, and laughed! Good luck with that attitude now-)
didn't know any of that... I still don't see the big issue??

I already believe President Trump is going to win, so no shocker for me... I was burned in the 2004 reelection of Pres Bush... was certain he could not win his reelection....

I don't make the same mistake twice...

nor do I under-estimate the Power of the Dark Side, in the 2020 race! :eek: :D

My good man/woman, understand, that towards people like you, I am not gloating, and I mean that sincerely. I am more concerned how all of this could happen, and you should be too.

I am NOT preaching, but remember that--------------->WE OWN THE GOVERNMENT, all of us! We pay the bills, and they made a social contract with us, and we with them.

I DESPISED Obama, not because of the color of his skin, but rather his policies. STILL, AMERICANS voted, and made the man POTUS. What if GW had done this to him? Nixon did it, and we thought we had eliminated these type of people.

Now, I can talk all day about policy. Many people will say, STFU! They will have none of it, and that is fine. But we ALL should NEVER allow another POTUS to go through this again. Neither a Democrat, nor a Republican. The will of the people spoke, and regardless if it is the Right, or the Left, it is up to congress to keep that person in check. If congress is the same party, then the other side is screwed, and throw them out in the midterms.

Look at what is happening around us! We need these people to work together and do something! Doesn't mean they all have to agree, just a majority.

It appears these people tried to really pull off what Nixon could not. You should be pissed, because what if you like the next person, and these clowns pull the same crap?!?!?!

Just remember this------->Former President Obama will Never be prosecuted, even if he had a role, and neither will Hillary. It is going to be Comey, Brennan, MCabe, etc. As well they should if it happens. We need to make sure that this stuff NEVER happens again, that the underlings under Trump say no, hell no; I am not going to jail! And same for the next President!

On this, I am sure we can agree, since the Left hated Comey, and Brennan voted for a Communist! Your side can claim ignorance on the whole matter, and we can carry on!
My good man/woman, understand, that towards people like you, I am not gloating, and I mean that sincerely. I am more concerned how all of this could happen, and you should be too.
I'm a lady. :)

I am not the right person for you to wage this specific complaint to.

I was wondering why our FBI, CIA, NSA and any other three letter agencies were not investigating president Trump/campaign and his weird passion for Russia and Vladimir Putin almost 10 months BEFORE we found out the FBI was investigating any Trump Campaign connections with the Russians interfering in our election....and 10 months before I had even heard of a Dossier....

and when and if you would ever read the Mueller report, it goes over the over 140 contacts the Trump campaign had with the Russians, and the Trump lies told to the public about his and his campaign's contacts, and Trump working a deal for a Moscow Trump tower while he was a candidate, while lying to us about that too.... among many other things that would REQUIRE the Trump campaign to be investigated. Not for politics, but for National Security and counter intelligence reasons. It would have been a dereliction of duty, if they had not.... imo.

I believe this even more so now, after reading the Mueller report...

I am NOT preaching, but remember that--------------->WE OWN THE GOVERNMENT, all of us! We pay the bills, and they made a social contract with us, and we with them.

This is true, and precisely why I believe Barr should go with congress critters to the Court and request the release of grand Jury testimony in the Mueller report.

Transparency is one of the main keys to democracy.

Barr should also testify before Congress, and so should Mueller and any of his special counsel members if needed.

REMEMBER, Congress is 'we the people's' ONLY representation, in our government... not the President, not William Barr.... but Congress.

I DESPISED Obama, not because of the color of his skin, but rather his policies. STILL, AMERICANS voted, and made the man POTUS. What if GW had done this to him? Nixon did it, and we thought we had eliminated these type of people.
I didn't vote for Obama, but in no way do I thin he was a bad President.

I do not believe for one nano second that Obama tried to interfere in the election process with Candidate Trump... as I said before, there was ample reasons displayed by Trump in the public, that should have given any patriot, a gasp.. and our intel agencies a reason and a thing, to try to figure out, what all was going on.

Now, I can talk all day about policy. Many people will say, STFU! They will have none of it, and that is fine. But we ALL should NEVER allow another POTUS to go through this again. Neither a Democrat, nor a Republican. The will of the people spoke, and regardless if it is the Right, or the Left, it is up to congress to keep that person in check. If congress is the same party, then the other side is screwed, and throw them out in the midterms.
I personally do not think people are trying to reverse an election.... just trying to find out why President Trump is having a bromance with Putin, when Putin is an enemy of this country and ordered the interference in our election....and hacking of the DNC and Podesta, and the DCCC.... i'M SORRY, BUT WHAT HE HAS DONE TO ELEVATE THIS MAN is just plain wrong, unAmerican, if not traitorous.

Look at what is happening around us! We need these people to work together and do something! Doesn't mean they all have to agree, just a majority.
As long as both sides are getting completely contradictory news, I can't see it getting any better, sadly.

It appears these people tried to really pull off what Nixon could not. You should be pissed, because what if you like the next person, and these clowns pull the same crap?!?!?!
I do not think that is what happened, at all! I think it is fake news and spin and propaganda being used by the R's/Trump. I've seen no evidence to support it.... only speculation by partisans....

but I am open to a non partisan investigation by an IG, to find out one way or the other.

Just remember this------->Former President Obama will Never be prosecuted, even if he had a role, and neither will Hillary. It is going to be Comey, Brennan, MCabe, etc. As well they should if it happens. We need to make sure that this stuff NEVER happens again, that the underlings under Trump say no, hell no; I am not going to jail! And same for the next President!
What I see though, is Pres Trump doing exactly that, with a political enemy list, and using his loyalists in gvt to attack them, and AG to investigate his political foes....and his own twitter finger....

and it is dangerous and it is an abuse of power!

On this, I am sure we can agree, since the Left hated Comey, and Brennan voted for a Communist! Your side can claim ignorance on the whole matter, and we can carry on!

Secret Courts like Secret Indictments are Unconstitutional and it's time to Abolish FISA and the Misnamed "Patriot Act"
I'm sure you Russians would love that to happen. :p
The irony of you carrying the water for favorite policies of police state neocons and Chimpola Bush is simply delicious.
I do not have a problem with most FISA warrants, I do not believe they are all willy nilly dilly...

There is a vigorous process, probable cause has to be demonstrated before the FISA Court Judge approves, the Supreme Court Chief Justice picks the FISA Court Judges...

if a mistake or abuse is alleged there is legal recourse for the victim, with review by 3 FISA Judges, compensation for the victim, and legal reprimand steps for the investigators or prosecutors for their abuse....

It's the information gathering that could happen outside of a court review and approval for surveillance that would concern me!

You're all for secret star chamber "courts", where the subject has no representation or any way to find out if they're being spied on....The Stasi approves.

I weep for my nation.
But how do you expect our government to do surveillance on a person... with court approved probable cause of them being an agent of a foreign power, if they tell the person up front, that they are going to be under surveillance? :dunno:

No surveillance at all... does not seem like the right answer either?

I'm not saying our intel agencies are squeaky clean all the time, and any way to put in more precautionary steps to tighten up all of this, I am opened to, but I do not think we can tie the hands of our intel agencies completely, who are given the duty and obligation to protect us from both foreign and domestic dangers.
Byron York: Why was FBI so wrong in Trump-Russia wiretap warrant?

Byron York: Why was FBI so wrong in Trump-Russia wiretap warrant?
May 13, 2019 ~ By Byron York
A huge controversy erupted last year when President Trump declassified parts of the FBI's secret request to wiretap former Trump campaign volunteer foreign policy adviser Carter Page. Defenders and critics of the president argued over whether the October 2016 warrant application to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court relied extensively on the so-called Steele dossier, which was a collection of anti-Trump allegations compiled by the former British spy Christopher Steele on behalf of the Hillary Clinton campaign.... Now, however, we have new evidence, in the form of the Mueller report, to evaluate the Page FISA application. We can ask: Was the information the FBI relied on true? Were the FBI's representations to the court accurate? The answers do not bode well for the bureau.
In the end, Baker might be right. It might have been entirely lawful to submit so much wrong information to the court and as a result be granted a warrant to wiretap a former Trump adviser in pursuit of a crime that had not actually occurred. And, given the extensive redactions, there is still much about the warrant that the public does not know.... that cannot create much confidence in the rest of the bureau's long and wide-ranging investigation of the president's 2016 campaign.

Byron York has produced an excellent opinion piece that covers the Trump-Russia wiretap warrant. It appears that between the fiction written in the Steele Dossier, the lack of investiaging the DNC so called hacking breach and reliance on the FISA application based upon the Dossier, there's a lot of wrong decisions along the way both in the FBI and further still in the Mueller report where there was dependence upon the incompetent results stemming from the FBI.
AS those within Judicial Watch have repeated stated, "It time to investigate the Investigators."

See also: Mueller report proves that it's time to investigate the investigators

Utter bullsh*t... facts here - FYI:

1st Source:
Brennan Center for Justice at NYU

B/L: FBI Would’ve Been Derelict Not to Use Steele Dossier for the Carter Page FISA Warrant

2nd Source:
The Daily Beast

Now that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) application (called a joke in this link) for an order to surveil former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page has been released in heavily redacted form (412 pages), the attacks on the FBI’s application have been predictably loud yet incorrect. The critical question related to the FISA application: Was there probable cause to believe that Page was an agent of a foreign power?

Byron York: Why was FBI so wrong in Trump-Russia wiretap warrant?

Byron York: Why was FBI so wrong in Trump-Russia wiretap warrant?
May 13, 2019 ~ By Byron York
A huge controversy erupted last year when President Trump declassified parts of the FBI's secret request to wiretap former Trump campaign volunteer foreign policy adviser Carter Page. Defenders and critics of the president argued over whether the October 2016 warrant application to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court relied extensively on the so-called Steele dossier, which was a collection of anti-Trump allegations compiled by the former British spy Christopher Steele on behalf of the Hillary Clinton campaign.... Now, however, we have new evidence, in the form of the Mueller report, to evaluate the Page FISA application. We can ask: Was the information the FBI relied on true? Were the FBI's representations to the court accurate? The answers do not bode well for the bureau.
In the end, Baker might be right. It might have been entirely lawful to submit so much wrong information to the court and as a result be granted a warrant to wiretap a former Trump adviser in pursuit of a crime that had not actually occurred. And, given the extensive redactions, there is still much about the warrant that the public does not know.... that cannot create much confidence in the rest of the bureau's long and wide-ranging investigation of the president's 2016 campaign.

Byron York has produced an excellent opinion piece that covers the Trump-Russia wiretap warrant. It appears that between the fiction written in the Steele Dossier, the lack of investiaging the DNC so called hacking breach and reliance on the FISA application based upon the Dossier, there's a lot of wrong decisions along the way both in the FBI and further still in the Mueller report where there was dependence upon the incompetent results stemming from the FBI.
AS those within Judicial Watch have repeated stated, "It time to investigate the Investigators."

See also: Mueller report proves that it's time to investigate the investigators

Utter bullsh*t... facts here - FYI:

1st Source:
Brennan Center for Justice at NYU

B/L: FBI Would’ve Been Derelict Not to Use Steele Dossier for the Carter Page FISA Warrant

2nd Source:
The Daily Beast

Now that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) application (called a joke in this link) for an order to surveil former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page has been released in heavily redacted form (412 pages), the attacks on the FBI’s application have been predictably loud yet incorrect. The critical question related to the FISA application: Was there probable cause to believe that Page was an agent of a foreign power?

Carter Page FISA Applications: FBI Used Steele Dossier ...
Carter Page FISA Applications: FBI Used Steele Dossier | National Review

FISA Applications Confirm: The FBI Relied on the Unverified Steele Dossier. On a sleepy summer Saturday, after months of stonewalling, the FBI dumped 412 pages of documents related to the Carter Page FISA surveillance warrants — the applications, the certifications, and the warrants themselves.... Based on the dossier, the FBI told the FISA court it believed that Carter Page, who had been identified by the Trump campaign as an adviser, was coordinating with the Russian government in an espionage conspiracy to influence the 2016 election.... To the contrary, each FISA application — the original one in October 2016, and the three renewals at 90-day intervals — is labeled “VERIFIED APPLICATION” (bold caps in original). And each one makes this breathtaking representation:... The FBI has reviewed this verified application for accuracy in accordance with its April 5, 2001 procedures, which include sending a copy of the draft to the appropriate field office(s).
In reality, the applications were never verified for accuracy.

Shall we now parse the word verify?
ver·i·fy -- [ˈverəˌfī]
make sure or demonstrate that (something) is true, accurate, or justified.
"his conclusions have been verified by later experiments"
swear to or support (a statement) by affidavit.
Byron York: Why was FBI so wrong in Trump-Russia wiretap warrant?

Byron York: Why was FBI so wrong in Trump-Russia wiretap warrant?
May 13, 2019 ~ By Byron York
A huge controversy erupted last year when President Trump declassified parts of the FBI's secret request to wiretap former Trump campaign volunteer foreign policy adviser Carter Page. Defenders and critics of the president argued over whether the October 2016 warrant application to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court relied extensively on the so-called Steele dossier, which was a collection of anti-Trump allegations compiled by the former British spy Christopher Steele on behalf of the Hillary Clinton campaign.... Now, however, we have new evidence, in the form of the Mueller report, to evaluate the Page FISA application. We can ask: Was the information the FBI relied on true? Were the FBI's representations to the court accurate? The answers do not bode well for the bureau.
In the end, Baker might be right. It might have been entirely lawful to submit so much wrong information to the court and as a result be granted a warrant to wiretap a former Trump adviser in pursuit of a crime that had not actually occurred. And, given the extensive redactions, there is still much about the warrant that the public does not know.... that cannot create much confidence in the rest of the bureau's long and wide-ranging investigation of the president's 2016 campaign.

Byron York has produced an excellent opinion piece that covers the Trump-Russia wiretap warrant. It appears that between the fiction written in the Steele Dossier, the lack of investiaging the DNC so called hacking breach and reliance on the FISA application based upon the Dossier, there's a lot of wrong decisions along the way both in the FBI and further still in the Mueller report where there was dependence upon the incompetent results stemming from the FBI.
AS those within Judicial Watch have repeated stated, "It time to investigate the Investigators."

See also: Mueller report proves that it's time to investigate the investigators
Why ask the Russians, specifically for help with the "missing emails"?
cause trump is a smartass who's always looking for a laugh.

your desire to make it more doesn't in fact, make it more. funny as shit you go off on this comment but when obama flat out says he can work w/putin after re-elected you don't care.
Obama wasn't having private meetings with the Russians.
Nothing will ever come from all this made-up hogwash and all the Trumpbots will blame it on the mythical "deep state", you people are so easy to lead.
Says the drip who bought the RUSSIA! hoax, hook, line, and sinker.

Tell that to the Trump cartel goons in prison.
None of whom had anything to do with RUSSIA!, foo.

nah - they lied and went to prison to hide their innocence -
Cohen got 3 years on a plea bargain because they probably found enough dirt on him in the break-in of his home and offices to put him away for life, so they stacked some undisclosed charges and tried getting him to 'cooperate', or lie, but his other charges probably had nothing to do with Trump.

You're correct. None of the charges against Cohen had anything to do with Trump or the Russian Collusion meme. Cohen pleaded guilty to the following charges. Tax fraud, Making false statements to a financial institution, Excessive campaign contributions. All for a maximum of 65 years. For his cooperation in the Mueller investigation to implicate Trump he was sentenced to 3 years.
Byron York: Why was FBI so wrong in Trump-Russia wiretap warrant?

Byron York: Why was FBI so wrong in Trump-Russia wiretap warrant?
May 13, 2019 ~ By Byron York
A huge controversy erupted last year when President Trump declassified parts of the FBI's secret request to wiretap former Trump campaign volunteer foreign policy adviser Carter Page. Defenders and critics of the president argued over whether the October 2016 warrant application to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court relied extensively on the so-called Steele dossier, which was a collection of anti-Trump allegations compiled by the former British spy Christopher Steele on behalf of the Hillary Clinton campaign.... Now, however, we have new evidence, in the form of the Mueller report, to evaluate the Page FISA application. We can ask: Was the information the FBI relied on true? Were the FBI's representations to the court accurate? The answers do not bode well for the bureau.
In the end, Baker might be right. It might have been entirely lawful to submit so much wrong information to the court and as a result be granted a warrant to wiretap a former Trump adviser in pursuit of a crime that had not actually occurred. And, given the extensive redactions, there is still much about the warrant that the public does not know.... that cannot create much confidence in the rest of the bureau's long and wide-ranging investigation of the president's 2016 campaign.

Byron York has produced an excellent opinion piece that covers the Trump-Russia wiretap warrant. It appears that between the fiction written in the Steele Dossier, the lack of investiaging the DNC so called hacking breach and reliance on the FISA application based upon the Dossier, there's a lot of wrong decisions along the way both in the FBI and further still in the Mueller report where there was dependence upon the incompetent results stemming from the FBI.
AS those within Judicial Watch have repeated stated, "It time to investigate the Investigators."

See also: Mueller report proves that it's time to investigate the investigators
Why ask the Russians, specifically for help with the "missing emails"?
cause trump is a smartass who's always looking for a laugh.

your desire to make it more doesn't in fact, make it more. funny as shit you go off on this comment but when obama flat out says he can work w/putin after re-elected you don't care.
Obama wasn't having private meetings with the Russians.

You're correct. Obama had already conceded and decided to conspire with Putin when spoke to Mr. Medvedev on an open microphone, “On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this can be solved, but it’s important for him to give me space,” “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.” Mr. Medvedev replied “I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir,”
Byron York: Why was FBI so wrong in Trump-Russia wiretap warrant?

Byron York: Why was FBI so wrong in Trump-Russia wiretap warrant?
May 13, 2019 ~ By Byron York
A huge controversy erupted last year when President Trump declassified parts of the FBI's secret request to wiretap former Trump campaign volunteer foreign policy adviser Carter Page. Defenders and critics of the president argued over whether the October 2016 warrant application to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court relied extensively on the so-called Steele dossier, which was a collection of anti-Trump allegations compiled by the former British spy Christopher Steele on behalf of the Hillary Clinton campaign.... Now, however, we have new evidence, in the form of the Mueller report, to evaluate the Page FISA application. We can ask: Was the information the FBI relied on true? Were the FBI's representations to the court accurate? The answers do not bode well for the bureau.
In the end, Baker might be right. It might have been entirely lawful to submit so much wrong information to the court and as a result be granted a warrant to wiretap a former Trump adviser in pursuit of a crime that had not actually occurred. And, given the extensive redactions, there is still much about the warrant that the public does not know.... that cannot create much confidence in the rest of the bureau's long and wide-ranging investigation of the president's 2016 campaign.

Byron York has produced an excellent opinion piece that covers the Trump-Russia wiretap warrant. It appears that between the fiction written in the Steele Dossier, the lack of investiaging the DNC so called hacking breach and reliance on the FISA application based upon the Dossier, there's a lot of wrong decisions along the way both in the FBI and further still in the Mueller report where there was dependence upon the incompetent results stemming from the FBI.
AS those within Judicial Watch have repeated stated, "It time to investigate the Investigators."

See also: Mueller report proves that it's time to investigate the investigators

Utter bullsh*t... facts here - FYI:

1st Source:
Brennan Center for Justice at NYU

B/L: FBI Would’ve Been Derelict Not to Use Steele Dossier for the Carter Page FISA Warrant

2nd Source:
The Daily Beast

Now that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) application (called a joke in this link) for an order to surveil former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page has been released in heavily redacted form (412 pages), the attacks on the FBI’s application have been predictably loud yet incorrect. The critical question related to the FISA application: Was there probable cause to believe that Page was an agent of a foreign power?

Carter Page FISA Applications: FBI Used Steele Dossier ...
Carter Page FISA Applications: FBI Used Steele Dossier | National Review

FISA Applications Confirm: The FBI Relied on the Unverified Steele Dossier. On a sleepy summer Saturday, after months of stonewalling, the FBI dumped 412 pages of documents related to the Carter Page FISA surveillance warrants — the applications, the certifications, and the warrants themselves.... Based on the dossier, the FBI told the FISA court it believed that Carter Page, who had been identified by the Trump campaign as an adviser, was coordinating with the Russian government in an espionage conspiracy to influence the 2016 election.... To the contrary, each FISA application — the original one in October 2016, and the three renewals at 90-day intervals — is labeled “VERIFIED APPLICATION” (bold caps in original). And each one makes this breathtaking representation:... The FBI has reviewed this verified application for accuracy in accordance with its April 5, 2001 procedures, which include sending a copy of the draft to the appropriate field office(s).
In reality, the applications were never verified for accuracy.

Shall we now parse the word verify?
ver·i·fy -- [ˈverəˌfī]
make sure or demonstrate that (something) is true, accurate, or justified.
"his conclusions have been verified by later experiments"
swear to or support (a statement) by affidavit.
412 pages in the FISA application giving probable cause for the FISA Warrant, the Dossier's pages on Carter Page had about 3 pages dedicated to him.

WHAT was in the other 409 pages of evidence in the FISA application?

The dossier 3 pages were included in the app, but by no means was the dossier the primary focus or sole evidence used in the FISA application.

To insinuate the FISA warrant was only issued by the judge because of the dossier is unfounded... baseless.... untruthful... spin, not facts.
Byron York: Why was FBI so wrong in Trump-Russia wiretap warrant?

Byron York: Why was FBI so wrong in Trump-Russia wiretap warrant?
May 13, 2019 ~ By Byron York
A huge controversy erupted last year when President Trump declassified parts of the FBI's secret request to wiretap former Trump campaign volunteer foreign policy adviser Carter Page. Defenders and critics of the president argued over whether the October 2016 warrant application to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court relied extensively on the so-called Steele dossier, which was a collection of anti-Trump allegations compiled by the former British spy Christopher Steele on behalf of the Hillary Clinton campaign.... Now, however, we have new evidence, in the form of the Mueller report, to evaluate the Page FISA application. We can ask: Was the information the FBI relied on true? Were the FBI's representations to the court accurate? The answers do not bode well for the bureau.
In the end, Baker might be right. It might have been entirely lawful to submit so much wrong information to the court and as a result be granted a warrant to wiretap a former Trump adviser in pursuit of a crime that had not actually occurred. And, given the extensive redactions, there is still much about the warrant that the public does not know.... that cannot create much confidence in the rest of the bureau's long and wide-ranging investigation of the president's 2016 campaign.

Byron York has produced an excellent opinion piece that covers the Trump-Russia wiretap warrant. It appears that between the fiction written in the Steele Dossier, the lack of investiaging the DNC so called hacking breach and reliance on the FISA application based upon the Dossier, there's a lot of wrong decisions along the way both in the FBI and further still in the Mueller report where there was dependence upon the incompetent results stemming from the FBI.
AS those within Judicial Watch have repeated stated, "It time to investigate the Investigators."

See also: Mueller report proves that it's time to investigate the investigators

Utter bullsh*t... facts here - FYI:

1st Source:
Brennan Center for Justice at NYU

B/L: FBI Would’ve Been Derelict Not to Use Steele Dossier for the Carter Page FISA Warrant

2nd Source:
The Daily Beast

Now that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) application (called a joke in this link) for an order to surveil former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page has been released in heavily redacted form (412 pages), the attacks on the FBI’s application have been predictably loud yet incorrect. The critical question related to the FISA application: Was there probable cause to believe that Page was an agent of a foreign power?

Carter Page FISA Applications: FBI Used Steele Dossier ...
Carter Page FISA Applications: FBI Used Steele Dossier | National Review

FISA Applications Confirm: The FBI Relied on the Unverified Steele Dossier. On a sleepy summer Saturday, after months of stonewalling, the FBI dumped 412 pages of documents related to the Carter Page FISA surveillance warrants — the applications, the certifications, and the warrants themselves.... Based on the dossier, the FBI told the FISA court it believed that Carter Page, who had been identified by the Trump campaign as an adviser, was coordinating with the Russian government in an espionage conspiracy to influence the 2016 election.... To the contrary, each FISA application — the original one in October 2016, and the three renewals at 90-day intervals — is labeled “VERIFIED APPLICATION” (bold caps in original). And each one makes this breathtaking representation:... The FBI has reviewed this verified application for accuracy in accordance with its April 5, 2001 procedures, which include sending a copy of the draft to the appropriate field office(s).
In reality, the applications were never verified for accuracy.

Shall we now parse the word verify?
ver·i·fy -- [ˈverəˌfī]
make sure or demonstrate that (something) is true, accurate, or justified.
"his conclusions have been verified by later experiments"
swear to or support (a statement) by affidavit.
412 pages in the FISA application giving probable cause for the FISA Warrant, the Dossier's pages on Carter Page had about 3 pages dedicated to him.

WHAT was in the other 409 pages of evidence in the FISA application?

The dossier 3 pages were included in the app, but by no means was the dossier the primary focus or sole evidence used in the FISA application.

To insinuate the FISA warrant was only issued by the judge because of the dossier is unfounded... baseless.... untruthful... spin, not facts.

and to say the left will finds something in the redacted information barr is hiding and mueller isn't talking about is what?

you really need to stop doing exactly what you pretend to be pissed off about.
Byron York: Why was FBI so wrong in Trump-Russia wiretap warrant?

Byron York: Why was FBI so wrong in Trump-Russia wiretap warrant?
May 13, 2019 ~ By Byron York
A huge controversy erupted last year when President Trump declassified parts of the FBI's secret request to wiretap former Trump campaign volunteer foreign policy adviser Carter Page. Defenders and critics of the president argued over whether the October 2016 warrant application to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court relied extensively on the so-called Steele dossier, which was a collection of anti-Trump allegations compiled by the former British spy Christopher Steele on behalf of the Hillary Clinton campaign.... Now, however, we have new evidence, in the form of the Mueller report, to evaluate the Page FISA application. We can ask: Was the information the FBI relied on true? Were the FBI's representations to the court accurate? The answers do not bode well for the bureau.
In the end, Baker might be right. It might have been entirely lawful to submit so much wrong information to the court and as a result be granted a warrant to wiretap a former Trump adviser in pursuit of a crime that had not actually occurred. And, given the extensive redactions, there is still much about the warrant that the public does not know.... that cannot create much confidence in the rest of the bureau's long and wide-ranging investigation of the president's 2016 campaign.

Byron York has produced an excellent opinion piece that covers the Trump-Russia wiretap warrant. It appears that between the fiction written in the Steele Dossier, the lack of investiaging the DNC so called hacking breach and reliance on the FISA application based upon the Dossier, there's a lot of wrong decisions along the way both in the FBI and further still in the Mueller report where there was dependence upon the incompetent results stemming from the FBI.
AS those within Judicial Watch have repeated stated, "It time to investigate the Investigators."

See also: Mueller report proves that it's time to investigate the investigators
Why ask the Russians, specifically for help with the "missing emails"?
cause trump is a smartass who's always looking for a laugh.

your desire to make it more doesn't in fact, make it more. funny as shit you go off on this comment but when obama flat out says he can work w/putin after re-elected you don't care.
Obama wasn't having private meetings with the Russians.
if they're private, how would you know?

do i really need to bring up the open mic / have putin call me after i'm elected gaff? are you really that stupid?

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