Why Was The First Lady Meeting CA Gov Gavin Newsome In The White House While Biden Is In Israel???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

One of the reporters that saw Newsome enter the White House through the back door asked him "....how's this look?"
Apparently it looks like the First Lady is taking meetings behind the president's back.

Gavin Newsome waited till Biden was out of the country before he showed up at the White House and met with the First Lady and her Chief of Staff.

I saw the raw footage on Twitter....but the media claims it was totally innocent and then went to some award that was given to him.

They're either planning a coup, or Jill had a taste for some dick.

That's all I can come up with.
Tagging cougars is how Newsome got his start. He isn't from a wealthy family and he wanted to start a wine bar in SF. So he used his connections from the school he went to which there were a lot of wealthy kids. This was when he was in his late 20's I think. So in order to get some $$$ to start the bar he had to bang some older wealthy broads who gave him the money.
Tagging cougars is how Newsome got his start. He isn't from a wealthy family and he wanted to start a wine bar in SF. So he used his connections from the school he went to which there were a lot of wealthy kids. This was when he was in his late 20's I think. So in order to get some $$$ to start the bar he had to bang some older wealthy broads who gave him the money.

Well there it is. :beer:
Because Jill has more power than Joe.
Between her and Rice... they are the real Presidents.
Joe just sort of reads teleprompters.
She was trying to get a good deal on breakfast tacos?

I hope not. Have you ever seen what they call a taco in California? :laughing0301:

Some things were just not meant to go on a taco: sprouts, avocado, pineapple, red cabbage, kidney beans, mushrooms, zucchini...

Jill can show him where Trump tried to organise a coup....

I say they are talking how California are bringing in an actual real plan to low drug costs... Newsom's Insulin plan was pretty smart, if big Pharma acting the dick just manufacture your own...

One of the reporters that saw Newsome enter the White House through the back door asked him "....how's this look?"
Apparently it looks like the First Lady is taking meetings behind the president's back.

Gavin Newsome waited till Biden was out of the country before he showed up at the White House and met with the First Lady and her Chief of Staff.

I saw the raw footage on Twitter....but the media claims it was totally innocent and then went to some award that was given to him.

I have already made my prediction that unless some terrible scandal surfaces that will sink him, Gavin Newsom will be the Democrat candidate in 2024. He is nice looking, young looking, personable when he wants to be, and has a pretty solid voter base plus a MSM willing to hide any uglies and smooth over any rough patches. The campaign will present him as a middle of the road moderate and his more radical positions won't make it onto the front pages.

Meanwhile he's pretending there is nothing wrong with Biden and said this week that Biden should run again. Not he or anybody else thinks that's possible.

So I think his visit to DC was mostly political theater and we shouldn't make a lot more out of it than that. I am pretty sure he met with some deep state operatives that will run the 2024 campaign. Is Jill in on that? Who knows.

One of the reporters that saw Newsome enter the White House through the back door asked him "....how's this look?"
Apparently it looks like the First Lady is taking meetings behind the president's back.

Gavin Newsome waited till Biden was out of the country before he showed up at the White House and met with the First Lady and her Chief of Staff.

I saw the raw footage on Twitter....but the media claims it was totally innocent and then went to some award that was given to him.

Oh dang you cracked the mystery. Gavin is Jills side piece. Wow, go get your reward. Great discovery!!!!


I have already made my prediction that unless some terrible scandal surfaces that will sink him, Gavin Newsom will be the Democrat candidate in 2024. He is nice looking, young looking, personable when he wants to be, and has a pretty solid voter base plus a MSM willing to hide any uglies and smooth over any rough patches. The campaign will present him as a middle of the road moderate and his more radical positions won't make it onto the front pages.

Meanwhile he's pretending there is nothing wrong with Biden and said this week that Biden should run again. Not he or anybody else thinks that's possible.

So I think his visit to DC was mostly political theater and we shouldn't make a lot more out of it than that. I am pretty sure he met with some deep state operatives that will run the 2024 campaign. Is Jill in on that? Who knows.
The liberal news media will do its best to promote Gov. Newsom if he is the Democratic candidate. They will push his pluses and ignore his negatives. Hopefully the sheeple are beginning to wise up to the fact that the liberal news media is useless.
I hope not. Have you ever seen what they call a taco in California? :laughing0301:

Some things were just not meant to go on a taco: sprouts, avocado, pineapple, red cabbage, kidney beans, mushrooms, zucchini...

what restaurant did you go to?......wasnt no Mexican one....
The liberal news media will do its best to promote Gov. Newsom if he is the Democratic candidate. They will push his pluses and ignore his negatives. Hopefully the sheeple are beginning to wise up to the fact that the liberal news media is useless.
It isn't useless if it serves their purposes. Those of us on message boards, social media such as Twitter and Facebook and maybe watch some podcasts or Fox News or Newsmax or OAN are much more informed than those who get the news from their daily newspaper or the alphabet channels on TV.

The latter are largely unaware of the millions of illegals invading our southern border or any of the uglies and dangers that are coming in with them. They don't know about Hunter's laptop or Biden's dementia/gaffes or that it is the government, not oil companies or other big business, that created runaway inflation, supply and labor shortages, and crashed the economy. They don't know about Benghazi or the disaster of the Afghanistan evacuation, etc. etc. And they believe Biden really did get all those votes, Republicans are the root of all their problems, and that the Jan 6 Commission is a legitimate bipartisan investigation.

And the hardcore leftists who do know the truth of some or all of that will never admit or acknowledge it because it doesn't fit the narrative they have been conditioned to push by whatever means necessary, honorable or not.

And that's why a Gavin Newsom, cleaned and shined up by the media and the talking heads they quote or feature, could be a major threat in 2024.
It isn't useless if it serves their purposes. Those of us on message boards, social media such as Twitter and Facebook and maybe watch some podcasts or Fox News or Newsmax or OAN are much more informed than those who get the news from their daily newspaper or the alphabet channels on TV.

The latter are largely unaware of the millions of illegals invading our southern border or any of the uglies and dangers that are coming in with them. They don't know about Hunter's laptop or Biden's dementia/gaffes or that it is the government, not oil companies or other big business, that created runaway inflation, supply and labor shortages, and crashed the economy. They don't know about Benghazi or the disaster of the Afghanistan evacuation, etc. etc. And they believe Biden really did get all those votes, Republicans are the root of all their problems, and that the Jan 6 Commission is a legitimate bipartisan investigation.

And the hardcore leftists who do know the truth of some or all of that will never admit or acknowledge it because it doesn't fit the narrative they have been conditioned to push by whatever means necessary, honorable or not.

And that's why a Gavin Newsom, cleaned and shined up by the media and the talking heads they quote or feature, could be a major threat in 2024.
I've said all along that it will be Newsome if Tater is pushed aside.
It isn't useless if it serves their purposes. Those of us on message boards, social media such as Twitter and Facebook and maybe watch some podcasts or Fox News or Newsmax or OAN are much more informed than those who get the news from their daily newspaper or the alphabet channels on TV.

The latter are largely unaware of the millions of illegals invading our southern border or any of the uglies and dangers that are coming in with them. They don't know about Hunter's laptop or Biden's dementia/gaffes or that it is the government, not oil companies or other big business, that created runaway inflation, supply and labor shortages, and crashed the economy. They don't know about Benghazi or the disaster of the Afghanistan evacuation, etc. etc. And they believe Biden really did get all those votes, Republicans are the root of all their problems, and that the Jan 6 Commission is a legitimate bipartisan investigation.

And the hardcore leftists who do know the truth of some or all of that will never admit or acknowledge it because it doesn't fit the narrative they have been conditioned to push by whatever means necessary, honorable or not.

And that's why a Gavin Newsom, cleaned and shined up by the media and the talking heads they quote or feature, could be a major threat in 2024.
Perhaps the sheeple will start to wake up now that big time inflation is back. Most people are not all that interested in the news as long as they don’t see major changes in their lives.
Perhaps the sheeple will start to wake up now that big time inflation is back. Most people are not all that interested in the news as long as they don’t see major changes in their lives.
Which would you prefer, high inflation or a major depression?

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