Why Was The First Lady Meeting CA Gov Gavin Newsome In The White House While Biden Is In Israel???

Gavin Newsom is a degenerate:

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I agree that Newsom is a pure leftist who will likely always put America and the average traditional working class American last while he focuses on 'wokeism' and other leftist ideology that has proved to be detrimental to everybody, even those anomalies that are its sacred cows to advantage over all others.

Nevertheless Newsom governs a state that is the largest sub-national economy in the world. If California was a country it would have the fifth or sixth largest economy in the world. The left will sell that as he is imminently qualified to be President and the media will help him sell it. He will be a dangerous candidate.
I certainly do not have the skill set or knowledge to know what to do at this point, but again, when I saw the economic miracle President Trump pulled off, it gave me hope that this country wasn't so screwed up that it couldn't ever be put back on the right track. And he did his best to put people into key jobs who knew how to make it work. I failed to calculate how much the left hated him for his success though, how much he screwed up the deep state agenda, and the lengths they would go to in order to get him out of the White House. We need someone with his skill set, vision, instincts back in there and a Congress that will back him up.

Biden and his team not only will not admit how badly they've screwed everything up, but they have no clue how to turn it around. Most have little or no experience in their jobs. What does Mayor Pete know about transportation for instance?

Gavin Newsom I believe would be another pure politician in it for his own political and financial gain and would operate from leftist ideology instead of common sense. I see no evidence that he would put America and Americans first over his own ambitions.
Most politicians may start off honest but over the years turn corrupt.

I have often said that if you have some charisma and are a little dishonest there are two career fields when you can amass a fortune in a fairly short period of time. One is to become a televangelist and the other is to become a politician.
I agree that Newsom is a pure leftist who will likely always put America and the average traditional working class American last while he focuses on 'wokeism' and other leftist ideology that has proved to be detrimental to everybody, even those anomalies that are its sacred cows to advantage over all others.

Nevertheless Newsom governs a state that is the largest sub-national economy in the world. If California was a country it would have the fifth or sixth largest economy in the world. The left will sell that as he is imminently qualified to be President and the media will help him sell it. He will be a dangerous candidate.
He's a known entity.....and he has no more chance of being elected than Mitt Romney.
His record speaks for itself.
I know that's what they said but most of the money didn't go to help struggling businesses or otherwise in ways that stimulates the economy. We would have been far far better off had they not spent all those trillions, our economy would be no worse off and in fact much better off because inflation would not have been anywhere near this severe.

I know people who like the Democrats really REALLY want to believe they have our best interests at heart but when so much is so badly mismanaged - transportation, the supply chain, energy, international affairs, a wide open border bringing in millions of illegals plus tons of dangerous illegal drugs, child/sex trafficker, bad actors and contraband, and of course the economy overall, etc., the smart thing is to realize it just isn't working and Trump's way was far far better despite the mean tweets.

Trump may or may not run in 2024, but we sure need someone close to his skill set, instincts, vision. Gavin Newsom is 100% not it.
Trillions in stimulus were spent under Trumps watch. You realize that right?
Odds are, with the dipshits running this clown show, we are going to end up in a hyperinflationary spiral.
Another who can’t answer a simple question.

But yes I agree, many dipshits running this clown show who don’t know how to properly spend money
Well obviously if the Biden administration lacks economic expertise it will be difficult for it to create an effective economic policy to overcome skyrocketing inflation.
With trillions more dollars circulating in our economy and struggling supply chains inflations is t really avoidable. It’s a storm that will need to be weathered
Odds are, with the dipshits running this clown show, we are going to end up in a hyperinflationary spiral.
And if that hyper inflationary spiral becomes irreversible, it is all the bubbles burst and throw us into deep depression. The government as it now is is run by clueless people who focus on ideological agenda and have no idea how it happens that a country is strong and supportive of all demographics. If they even want a country strong and supportive of all demographics. If they are fully committed to a globalist NWO, they may be destroying us on purpose. I don't know that, but seeing what they are doing that is so obviously destructive does make me wonder.

From what I've observed with Gavin Newsom, he is committed to the leftist agenda meaning he is unlikely to ever put America and Americans first.

One of the reporters that saw Newsome enter the White House through the back door asked him "....how's this look?"
Apparently it looks like the First Lady is taking meetings behind the president's back.

Gavin Newsome waited till Biden was out of the country before he showed up at the White House and met with the First Lady and her Chief of Staff.

I saw the raw footage on Twitter....but the media claims it was totally innocent and then went to some award that was given to him.

They met for breakfast tacos.
He's a known entity.....and he has no more chance of being elected than Mitt Romney.
His record speaks for itself.
My friend you seriously underestimate the determination of the left. They control most of the government, media, social media, education, scientific institutions, big corporations, search engines, and even a lot of religious organizations now. They control the message and they control the process. They think Fox News is all malicious fake news and they believe we on the right are all that's wrong with this country. And Trump is the devil personified.

Most Americans don't know what you and I know. They believe the media and talking heads on television when they blame the current economic and social chaos on Trump, Republicans, right wingers, greedy oil companies etc., and somewhat on COVID and Putin.

Given President Trump's amazing accomplishment in just four years, I didn't think it possible they would elect a worn out old politician with dementia over him. But Biden is President and an awful lot of people don't blame him and his administration for anything. Don't think they won't present Gavin Newsom or whomever the nominee will be as their new knight in shining armor.
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One of the reporters that saw Newsome enter the White House through the back door asked him "....how's this look?"
Apparently it looks like the First Lady is taking meetings behind the president's back.

Gavin Newsome waited till Biden was out of the country before he showed up at the White House and met with the First Lady and her Chief of Staff.

I saw the raw footage on Twitter....but the media claims it was totally innocent and then went to some award that was given to him.

They're having a secret affair. She's playing her cards so that if Biden is no longer president after 2024 and Newsome is, she can remain FLOTUS.
Another who can’t answer a simple question.

But yes I agree, many dipshits running this clown show who don’t know how to properly spend money

No, what YOU don't understand is that you don't have to have either one.
And if that hyper inflationary spiral becomes irreversible, it is all the bubbles burst and throw us into deep depression. The government as it now is is run by clueless people who focus on ideological agenda and have no idea how it happens that a country is strong and supportive of all demographics. If they even want a country strong and supportive of all demographics. If they are fully committed to a globalist NWO, they may be destroying us on purpose. I don't know that, but seeing what they are doing that is so obviously destructive does make me wonder.

From what I've observed with Gavin Newsom, he is committed to the leftist agenda meaning he is unlikely to ever put America and Americans first.

If a hyperinflationary spiral begins, it will not stop, and it will lead to rebellion. Because that is always the result.
If a hyperinflationary spiral begins, it will not stop, and it will lead to rebellion. Because that is always the result.
If it gets bad enough, I would like to think so. Thomas Jefferson once said that "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." But too often--in Russia, China, Hitler's Germany, etc.--the left infiltrated the country's institutions and gradually seized control of the education of the children, took over the media, and otherwise controlled the message and process so that the people mostly gave up without a whimper. The few who did rise up and try to fight back were fairly easily squashed.

It is especially the nature of Americans to believe that goodness and right will win out. I fear we may be too naive.
If it gets bad enough, I would like to think so. Thomas Jefferson once said that "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." But too often--in Russia, China, Hitler's Germany, etc.--the left infiltrated the country's institutions and gradually seized control of the education of the children, took over the media, and otherwise controlled the message and process so that the people mostly gave up without a whimper. The few who did rise up and try to fight back were fairly easily squashed.

It is especially the nature of Americans to believe that goodness and right will win out. I fear we may be too naive.

The leftists got scared because Trump won. So they accelerated their timetables. So much so that they exposed their corrupt actions for all to see. That has woken up a LOT of those who were asleep.

They forgot to do one thing, disarm us. And for that they WILL pay.
The leftists got scared because Trump won. So they accelerated their timetables. So much so that they exposed their corrupt actions for all to see. That has woken up a LOT of those who were asleep.

They forgot to do one thing, disarm us. And for that they WILL pay.
You are one crazy dude. Do you need me to deliver any snack packs to you in your bunker? Happy to help if you’re too busy gearing up
The leftists got scared because Trump won. So they accelerated their timetables. So much so that they exposed their corrupt actions for all to see. That has woken up a LOT of those who were asleep.

They forgot to do one thing, disarm us. And for that they WILL pay.
I pray that you are right my friend. I pray that you are right.
You are one crazy dude. Do you need me to deliver any snack packs to you in your bunker? Happy to help if you’re too busy gearing up

That's funny. You are the idiots who don't listen, don't read history, and spew BS. Enjoy the ride. For you it will be short.
I pray that you are right my friend. I pray that you are right.

The progressive left is made up of failures. They can't get a job, they can't tell us what a woman is, they can't even dig a ditch. But, they can shit in the streets, and they can destroy. That's what baboons do. There are creators, and destroyers. The number of creators are far outnumbered by the destroyers, but, we are far smarter than them, so we will prevail in the end.
That's funny. You are the idiots who don't listen, don't read history, and spew BS. Enjoy the ride. For you it will be short.
I’m just loving life in the real world… yes enjoying the ride. Try it sometime before you die

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