Why was the thread "Israel defends itself?" closed?

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Gold Member
Jan 15, 2010
I just logged on to see that the following thread was closed and locked.

I looked to see if there were any Mod warnings on the first page and didn't see anything. I'm naturally curious to know what happened in order to cause it to be closed since I started the thread, and because I didn't see any Mod warnings or an explanation although I did see it looked very busy early this morning while I wasn't even on line.
I just logged on to see that the following thread was closed and locked.

I looked to see if there were any Mod warnings on the first page and didn't see anything. I'm naturally curious to know what happened in order to cause it to be closed since I started the thread, and because I didn't see any Mod warnings or an explanation although I did see it looked very busy early this morning while I wasn't even on line.

Rumor has it the anti-Israel cabal was getting its collective head handed to it and the MODS felt euthanasia was in order. :D
How literal of you to say.

I spelled liberal wrong.

Step on someone's toes

I just logged on to see that the following thread was closed and locked.

I looked to see if there were any Mod warnings on the first page and didn't see anything. I'm naturally curious to know what happened in order to cause it to be closed since I started the thread, and because I didn't see any Mod warnings or an explanation although I did see it looked very busy early this morning while I wasn't even on line.

Rumor has it the anti-Israel cabal was getting its collective head handed to it and the MODS felt euthanasia was in order. :D


There is only the Jewish Cabal here in USMB, and we serve some mean knishes in the morning!!! Oy, Gewalt!
I'd like to ask everyone here to refrain from turning this into a debating thread or a taunting area. I just want to get an answer to the question about why the thread was closed, especially since I didn't see a complaint about the thread here and no explanation was offered.
I just logged on to see that the following thread was closed and locked.

I looked to see if there were any Mod warnings on the first page and didn't see anything. I'm naturally curious to know what happened in order to cause it to be closed since I started the thread, and because I didn't see any Mod warnings or an explanation although I did see it looked very busy early this morning while I wasn't even on line.

Why? They let it live for over a week, almost two. But then it degenerated into you, georgephillip, Lakhota and PaintMyHouse spewing propaganda and unproven facts and statements. PMH completely lost it on the second to last page of your thread, gee I wonder how many slurs he could fit into one sentence. He then started attacking Claudette, and her(?) spelling, and DrDoom. So, you want to know why your thread was closed? He derailed it. It was about to turn into a hellacious flame war, someone nipped it in the bud.

And no, it wasn't because of the Zionist mods.
When you have a questions for mods, it is best to PM the mod of the section for a faster response..
Why is it seemingly so difficult to get a simple explanation for why a thread was closed when there were no open complaints about it and I never saw a Mod warning about the behavior of the posters?
You could PM one of us - that's what the rules say to do. I'm going to close this thread but I'll go ahead and explain why it was closed. By the time posts were reported, the thread had gone derailed and degenerated into a flamefest. It was debatable as to whether it belonged in Politics in the first place, and had pretty much run it's course. That's why it was closed.

For those still wondering the thread on Becki was closed, again - it was nothing personal - it too was turning into flame and she doesn't deserve that, and the question asked was answered in the thread so it's purpose was concluded.

If you have questions PM ONE OF US. I don't believe any of us were PM'd about any of these threads. I certainly was not.

This thread will be closed and any further threads discussing moderation on the open boards will be treated as violating the rules.

C :)
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