Why Was Thomas Jefferson Selected To Write The Constitution?


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2011
"To the task of composing the American Declaration of Independence from England, Benjamin Franklin, the internationally respected senior member of the Continental Congress, quickly declined, stating, “I make it a policy never to write documents subject to editing by others.” John Adams, the seasoned and experienced politician, was then called upon. Adam’s said, “There are three reasons why I should not accept this honor: first, I am disliked and obnoxious, so the document would lack credibility; second, it should be written by a Virginian; and third…, Thomas Jefferson is ten times a better writer than I.” The daunting task then came to the 33 year old Jefferson, who composed the draft in 1776 over a 17 day period in a hotel room in Phillidelphia. Among the activities helping focus and inspire his mind and words during this period was music… the playing of his violin."

If he's heard about the thousands of high paid lobbyists who roam the halls of congress wearing $2000 suits and Gucci shoes on any day a vote is being taken on important legislation I'll bet he has already rolled over in his grave and farted.
James Madison - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As one of the first delegates to arrive, while waiting for the convention to begin, Madison wrote what became known as the Virginia Plan. The Virginia Plan was submitted at the opening of the convention, and the work of the convention quickly became to amend the Virginia Plan and to fill in the gaps.[21][22] Though the Virginia Plan was an outline rather than a draft of a possible constitution, and though it was extensively changed during the debate (especially by John Rutledge and James Wilson in the Committee of Detail), its use at the convention led many to call Madison the "Father of the Constitution".[23] He was only 36 years old.

During the course of the Convention, Madison spoke over two hundred times, and his fellow delegates rated him highly. For example, William Pierce wrote that "...every Person seems to acknowledge his greatness. In the management of every great question he evidently took the lead in the Convention... he always comes forward as the best informed Man of any point in debate." Madison recorded the unofficial minutes of the convention, and these have become the only comprehensive record of what occurred. The historian Clinton Rossiter regarded Madison's performance as "a combination of learning, experience, purpose, and imagination that not even Adams or Jefferson could have equaled."[
James Madison - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As one of the first delegates to arrive, while waiting for the convention to begin, Madison wrote what became known as the Virginia Plan. The Virginia Plan was submitted at the opening of the convention, and the work of the convention quickly became to amend the Virginia Plan and to fill in the gaps.[21][22] Though the Virginia Plan was an outline rather than a draft of a possible constitution, and though it was extensively changed during the debate (especially by John Rutledge and James Wilson in the Committee of Detail), its use at the convention led many to call Madison the "Father of the Constitution".[23] He was only 36 years old.

During the course of the Convention, Madison spoke over two hundred times, and his fellow delegates rated him highly. For example, William Pierce wrote that "...every Person seems to acknowledge his greatness. In the management of every great question he evidently took the lead in the Convention... he always comes forward as the best informed Man of any point in debate." Madison recorded the unofficial minutes of the convention, and these have become the only comprehensive record of what occurred. The historian Clinton Rossiter regarded Madison's performance as "a combination of learning, experience, purpose, and imagination that not even Adams or Jefferson could have equaled."[

Thomas Jefferson wrote the Constitution. Because you don't like it doesn't mean it didn't happen.
A question for Declaration scholars: Why did Jefferson change Locke's "property" to happiness?
"To the task of composing the American Declaration of Independence from England, Benjamin Franklin, the internationally respected senior member of the Continental Congress, quickly declined, stating, “I make it a policy never to write documents subject to editing by others.” John Adams, the seasoned and experienced politician, was then called upon. Adam’s said, “There are three reasons why I should not accept this honor: first, I am disliked and obnoxious, so the document would lack credibility; second, it should be written by a Virginian; and third…, Thomas Jefferson is ten times a better writer than I.” The daunting task then came to the 33 year old Jefferson, who composed the draft in 1776 over a 17 day period in a hotel room in Phillidelphia. Among the activities helping focus and inspire his mind and words during this period was music… the playing of his violin."

If he's heard about the thousands of high paid lobbyists who roam the halls of congress wearing $2000 suits and Gucci shoes
on any day a vote is being taken on important legislation I'll bet he has already rolled over in his grave and farted.

and he might also be saying....."Fuck.....nice suit"....
Thomas Jefferson wrote the Constitution. Because you don't like it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Jefferson didn't write the Constitution. As a matter of fact, he wasn't even in on the Constitutional Convention. He was the Minister to France at the time.
James Madison - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As one of the first delegates to arrive, while waiting for the convention to begin, Madison wrote what became known as the Virginia Plan. The Virginia Plan was submitted at the opening of the convention, and the work of the convention quickly became to amend the Virginia Plan and to fill in the gaps.[21][22] Though the Virginia Plan was an outline rather than a draft of a possible constitution, and though it was extensively changed during the debate (especially by John Rutledge and James Wilson in the Committee of Detail), its use at the convention led many to call Madison the "Father of the Constitution".[23] He was only 36 years old.

During the course of the Convention, Madison spoke over two hundred times, and his fellow delegates rated him highly. For example, William Pierce wrote that "...every Person seems to acknowledge his greatness. In the management of every great question he evidently took the lead in the Convention... he always comes forward as the best informed Man of any point in debate." Madison recorded the unofficial minutes of the convention, and these have become the only comprehensive record of what occurred. The historian Clinton Rossiter regarded Madison's performance as "a combination of learning, experience, purpose, and imagination that not even Adams or Jefferson could have equaled."[

Thomas Jefferson wrote the Constitution. Because you don't like it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

the constitution was NOT written by one person
Virginia Declaration of Rights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The following is the complete text of the Virginia Declaration of Rights:

A DECLARATION OF RIGHTS made by the Representatives of the good people of VIRGINIA, assembled in full and free Convention; which rights do pertain to them and their posterity, as the basis and foundation of Government.
I. That all men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.
I like seeing you Liberals rediscovering the Constitution and the Bill of Rights for yourselves, you might actually learn something.

Hillsdale College offers a free online course on the Constitution, go check it out.
tell me why the republican talk about being all constitutiony and then try to murder the post office?
The right does NOT own the constitution.

hell they dont even seem interested in renting it
Virginia Plan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Constitutional Convention gathered in Philadelphia to revise the Articles of Confederation. The Virginia delegation took the initiative to frame the debate by immediately drawing up and presenting a proposal, for which delegate James Madison is given chief credit. It was, however, Edmund Randolph, the Virginia governor at the time, who officially put it before the convention on May 29, 1787, in the form of 15 resolutions.[4]

The scope of the resolutions, going well beyond tinkering with the Articles of Confederation, succeeded in broadening the debate to encompass fundamental revisions to the structure and powers of the national government. The resolutions proposed, for example, a new form of national government having three branches (legislative, executive and judicial). One contentious issue facing the convention was the manner in which large and small states would be represented in the legislature, whether by equal representation for each state, regardless of its size and population, or proportionate to population, with larger states having more votes than less-populous states. Under the Articles of Confederation, each state was represented by one vote in a unicameral legislature.
I like seeing you Liberals rediscovering the Constitution and the Bill of Rights for yourselves, you might actually learn something.

Hillsdale College offers a free online course on the Constitution, go check it out.

I'd like to see conservatives stop whining when they don't get their own way. I know Freedom of Speech is a right, but you act like it's a duty. Isn't being such big crybabies embarrassing at all?
James Madison - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As one of the first delegates to arrive, while waiting for the convention to begin, Madison wrote what became known as the Virginia Plan. The Virginia Plan was submitted at the opening of the convention, and the work of the convention quickly became to amend the Virginia Plan and to fill in the gaps.[21][22] Though the Virginia Plan was an outline rather than a draft of a possible constitution, and though it was extensively changed during the debate (especially by John Rutledge and James Wilson in the Committee of Detail), its use at the convention led many to call Madison the "Father of the Constitution".[23] He was only 36 years old.

During the course of the Convention, Madison spoke over two hundred times, and his fellow delegates rated him highly. For example, William Pierce wrote that "...every Person seems to acknowledge his greatness. In the management of every great question he evidently took the lead in the Convention... he always comes forward as the best informed Man of any point in debate." Madison recorded the unofficial minutes of the convention, and these have become the only comprehensive record of what occurred. The historian Clinton Rossiter regarded Madison's performance as "a combination of learning, experience, purpose, and imagination that not even Adams or Jefferson could have equaled."[

Thomas Jefferson wrote the Constitution. Because you don't like it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Madison was the primary author of the constitution.
tell me why the republican talk about being all constitutiony and then try to murder the post office?

why did you leave the thread about the PO closing on Sat?....why did you not respond to this same nonsense you are posting here?......why haven't your Democrats done what they said they were going to do about the PO?......why haven't your Democrats done a dam thing about ending that 5 Billion Dollar pre-fund payment?...why when they said they would fight it,did they allow Sat delivery to disappear?....ill tell you why.....because they are no different than the Republicans concerning the PO....and if you were not such a dam hack you would be able to see that.....
"To the task of composing the American Declaration of Independence from England, Benjamin Franklin, the internationally respected senior member of the Continental Congress, quickly declined, stating, “I make it a policy never to write documents subject to editing by others.” John Adams, the seasoned and experienced politician, was then called upon. Adam’s said, “There are three reasons why I should not accept this honor: first, I am disliked and obnoxious, so the document would lack credibility; second, it should be written by a Virginian; and third…, Thomas Jefferson is ten times a better writer than I.” The daunting task then came to the 33 year old Jefferson, who composed the draft in 1776 over a 17 day period in a hotel room in Phillidelphia. Among the activities helping focus and inspire his mind and words during this period was music… the playing of his violin."

If he's heard about the thousands of high paid lobbyists who roam the halls of congress wearing $2000 suits and Gucci shoes on any day a vote is being taken on important legislation I'll bet he has already rolled over in his grave and farted.

Tommie made a good clerk who as picked to write the Declaration of Independence. Stop the adoration. Jefferson was as elitist or more than any lobbyist today, he just talked a very good game. The Patrician on the Hill, pontificating from on high, the self-appointed Tribune of 'The People' ...he loved the mobs in France. Many of Jefferson's views on democracy were an embarrassment to his friends,..and it was only until later in life that he tempers his nuttiness.

Jefferson talked of principles like an old version of Ron Paul. But unlike Ron Paul Jefferson got elected President and then put a few principles in his back pocket during a few important battles and moments...thank god he wasn't as nutty as he talked.

People were not created to serve principles as many of Jefferson's words and stands would have people believe. Principles are there to serve people.

Jefferson throughout his lifetime was viewed by his friends and peers as a bit of a kook when it came to his imaginary world view of freemen in England and Europe roaming around in agricultural paradise until big bad rulers started taking away imaginary freedoms.

If Tommie Jefferson had his way America would never have been in a position to take advantage of the circumstances that led to her greatness in the 19th century. Thank god he didn't get his way
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