WHY wasn't Obama Impeached for Refusing to Provide Ukraine Military Aid ?!?!?!?!?!?

Do you really need this explained to you?

Ok, just once, for the hard of thinking:

President Obama was making a policy decision based on his interpretation of the situation. Nowi didn't agree with his policy decision, and neither did many folks in congress, but it was a policy decision. It's entirely legal and Constitutional to have policy disagreements.

dOnald tRump did not withhold the aid for policy reasons. He was trying to extort favors from the Ukrainian government. Nothing to do with policy. It is entirely illegal and unconstitutional to use the power of the office for personal gain.

Got it now?

So you do admit that Foreign Aid is subject to Presidential Discretion !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You cannot really be this stupid.

This has to be an act.

You can not really be this stupid.

No evidence that

The administrative judge relied on Fiorillo v. Department of Justice, 795 F.2d 1544 (Fed. Cir. 1986), wherein this court held that in order to be protected under the Whistleblower Protection Act the employee's primary motivation for making the disclosure must be a desire to inform the public, and not for vindictiveness or personal advantage.

Incredible that only Gipper took the time to read my post on the truth why Obama was not impeached.:rolleyes:
impeachment is a criminal process and if war hawks are locked and ready to go then the president may be more restrained in how issues should be resolved.

We see how well Iraq is doing with Bush's lock and load strategy

Probably the main reason he couldn't fine Bin Laden

So under OB the Ukraine issue was how to counter Russian involvement and support there tendencies to be more pro western vs pro Russian.

Trump strategy is to use them to gain re election.

Asking someone to do you a favor for an investigation on a person who is your political opponent is collusion. Asking for information to clear Russian when the American intelligence community has already told Trump who did it.

When the guy wants to buy more missiles and trump easily goes into do me a favor then that is quid pro quo

Withholding money that has been set aside for them for no apparent reason is using the money as leverage for something Trump wants. Bragging about how much America helps Ukraine is dangling that carrot in front of the horse

Investigation Biden for doing what Obama sent him to do is ridiculous

Using the statements from this prosecutor who was fired because of Biden isn't proof of anything

If he has proof presented it but he has not

Also there is no proof Biden did something wrong. The concern was about the company.

Ukraine is is torn between those who want to be pro western vs those who want to be pro Russia. The energy company in question wanted to develop sources in the Western side. Previously Ukraine was depended on Russia for its energy needs.

Still Trump is looking for dirt. Its not for America. Its for his own benefit to remain the President. Even though he is crying that I don't have to be the president. He certainly is attacking everything and everyone except for his master (Putin) in order to stay the president

My advise to Trump beat your opponent without using foreign sources. Russia help him and when anyone doubts it then remember Putin

who said " I wanted Trump to win."

Now Trump seeks foreign help because he can't do it on his own
Did he wi
Do you really need this explained to you?

Ok, just once, for the hard of thinking:

President Obama was making a policy decision based on his interpretation of the situation. Nowi didn't agree with his policy decision, and neither did many folks in congress, but it was a policy decision. It's entirely legal and Constitutional to have policy disagreements.

dOnald tRump did not withhold the aid for policy reasons. He was trying to extort favors from the Ukrainian government. Nothing to do with policy. It is entirely illegal and unconstitutional to use the power of the office for personal gain.

Got it now?
Did he withhold money for a favor? Hmmm again the Joker is jealous
Dude, putting allllll the laws and alllll the truths and falsehoods aside...


SURELY you can understand the difference between the two cases. :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:


Click on my signature for an education
impeachment is a criminal process and if war hawks are locked and ready to go then the president may be more restrained in how issues should be resolved.

We see how well Iraq is doing with Bush's lock and load strategy

Probably the main reason he couldn't fine Bin Laden

So under OB the Ukraine issue was how to counter Russian involvement and support there tendencies to be more pro western vs pro Russian.

Trump strategy is to use them to gain re election.

Asking someone to do you a favor for an investigation on a person who is your political opponent is collusion. Asking for information to clear Russian when the American intelligence community has already told Trump who did it.

When the guy wants to buy more missiles and trump easily goes into do me a favor then that is quid pro quo

Withholding money that has been set aside for them for no apparent reason is using the money as leverage for something Trump wants. Bragging about how much America helps Ukraine is dangling that carrot in front of the horse

Investigation Biden for doing what Obama sent him to do is ridiculous

Using the statements from this prosecutor who was fired because of Biden isn't proof of anything

If he has proof presented it but he has not

Also there is no proof Biden did something wrong. The concern was about the company.

Ukraine is is torn between those who want to be pro western vs those who want to be pro Russia. The energy company in question wanted to develop sources in the Western side. Previously Ukraine was depended on Russia for its energy needs.

Still Trump is looking for dirt. Its not for America. Its for his own benefit to remain the President. Even though he is crying that I don't have to be the president. He certainly is attacking everything and everyone except for his master (Putin) in order to stay the president

My advise to Trump beat your opponent without using foreign sources. Russia help him and when anyone doubts it then remember Putin

who said " I wanted Trump to win."

Now Trump seeks foreign help because he can't do it on his own

Yo Kilroy

Identify by page paragraph and Line the section in the transcript where it states monies will be withheld if your don't provide dirt on Biden.
WHY wasn't Obama Impeached for Refusing to Provide Ukraine Military Aid ?!?!?!?!?!?
Dunno, you'd have to ask the Republicrats that were in control of the HoR at the time why they didn't proceed with articles of impeachment over this, personally I don't think what President Nimrod did in the case under discussion should merit impeachment.

Trump hasn't been impeached yet and more than likely won't be, all Crime Family-D has is a half-assed story INFERRING what Donny meant on a phone call, there is no smoking gun, they're just floating this balloon out there to placate the lunatics on the left prior to the election.
And why Obama was not impeached for providing military aid to criminal Ukrainian officials who used it to kill civilians in my home country of Ukraine? Because that's who official Kiev was shelling in Donbass. There should be an International Military Tribunal judging Obama's and Soros' crimes in Ukraine.

Obama, Soros & Co run this 'tribunal'
impeachment is a criminal process and if war hawks are locked and ready to go then the president may be more restrained in how issues should be resolved.

We see how well Iraq is doing with Bush's lock and load strategy

Probably the main reason he couldn't fine Bin Laden

So under OB the Ukraine issue was how to counter Russian involvement and support there tendencies to be more pro western vs pro Russian.

Trump strategy is to use them to gain re election.

Asking someone to do you a favor for an investigation on a person who is your political opponent is collusion. Asking for information to clear Russian when the American intelligence community has already told Trump who did it.

When the guy wants to buy more missiles and trump easily goes into do me a favor then that is quid pro quo

Withholding money that has been set aside for them for no apparent reason is using the money as leverage for something Trump wants. Bragging about how much America helps Ukraine is dangling that carrot in front of the horse

Investigation Biden for doing what Obama sent him to do is ridiculous

Using the statements from this prosecutor who was fired because of Biden isn't proof of anything

If he has proof presented it but he has not

Also there is no proof Biden did something wrong. The concern was about the company.

Ukraine is is torn between those who want to be pro western vs those who want to be pro Russia. The energy company in question wanted to develop sources in the Western side. Previously Ukraine was depended on Russia for its energy needs.

Still Trump is looking for dirt. Its not for America. Its for his own benefit to remain the President. Even though he is crying that I don't have to be the president. He certainly is attacking everything and everyone except for his master (Putin) in order to stay the president

My advise to Trump beat your opponent without using foreign sources. Russia help him and when anyone doubts it then remember Putin

who said " I wanted Trump to win."

Now Trump seeks foreign help because he can't do it on his own

Yo Kilroy

Identify by page paragraph and Line the section in the transcript where it states monies will be withheld if your don't provide dirt on Biden.
Do you really need this explained to you?

Ok, just once, for the hard of thinking:

President Obama was making a policy decision based on his interpretation of the situation. Nowi didn't agree with his policy decision, and neither did many folks in congress, but it was a policy decision. It's entirely legal and Constitutional to have policy disagreements.

dOnald tRump did not withhold the aid for policy reasons. He was trying to extort favors from the Ukrainian government. Nothing to do with policy. It is entirely illegal and unconstitutional to use the power of the office for personal gain.

Got it now?

Are you kidding? O was using the office for favors to biden and son while looking at the moon.
Well to start off we know that it is only a rough copy of the real transcript. Yeah I would ask you why would they not release it

I would assume that trump is aware that others are listening so he not going to be that blunt

You know it does not say that exactly in the transcript but how would you interpret the following and how would the new president who is fighting Russia interpret it which is really the important part.

Trump -
I will say that we do a lot for Ukraine. We spend a lot of effort and a lot of time. Much more than the European countries are doing and they should be helping you more than they are. Germany does almost nothing for you. All they do is talk and I think it's something that you should really ask them about. When I was speaking to Angela Merkel she talks Ukraine, but she ·doesn't do anything. A lot of the European countries are the same way so I think it's something you want to look at but the United States has been very very good to Ukraine. I wouldn't say that it's reciprocal necessarily because things are happening that are not good but the United States has been very very good to Ukraine.


I would like you to do us a favor

us can mean everyone but it clearly includes it at least includes trump himself and thus the favor and who benefits the most from it

So its clear he is asking for a favor and with the previous comments of how the US helps Ukraine with money and weapons and no one else does

creating a you need us feeling to the new president

I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike...

obvious there is some missing statements after that but crowdstrike (a 3rd party) but a key figure in pointing the finger at Russian involvement in hacking the DNC. It has to do with how the government determine who did the hacking of the DNC which was a clearly an attempt to find dirt on Hillary and release it to the general public in an election. All this benefited Trump.

Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you

now Rudy is the private lawyer of Trump and is not a government employee and does not work for the US

The Ukrainian president then says - Actually last time I traveled to the United States, I stayed in New York near Central Park and I stayed at the Trump Tower.

Trump Tower belongs to Trump and he is desperately currying favor with Trump

wow Trump is just benefiting form everything

Now Ukraine was about to get 4OO MILLION in support and was expecting it

Yet just days before the call that Trump made Trump had witheld this support and the UK president was well aware of that.

I'm able to tell you the following; the first time you called me to congratulate me when I won my presidential election, and the second time you are now calling me

so trump already had congratulated him so what was the purpose of the call

He clearly talks about Biden and his son


Any investigation into Biden and his son would benefit Trump in an election year and with the impeachment process in full swing

There is nothing in this call that benefits the US government other that the guy is kissing ass to get that money but I do not blame him as they are facing Russia

So that begs the question why would Ukraine help Russia when they are in a fight with them

I want to see the full transcript but they classified it and Trump has refused to declassify it. The only reason is it is more embarrassing stuff from Trump

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