Why we don't believe the MSM any more!

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When I compare what the mainstream media claims is a fact to what our President claims is a fact.....There is no doubt the MSM is a hundred times more credible

At least the media admits to its errors

Please SHARE honestly examples of Trump's "factual" errors.

For example here is one of .....
Donald Trump’s repeated (and widely debunked) claims that he watched television footage of “thousands” of Muslims celebrating 9/11 in Jersey City, hundreds of people have written comments on New Jersey 101.5’s Facebook page asserting Trump’s statements — or at least some version of them — are true.

Read More: These people say they all saw 9/11 celebrations in NJ firsthand | These people say they all saw 9/11 celebrations in NJ firsthand
Among those who said they did see celebrations in New Jersey firsthand were the following (minor edits have been made for punctuation, capitalization or spelling). Many describe the celebrants as Muslims, though it is not clear in all some how the poster would know that to be true:

  • Tom Penicaro: “I worked for PSEG in Clifton on the Paterson boarder and I witnessed it firsthand. They were celebrating in the streets cheering and stomping on the flag. I am a Marine and I remember very very clearly because I was so passed I wanted to engage them with a bat I had in my van.”
  • William Hugelmeyer: We all saw and heard the reports, just because the media is doing a white wash doesn’t mean it didn’t happen! I was working in the jail when the attacks occurred. Once it was clear it was a terrorist attack, we had inmates celebrating. This instantly caused a lockdown. As you could imagine, many other inmates and officers didn’t share their jubilation.”
  • P.j. Flattery: “I saw with my own eyes Muslims in Paterson dancing and singing on the streets during 9/11. Trumps an American. He’s gonna have his haters and people trying to knock him down.”
  • Patrick Kiernan: “They were celebrating all around the area of the mosque on Getty Ave in Paterson. You cant tell me they weren’t because I lived there when It happened and I observed the clashes in the city at the time. There may be no visual proof but I remember the police went on the news and asked the citizens not to retaliate against any of the Muslim citizens in the city and that just emboldened them even more to be spiteful and full of their hate .Dont say it didn’t happen because it did.”
  • Terry Lynn Mustakas: “I experienced/witnessed many incidents of Muslims celebrating 9/11 in North Brunswick. I was in a grocery store when I heard the plane crashed on the store radio. The Muslim man in line next to me turned and spit on me. I’ll never forget it.”
  • John Pezzino: “They were in the streets banging on the cars trying to drive through the crowd in the street. The Muslims were shouting death to American s and Allah is great other crap I didn’t understand. We were amused until a car with 3 young women mistakenly turned on to main st. The muslims were banging on their windows and screaming, thats when we came out of our car and pushed the muslims off their car helped them back out and get back to the Parkway.”
  • Mike Passeri: “It absolutely happened in Paterson. The police even had some of the streets closed off to traffic because of it. I was in Paterson on the 12th for business and the whole area around Crooks Avenue was covered in people celebrating. As for the fights in the high schools, I remember hearing about it being reported but have no idea if that was true or not.”
  • Eddie Iacono: “No, I was in Jersey City when it happened. That night I had to drive through the Muslim Alcove in Paterson, NJ and they were still laughing about it a bit too happily. They may have been speaking another language, but when someone sweeps their hand down while making sound effects of a building dropping, then smiles, and raises his fists in triumph, well, something is wrong.”
  • Priscilla Crane Hudson: “I saw first hand in Jersey City the Muslims cheering in the streets when the World Trade Center was destroyed. These so called news outlets should get their facts straight. And there were 100s of revelers over 3,000+ deaths.”
  • Walter Emiliantsev: “I lived in NJ at the time on Demott Ave., Clifton! When I tried to go to Paterson to my brother in laws shop, I usually took Main Ave. There were so many people dancing on Main, I couldn’t get through! I KNOW what I saw!”
These people say they all saw 9/11 celebrations in NJ firsthand

Now my question to people that doubt Trump is who controlled the video that Trump says he watched of thousands cheering 9/11?
Trump says he saw on TV. Most likely local TV and who controls local TV? Media outlets.
Just saying... this is one of Trump's most famous criticized "FACTS" that Trump is accused of being a liar.


For example here is one of .....
Donald Trump’s repeated (and widely debunked) claims that he watched television footage of “thousands” of Muslims celebrating 9/11 in Jersey City, hundreds of people have written comments on New Jersey 101.5’s Facebook page asserting Trump’s statements — or at least some version of them — are true.

No network local or national claims they broadcast video of thousand of Muslims dancing in NJ (mainly because it never happened).....NONE
Anecdotal claims of I saw it too have no merit
. And you wanted Roy Moore burned at the stake on unproven allegations ?? Hypocrite much ? Y'all were ready to believe the one on Moore, but not on New Jersey eh ?

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with equivalencies?

There was NO witnesses supporting Trumps wild claims of "thousands of Muslims dancing in the street" Networks actually kept their coverage of 9-11.....NOBODY reported it

Meanwhile, SEVEN women have come forward regarding Creepy Roy's advances towards them. Their stories have been verified by friends and family who affirm they were told the same story at the time. The locals all claim that Creepy Roy was known for his attraction to teens

What do you call these 10 people if not witnesses?

  • Tom Penicaro: “I worked for PSEG in Clifton on the Paterson boarder and I witnessed it firsthand. They were celebrating in the streets cheering and stomping on the flag. I am a Marine and I remember very very clearly because I was so passed I wanted to engage them with a bat I had in my van.”
  • William Hugelmeyer: We all saw and heard the reports, just because the media is doing a white wash doesn’t mean it didn’t happen! I was working in the jail when the attacks occurred. Once it was clear it was a terrorist attack, we had inmates celebrating. This instantly caused a lockdown. As you could imagine, many other inmates and officers didn’t share their jubilation.”
  • P.j. Flattery: “I saw with my own eyes Muslims in Paterson dancing and singing on the streets during 9/11. Trumps an American. He’s gonna have his haters and people trying to knock him down.”
  • Patrick Kiernan: “They were celebrating all around the area of the mosque on Getty Ave in Paterson. You cant tell me they weren’t because I lived there when It happened and I observed the clashes in the city at the time. There may be no visual proof but I remember the police went on the news and asked the citizens not to retaliate against any of the Muslim citizens in the city and that just emboldened them even more to be spiteful and full of their hate .Dont say it didn’t happen because it did.”
  • Terry Lynn Mustakas: “I experienced/witnessed many incidents of Muslims celebrating 9/11 in North Brunswick. I was in a grocery store when I heard the plane crashed on the store radio. The Muslim man in line next to me turned and spit on me. I’ll never forget it.”
  • John Pezzino: “They were in the streets banging on the cars trying to drive through the crowd in the street. The Muslims were shouting death to American s and Allah is great other crap I didn’t understand. We were amused until a car with 3 young women mistakenly turned on to main st. The muslims were banging on their windows and screaming, thats when we came out of our car and pushed the muslims off their car helped them back out and get back to the Parkway.”
  • Mike Passeri: “It absolutely happened in Paterson. The police even had some of the streets closed off to traffic because of it. I was in Paterson on the 12th for business and the whole area around Crooks Avenue was covered in people celebrating. As for the fights in the high schools, I remember hearing about it being reported but have no idea if that was true or not.”
  • Eddie Iacono: “No, I was in Jersey City when it happened. That night I had to drive through the Muslim Alcove in Paterson, NJ and they were still laughing about it a bit too happily. They may have been speaking another language, but when someone sweeps their hand down while making sound effects of a building dropping, then smiles, and raises his fists in triumph, well, something is wrong.”
  • Priscilla Crane Hudson: “I saw first hand in Jersey City the Muslims cheering in the streets when the World Trade Center was destroyed. These so called news outlets should get their facts straight. And there were 100s of revelers over 3,000+ deaths.”
  • Walter Emiliantsev: “I lived in NJ at the time on Demott Ave., Clifton! When I tried to go to Paterson to my brother in laws shop, I usually took Main Ave. There were so many people dancing on Main, I couldn’t get through! I KNOW what I saw!”
These people say they all saw 9/11 celebrations in NJ firsthand

Oh wow......some dude saw it

THOUSANDS of people in the streets........NO VIDEO.....NO POLICE REPORTS
Trump says he watched it on TV.......NO TV Footage

Trump LIED
One of my favorite made up stories....

Terry Lynn Mustakas: “I experienced/witnessed many incidents of Muslims celebrating 9/11 in North Brunswick. I was in a grocery store when I heard the plane crashed on the store radio. The Muslim man in line next to me turned and spit on me. I’ll never forget it.”
When I compare what the mainstream media claims is a fact to what our President claims is a fact.....There is no doubt the MSM is a hundred times more credible

At least the media admits to its errors

Please SHARE honestly examples of Trump's "factual" errors.

For example here is one of .....
Donald Trump’s repeated (and widely debunked) claims that he watched television footage of “thousands” of Muslims celebrating 9/11 in Jersey City, hundreds of people have written comments on New Jersey 101.5’s Facebook page asserting Trump’s statements — or at least some version of them — are true.

Read More: These people say they all saw 9/11 celebrations in NJ firsthand | These people say they all saw 9/11 celebrations in NJ firsthand
Among those who said they did see celebrations in New Jersey firsthand were the following (minor edits have been made for punctuation, capitalization or spelling). Many describe the celebrants as Muslims, though it is not clear in all some how the poster would know that to be true:

  • Tom Penicaro: “I worked for PSEG in Clifton on the Paterson boarder and I witnessed it firsthand. They were celebrating in the streets cheering and stomping on the flag. I am a Marine and I remember very very clearly because I was so passed I wanted to engage them with a bat I had in my van.”
  • William Hugelmeyer: We all saw and heard the reports, just because the media is doing a white wash doesn’t mean it didn’t happen! I was working in the jail when the attacks occurred. Once it was clear it was a terrorist attack, we had inmates celebrating. This instantly caused a lockdown. As you could imagine, many other inmates and officers didn’t share their jubilation.”
  • P.j. Flattery: “I saw with my own eyes Muslims in Paterson dancing and singing on the streets during 9/11. Trumps an American. He’s gonna have his haters and people trying to knock him down.”
  • Patrick Kiernan: “They were celebrating all around the area of the mosque on Getty Ave in Paterson. You cant tell me they weren’t because I lived there when It happened and I observed the clashes in the city at the time. There may be no visual proof but I remember the police went on the news and asked the citizens not to retaliate against any of the Muslim citizens in the city and that just emboldened them even more to be spiteful and full of their hate .Dont say it didn’t happen because it did.”
  • Terry Lynn Mustakas: “I experienced/witnessed many incidents of Muslims celebrating 9/11 in North Brunswick. I was in a grocery store when I heard the plane crashed on the store radio. The Muslim man in line next to me turned and spit on me. I’ll never forget it.”
  • John Pezzino: “They were in the streets banging on the cars trying to drive through the crowd in the street. The Muslims were shouting death to American s and Allah is great other crap I didn’t understand. We were amused until a car with 3 young women mistakenly turned on to main st. The muslims were banging on their windows and screaming, thats when we came out of our car and pushed the muslims off their car helped them back out and get back to the Parkway.”
  • Mike Passeri: “It absolutely happened in Paterson. The police even had some of the streets closed off to traffic because of it. I was in Paterson on the 12th for business and the whole area around Crooks Avenue was covered in people celebrating. As for the fights in the high schools, I remember hearing about it being reported but have no idea if that was true or not.”
  • Eddie Iacono: “No, I was in Jersey City when it happened. That night I had to drive through the Muslim Alcove in Paterson, NJ and they were still laughing about it a bit too happily. They may have been speaking another language, but when someone sweeps their hand down while making sound effects of a building dropping, then smiles, and raises his fists in triumph, well, something is wrong.”
  • Priscilla Crane Hudson: “I saw first hand in Jersey City the Muslims cheering in the streets when the World Trade Center was destroyed. These so called news outlets should get their facts straight. And there were 100s of revelers over 3,000+ deaths.”
  • Walter Emiliantsev: “I lived in NJ at the time on Demott Ave., Clifton! When I tried to go to Paterson to my brother in laws shop, I usually took Main Ave. There were so many people dancing on Main, I couldn’t get through! I KNOW what I saw!”
These people say they all saw 9/11 celebrations in NJ firsthand

Now my question to people that doubt Trump is who controlled the video that Trump says he watched of thousands cheering 9/11?
Trump says he saw on TV. Most likely local TV and who controls local TV? Media outlets.
Just saying... this is one of Trump's most famous criticized "FACTS" that Trump is accused of being a liar.


For example here is one of .....
Donald Trump’s repeated (and widely debunked) claims that he watched television footage of “thousands” of Muslims celebrating 9/11 in Jersey City, hundreds of people have written comments on New Jersey 101.5’s Facebook page asserting Trump’s statements — or at least some version of them — are true.

No network local or national claims they broadcast video of thousand of Muslims dancing in NJ (mainly because it never happened).....NONE
Anecdotal claims of I saw it too have no merit
. And you wanted Roy Moore burned at the stake on unproven allegations ?? Hypocrite much ? Y'all were ready to believe the one on Moore, but not on New Jersey eh ?

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with equivalencies?

There was NO witnesses supporting Trumps wild claims of "thousands of Muslims dancing in the street" Networks actually kept their coverage of 9-11.....NOBODY reported it

Meanwhile, SEVEN women have come forward regarding Creepy Roy's advances towards them. Their stories have been verified by friends and family who affirm they were told the same story at the time. The locals all claim that Creepy Roy was known for his attraction to teens

What do you call these 10 people if not witnesses?

  • Tom Penicaro: “I worked for PSEG in Clifton on the Paterson boarder and I witnessed it firsthand. They were celebrating in the streets cheering and stomping on the flag. I am a Marine and I remember very very clearly because I was so passed I wanted to engage them with a bat I had in my van.”
  • William Hugelmeyer: We all saw and heard the reports, just because the media is doing a white wash doesn’t mean it didn’t happen! I was working in the jail when the attacks occurred. Once it was clear it was a terrorist attack, we had inmates celebrating. This instantly caused a lockdown. As you could imagine, many other inmates and officers didn’t share their jubilation.”
  • P.j. Flattery: “I saw with my own eyes Muslims in Paterson dancing and singing on the streets during 9/11. Trumps an American. He’s gonna have his haters and people trying to knock him down.”
  • Patrick Kiernan: “They were celebrating all around the area of the mosque on Getty Ave in Paterson. You cant tell me they weren’t because I lived there when It happened and I observed the clashes in the city at the time. There may be no visual proof but I remember the police went on the news and asked the citizens not to retaliate against any of the Muslim citizens in the city and that just emboldened them even more to be spiteful and full of their hate .Dont say it didn’t happen because it did.”
  • Terry Lynn Mustakas: “I experienced/witnessed many incidents of Muslims celebrating 9/11 in North Brunswick. I was in a grocery store when I heard the plane crashed on the store radio. The Muslim man in line next to me turned and spit on me. I’ll never forget it.”
  • John Pezzino: “They were in the streets banging on the cars trying to drive through the crowd in the street. The Muslims were shouting death to American s and Allah is great other crap I didn’t understand. We were amused until a car with 3 young women mistakenly turned on to main st. The muslims were banging on their windows and screaming, thats when we came out of our car and pushed the muslims off their car helped them back out and get back to the Parkway.”
  • Mike Passeri: “It absolutely happened in Paterson. The police even had some of the streets closed off to traffic because of it. I was in Paterson on the 12th for business and the whole area around Crooks Avenue was covered in people celebrating. As for the fights in the high schools, I remember hearing about it being reported but have no idea if that was true or not.”
  • Eddie Iacono: “No, I was in Jersey City when it happened. That night I had to drive through the Muslim Alcove in Paterson, NJ and they were still laughing about it a bit too happily. They may have been speaking another language, but when someone sweeps their hand down while making sound effects of a building dropping, then smiles, and raises his fists in triumph, well, something is wrong.”
  • Priscilla Crane Hudson: “I saw first hand in Jersey City the Muslims cheering in the streets when the World Trade Center was destroyed. These so called news outlets should get their facts straight. And there were 100s of revelers over 3,000+ deaths.”
  • Walter Emiliantsev: “I lived in NJ at the time on Demott Ave., Clifton! When I tried to go to Paterson to my brother in laws shop, I usually took Main Ave. There were so many people dancing on Main, I couldn’t get through! I KNOW what I saw!”
These people say they all saw 9/11 celebrations in NJ firsthand
Proof of what lying scum Trumpists are, not one of those "reports" are from 2001.

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