Why we don't support Donald Trump

It is difficult to accept the idea that the President of the United States said this.

“There are a lot of people out there that have done some very, very evil things, very bad things — I would say treasonous things against our country.”

Trump made these wild accusations in relationship to Barr's summary of the Mueller report. He has done this before, a vague, indiscriminate, unsubstantiated threat against some Americans. We don't who he is talking about. We don't know what he is talking about.....

If you believed that, you would have ended your post there, so that point could be seriously discussed in detail. Instead you went on to throw additional shit against the wall.
It is difficult to accept the idea that the President of the United States said this.

“There are a lot of people out there that have done some very, very evil things, very bad things — I would say treasonous things against our country.”

Trump made these wild accusations in relationship to Barr's summary of the Mueller report. He has done this before, a vague, indiscriminate, unsubstantiated threat against some Americans. We don't who he is talking about. We don't know what he is talking about.

Trump's election was a serious mistake. As his own words often show, he is incompetent, paranoid, schizophrenic, and narcissistic. Since he assumed office, our government has been in chaos. There have been four Republican investigations and one special prosecutor investigation into his relationship with the Russian government. His own attorney, Rudy Giuliani, has admitted that Trump was involved in negotiations with the Russian government during the entire Presidential campaign. Trump is an un-indicted co-conspirator in a hush money scandal and campaign fraud. In a video Trump admits to being a disgusting sexual predator. The southern district of N.Y., the commonwealth of Virginia, and Washinton D.C. are investigating him for money laundering, campaign excesses, and tax fraud. He creates American foreign policy changes via twitter and without consulting anyone besides Sean Hannity. He is often overruled by his advisors and/or the Pentagon.

The turnover rate in the White House is historic. He has gone through six communication directors. He is own communications director, chief of staff, defense secretary, and U.N. ambassador.

Put a different way, our federal government has been in chaos for the past two years. Anarchists are loving it, which explains the undying loyalty of Trump's base. They don't comment on Trump's antics because they don't care if he acts like an idiot.

They want him to act like an idiot.

We can't allow these people to choose our President again.
Well Sandy,
I think I will vote for him again because of what you're bitching about. Your tears and angst make me feel warm and fuzzy.

I agree. Trump will win in 2020 and the voters are watching the shit show that is the Dem led House.

Fifty one percent of American's want the wall built and the Dem House doesn't. Voters are watching.You can bet they will lose the House in 2020.

Mueller's report completely exonerated Trump. The lefty loons were counting on a guilty for Trump Mueller report. Now they have nothing.

Sucks to be them.
It is difficult to accept the idea that the President of the United States said this.

“There are a lot of people out there that have done some very, very evil things, very bad things — I would say treasonous things against our country.”

Trump made these wild accusations in relationship to Barr's summary of the Mueller report. He has done this before, a vague, indiscriminate, unsubstantiated threat against some Americans. We don't who he is talking about. We don't know what he is talking about.

Trump's election was a serious mistake. As his own words often show, he is incompetent, paranoid, schizophrenic, and narcissistic. Since he assumed office, our government has been in chaos. There have been four Republican investigations and one special prosecutor investigation into his relationship with the Russian government. His own attorney, Rudy Giuliani, has admitted that Trump was involved in negotiations with the Russian government during the entire Presidential campaign. Trump is an un-indicted co-conspirator in a hush money scandal and campaign fraud. In a video Trump admits to being a disgusting sexual predator. The southern district of N.Y., the commonwealth of Virginia, and Washinton D.C. are investigating him for money laundering, campaign excesses, and tax fraud. He creates American foreign policy changes via twitter and without consulting anyone besides Sean Hannity. He is often overruled by his advisors and/or the Pentagon.

The turnover rate in the White House is historic. He has gone through six communication directors. He is own communications director, chief of staff, defense secretary, and U.N. ambassador.

Put a different way, our federal government has been in chaos for the past two years. Anarchists are loving it, which explains the undying loyalty of Trump's base. They don't comment on Trump's antics because they don't care if he acts like an idiot.

They want him to act like an idiot.

We can't allow these people to choose our President again.
You've been listening to too much Rachel Maddow.
It is difficult to accept the idea that the President of the United States said this.

“There are a lot of people out there that have done some very, very evil things, very bad things — I would say treasonous things against our country.”

Trump made these wild accusations in relationship to Barr's summary of the Mueller report. He has done this before, a vague, indiscriminate, unsubstantiated threat against some Americans. We don't who he is talking about. We don't know what he is talking about.

Trump's election was a serious mistake. As his own words often show, he is incompetent, paranoid, schizophrenic, and narcissistic. Since he assumed office, our government has been in chaos. There have been four Republican investigations and one special prosecutor investigation into his relationship with the Russian government. His own attorney, Rudy Giuliani, has admitted that Trump was involved in negotiations with the Russian government during the entire Presidential campaign. Trump is an un-indicted co-conspirator in a hush money scandal and campaign fraud. In a video Trump admits to being a disgusting sexual predator. The southern district of N.Y., the commonwealth of Virginia, and Washinton D.C. are investigating him for money laundering, campaign excesses, and tax fraud. He creates American foreign policy changes via twitter and without consulting anyone besides Sean Hannity. He is often overruled by his advisors and/or the Pentagon.

The turnover rate in the White House is historic. He has gone through six communication directors. He is own communications director, chief of staff, defense secretary, and U.N. ambassador.

Put a different way, our federal government has been in chaos for the past two years. Anarchists are loving it, which explains the undying loyalty of Trump's base. They don't comment on Trump's antics because they don't care if he acts like an idiot.

They want him to act like an idiot.

We can't allow these people to choose our President again.
Well Sandy,
I think I will vote for him again because of what you're bitching about. Your tears and angst make me feel warm and fuzzy.

I agree. Trump will win in 2020 and the voters are watching the shit show that is the Dem led House.

Fifty one percent of American's want the wall built and the Dem House doesn't. Voters are watching.You can bet they will lose the House in 2020.

Mueller's report completely exonerated Trump. The lefty loons were counting on a guilty for Trump Mueller report. Now they have nothing.

Sucks to be them.
Wrong of course

It is difficult to accept the idea that the President of the United States said this.

“There are a lot of people out there that have done some very, very evil things, very bad things — I would say treasonous things against our country.”

Trump made these wild accusations in relationship to Barr's summary of the Mueller report. He has done this before, a vague, indiscriminate, unsubstantiated threat against some Americans. We don't who he is talking about. We don't know what he is talking about.

Trump's election was a serious mistake. As his own words often show, he is incompetent, paranoid, schizophrenic, and narcissistic. Since he assumed office, our government has been in chaos. There have been four Republican investigations and one special prosecutor investigation into his relationship with the Russian government. His own attorney, Rudy Giuliani, has admitted that Trump was involved in negotiations with the Russian government during the entire Presidential campaign. Trump is an un-indicted co-conspirator in a hush money scandal and campaign fraud. In a video Trump admits to being a disgusting sexual predator. The southern district of N.Y., the commonwealth of Virginia, and Washinton D.C. are investigating him for money laundering, campaign excesses, and tax fraud. He creates American foreign policy changes via twitter and without consulting anyone besides Sean Hannity. He is often overruled by his advisors and/or the Pentagon.

The turnover rate in the White House is historic. He has gone through six communication directors. He is own communications director, chief of staff, defense secretary, and U.N. ambassador.

Put a different way, our federal government has been in chaos for the past two years. Anarchists are loving it, which explains the undying loyalty of Trump's base. They don't comment on Trump's antics because they don't care if he acts like an idiot.

They want him to act like an idiot.

We can't allow these people to choose our President again.

No. Rather than having spent the last several years paying attention to foreign policy or anything else, you wanted a 4 season run of Housewives of New Jersey type thing. You got it. Now you can deal with the fall out.

Put a different way, it has nothing to do with support. I didn't vote for Trump. Don't agree with lots of things he is and isn't doing. But, you had 3 years to pull your head out of your ass. You screwed around and screwed around and now nobody gives a shit about what you and the mouse in your pocket thinks and instead of the 4 years you are now looking at 8.
It is difficult to accept the idea that the President of the United States said this.

“There are a lot of people out there that have done some very, very evil things, very bad things — I would say treasonous things against our country.”

Trump made these wild accusations in relationship to Barr's summary of the Mueller report. He has done this before, a vague, indiscriminate, unsubstantiated threat against some Americans. We don't who he is talking about. We don't know what he is talking about.

Trump's election was a serious mistake. As his own words often show, he is incompetent, paranoid, schizophrenic, and narcissistic. Since he assumed office, our government has been in chaos. There have been four Republican investigations and one special prosecutor investigation into his relationship with the Russian government. His own attorney, Rudy Giuliani, has admitted that Trump was involved in negotiations with the Russian government during the entire Presidential campaign. Trump is an un-indicted co-conspirator in a hush money scandal and campaign fraud. In a video Trump admits to being a disgusting sexual predator. The southern district of N.Y., the commonwealth of Virginia, and Washinton D.C. are investigating him for money laundering, campaign excesses, and tax fraud. He creates American foreign policy changes via twitter and without consulting anyone besides Sean Hannity. He is often overruled by his advisors and/or the Pentagon.

The turnover rate in the White House is historic. He has gone through six communication directors. He is own communications director, chief of staff, defense secretary, and U.N. ambassador.

Put a different way, our federal government has been in chaos for the past two years. Anarchists are loving it, which explains the undying loyalty of Trump's base. They don't comment on Trump's antics because they don't care if he acts like an idiot.

They want him to act like an idiot.

We can't allow these people to choose our President again.
Well Sandy,
I think I will vote for him again because of what you're bitching about. Your tears and angst make me feel warm and fuzzy.

I agree. Trump will win in 2020 and the voters are watching the shit show that is the Dem led House.

Fifty one percent of American's want the wall built and the Dem House doesn't. Voters are watching.You can bet they will lose the House in 2020.

Mueller's report completely exonerated Trump. The lefty loons were counting on a guilty for Trump Mueller report. Now they have nothing.

Sucks to be them.
Wrong of course


Right of course.
Divide the middle class while the rich get richer? Mission accomplished. Reminds me of the bush years

What's wrong with the rich getting richer? You jealous? Wealthy envy?
To correct Galbraith:

The modern liberal is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for covetousness.

Hey, sealybobo, how much of what other people earn is your fair share?

If we were to roll back all the tax cuts that happened from Reagan to now that would be right

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts
“There are a lot of people out there that have done some very, very evil things, very bad things — I would say treasonous things against our country.”

Trump made these wild accusations in relationship to Barr's summary of the Mueller report. He has done this before, a vague, indiscriminate, unsubstantiated threat against some Americans. We don't who he is talking about. We don't know what he is talking about.

To the tardiest among us, it seems like a wild accusation. To Trump supporters, it clearly means "Watch close, there is more coming, get ready for more tard tears." LOL
Divide the middle class while the rich get richer? Mission accomplished. Reminds me of the bush years

What's wrong with the rich getting richer? You jealous? Wealthy envy?
To correct Galbraith:

The modern liberal is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for covetousness.

Hey, sealybobo, how much of what other people earn is your fair share?
How many times will you make this bad argument?

So you think you should pay more to make up for the loss? How much more do you think you should pay?
Divide the middle class while the rich get richer? Mission accomplished. Reminds me of the bush years

What's wrong with the rich getting richer? You jealous? Wealthy envy?
You’re stupid if you don’t understand the problem with the rich getting richer at our expense.

The wealth gap widening is a problem stupid

You complain that the rich pay obama and hillary to pass policies that are favorable to them right? Well they pay the republicans even more.

But you only admit it if democrats are in charge.

You’re either rich or stupid

How are they getting rich at your expense?
Trumps Presidency is one of the greatest events in the history of this country. Obama was so antiAmerican and tried as best he could to bring us down tothird world status and hillary would have dine his bidding for her term had she been elected. Any Republican, other than Trump, would have withered and died if they had to withstand the assult he has had to endure for the last three years. After a two investigation by aSpecial Counsel, staffed with thirteen hillary supporters, it turns out Trumpmay be the most honest politician to be in Washington. Do you really any other politician could go through such an extensive investigation without them finding anything to charge him with. Remember the investigators were all hillary rupporters. We are lucky to have such an honest andunflappable man as our President.
brothers & sisters: if Russia was able to have the same wealth as the US, America would have fallen a long time ago, be sure about that, my friends!
It is difficult to accept the idea that the President of the United States said this.

“There are a lot of people out there that have done some very, very evil things, very bad things — I would say treasonous things against our country.”

Trump made these wild accusations in relationship to Barr's summary of the Mueller report. He has done this before, a vague, indiscriminate, unsubstantiated threat against some Americans. We don't who he is talking about. We don't know what he is talking about.

Trump's election was a serious mistake. As his own words often show, he is incompetent, paranoid, schizophrenic, and narcissistic. Since he assumed office, our government has been in chaos. There have been four Republican investigations and one special prosecutor investigation into his relationship with the Russian government. His own attorney, Rudy Giuliani, has admitted that Trump was involved in negotiations with the Russian government during the entire Presidential campaign. Trump is an un-indicted co-conspirator in a hush money scandal and campaign fraud. In a video Trump admits to being a disgusting sexual predator. The southern district of N.Y., the commonwealth of Virginia, and Washinton D.C. are investigating him for money laundering, campaign excesses, and tax fraud. He creates American foreign policy changes via twitter and without consulting anyone besides Sean Hannity. He is often overruled by his advisors and/or the Pentagon.

The turnover rate in the White House is historic. He has gone through six communication directors. He is own communications director, chief of staff, defense secretary, and U.N. ambassador.

Put a different way, our federal government has been in chaos for the past two years. Anarchists are loving it, which explains the undying loyalty of Trump's base. They don't comment on Trump's antics because they don't care if he acts like an idiot.

They want him to act like an idiot.

We can't allow these people to choose our President again.
How many Dims and fake news personalities have compared Trump to Hitler or called him a traitor?

You douchebags are in no position to be accusing Trump of "wild accusations."
Divide the middle class while the rich get richer? Mission accomplished. Reminds me of the bush years

What's wrong with the rich getting richer? You jealous? Wealthy envy?
You’re stupid if you don’t understand the problem with the rich getting richer at our expense.

The wealth gap widening is a problem stupid

You complain that the rich pay obama and hillary to pass policies that are favorable to them right? Well they pay the republicans even more.

But you only admit it if democrats are in charge.

You’re either rich or stupid

How are they getting rich at your expense?
1. They lobbied for tax breaks and that shifts the tax burden more on us. Unfair. Because they can pay lobbiests they get an unfair advantage.

How did Jussie Smollett get off? How did kraft get off? They have money.

2. They hire illegals. This is undermining the middle class. Someone’s hiring them. Trump only recently stopped.

3. Their tax cuts cut your Medicare and social

4. They send jobs to other countries

There’s many ways the rich have waged war on the middle class.

5. Breaking union. Ceo pay is now 279x the average worker. Why don’t we get raises?

I don’t care because I have no bills and make almost $100k a year. I have it figured out. But when they cut your social security and Medicare they’re gonna cut mine too dummies.
The corrupting and numbing of America is transpiring at the same time...I can’t even stomach political news anymore....I’m utterly discouraged and disgusted.

the day the Mueller summary was released my Blood Pressure shot through the roof. Can’t stomach all of this crap news from this POS administration any more
Divide the middle class while the rich get richer? Mission accomplished. Reminds me of the bush years

What's wrong with the rich getting richer? You jealous? Wealthy envy?
You’re stupid if you don’t understand the problem with the rich getting richer at our expense.

The wealth gap widening is a problem stupid

You complain that the rich pay obama and hillary to pass policies that are favorable to them right? Well they pay the republicans even more.

But you only admit it if democrats are in charge.

You’re either rich or stupid

How are they getting rich at your expense?
1. They lobbied for tax breaks and that shifts the tax burden more on us. Unfair. Because they can pay lobbiests they get an unfair advantage.

How did Jussie Smollett get off? How did kraft get off? They have money.

2. They hire illegals. This is undermining the middle class. Someone’s hiring them. Trump only recently stopped.

3. Their tax cuts cut your Medicare and social

4. They send jobs to other countries

There’s many ways the rich have waged war on the middle class.

5. Breaking union. Ceo pay is now 279x the average worker. Why don’t we get raises?

I don’t care because I have no bills and make almost $100k a year. I have it figured out. But when they cut your social security and Medicare they’re gonna cut mine too dummies.

How does keeping their own money make them wealthy on your back?

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