Why we don't trust anti-gunners...this poor man caught in stupid anti gun law...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Read this man's story...a law abiding citizen, doing the right thing...and arrested for a 2nd degree felony....

This is where anti gun nuttery is out of control.....

This "mistake" should be like any other small violation...at most, a small fine....as encouragement to be more careful....not a felony....

National Review

The Garden State’s draconian firearms regulations have ensnared another innocent person — but he may beat the rap. On September 20, 2013, a 22-year-old private security guard named Steffon Josey-Davis was unloading his service pistol in his car when his six-year-old sister suddenly entered the garage. Hoping to avoid alarming her, Josey-Davis stopped what he was doing, placed his gun quietly into the glove box, and, having been “distracted by a chain of events,” quickly forgot all about it

. Later that evening, while out for a drive with his girlfriend, he was pulled over for a minor traffic offense, at which point he volunteered to the officer that he had a loaded firearm in the front of the car, in violation of New Jersey’s transportation rules. The pistol was confiscated, and, when he went to pick it up later in the week, he was arrested and charged with illegal possession — a second-degree felony. Of all the states in all the country, Steffon Josey-Davis had to screw up in this one.

Whatever his intentions might have been, there is no question that Josey-Davis broke the law. In a recent interview with Fox News, he noted rather hopefully that his concealed-carry permit “was due to be approved the week he was arrested.” Perhaps this is true, and he would have received it shortly after. But it is also utterly irrelevant.

If one needs a permit to carry a concealed weapon, one needs a permit to carry a concealed weapon. If one lacks that permit, one is in violation of the law. Steffon Josey-Davis was in violation of the law.

Stupid laws like this punish the wrong people....a law abiding citizen should not face a felony for this mistake......
There is no such thing as 'anti-gunners,' the notion is ignorance idiocy.

And you forgot to cite the Federal court case where the New Jersey law was ruled un-Constitutional.

It's incumbent upon gun owners to know the laws of their state and any state they might travel in, even if they perceive those laws to be 'too complex' or 'unjust'; it's also incumbent upon gun owners to be responsible with their firearms, to focus on ensuring their guns are properly secured, where being “distracted by a chain of events” is a lame and ridiculous 'excuse.'

Josey-Davis was careless with his firearm, he has only himself to blame for the consequences.

I have a handgun available to me when I'm home, and when I leave for work each day I make sure that gun is secured in its lock box.

Forgetting to secure any of my firearms – no matter how innocent or unintended it might be – is no 'excuse.'
There is no such thing as 'anti-gunners,' the notion is ignorance idiocy.

And you forgot to cite the Federal court case where the New Jersey law was ruled un-Constitutional.

It's incumbent upon gun owners to know the laws of their state and any state they might travel in, even if they perceive those laws to be 'too complex' or 'unjust'; it's also incumbent upon gun owners to be responsible with their firearms, to focus on ensuring their guns are properly secured, where being “distracted by a chain of events” is a lame and ridiculous 'excuse.'

Josey-Davis was careless with his firearm, he has only himself to blame for the consequences.

I have a handgun available to me when I'm home, and when I leave for work each day I make sure that gun is secured in its lock box.

Forgetting to secure any of my firearms – no matter how innocent or unintended it might be – is no 'excuse.'
Yes there are anti gunners. You're one of them. Who the hell do you think you're kidding?
There is no such thing as 'anti-gunners,' the notion is ignorance idiocy.

And you forgot to cite the Federal court case where the New Jersey law was ruled un-Constitutional.

It's incumbent upon gun owners to know the laws of their state and any state they might travel in, even if they perceive those laws to be 'too complex' or 'unjust'; it's also incumbent upon gun owners to be responsible with their firearms, to focus on ensuring their guns are properly secured, where being “distracted by a chain of events” is a lame and ridiculous 'excuse.'

Josey-Davis was careless with his firearm, he has only himself to blame for the consequences.

I have a handgun available to me when I'm home, and when I leave for work each day I make sure that gun is secured in its lock box.

Forgetting to secure any of my firearms – no matter how innocent or unintended it might be – is no 'excuse.'

What one does within the confines of one's own home shouldn't be of concern to the government, IMHO. We must be able to have some privacy, but that is a rapidly evaporating fundamental to freedom!
There is no such thing as 'anti-gunners,' the notion is ignorance idiocy.

And you forgot to cite the Federal court case where the New Jersey law was ruled un-Constitutional.
It's incumbent upon gun owners to know the laws of their state and any state they might travel in, even if they perceive those laws to be 'too complex' or 'unjust'; it's also incumbent upon gun owners to be responsible with their firearms, to focus on ensuring their guns are properly secured, where being “distracted by a chain of events” is a lame and ridiculous 'excuse.'

Josey-Davis was careless with his firearm, he has only himself to blame for the consequences.

I have a handgun available to me when I'm home, and when I leave for work each day I make sure that gun is secured in its lock box.

Forgetting to secure any of my firearms – no matter how innocent or unintended it might be – is no 'excuse.'
Where is the victim in this felony crime ?
There is no such thing as 'anti-gunners,' the notion is ignorance idiocy.

And you forgot to cite the Federal court case where the New Jersey law was ruled un-Constitutional.

It's incumbent upon gun owners to know the laws of their state and any state they might travel in, even if they perceive those laws to be 'too complex' or 'unjust'; it's also incumbent upon gun owners to be responsible with their firearms, to focus on ensuring their guns are properly secured, where being “distracted by a chain of events” is a lame and ridiculous 'excuse.'

Josey-Davis was careless with his firearm, he has only himself to blame for the consequences.

I have a handgun available to me when I'm home, and when I leave for work each day I make sure that gun is secured in its lock box.

Forgetting to secure any of my firearms – no matter how innocent or unintended it might be – is no 'excuse.'
Yes there are anti gunners. You're one of them. Who the hell do you think you're kidding?
Because clayton thinks that 6 year olds should not have access to firearms he is anti-gun? WTF?
There is no such thing as 'anti-gunners,' the notion is ignorance idiocy.

And you forgot to cite the Federal court case where the New Jersey law was ruled un-Constitutional.

It's incumbent upon gun owners to know the laws of their state and any state they might travel in, even if they perceive those laws to be 'too complex' or 'unjust'; it's also incumbent upon gun owners to be responsible with their firearms, to focus on ensuring their guns are properly secured, where being “distracted by a chain of events” is a lame and ridiculous 'excuse.'

Josey-Davis was careless with his firearm, he has only himself to blame for the consequences.

I have a handgun available to me when I'm home, and when I leave for work each day I make sure that gun is secured in its lock box.

Forgetting to secure any of my firearms – no matter how innocent or unintended it might be – is no 'excuse.'

What one does within the confines of one's own home shouldn't be of concern to the government, IMHO. We must be able to have some privacy, but that is a rapidly evaporating fundamental to freedom!
This is not about what someone does in their home. It is illegal to carry a gun in your car in New Jersey without a permit. He did not have one.
Read this man's story...a law abiding citizen, doing the right thing...and arrested for a 2nd degree felony....

This is where anti gun nuttery is out of control.....

This "mistake" should be like any other small violation...at most, a small fine....as encouragement to be more careful....not a felony....

National Review

The Garden State’s draconian firearms regulations have ensnared another innocent person — but he may beat the rap. On September 20, 2013, a 22-year-old private security guard named Steffon Josey-Davis was unloading his service pistol in his car when his six-year-old sister suddenly entered the garage. Hoping to avoid alarming her, Josey-Davis stopped what he was doing, placed his gun quietly into the glove box, and, having been “distracted by a chain of events,” quickly forgot all about it

. Later that evening, while out for a drive with his girlfriend, he was pulled over for a minor traffic offense, at which point he volunteered to the officer that he had a loaded firearm in the front of the car, in violation of New Jersey’s transportation rules. The pistol was confiscated, and, when he went to pick it up later in the week, he was arrested and charged with illegal possession — a second-degree felony. Of all the states in all the country, Steffon Josey-Davis had to screw up in this one.

Whatever his intentions might have been, there is no question that Josey-Davis broke the law. In a recent interview with Fox News, he noted rather hopefully that his concealed-carry permit “was due to be approved the week he was arrested.” Perhaps this is true, and he would have received it shortly after. But it is also utterly irrelevant.

If one needs a permit to carry a concealed weapon, one needs a permit to carry a concealed weapon. If one lacks that permit, one is in violation of the law. Steffon Josey-Davis was in violation of the law.

Stupid laws like this punish the wrong people....a law abiding citizen should not face a felony for this mistake......

it is the law of that state

he should have followed the law
he got distracted by a chain of events....that defense can be used by anyone allowing guns to fall into the wrong hands or anyone breaking the law by having a gun where or when its illegal...sorry excuse for not knowing where his gun is or how available to anyone else it was....now before you start calling me names..such as anti gunner...i am not...but i am a responsible gun owner who is aware of where her guns are...even when distracted by life events...plus i have no problem with any 6 year old seeing or asking questions about my guns...why hide the gun to begin with? seems like a bullshit excuse for doing something illegal
There is no such thing as 'anti-gunners,' the notion is ignorance idiocy.

And you forgot to cite the Federal court case where the New Jersey law was ruled un-Constitutional.

It's incumbent upon gun owners to know the laws of their state and any state they might travel in, even if they perceive those laws to be 'too complex' or 'unjust'; it's also incumbent upon gun owners to be responsible with their firearms, to focus on ensuring their guns are properly secured, where being “distracted by a chain of events” is a lame and ridiculous 'excuse.'

Josey-Davis was careless with his firearm, he has only himself to blame for the consequences.

I have a handgun available to me when I'm home, and when I leave for work each day I make sure that gun is secured in its lock box.

Forgetting to secure any of my firearms – no matter how innocent or unintended it might be – is no 'excuse.'
Yes there are anti gunners. You're one of them. Who the hell do you think you're kidding?
Because clayton thinks that 6 year olds should not have access to firearms he is anti-gun? WTF?

Clayton thinks that no private citizen should have a gun, you ass.
Read this man's story...a law abiding citizen, doing the right thing...and arrested for a 2nd degree felony....

This is where anti gun nuttery is out of control.....

This "mistake" should be like any other small violation...at most, a small fine....as encouragement to be more careful....not a felony....

National Review

The Garden State’s draconian firearms regulations have ensnared another innocent person — but he may beat the rap. On September 20, 2013, a 22-year-old private security guard named Steffon Josey-Davis was unloading his service pistol in his car when his six-year-old sister suddenly entered the garage. Hoping to avoid alarming her, Josey-Davis stopped what he was doing, placed his gun quietly into the glove box, and, having been “distracted by a chain of events,” quickly forgot all about it

. Later that evening, while out for a drive with his girlfriend, he was pulled over for a minor traffic offense, at which point he volunteered to the officer that he had a loaded firearm in the front of the car, in violation of New Jersey’s transportation rules. The pistol was confiscated, and, when he went to pick it up later in the week, he was arrested and charged with illegal possession — a second-degree felony. Of all the states in all the country, Steffon Josey-Davis had to screw up in this one.

Whatever his intentions might have been, there is no question that Josey-Davis broke the law. In a recent interview with Fox News, he noted rather hopefully that his concealed-carry permit “was due to be approved the week he was arrested.” Perhaps this is true, and he would have received it shortly after. But it is also utterly irrelevant.

If one needs a permit to carry a concealed weapon, one needs a permit to carry a concealed weapon. If one lacks that permit, one is in violation of the law. Steffon Josey-Davis was in violation of the law.

Stupid laws like this punish the wrong people....a law abiding citizen should not face a felony for this mistake......

it is the law of that state

he should have followed the law

The law is unconstitutional. Do we need a permit to vote? How about a permit to speak openly on political issues? No permit is needed to exercise our constitutional rights, something that constitutional carry states have come to recognize.
he got distracted by a chain of events....that defense can be used by anyone allowing guns to fall into the wrong hands or anyone breaking the law by having a gun where or when its illegal...sorry excuse for not knowing where his gun is or how available to anyone else it was....now before you start calling me names..such as anti gunner...i am not...but i am a responsible gun owner who is aware of where her guns are...even when distracted by life events...plus i have no problem with any 6 year old seeing or asking questions about my guns...why hide the gun to begin with? seems like a bullshit excuse for doing something illegal

Not all parents feel that way, doesn't mean they're doing something illegal.
Read this man's story...a law abiding citizen, doing the right thing...and arrested for a 2nd degree felony....

This is where anti gun nuttery is out of control.....

This "mistake" should be like any other small violation...at most, a small fine....as encouragement to be more careful....not a felony....

National Review

The Garden State’s draconian firearms regulations have ensnared another innocent person — but he may beat the rap. On September 20, 2013, a 22-year-old private security guard named Steffon Josey-Davis was unloading his service pistol in his car when his six-year-old sister suddenly entered the garage. Hoping to avoid alarming her, Josey-Davis stopped what he was doing, placed his gun quietly into the glove box, and, having been “distracted by a chain of events,” quickly forgot all about it

. Later that evening, while out for a drive with his girlfriend, he was pulled over for a minor traffic offense, at which point he volunteered to the officer that he had a loaded firearm in the front of the car, in violation of New Jersey’s transportation rules. The pistol was confiscated, and, when he went to pick it up later in the week, he was arrested and charged with illegal possession — a second-degree felony. Of all the states in all the country, Steffon Josey-Davis had to screw up in this one.

Whatever his intentions might have been, there is no question that Josey-Davis broke the law. In a recent interview with Fox News, he noted rather hopefully that his concealed-carry permit “was due to be approved the week he was arrested.” Perhaps this is true, and he would have received it shortly after. But it is also utterly irrelevant.

If one needs a permit to carry a concealed weapon, one needs a permit to carry a concealed weapon. If one lacks that permit, one is in violation of the law. Steffon Josey-Davis was in violation of the law.

Stupid laws like this punish the wrong people....a law abiding citizen should not face a felony for this mistake......

it is the law of that state

he should have followed the law

The law is unconstitutional. Do we need a permit to vote? How about a permit to speak openly on political issues? No permit is needed to exercise our constitutional rights, something that constitutional carry states have come to recognize.

i agree it may very well be unconstitutional

but as it sits it is the law of the state

so one either accepts the law and obeys it


one challenges the law in the courts

and gets it removed
Read this man's story...a law abiding citizen, doing the right thing...and arrested for a 2nd degree felony....

This is where anti gun nuttery is out of control.....

This "mistake" should be like any other small violation...at most, a small fine....as encouragement to be more careful....not a felony....

National Review

The Garden State’s draconian firearms regulations have ensnared another innocent person — but he may beat the rap. On September 20, 2013, a 22-year-old private security guard named Steffon Josey-Davis was unloading his service pistol in his car when his six-year-old sister suddenly entered the garage. Hoping to avoid alarming her, Josey-Davis stopped what he was doing, placed his gun quietly into the glove box, and, having been “distracted by a chain of events,” quickly forgot all about it

. Later that evening, while out for a drive with his girlfriend, he was pulled over for a minor traffic offense, at which point he volunteered to the officer that he had a loaded firearm in the front of the car, in violation of New Jersey’s transportation rules. The pistol was confiscated, and, when he went to pick it up later in the week, he was arrested and charged with illegal possession — a second-degree felony. Of all the states in all the country, Steffon Josey-Davis had to screw up in this one.

Whatever his intentions might have been, there is no question that Josey-Davis broke the law. In a recent interview with Fox News, he noted rather hopefully that his concealed-carry permit “was due to be approved the week he was arrested.” Perhaps this is true, and he would have received it shortly after. But it is also utterly irrelevant.

If one needs a permit to carry a concealed weapon, one needs a permit to carry a concealed weapon. If one lacks that permit, one is in violation of the law. Steffon Josey-Davis was in violation of the law.

Stupid laws like this punish the wrong people....a law abiding citizen should not face a felony for this mistake......

it is the law of that state

he should have followed the law

The law is unconstitutional. Do we need a permit to vote? How about a permit to speak openly on political issues? No permit is needed to exercise our constitutional rights, something that constitutional carry states have come to recognize.

i agree it may very well be unconstitutional

but as it sits it is the law of the state

so one either accepts the law and obeys it


one challenges the law in the courts

and gets it removed

One does not have standing to challenge the law until they are arrested for breaking it. I hope the NRA pours a butt load of money into this and takes it all the way to the Supreme Court.
There is no such thing as 'anti-gunners,' the notion is ignorance idiocy.

And you forgot to cite the Federal court case where the New Jersey law was ruled un-Constitutional.

It's incumbent upon gun owners to know the laws of their state and any state they might travel in, even if they perceive those laws to be 'too complex' or 'unjust'; it's also incumbent upon gun owners to be responsible with their firearms, to focus on ensuring their guns are properly secured, where being “distracted by a chain of events” is a lame and ridiculous 'excuse.'

Josey-Davis was careless with his firearm, he has only himself to blame for the consequences.

I have a handgun available to me when I'm home, and when I leave for work each day I make sure that gun is secured in its lock box.

Forgetting to secure any of my firearms – no matter how innocent or unintended it might be – is no 'excuse.'
Yes there are anti gunners. You're one of them. Who the hell do you think you're kidding?
Because clayton thinks that 6 year olds should not have access to firearms he is anti-gun? WTF?

Clayton thinks that no private citizen should have a gun, you ass.
Find his post for me stating that. I`ll wait.
There is no such thing as 'anti-gunners,' the notion is ignorance idiocy.

And you forgot to cite the Federal court case where the New Jersey law was ruled un-Constitutional.

It's incumbent upon gun owners to know the laws of their state and any state they might travel in, even if they perceive those laws to be 'too complex' or 'unjust'; it's also incumbent upon gun owners to be responsible with their firearms, to focus on ensuring their guns are properly secured, where being “distracted by a chain of events” is a lame and ridiculous 'excuse.'

Josey-Davis was careless with his firearm, he has only himself to blame for the consequences.

I have a handgun available to me when I'm home, and when I leave for work each day I make sure that gun is secured in its lock box.

Forgetting to secure any of my firearms – no matter how innocent or unintended it might be – is no 'excuse.'
Yes there are anti gunners. You're one of them. Who the hell do you think you're kidding?
Because clayton thinks that 6 year olds should not have access to firearms he is anti-gun? WTF?

Clayton thinks that no private citizen should have a gun, you ass.
Find his post for me stating that. I`ll wait.

I'm not your link slave, dipshit. A troll like you isn't worth an ounce of my time.
Read this man's story...a law abiding citizen, doing the right thing...and arrested for a 2nd degree felony....

This is where anti gun nuttery is out of control.....

This "mistake" should be like any other small violation...at most, a small fine....as encouragement to be more careful....not a felony....

National Review

The Garden State’s draconian firearms regulations have ensnared another innocent person — but he may beat the rap. On September 20, 2013, a 22-year-old private security guard named Steffon Josey-Davis was unloading his service pistol in his car when his six-year-old sister suddenly entered the garage. Hoping to avoid alarming her, Josey-Davis stopped what he was doing, placed his gun quietly into the glove box, and, having been “distracted by a chain of events,” quickly forgot all about it

. Later that evening, while out for a drive with his girlfriend, he was pulled over for a minor traffic offense, at which point he volunteered to the officer that he had a loaded firearm in the front of the car, in violation of New Jersey’s transportation rules. The pistol was confiscated, and, when he went to pick it up later in the week, he was arrested and charged with illegal possession — a second-degree felony. Of all the states in all the country, Steffon Josey-Davis had to screw up in this one.

Whatever his intentions might have been, there is no question that Josey-Davis broke the law. In a recent interview with Fox News, he noted rather hopefully that his concealed-carry permit “was due to be approved the week he was arrested.” Perhaps this is true, and he would have received it shortly after. But it is also utterly irrelevant.

If one needs a permit to carry a concealed weapon, one needs a permit to carry a concealed weapon. If one lacks that permit, one is in violation of the law. Steffon Josey-Davis was in violation of the law.

Stupid laws like this punish the wrong people....a law abiding citizen should not face a felony for this mistake......

it is the law of that state

he should have followed the law

Yeah....and you should obey the speed limit and no one does.....this should have been a 100 dollar ticket....not a class 2 felony...........
he got distracted by a chain of events....that defense can be used by anyone allowing guns to fall into the wrong hands or anyone breaking the law by having a gun where or when its illegal...sorry excuse for not knowing where his gun is or how available to anyone else it was....now before you start calling me names..such as anti gunner...i am not...but i am a responsible gun owner who is aware of where her guns are...even when distracted by life events...plus i have no problem with any 6 year old seeing or asking questions about my guns...why hide the gun to begin with? seems like a bullshit excuse for doing something illegal

again....it should be a 100 dollar fine, not a class 2 felony.....it is made a felony to punish him for owning a gun, nothing more....

If an actual felon had a gun in the car, he can already be arrested and sent to prison.....this guy was a law abiding citizen, with a permit for the gun that he used on his job.......the felony is meant to scare other people into not owning guns.......

We know how gun grabbers think and what they want....simple as that...
Read this man's story...a law abiding citizen, doing the right thing...and arrested for a 2nd degree felony....

This is where anti gun nuttery is out of control.....

This "mistake" should be like any other small violation...at most, a small fine....as encouragement to be more careful....not a felony....

National Review

The Garden State’s draconian firearms regulations have ensnared another innocent person — but he may beat the rap. On September 20, 2013, a 22-year-old private security guard named Steffon Josey-Davis was unloading his service pistol in his car when his six-year-old sister suddenly entered the garage. Hoping to avoid alarming her, Josey-Davis stopped what he was doing, placed his gun quietly into the glove box, and, having been “distracted by a chain of events,” quickly forgot all about it

. Later that evening, while out for a drive with his girlfriend, he was pulled over for a minor traffic offense, at which point he volunteered to the officer that he had a loaded firearm in the front of the car, in violation of New Jersey’s transportation rules. The pistol was confiscated, and, when he went to pick it up later in the week, he was arrested and charged with illegal possession — a second-degree felony. Of all the states in all the country, Steffon Josey-Davis had to screw up in this one.

Whatever his intentions might have been, there is no question that Josey-Davis broke the law. In a recent interview with Fox News, he noted rather hopefully that his concealed-carry permit “was due to be approved the week he was arrested.” Perhaps this is true, and he would have received it shortly after. But it is also utterly irrelevant.

If one needs a permit to carry a concealed weapon, one needs a permit to carry a concealed weapon. If one lacks that permit, one is in violation of the law. Steffon Josey-Davis was in violation of the law.

Stupid laws like this punish the wrong people....a law abiding citizen should not face a felony for this mistake......

it is the law of that state

he should have followed the law

The law is unconstitutional. Do we need a permit to vote? How about a permit to speak openly on political issues? No permit is needed to exercise our constitutional rights, something that constitutional carry states have come to recognize.

i agree it may very well be unconstitutional

but as it sits it is the law of the state

so one either accepts the law and obeys it


one challenges the law in the courts

and gets it removed

One does not have standing to challenge the law until they are arrested for breaking it. I hope the NRA pours a butt load of money into this and takes it all the way to the Supreme Court.

Yes....that is exactly what should happen.....

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