Why we have gun crime, the New York addition...

Make up your mind dumb ass. First you say gun crime is caused bu fatherless homes. Next you say it's because violent offenders are released. According to your definition, everyone with a gun who hasn't been convicted of a crime YET is considered a Good Guy with a gun., even MS13 members.

Moron.....the social welfare state creates fatherless homes, which destroys the social norms of the society....then, when the young male sociapaths are using guns to murder each other, the same people who created the situation keep letting the killers out of jail and prison...you doofus.

Are you mixing your booze with your meds again? If you haven't committed a crime, you aren't a criminal, you fucking moron....
...to review--NYC murder rate is over 10 times lower than very pro-firearm STL--and lowre than many other cities
AND NYC is not even in the top ten most dangerous cities lists!!!
what are you trying to prove?
NYC is a perfect example of gun control that works !!
..this is like your Britain threads--they are examples of gun control that works

De blasio threw out Rudy Guilliani's crime policies.....and he is creating this....you dumb ass...

Murder rate rises 55 percent in New York City, NYPD statistics say

Murder rates in New York City are up 55 percent in 2019 compared to the same time frame in 2018, according to NYPD statistics.
The surge takes place as overall crime in New York City is down eight percent. The increase in murders is largely credited to a jump in violent crime in Northern Brooklyn. The ten precincts that comprise North Brooklyn have recorded 15 murders in the time frame this year, compared to just three last year -- a 400 percent increase.

The number of shootings that have not resulted in death are on the rise as well, with 22 people shot compared to 13 last year, a 69 percent jump.
...so, we know NYC is very SAFE/etc compared to a lot of other cities...why did you bring it up???

New York is descending into democrat hell hole status, you moron.....they have stopped locking up gun criminals and are attacking the police....just like they do in St. Louis, Chicago, D.C., Baltimore......you doofus.
..if it's just like St L, how come their murder rate is TEN times lower?
Moron.....the social welfare state creates fatherless homes, which destroys the social norms of the society....then, when the young male sociapaths are using guns to murder each other, the same people who created the situation keep letting the killers out of jail and prison...you doofus.

Are you mixing your booze with your meds again? If you haven't committed a crime, you aren't a criminal, you fucking moron....
...to review--NYC murder rate is over 10 times lower than very pro-firearm STL--and lowre than many other cities
AND NYC is not even in the top ten most dangerous cities lists!!!
what are you trying to prove?
NYC is a perfect example of gun control that works !!
..this is like your Britain threads--they are examples of gun control that works

De blasio threw out Rudy Guilliani's crime policies.....and he is creating this....you dumb ass...

Murder rate rises 55 percent in New York City, NYPD statistics say

Murder rates in New York City are up 55 percent in 2019 compared to the same time frame in 2018, according to NYPD statistics.
The surge takes place as overall crime in New York City is down eight percent. The increase in murders is largely credited to a jump in violent crime in Northern Brooklyn. The ten precincts that comprise North Brooklyn have recorded 15 murders in the time frame this year, compared to just three last year -- a 400 percent increase.

The number of shootings that have not resulted in death are on the rise as well, with 22 people shot compared to 13 last year, a 69 percent jump.
...so, we know NYC is very SAFE/etc compared to a lot of other cities...why did you bring it up???

New York is descending into democrat hell hole status, you moron.....they have stopped locking up gun criminals and are attacking the police....just like they do in St. Louis, Chicago, D.C., Baltimore......you doofus.
..if it's just like St L, how come their murder rate is TEN times lower?

And you ignore the question....how do you explain this....?

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Moron.....the social welfare state creates fatherless homes, which destroys the social norms of the society....then, when the young male sociapaths are using guns to murder each other, the same people who created the situation keep letting the killers out of jail and prison...you doofus.

Are you mixing your booze with your meds again? If you haven't committed a crime, you aren't a criminal, you fucking moron....
...to review--NYC murder rate is over 10 times lower than very pro-firearm STL--and lowre than many other cities
AND NYC is not even in the top ten most dangerous cities lists!!!
what are you trying to prove?
NYC is a perfect example of gun control that works !!
..this is like your Britain threads--they are examples of gun control that works

De blasio threw out Rudy Guilliani's crime policies.....and he is creating this....you dumb ass...

Murder rate rises 55 percent in New York City, NYPD statistics say

Murder rates in New York City are up 55 percent in 2019 compared to the same time frame in 2018, according to NYPD statistics.
The surge takes place as overall crime in New York City is down eight percent. The increase in murders is largely credited to a jump in violent crime in Northern Brooklyn. The ten precincts that comprise North Brooklyn have recorded 15 murders in the time frame this year, compared to just three last year -- a 400 percent increase.

The number of shootings that have not resulted in death are on the rise as well, with 22 people shot compared to 13 last year, a 69 percent jump.
...so, we know NYC is very SAFE/etc compared to a lot of other cities...why did you bring it up???

New York is descending into democrat hell hole status, you moron.....they have stopped locking up gun criminals and are attacking the police....just like they do in St. Louis, Chicago, D.C., Baltimore......you doofus.
..if it's just like St L, how come their murder rate is TEN times lower?

Dallas--murders 163 ... pop. 1,300,000
Phoenix--murders 152...pop 1,650,000

Murder rate 2017

Baltimore......343 ( extreme gun control)

St. Louis.... 188

You moron.
...to review--NYC murder rate is over 10 times lower than very pro-firearm STL--and lowre than many other cities
AND NYC is not even in the top ten most dangerous cities lists!!!
what are you trying to prove?
NYC is a perfect example of gun control that works !!
..this is like your Britain threads--they are examples of gun control that works

De blasio threw out Rudy Guilliani's crime policies.....and he is creating this....you dumb ass...

Murder rate rises 55 percent in New York City, NYPD statistics say

Murder rates in New York City are up 55 percent in 2019 compared to the same time frame in 2018, according to NYPD statistics.
The surge takes place as overall crime in New York City is down eight percent. The increase in murders is largely credited to a jump in violent crime in Northern Brooklyn. The ten precincts that comprise North Brooklyn have recorded 15 murders in the time frame this year, compared to just three last year -- a 400 percent increase.

The number of shootings that have not resulted in death are on the rise as well, with 22 people shot compared to 13 last year, a 69 percent jump.
...so, we know NYC is very SAFE/etc compared to a lot of other cities...why did you bring it up???

New York is descending into democrat hell hole status, you moron.....they have stopped locking up gun criminals and are attacking the police....just like they do in St. Louis, Chicago, D.C., Baltimore......you doofus.
..if it's just like St L, how come their murder rate is TEN times lower?

Dallas--murders 163 ... pop. 1,300,000
Phoenix--murders 152...pop 1,650,000

Murder rate 2017

Baltimore......343 ( extreme gun control)

St. Louis.... 188

You moron.
hahahhahah--but your title is about NEW York City
not Dallas or Phoenix
BTW--Texas murder rate is higher than New York--you fail--again
Arizona murder rate also higher than New York
you can't win--I shoot you down all the time
...to review--NYC murder rate is over 10 times lower than very pro-firearm STL--and lowre than many other cities
AND NYC is not even in the top ten most dangerous cities lists!!!
what are you trying to prove?
NYC is a perfect example of gun control that works !!
..this is like your Britain threads--they are examples of gun control that works

De blasio threw out Rudy Guilliani's crime policies.....and he is creating this....you dumb ass...

Murder rate rises 55 percent in New York City, NYPD statistics say

Murder rates in New York City are up 55 percent in 2019 compared to the same time frame in 2018, according to NYPD statistics.
The surge takes place as overall crime in New York City is down eight percent. The increase in murders is largely credited to a jump in violent crime in Northern Brooklyn. The ten precincts that comprise North Brooklyn have recorded 15 murders in the time frame this year, compared to just three last year -- a 400 percent increase.

The number of shootings that have not resulted in death are on the rise as well, with 22 people shot compared to 13 last year, a 69 percent jump.
...so, we know NYC is very SAFE/etc compared to a lot of other cities...why did you bring it up???

New York is descending into democrat hell hole status, you moron.....they have stopped locking up gun criminals and are attacking the police....just like they do in St. Louis, Chicago, D.C., Baltimore......you doofus.
..if it's just like St L, how come their murder rate is TEN times lower?

Dallas--murders 163 ... pop. 1,300,000
Phoenix--murders 152...pop 1,650,000

Murder rate 2017

Baltimore......343 ( extreme gun control)

St. Louis.... 188

You moron.
hahahhahah---you did it again!!!!!
Dallas murder rate is HIGHER than NYC!!
I'm confused?? your thread is saying NYC is doing it right----yes??
very pro-''gun'' STL higher murder rate than Dallas --yes--yes
I'm saying it's not as big of a problem as you think it is

you have a 99.997% chance of not getting murdered by a person with a gun

And we already know where most murders take place but we do nothing about it because and let's face it those most murders in the areas I have mentioned are poor young urban minorities killing other poor yoiung inner city minorities and we as a country don't really care about that population
so, you are saying ''why the F did 2AGuy post this thread''?--as my facts prove, his threads are full of shit
....firearms are used in SHOOTINGS/rapes/robbery/etc--not just murder
...so we should just let people murder....???

Wow....you show nothing, and brag about it......every time you post about St. Louis I show you that it isn't normal, law abiding people who own guns for self defense, sport and hunting......St. Louis is a gun murder hell hole because their politicians keep letting violent repeat gun offenders out of jail and out of prison...dittos Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, and D.C....you asshat.

You have nothing, you are nothing.....

Make up your mind dumb ass. First you say gun crime is caused bu fatherless homes. Next you say it's because violent offenders are released. According to your definition, everyone with a gun who hasn't been convicted of a crime YET is considered a Good Guy with a gun., even MS13 members.

Moron.....the social welfare state creates fatherless homes, which destroys the social norms of the society....then, when the young male sociapaths are using guns to murder each other, the same people who created the situation keep letting the killers out of jail and prison...you doofus.

Are you mixing your booze with your meds again? If you haven't committed a crime, you aren't a criminal, you fucking moron....
...to review--NYC murder rate is over 10 times lower than very pro-firearm STL--and lowre than many other cities
AND NYC is not even in the top ten most dangerous cities lists!!!
what are you trying to prove?
NYC is a perfect example of gun control that works !!
..this is like your Britain threads--they are examples of gun control that works
And to review States like ME, NH and VT have had the lowest murder rates in the country for years running but CA with it's draconian gun laws has a murder rate that is 4 times higher than ME NH and VT

Please explain that

There is far more to the causes of violence and murder than gun laws alone
Wow....you show nothing, and brag about it......every time you post about St. Louis I show you that it isn't normal, law abiding people who own guns for self defense, sport and hunting......St. Louis is a gun murder hell hole because their politicians keep letting violent repeat gun offenders out of jail and out of prison...dittos Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, and D.C....you asshat.

You have nothing, you are nothing.....

Make up your mind dumb ass. First you say gun crime is caused bu fatherless homes. Next you say it's because violent offenders are released. According to your definition, everyone with a gun who hasn't been convicted of a crime YET is considered a Good Guy with a gun., even MS13 members.

Moron.....the social welfare state creates fatherless homes, which destroys the social norms of the society....then, when the young male sociapaths are using guns to murder each other, the same people who created the situation keep letting the killers out of jail and prison...you doofus.

Are you mixing your booze with your meds again? If you haven't committed a crime, you aren't a criminal, you fucking moron....
...to review--NYC murder rate is over 10 times lower than very pro-firearm STL--and lowre than many other cities
AND NYC is not even in the top ten most dangerous cities lists!!!
what are you trying to prove?
NYC is a perfect example of gun control that works !!
..this is like your Britain threads--they are examples of gun control that works

De blasio threw out Rudy Guilliani's crime policies.....and he is creating this....you dumb ass...

Murder rate rises 55 percent in New York City, NYPD statistics say

Murder rates in New York City are up 55 percent in 2019 compared to the same time frame in 2018, according to NYPD statistics.
The surge takes place as overall crime in New York City is down eight percent. The increase in murders is largely credited to a jump in violent crime in Northern Brooklyn. The ten precincts that comprise North Brooklyn have recorded 15 murders in the time frame this year, compared to just three last year -- a 400 percent increase.

The number of shootings that have not resulted in death are on the rise as well, with 22 people shot compared to 13 last year, a 69 percent jump.
...so, we know NYC is very SAFE/etc compared to a lot of other cities...why did you bring it up???
NYC has the largest police force in the country and the policing policies have done far more to reduce violence than any gun law.

Time will tell if DeBlasio's anti police administration will see an increase in crime and violence
De blasio threw out Rudy Guilliani's crime policies.....and he is creating this....you dumb ass...

Murder rate rises 55 percent in New York City, NYPD statistics say

Murder rates in New York City are up 55 percent in 2019 compared to the same time frame in 2018, according to NYPD statistics.
The surge takes place as overall crime in New York City is down eight percent. The increase in murders is largely credited to a jump in violent crime in Northern Brooklyn. The ten precincts that comprise North Brooklyn have recorded 15 murders in the time frame this year, compared to just three last year -- a 400 percent increase.

The number of shootings that have not resulted in death are on the rise as well, with 22 people shot compared to 13 last year, a 69 percent jump.
...so, we know NYC is very SAFE/etc compared to a lot of other cities...why did you bring it up???

New York is descending into democrat hell hole status, you moron.....they have stopped locking up gun criminals and are attacking the police....just like they do in St. Louis, Chicago, D.C., Baltimore......you doofus.
..if it's just like St L, how come their murder rate is TEN times lower?

Dallas--murders 163 ... pop. 1,300,000
Phoenix--murders 152...pop 1,650,000

Murder rate 2017

Baltimore......343 ( extreme gun control)

St. Louis.... 188

You moron.
hahahhahah---you did it again!!!!!
Dallas murder rate is HIGHER than NYC!!
I'm confused?? your thread is saying NYC is doing it right----yes??
very pro-''gun'' STL higher murder rate than Dallas --yes--yes

Wrong....Guilliani did it right...deblasio it giving criminals the green light, you dumb ass.....
Make up your mind dumb ass. First you say gun crime is caused bu fatherless homes. Next you say it's because violent offenders are released. According to your definition, everyone with a gun who hasn't been convicted of a crime YET is considered a Good Guy with a gun., even MS13 members.

Moron.....the social welfare state creates fatherless homes, which destroys the social norms of the society....then, when the young male sociapaths are using guns to murder each other, the same people who created the situation keep letting the killers out of jail and prison...you doofus.

Are you mixing your booze with your meds again? If you haven't committed a crime, you aren't a criminal, you fucking moron....
...to review--NYC murder rate is over 10 times lower than very pro-firearm STL--and lowre than many other cities
AND NYC is not even in the top ten most dangerous cities lists!!!
what are you trying to prove?
NYC is a perfect example of gun control that works !!
..this is like your Britain threads--they are examples of gun control that works

De blasio threw out Rudy Guilliani's crime policies.....and he is creating this....you dumb ass...

Murder rate rises 55 percent in New York City, NYPD statistics say

Murder rates in New York City are up 55 percent in 2019 compared to the same time frame in 2018, according to NYPD statistics.
The surge takes place as overall crime in New York City is down eight percent. The increase in murders is largely credited to a jump in violent crime in Northern Brooklyn. The ten precincts that comprise North Brooklyn have recorded 15 murders in the time frame this year, compared to just three last year -- a 400 percent increase.

The number of shootings that have not resulted in death are on the rise as well, with 22 people shot compared to 13 last year, a 69 percent jump.
...so, we know NYC is very SAFE/etc compared to a lot of other cities...why did you bring it up???
NYC has the largest police force in the country and the policing policies have done far more to reduce violence than any gun law.

Time will tell if DeBlasio's anti police administration will see an increase in crime and violence

They are seeing an increase in violent crime....de blasio has the police in retreat...
De blasio threw out Rudy Guilliani's crime policies.....and he is creating this....you dumb ass...

Murder rate rises 55 percent in New York City, NYPD statistics say

Murder rates in New York City are up 55 percent in 2019 compared to the same time frame in 2018, according to NYPD statistics.
The surge takes place as overall crime in New York City is down eight percent. The increase in murders is largely credited to a jump in violent crime in Northern Brooklyn. The ten precincts that comprise North Brooklyn have recorded 15 murders in the time frame this year, compared to just three last year -- a 400 percent increase.

The number of shootings that have not resulted in death are on the rise as well, with 22 people shot compared to 13 last year, a 69 percent jump.
...so, we know NYC is very SAFE/etc compared to a lot of other cities...why did you bring it up???

New York is descending into democrat hell hole status, you moron.....they have stopped locking up gun criminals and are attacking the police....just like they do in St. Louis, Chicago, D.C., Baltimore......you doofus.
..if it's just like St L, how come their murder rate is TEN times lower?

Dallas--murders 163 ... pop. 1,300,000
Phoenix--murders 152...pop 1,650,000

Murder rate 2017

Baltimore......343 ( extreme gun control)

St. Louis.... 188

You moron.
hahahhahah--but your title is about NEW York City
not Dallas or Phoenix
BTW--Texas murder rate is higher than New York--you fail--again
Arizona murder rate also higher than New York
you can't win--I shoot you down all the time

Moron.....comparing cities with over twice the population of Baltimore....and half the gun murders.....and in Dallas and Phoenix they have guns while Baltimore has extreme gun control...you doofus.....

And Texas is on the border with the Narco State of Mexico...you dumb ass...
De blasio threw out Rudy Guilliani's crime policies.....and he is creating this....you dumb ass...

Murder rate rises 55 percent in New York City, NYPD statistics say

Murder rates in New York City are up 55 percent in 2019 compared to the same time frame in 2018, according to NYPD statistics.
The surge takes place as overall crime in New York City is down eight percent. The increase in murders is largely credited to a jump in violent crime in Northern Brooklyn. The ten precincts that comprise North Brooklyn have recorded 15 murders in the time frame this year, compared to just three last year -- a 400 percent increase.

The number of shootings that have not resulted in death are on the rise as well, with 22 people shot compared to 13 last year, a 69 percent jump.
...so, we know NYC is very SAFE/etc compared to a lot of other cities...why did you bring it up???

New York is descending into democrat hell hole status, you moron.....they have stopped locking up gun criminals and are attacking the police....just like they do in St. Louis, Chicago, D.C., Baltimore......you doofus.
..if it's just like St L, how come their murder rate is TEN times lower?

Dallas--murders 163 ... pop. 1,300,000
Phoenix--murders 152...pop 1,650,000

Murder rate 2017

Baltimore......343 ( extreme gun control)

St. Louis.... 188

You moron.
hahahhahah---you did it again!!!!!
Dallas murder rate is HIGHER than NYC!!
I'm confused?? your thread is saying NYC is doing it right----yes??
very pro-''gun'' STL higher murder rate than Dallas --yes--yes

And you didn't answer the question...how do you explain his....you moron...

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
We have the fullest jails in the world. Countries with strong gun control have fewer in jail and homicide rates a fraction of ours.
We have the fullest jails in the world. Countries with strong gun control have fewer in jail and homicide rates a fraction of ours.

Moron.....our problem isn't the initial lock up of violent gun criminals, our problem is the democrats keep letting repeat, known, gun offenders out of jail on bond and out of prison with ridiculously short sentences....

As Britain and Europe suffer increasing violent crime.....get back to us on how wonderful they are....
“If you can’t handle the caseload, you need to do another job,” she told the New York Post. “If you can’t make the correct call, step aside.”

I like that. It throws the excuse that cops having a stressful job justifies cops disregarding laws and the lives of so many innocent people. right out the window. Good for her.

I'm not sure how this one case explains why we kill so many people here every day, but Great Britain only kills a few. Are all the gun deaths here by people who have been released after being charged with a gun crime? We should do what they are doing.

Violence is as american as apple pie and baseball. When the police demonstrate that they are up to the task of policing themselves, they can police the rest of us. Seeing as how we've militarized "law" enforcement, I would not expect this anytime soon. Professionalism in policing in america is just too much to expect. Then there is the matter that our power structure is becoming anxious over the resistance brewing socially; it understands the powder keg of this level of wealth inequity and wealth redistribution.

Trump Reveals Plans for Nationwide Crackdown and More Militarized Police
Trump Reveals Plans for Nationwide Crackdown and More Militarized Police

Whatever this turns out to be, it dovetails quite nicely with our concentration camps, detention centers, the most expansive incarceration apparatus ever known to humankind, our current mood toward "cleansing" the homeland, and our constant corporate police state surveillance of the citizenry which Israeli Intelligence partners with our "leaders" in.
We have the fullest jails in the world. Countries with strong gun control have fewer in jail and homicide rates a fraction of ours.

Moron.....our problem isn't the initial lock up of violent gun criminals, our problem is the democrats keep letting repeat, known, gun offenders out of jail on bond and out of prison with ridiculously short sentences....

As Britain and Europe suffer increasing violent crime.....get back to us on how wonderful they are....
So vote Republican, should be pretty simple, no?
We have the fullest jails in the world. Countries with strong gun control have fewer in jail and homicide rates a fraction of ours.

Moron.....our problem isn't the initial lock up of violent gun criminals, our problem is the democrats keep letting repeat, known, gun offenders out of jail on bond and out of prison with ridiculously short sentences....

As Britain and Europe suffer increasing violent crime.....get back to us on how wonderful they are....
So vote Republican, should be pretty simple, no?

I do, and will.......
The socialist mayor of New york is turning the city into the hell hole it was in the 1970s.......and this democrat judge is helping....

Please, can some anti-gun left winger explain why democrat judges keep letting known, repeat, violent gun offenders out of jail on Bond...after repeated gun offenses up to and including murder?

Judge Releases Convicted Killer On No Bond For New Gun Charges Tied To Shooting

Shakeil Chandler, 32, was sentenced to eight years in prison for manslaughter following the 2006 shooting death of 16-year-old Mario Young, the New York Post reported.

Just before 2 a.m. on Oct. 4, New York police were dispatched to a “ShotSpotter” report of gunfire in the 1300-block of Beach Avenue, according to the New York Post.

Officers arrived to find a 32-year-old man suffering from a gunshot wound.

They also allegedly spotted Chandler trying to hide a .357 Magnum revolver by kicking it under a nearby car, the New York Post reported.

The victim refused to cooperate with investigators, and Chandler was ultimately arrested on three counts of weapon and firearm possession since the revolver was “in his custody and control, on the ground near [his] foot,” according to the criminal complaint.

Prosecutors asked Bronx Criminal Court Judge Jeanine Johnson to hold the convicted murderer on $75,000 bail, but Johnson kicked him loose without bail instead, the New York Post reported.

Johnson justified the release by noting that the reputed Crips gang member “has full custody of his child,” and that the New York City Criminal Justice Agency also recommended that he be released without bail.

“It appears that she followed the recommendation of the pre-trial services agency which evaluated the defendant and obviously, in her estimation, she agreed with their assessment,” Office of Court Administration spokesperson Lucian Chalfen told the New York Post.

Juanita Young, the 66-year-old mother of Mario Young, slammed Johnson’s decision to release her son’s killer.

“If you can’t handle the caseload, you need to do another job,” she told the New York Post. “If you can’t make the correct call, step aside.”

One source told the paper that Johnson placed society at risk by releasing Chandler.

“By releasing him on the streets, the judge is threatening the community and protecting a killer,” the source said.

To answer your question, reduce gun crime by ending their number one supporter: The NRA.
“If you can’t handle the caseload, you need to do another job,” she told the New York Post. “If you can’t make the correct call, step aside.”

I like that. It throws the excuse that cops having a stressful job justifies cops disregarding laws and the lives of so many innocent people. right out the window. Good for her.

I'm not sure how this one case explains why we kill so many people here every day, but Great Britain only kills a few. Are all the gun deaths here by people who have been released after being charged with a gun crime? We should do what they are doing.

Violence is as american as apple pie and baseball. When the police demonstrate that they are up to the task of policing themselves, they can police the rest of us. Seeing as how we've militarized "law" enforcement, I would not expect this anytime soon. Professionalism in policing in america is just too much to expect. Then there is the matter that our power structure is becoming anxious over the resistance brewing socially; it understands the powder keg of this level of wealth inequity and wealth redistribution.

Trump Reveals Plans for Nationwide Crackdown and More Militarized Police
Trump Reveals Plans for Nationwide Crackdown and More Militarized Police

Whatever this turns out to be, it dovetails quite nicely with our concentration camps, detention centers, the most expansive incarceration apparatus ever known to humankind, our current mood toward "cleansing" the homeland, and our constant corporate police state surveillance of the citizenry which Israeli Intelligence partners with our "leaders" in.

Wow....mixing your meds with your booze? You really shouldn't do that...
The socialist mayor of New york is turning the city into the hell hole it was in the 1970s.......and this democrat judge is helping....

Please, can some anti-gun left winger explain why democrat judges keep letting known, repeat, violent gun offenders out of jail on Bond...after repeated gun offenses up to and including murder?

Judge Releases Convicted Killer On No Bond For New Gun Charges Tied To Shooting

Shakeil Chandler, 32, was sentenced to eight years in prison for manslaughter following the 2006 shooting death of 16-year-old Mario Young, the New York Post reported.

Just before 2 a.m. on Oct. 4, New York police were dispatched to a “ShotSpotter” report of gunfire in the 1300-block of Beach Avenue, according to the New York Post.

Officers arrived to find a 32-year-old man suffering from a gunshot wound.

They also allegedly spotted Chandler trying to hide a .357 Magnum revolver by kicking it under a nearby car, the New York Post reported.

The victim refused to cooperate with investigators, and Chandler was ultimately arrested on three counts of weapon and firearm possession since the revolver was “in his custody and control, on the ground near [his] foot,” according to the criminal complaint.

Prosecutors asked Bronx Criminal Court Judge Jeanine Johnson to hold the convicted murderer on $75,000 bail, but Johnson kicked him loose without bail instead, the New York Post reported.

Johnson justified the release by noting that the reputed Crips gang member “has full custody of his child,” and that the New York City Criminal Justice Agency also recommended that he be released without bail.

“It appears that she followed the recommendation of the pre-trial services agency which evaluated the defendant and obviously, in her estimation, she agreed with their assessment,” Office of Court Administration spokesperson Lucian Chalfen told the New York Post.

Juanita Young, the 66-year-old mother of Mario Young, slammed Johnson’s decision to release her son’s killer.

“If you can’t handle the caseload, you need to do another job,” she told the New York Post. “If you can’t make the correct call, step aside.”

One source told the paper that Johnson placed society at risk by releasing Chandler.

“By releasing him on the streets, the judge is threatening the community and protecting a killer,” the source said.

To answer your question, reduce gun crime by ending their number one supporter: The NRA.

Does it ever get old telling that lie? Considering the NRA has fought for more criminal control while the democrat party keeps voting to let criminals out of jail and prison, you really are pretty stupid to keep posting that...

California Democrats hate the gun, not the gunman – Orange County Register

Now that Democrats have supermajorities in the California state Legislature, they’ve rolled into Sacramento with a zest for lowering the state’s prison population and have interpreted St. Augustine’s words of wisdom to mean, “Hate the gun, not the gunman.”

I say this because, once they finally took a break from preaching about the benefits of stricter gun control, the state Senate voted to loosen sentencing guidelines for criminals convicted of gun crimes.

Currently, California law requires anyone who uses a gun while committing a felony to have their sentence increased by 10 years or more in prison — on top of the normal criminal penalty. If enacted, Senate Bill 620 would eliminate that mandate.

The bill, which passed on a 22-14 party-line vote, with support only from Democrats, now heads to the state Assembly for consideration.

Republicans and the National Rifle Association have vowed to campaign against it.

Why have Democrats suddenly developed a soft spot for criminals convicted of gun crimes? The bill’s author, state Sen. Steve Bradford, D-Gardena, says that he was motivated to write the bill after a 17-year-old riding in a car involved in a drive-by shooting was sentenced to 25 years in prison, even though he claims that he wasn’t the one who pulled the trigger.

and for all those anti-gunners who want to know where criminals get guns....well...this law lowers the prison time for those who give guns to criminals.....

Why is that?

Prop. 57, for example, very deceptively and fundamentally changed the definition of what constitutes a “non-violent” offense.

supplying a firearm to a gang member,

felon obtaining a firearm,

discharging a firearm on school grounds


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