Why wealthy, 1% jimmy kimmel is wrong about obamacare and his child's healthcare situation...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Jimmy Kimmel dragged his child onto the stage of his late night comedy show to bitch about obamacare, a system that is failing everyone and which will crater because it was designed to fail....yet wealthy, 1 percenter, jimmy kimmel...wants to trap you in that system....

5 Things You Need To Know About The Hospital Where Jimmy Kimmel Took His Son, And Why It's Not A Case For Obamacare

1. The hospital that treated Kimmel's baby is a private charity hospital.

Ben Shapiro

My daughter had open-heart surgery at the same hospital with same surgeon as Kimmel's son. Not a case for Obamacare. http://www.dailywire.com/news/15965/no-it-isnt-immoral-be-sick-or-poor-it-immoral-ben-shapiro …

4:42 PM - 2 May 2017

Indeed, the Children Hospital Los Angeles' website states:

Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit institution that provides pediatric health care and helps our patients more than 528,000 times each year in a setting designed just for their needs. Our history began in 1901 in a small house on the corner of Alpine and Castelar Streets (now Hill St. in Chinatown) and today our medical experts offer more than 350 pediatric specialty programs and services to meet the needs of our patients.

CHLA is a provider of more than $232.6 million in community benefits annually to children and families. As the first and largest pediatric hospital in Southern California, CHLA relies on the generosity of philanthropists in the community to support compassionate patient care, leading-edge education of the caregivers of tomorrow and innovative research efforts that impact children at our hospital and around the world.

2. What that means is that private charity is a valid solution to help those who are in need, which is the point that Shapiro makes in his response to Kimmel's monologue.

"None of this means we shouldn’t have social support for those who fall through the cracks — who lose their jobs during a pregnancy, for example. That’s what communities and churches and hospital charities are for, as a start," wrote Shapiro. "Obamacare doesn’t solve these problems, in any case — insurance companies have been opting out of the Obamacare scheme precisely because it bankrupts them, and Medicaid coverage has been shown to have little or no impact on life expectancy. That's why more options in health care decreases cost and makes health care more affordable to those who are poorer."

In other words, private charities like CHLA have proven to be more effective at providing healthcare to the needy than government-run schemes like Obamacare. What happened with Kimmel's baby is illustrative of that rather than a case in favor of Obamacare.

3. Prior to Obamacare, people were not dying in the streets as the result of being denied coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Health care policy wonk Avik Roy pointed out in Forbes that employer-sponsored and government-run health insurance plans were already required to cover pre-existing conditions prior to Obamacare, which accounted for "90% of Americans with health insurance." The only place where such denials of coverage could occur was through the individual market, but even then it was a small number of people. Roy pointed to the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP), a program established under Obamacare to provide "heavily subsidized coverage under PCIP if they had documented proof that they had been denied coverage by an insurance company and had a pre-existing condition" from 2010 to 2014. The highest number of people who signed up for the program was 114,959 — suggesting that it was indeed only a small percentage of the population who could have been denied coverage on the individual market due to a pre-existing condition.

And here is another take on wealthy, 1 percenter, jimmy kimmel who was shilling for obamacare, a medical system created to destroy American healthcare....

Jimmy Kimmel — an elitist creep who needs to shut up

After his slobbering wet kiss to federal bureaucracy, Mr. Kimmel then went squealing on about Obamacare and how insurance companies, the government and your neighbors should all be forced to pay for everybody else’s health care. (Easy thing to say for a gazillionaire from Hollywood.)

I mean, really, Jimmy, does your newborn child not mean more to you than petty politics? How do you look at the miracle of your child and think — partisan politics!

That is not to say he didn’t also lie and claim to be above partisan politics — even as he was pushing exactly that.

“Let’s stop this nonsense,” he said. “This isn’t football; there are no teams. We are the team — it’s the United States. Don’t let their partisan squabbles divide us on something every decent person wants.”

Yes, that’s right. He just had a kid and the kid nearly died and he wants you to know that if you are not for bloated federal bureaucracy, socialized medicine, higher taxes and tons of more debt piled onto your grandchildren, then you are not a “decent person.”

Actually Jim, if you were a “decent person,” you would shut your fat trap about partisan politics and go care for your kid, who just nearly died, you elitist creep.
Jimmy Kimmel dragged his child onto the stage of his late night comedy show to bitch about obamacare, a system that is failing everyone and which will crater because it was designed to fail....yet wealthy, 1 percenter, jimmy kimmel...wants to trap you in that system....

5 Things You Need To Know About The Hospital Where Jimmy Kimmel Took His Son, And Why It's Not A Case For Obamacare

1. The hospital that treated Kimmel's baby is a private charity hospital.

Ben Shapiro

My daughter had open-heart surgery at the same hospital with same surgeon as Kimmel's son. Not a case for Obamacare. http://www.dailywire.com/news/15965/no-it-isnt-immoral-be-sick-or-poor-it-immoral-ben-shapiro …

4:42 PM - 2 May 2017

Indeed, the Children Hospital Los Angeles' website states:

Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit institution that provides pediatric health care and helps our patients more than 528,000 times each year in a setting designed just for their needs. Our history began in 1901 in a small house on the corner of Alpine and Castelar Streets (now Hill St. in Chinatown) and today our medical experts offer more than 350 pediatric specialty programs and services to meet the needs of our patients.

CHLA is a provider of more than $232.6 million in community benefits annually to children and families. As the first and largest pediatric hospital in Southern California, CHLA relies on the generosity of philanthropists in the community to support compassionate patient care, leading-edge education of the caregivers of tomorrow and innovative research efforts that impact children at our hospital and around the world.

2. What that means is that private charity is a valid solution to help those who are in need, which is the point that Shapiro makes in his response to Kimmel's monologue.

"None of this means we shouldn’t have social support for those who fall through the cracks — who lose their jobs during a pregnancy, for example. That’s what communities and churches and hospital charities are for, as a start," wrote Shapiro. "Obamacare doesn’t solve these problems, in any case — insurance companies have been opting out of the Obamacare scheme precisely because it bankrupts them, and Medicaid coverage has been shown to have little or no impact on life expectancy. That's why more options in health care decreases cost and makes health care more affordable to those who are poorer."

In other words, private charities like CHLA have proven to be more effective at providing healthcare to the needy than government-run schemes like Obamacare. What happened with Kimmel's baby is illustrative of that rather than a case in favor of Obamacare.

3. Prior to Obamacare, people were not dying in the streets as the result of being denied coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Health care policy wonk Avik Roy pointed out in Forbes that employer-sponsored and government-run health insurance plans were already required to cover pre-existing conditions prior to Obamacare, which accounted for "90% of Americans with health insurance." The only place where such denials of coverage could occur was through the individual market, but even then it was a small number of people. Roy pointed to the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP), a program established under Obamacare to provide "heavily subsidized coverage under PCIP if they had documented proof that they had been denied coverage by an insurance company and had a pre-existing condition" from 2010 to 2014. The highest number of people who signed up for the program was 114,959 — suggesting that it was indeed only a small percentage of the population who could have been denied coverage on the individual market due to a pre-existing condition.

Oh. Well you rubes control everything, so repeal it! :rofl:
Jimmy Kimmel dragged his child onto the stage of his late night comedy show to bitch about obamacare, a system that is failing everyone and which will crater because it was designed to fail....yet wealthy, 1 percenter, jimmy kimmel...wants to trap you in that system....

5 Things You Need To Know About The Hospital Where Jimmy Kimmel Took His Son, And Why It's Not A Case For Obamacare

1. The hospital that treated Kimmel's baby is a private charity hospital.

Ben Shapiro

My daughter had open-heart surgery at the same hospital with same surgeon as Kimmel's son. Not a case for Obamacare. http://www.dailywire.com/news/15965/no-it-isnt-immoral-be-sick-or-poor-it-immoral-ben-shapiro …

4:42 PM - 2 May 2017

Indeed, the Children Hospital Los Angeles' website states:

Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit institution that provides pediatric health care and helps our patients more than 528,000 times each year in a setting designed just for their needs. Our history began in 1901 in a small house on the corner of Alpine and Castelar Streets (now Hill St. in Chinatown) and today our medical experts offer more than 350 pediatric specialty programs and services to meet the needs of our patients.

CHLA is a provider of more than $232.6 million in community benefits annually to children and families. As the first and largest pediatric hospital in Southern California, CHLA relies on the generosity of philanthropists in the community to support compassionate patient care, leading-edge education of the caregivers of tomorrow and innovative research efforts that impact children at our hospital and around the world.

2. What that means is that private charity is a valid solution to help those who are in need, which is the point that Shapiro makes in his response to Kimmel's monologue.

"None of this means we shouldn’t have social support for those who fall through the cracks — who lose their jobs during a pregnancy, for example. That’s what communities and churches and hospital charities are for, as a start," wrote Shapiro. "Obamacare doesn’t solve these problems, in any case — insurance companies have been opting out of the Obamacare scheme precisely because it bankrupts them, and Medicaid coverage has been shown to have little or no impact on life expectancy. That's why more options in health care decreases cost and makes health care more affordable to those who are poorer."

In other words, private charities like CHLA have proven to be more effective at providing healthcare to the needy than government-run schemes like Obamacare. What happened with Kimmel's baby is illustrative of that rather than a case in favor of Obamacare.

3. Prior to Obamacare, people were not dying in the streets as the result of being denied coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Health care policy wonk Avik Roy pointed out in Forbes that employer-sponsored and government-run health insurance plans were already required to cover pre-existing conditions prior to Obamacare, which accounted for "90% of Americans with health insurance." The only place where such denials of coverage could occur was through the individual market, but even then it was a small number of people. Roy pointed to the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP), a program established under Obamacare to provide "heavily subsidized coverage under PCIP if they had documented proof that they had been denied coverage by an insurance company and had a pre-existing condition" from 2010 to 2014. The highest number of people who signed up for the program was 114,959 — suggesting that it was indeed only a small percentage of the population who could have been denied coverage on the individual market due to a pre-existing condition.

Oh. Well you rubes control everything, so repeal it! :rofl:

we are trying...but getting rid of a government control program is difficult.....
And another look at the wealthy, 1 percenter shill for the socialist state.....

A Thinking Mom's Message for Jimmy Kimmel

But Kimmel didn't use his high-profile platform to educate the public about coping with rare diseases. Or to champion the nation's best and brightest pediatric specialists and medical innovators. The Tinseltown celebrity turned his personal plight into a political weapon, which his liberal friends were all too happy to wield. Top Democrats tweeted their praise for Kimmel's advocacy of expanded government health care regulations:

I don't need lectures from Huffington Post and Hollywood elites about having a heart. Neither do the rest of America's parents, whatever their political affiliations, who know what it's like to stay up night after endless night with suffering children, wondering whether they would ever be able to breathe normally again or see the light of the next day.

Kimmel doesn't need more maudlin Twitter suck-uppery. He needs a healthy fact-check.

"Before 2014," he claimed, "if you were born with congenital heart disease like my son was, there was a good chance you'd never be able to get health insurance because you had a pre-existing condition, you were born with a pre-existing condition."

This is false. If parents had health insurance, the child would have been covered under the parents' policy whether or not the child had a health problem.

Kimmel continued: "And if your parents didn't have medical insurance, you might not live long enough to even get denied because of a pre-existing condition."

The term "pre-existing condition" is used to describe uninsured chronically ill people who apply for insurance coverage, not for a child in need of immediate care.

Moreover, in the U.S., virtually all hospitals are legally obligated to provide emergency treatment to every patient who urgently requires emergency medical care regardless of the patient's insurance status.

This would include a newborn with an urgent heart condition. This requirement does not apply only to patients who enter an emergency room. It applies to all patients who set food on a hospital's property.
He's trying to make this about the hospital and not that Republicans control everything and won't repeal Obamacare. The OP can't fathom that they lied to him so he lashes out like someone who was just told Santa isn't real and starts to attack "A Christmas Story"
Parents, teach your kids responsibility. Show them how to pay their own way in life, protect them with health and life insurance, encourage education and a healthy life style. On the other hand you could advocate the Kimmel thinking and condemn them to slavery under government.
Prior to Obamacare, people were not dying in the streets as the result of being denied coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Where we're they dying then? And why is location of the deaths important?
Jimmy Kimmel dragged his child onto the stage of his late night comedy show to bitch about obamacare, a system that is failing everyone and which will crater because it was designed to fail....yet wealthy, 1 percenter, jimmy kimmel...wants to trap you in that system....

5 Things You Need To Know About The Hospital Where Jimmy Kimmel Took His Son, And Why It's Not A Case For Obamacare

1. The hospital that treated Kimmel's baby is a private charity hospital.

Ben Shapiro

My daughter had open-heart surgery at the same hospital with same surgeon as Kimmel's son. Not a case for Obamacare. http://www.dailywire.com/news/15965/no-it-isnt-immoral-be-sick-or-poor-it-immoral-ben-shapiro …

4:42 PM - 2 May 2017

Indeed, the Children Hospital Los Angeles' website states:

Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit institution that provides pediatric health care and helps our patients more than 528,000 times each year in a setting designed just for their needs. Our history began in 1901 in a small house on the corner of Alpine and Castelar Streets (now Hill St. in Chinatown) and today our medical experts offer more than 350 pediatric specialty programs and services to meet the needs of our patients.

CHLA is a provider of more than $232.6 million in community benefits annually to children and families. As the first and largest pediatric hospital in Southern California, CHLA relies on the generosity of philanthropists in the community to support compassionate patient care, leading-edge education of the caregivers of tomorrow and innovative research efforts that impact children at our hospital and around the world.

2. What that means is that private charity is a valid solution to help those who are in need, which is the point that Shapiro makes in his response to Kimmel's monologue.

"None of this means we shouldn’t have social support for those who fall through the cracks — who lose their jobs during a pregnancy, for example. That’s what communities and churches and hospital charities are for, as a start," wrote Shapiro. "Obamacare doesn’t solve these problems, in any case — insurance companies have been opting out of the Obamacare scheme precisely because it bankrupts them, and Medicaid coverage has been shown to have little or no impact on life expectancy. That's why more options in health care decreases cost and makes health care more affordable to those who are poorer."

In other words, private charities like CHLA have proven to be more effective at providing healthcare to the needy than government-run schemes like Obamacare. What happened with Kimmel's baby is illustrative of that rather than a case in favor of Obamacare.

3. Prior to Obamacare, people were not dying in the streets as the result of being denied coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Health care policy wonk Avik Roy pointed out in Forbes that employer-sponsored and government-run health insurance plans were already required to cover pre-existing conditions prior to Obamacare, which accounted for "90% of Americans with health insurance." The only place where such denials of coverage could occur was through the individual market, but even then it was a small number of people. Roy pointed to the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP), a program established under Obamacare to provide "heavily subsidized coverage under PCIP if they had documented proof that they had been denied coverage by an insurance company and had a pre-existing condition" from 2010 to 2014. The highest number of people who signed up for the program was 114,959 — suggesting that it was indeed only a small percentage of the population who could have been denied coverage on the individual market due to a pre-existing condition.

52 million of your fellow citizens have pre-existing condition.
"Let them die, let them die"

'About one in four people have pre-existing conditions that would have made it difficult for them to get health insurance prior to President Barack Obama's health care law, according to a new analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation.'
Prior to Obamacare, people were not dying in the streets as the result of being denied coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Where we're they dying then? And why is location of the deaths important?

Mostly in hospitals, the location is important to your narrative.

Not if they're dead from being denied coverage. Unless you believe that everyone who dies in a hospital has insurance. Then that would be hilarious.
52 million of your fellow citizens have pre-existing condition.
"Let them die, let them die"

'About one in four people have pre-existing conditions that would have made it difficult for them to get health insurance prior to President Barack Obama's health care law, according to a new analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation.'

Far more than that have had car accidents and pay higher car insurance. Some people feel that driving without it is fine. Emergency help is not refused at public hospitals. I have no problem with at risk people paying a higher premium.
Prior to Obamacare, people were not dying in the streets as the result of being denied coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Where we're they dying then? And why is location of the deaths important?

Mostly in hospitals, the location is important to your narrative.

Not if they're dead from being denied coverage. Unless you believe that everyone who dies in a hospital has insurance. Then that would be hilarious.

False narrative
Jimmy Kimmel dragged his child onto the stage of his late night comedy show to bitch about obamacare, a system that is failing everyone and which will crater because it was designed to fail....yet wealthy, 1 percenter, jimmy kimmel...wants to trap you in that system....

5 Things You Need To Know About The Hospital Where Jimmy Kimmel Took His Son, And Why It's Not A Case For Obamacare

1. The hospital that treated Kimmel's baby is a private charity hospital.

Ben Shapiro

My daughter had open-heart surgery at the same hospital with same surgeon as Kimmel's son. Not a case for Obamacare. http://www.dailywire.com/news/15965/no-it-isnt-immoral-be-sick-or-poor-it-immoral-ben-shapiro …

4:42 PM - 2 May 2017

Indeed, the Children Hospital Los Angeles' website states:

Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit institution that provides pediatric health care and helps our patients more than 528,000 times each year in a setting designed just for their needs. Our history began in 1901 in a small house on the corner of Alpine and Castelar Streets (now Hill St. in Chinatown) and today our medical experts offer more than 350 pediatric specialty programs and services to meet the needs of our patients.

CHLA is a provider of more than $232.6 million in community benefits annually to children and families. As the first and largest pediatric hospital in Southern California, CHLA relies on the generosity of philanthropists in the community to support compassionate patient care, leading-edge education of the caregivers of tomorrow and innovative research efforts that impact children at our hospital and around the world.

2. What that means is that private charity is a valid solution to help those who are in need, which is the point that Shapiro makes in his response to Kimmel's monologue.

"None of this means we shouldn’t have social support for those who fall through the cracks — who lose their jobs during a pregnancy, for example. That’s what communities and churches and hospital charities are for, as a start," wrote Shapiro. "Obamacare doesn’t solve these problems, in any case — insurance companies have been opting out of the Obamacare scheme precisely because it bankrupts them, and Medicaid coverage has been shown to have little or no impact on life expectancy. That's why more options in health care decreases cost and makes health care more affordable to those who are poorer."

In other words, private charities like CHLA have proven to be more effective at providing healthcare to the needy than government-run schemes like Obamacare. What happened with Kimmel's baby is illustrative of that rather than a case in favor of Obamacare.

3. Prior to Obamacare, people were not dying in the streets as the result of being denied coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Health care policy wonk Avik Roy pointed out in Forbes that employer-sponsored and government-run health insurance plans were already required to cover pre-existing conditions prior to Obamacare, which accounted for "90% of Americans with health insurance." The only place where such denials of coverage could occur was through the individual market, but even then it was a small number of people. Roy pointed to the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP), a program established under Obamacare to provide "heavily subsidized coverage under PCIP if they had documented proof that they had been denied coverage by an insurance company and had a pre-existing condition" from 2010 to 2014. The highest number of people who signed up for the program was 114,959 — suggesting that it was indeed only a small percentage of the population who could have been denied coverage on the individual market due to a pre-existing condition.

Ben Shapiro----what an idiot. The Children's Hospital of Los Angeles provided a whomping 3.4 million dollars of charity care last fiscal year out of 800 million in total revenue.

Parents, teach your kids responsibility. Show them how to pay their own way in life, protect them with health and life insurance, encourage education and a healthy life style. On the other hand you could advocate the Kimmel thinking and condemn them to slavery under government.

Oh wow, really?

I don't see you talking about the Big Pharma or Medical corruption who jack-up the prices so much while living on their huge yachts and mansions on the backs of the American people..
Why is it always the regular guy's fault trying to be well, while ignoring the corruption?

Why are we paying for luxury medical care to the congress opposing Obamacare including 100% home health for the old farts when they get old?

It is not ok to turn our backs on the sick needing healthcare, while ignoring the corruption..
52 million of your fellow citizens have pre-existing condition.
"Let them die, let them die"

'About one in four people have pre-existing conditions that would have made it difficult for them to get health insurance prior to President Barack Obama's health care law, according to a new analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation.'

Far more than that have had car accidents and pay higher car insurance. Some people feel that driving without it is fine. Emergency help is not refused at public hospitals. I have no problem with at risk people paying a higher premium.

Emergency treatment for those with pre-existing conditions is not the sole need for these people. There is monitoring, treatment, speciality pharmaceuticals, dialysis; etc. Seriously, the emergency room means the lack of care has brought traumatic conditions.
Parents, teach your kids responsibility. Show them how to pay their own way in life, protect them with health and life insurance, encourage education and a healthy life style. On the other hand you could advocate the Kimmel thinking and condemn them to slavery under government.

Oh wow, really?

I don't see you talking about the Big Pharma or Medical corruption who jack-up the prices so much while living on their huge yachts and mansions on the backs of the American people..
Why is it always the regular guy's fault trying to be well, while ignoring the corruption?

Why are we paying for luxury medical care to the congress opposing Obamacare including 100% home health for the old farts when they get old?

It is not ok to turn our backs on the sick needing healthcare, while ignoring the corruption..

Why don't you ask Congress to pass Obamacare reform with changes to this corruption you point out? Frankly, I fight it by buying pharmaceutical stocks.

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