Why Were Christian Constitutional Conservatives So Wrong About Abortion??

Except that the women seeking abortion are overwhelmingly married or in a committed relationship. Are you saying women shouldn't have sex with their husbands? You do know that in many states, that's grounds for divorce.
Why do you stare things that are so easily refuted?

You're the "butchers" here. Women are dying and not only are you OK with it, you're actually cheering their suffering.

If you genuinely believe your "saving" babies, you've been duped and used. You're killing women.
Abraham in Reverse: Sons Sacrificing Mothers, All According to the Will of God

Proof that that the Christofascists don't really believe that the fetus is a baby is their attitude about saving the life of "the mother." Being suddenly okay with "killing the baby," it becomes nothing more than a tumor.

If it were a baby, aborting it would be First-Degree Murder, a far worse crime than letting the mother die. If they really believed that the fetus is a baby, they would leave the mother's life in "the hands of God." Also, you don't kill babies just because they were conceived during rape or incest. So, in order to prevent people from questioning whether they really practice what they preach, they will have to again change their fickle opinions and ban abortions totally, with none of these revealing exceptions.
I'm saying that anyone in a sexual relationship bears the responsibility to use contraception, whether male or female. Heck, I got a vasectomy when we decided not to have any more kids and never looked back. If I hadn't, we would have used the pill or some other method, but that's just because we're responsible and didn't want to rely on the freedom to kill a "mistake" because he/she was inconvenient.

And isn't it strange how feelings change over time? How many kids that weren't planned for and at first not even wanted by their birth parents end up being loved and cherished by someone who either chose them through adoption or learned to love them? Killing them before they're even born and have a chance at life eliminates that possibility, and it eliminates their chance for a successful life. "You're going to face difficulties, so we're going to kill you rather than let you struggle". Who's next, the homeless?

The bottom line in the abortion debate is this: Far too many people think they have the foresight and understanding to declare another person's life to be worthless their violent death to be justified.
Saints of Sadism

Pretending that what comes naturally is sinful or deplorable, just to feel morally superior to those outside the cocoon of your comfortable choir, used to a Liberal vice. Don't go there. You captive fanatics really sound touchy-feely with all your rehearsed wailing about "baby-killing." You're no different from that GreenHead cult on that video crying over a dead tree. No sincere person ever felt that a miscarriage was some kind of tragedy and cursed God for His kind of abortion.
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More Proof These Bossy Puritans Don't Really Believe They Are Protecting Babies

In a logical theology, birth control means preventing sex from leading to conception. That result is under the will of God, so your permission to do it is obstruction of divine justice.
I don’t care about your religious claptrap. Just don’t attack and kill other innocent human beings, psycho. And don’t tolerate those who do.

If you refuse to be a parent or at the very least a decent human being who can refrain from killing others for your own selfish benefit, sterilize yourself.
So you understand why women are so pissed right now. It was easy to just ignore the years of anti-abortion rhetoric as long as R v W was in effect, but since that changed, it is no longer tenable to ignore such ignorance. I really wouldn't want that many women to be that pissed at me. You can count on lots of people voting that wouldn't have bothered before.

Abortion is not mentioned in the bible, other than instructions to induce one if a husband suspects his wife of infedelity. Abortion was practiced at that time, but not mentioned.
No two people are alike! You may feel hostile to people of my persuasion because in earlier times, the people of God's family train young women to serve the family and look to her parents and husband's needs before their own. The majority of men trained their wives with appreciation, respect and positives, and their attitudes may not be easy for a self-supporting modern woman with a bummer relationship or two, to understand or care about. Obedience never made a person lesser than the people they served. And it to this day obeying somebody else's wishes doesn't make a person lesser than the boss or bosses they serve. As a matter of fact, obedient friends and family are generally responsible people who can be counted or else I have been very fortunate in my family and friend relationships and think highly of people who are loyal, faithful and good to their word.
Though shall not kill, but evil should die!
Ted Bundy was evil and killed the women he raped from coast to coast. He was convicted of murdering 30 women, but his lawyer, J H Brown made this claim years later:

Serial killer Ted Bundy slaughtered more than 100 women, his lawyer has sensationally revealed.​
The US psycho went to the electric chair in Florida in 1989, aged 42, after admitting 30 killings.​
But that was less than a third of his true toll, according to the man who defended him in the 70s.​
And in a new book John Henry Browne says that although the rapist, kidnapper and necrophiliac mainly preyed on females, his first victim was a man.​
Browne, based in Seattle, said in an American TV interview: “Ted told me things he’s never told anyone.​
"He said he killed more than 100 people, and not only women.”​
I don't like executions, but if Ted Bundy ever were released, he'd do it again and leave a lot more people bereft of a loved one. With the crazies they're letting out of prison these days, there's going to be some mass misery as they unwind a few recidivism cases, and the perpetrators the second time around know how to disappear before their crimes are found out. It was wise to put Ted Bundy into his grave. May God have mercy on his victims.
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Actually it isn't.
There is a father.
And there is another human to consider.

View attachment 662194
so simple, this reminds me that simple is typically what is right
Just repeating what Jesus said. And with him there were only two commandments
You're right. Sometimes Loving God with all your heart and likewise loving one's neighbor as oneself, but intentional misdeeds that ignore God's teachings and inflict harm on people they are supposed to love as themselves while part of life, cannot address intentional crimes. And while merciful as a man can come to, Jesus said, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. Matthew 5:17
Later on St. Paul the Apostle backed him up when he said "What, shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid." Romans 6:1.

The Kingdom of God does not condone law breaking in any way, shape or form. Even so, God will forgive the contrite person, but they sure better not ever do that same mistake again, and while God may forgive the man who killed a hundred innocent people to commit necrophilia, but the laws of the land may keep him in jail or even execute him depending on what was decided by a jury of that man's peers according to state laws. There are a lot more murders in states that are opening up the gates and letting hardened criminals go free. They tend to kill people who put them in jail first by testifying under oath that they committed the crime, judges who pronounced sentences, prosecutors who brought the truth forward including forensics proofs of dna, fingerprints, and other tell tale evidence. The God I worship is a God of not only mercy, but justice, might and common sense when needed.
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Abraham in Reverse: Sons Sacrificing Mothers, All According to the Will of God

Proof that that the Christofascists don't really believe that the fetus is a baby is their attitude about saving the life of "the mother." Being suddenly okay with "killing the baby," it becomes nothing more than a tumor.

If it were a baby, aborting it would be First-Degree Murder, a far worse crime than letting the mother die. If they really believed that the fetus is a baby, they would leave the mother's life in "the hands of God." Also, you don't kill babies just because they were conceived during rape or incest. So, in order to prevent people from questioning whether they really practice what they preach, they will have to again change their fickle opinions and ban abortions totally, with none of these revealing exceptions.
I'm sorry to see the use of the word fascists attached to Christ's name, and I hope you use common courtesy in the future when you purjer yourself to blame the Lord by dirtying his name with an egregious title like "fascist."
Most of us are not that extreme. When a woman who dies carrying a baby, two lives are lost. Why would we condone such a thing as letting a mother die needlessly? Most of these things are known by the 15th month and can be dealt with to save the woman's life accordingly.
I'm saying that anyone in a sexual relationship bears the responsibility to use contraception, whether male or female. Heck, I got a vasectomy when we decided not to have any more kids and never looked back. If I hadn't, we would have used the pill or some other method, but that's just because we're responsible and didn't want to rely on the freedom to kill a "mistake" because he/she was inconvenient.

And isn't it strange how feelings change over time? How many kids that weren't planned for and at first not even wanted by their birth parents end up being loved and cherished by someone who either chose them through adoption or learned to love them? Killing them before they're even born and have a chance at life eliminates that possibility, and it eliminates their chance for a successful life. "You're going to face difficulties, so we're going to kill you rather than let you struggle". Who's next, the homeless?

The bottom line in the abortion debate is this: Far too many people think they have the foresight and understanding to declare another person's life to be worthless their violent death to be justified.

I have two grandchildren who were both conceived while their mother was on the pill. Since we all live in Canada, abortion is always an option, but this is what "pro choice" really means. I have a fifty year old son who was a "surprise".

Birth control in the real world isn't nearly as reliable as Big Pharma keeps telling us. Many women can't take the Pill, and I was one of them. It made me violently ill, as did pregnancy.

You'd be amazed at how many men refuse to get a vasectomy. It's a virility thing.
Why do you believe a human life is dispensable so women can have unprotected sex?

A fetus isn't a "human life". Living humans can breathe. A fetus is a potential human life, but even 1/3 of all of these little guys and gals don't make it out of the first trimester, because a lot can got wrong, not just for the gestating fetus, but for its mother too.

We don't believe human life is dispensable. Virtually every woman I know has had a unplanned pregnancy and for most of us, especially in Canada where we have paid 1 year maternity/parental leave, child tax benefits for low income families, and universal health care, choose to continue those pregnancies.

But I've also had difficult pregnancies, and high risk pregnancies that required surgical intervention. I carried a dead fetus for at least two weeks. In Texas, they would call the surgery an "abortion", but the fetus had been dead for weeks. They would have sent me home until there was an infection, which might end forever the possibility of my having another baby.

People who aren't doctors dealing with pregnant women, should never be allowed to write laws about reproductive health care.

And the late term abortions are the ones which are most medically necessary, and must be preserved.

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