Why were Reagan, Bush I and Bush II not plagued by criminal investigations, indictments, civil suits

Teabaggers keep repeating that lie.
COVID WASN'T Trump's fault, his reaction to it was.
AND yes, it was COVID'S fault.
Everyone, in the world gets their crap from China, what did Trump do?
Cancels the TTP and signs ANOTHER trade deal with China.

Sure retard.

His inital reaction to it was poo pooed by YOUR party. They called his reaction xenophobic. After COVID took hold YOUR party realized they could use COVID for political gain and they blamed every bad outcome associated with COVID on Trump. Nevermind that those numbskulls killed the economy by shutting it down and then having the gall to say the job losses and economic downturn was Trump’s fault in hopes of picking up some votes from a brainwashed electorate in the upcoming election. Ignorant fools bought all of it and still do, just like the Russian collusion nonsense.
Teabaggers keep repeating that lie.
COVID WASN'T Trump's fault, his reaction to it was.
AND yes, it was COVID'S fault.
Everyone, in the world gets their crap from China, what did Trump do?
Cancels the TTP and signs ANOTHER trade deal with China.

Sure retard.
Trump's reaction to Covid was to push the left's favorite tool, the vaccine. But most of what Trump did was to take the advice of his "experts," Fauci & Birx while allowing Americans the freedom to choose. He wasn't a dictator like the Biden regime became.
His inital reaction to it was poo pooed by YOUR party. They called his reaction xenophobic.
AND Trump listened.

President Donald Trump imposed travel restrictions on China on Jan. 31 as the coronavirus began to spread early this year. His decision came after Delta, American and United and other major international carriers had stopped flying to China because of the outbreak.

After COVID took hold YOUR party realized they could use COVID for political gain and they blamed every bad outcome associated with COVID on Trump.
THAT'S because all the moves Trump made ............were BAD.
Nevermind that those numbskulls killed the economy by shutting it down and then having the gall to say the job losses and economic downturn was Trump’s fault in hopes of picking up some votes from a brainwashed electorate in the upcoming election.
THAT was your dear leader.

President Trump extends coronavirus shutdown until April 30​

Chicago Tribune
https://www.chicagotribune.com › coronavirus

Mar 29, 2020 — President Donald Trump is extending the voluntary national shutdown for a month as sickness and death from the coronavirus pandemic rise in ...
Ignorant fools bought all of it and still do, just like the Russian collusion nonsense.
Ignorant fools bought into facebook "COVID is a hoax" and died.


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Trump's reaction to Covid was to push the left's favorite tool, the vaccine. But most of what Trump did was to take the advice of his "experts," Fauci & Birx while allowing Americans the freedom to choose.
You're FOS.

Trump knows better than the doctors.
Just ask him.

He wasn't a dictator like the Biden regime became.
Your dear leader was the dictator and still wanted to become one.
Even as the wanna-be dictator was out of office.

VIDEO: Trump Praises Putin, Applauds Xi for 'Iron Fist' at ...​

Business Insider
https://www.businessinsider.com › Politics

Sep 4, 2022 — Trump compliments 'fierce' and 'smart' Putin and applauds Xi Jinping for ruling China with an 'iron fist' · Speaking at a rally in Pennsylvania, ...
You're FOS.

Trump knows better than the doctors.
Just ask him.

Your dear leader was the dictator and still wanted to become one.
Even as the wanna-be dictator was out of office.

VIDEO: Trump Praises Putin, Applauds Xi for 'Iron Fist' at ...

View attachment 792206
Business Insider
https://www.businessinsider.com › Politics
Sep 4, 2022 — Trump compliments 'fierce' and 'smart' Putin and applauds Xi Jinping for ruling China with an 'iron fist' · Speaking at a rally in Pennsylvania, ...

Lots of Americans knew better than the "mainstream" doctors. I never wore a mask for more than 10 minutes or so and I NEVER got the dangerous jab (and never will). Big Pharma controlled the narrative and they turned out to be liars.
Lots of Americans knew better than the "mainstream" doctors.
Sure they did, now they know better than most of the dead people they are now residing with.
I never wore a mask for more than 10 minutes or so and I NEVER got the dangerous jab (and never will). Big Pharma controlled the narrative and they turned out to be liars.
SO..................They do with every other drug, THEY sell too.
Oxycontin ring a bell?
People take risks using the drugs they advertise.........EVERYWHERE.
When during a commercial, the list of side effects they provide, takes a longer time allotted for the commercial, than the products "benefits" time .............SOMETHING is up.
People buy that crap too
Russia? You still haven’t figured out all that Russian collusion nonsense was just that…nonsense? Figures.
Russia is our enemy. Russia has created thousands of social media accounts to spread lies to influence elections the way they would like them to go.
That was proven.
What was not proven is Trump colluded with them. That does not mean they used fake social media accounts spreading information to help Tump.
You Trump lemmings are so uneducated. If you were educated you would not be a Trump lemming.
Russia is our enemy. Russia has created thousands of social media accounts to spread lies to influence elections the way they would like them to go.
That was proven.
What was not proven is Trump colluded with them. That does not mean they used fake social media accounts spreading information to help Tump.
You Trump lemmings are so uneducated. If you were educated you would not be a Trump lemming.
How often do you type self-ownage posts like this? :D
Why were Reagan, Bush I and Bush II not plagued by criminal investigations, indictments, civil suits after leaving office like Trump is?
The judiciary is more conservative now than in the 1980's and 1990's.
Trump and Trump minions whine that Trump is being wrongly persecuted and prosecuted.
NO,THE GUY IS A CROOK. It would be a crime if he was not investigated and prosecuted when the evidence warrants. Just like every other citizen.

Why isn't Biden?

It's out there
Why isn't Biden?

It's out there
Joe Biden is being investigated. Hunter Biden is being investigated. If information comes forward to warrant a criminal indictment, they will be indicted. They have not at this point.
W of course fired 7 US Attorneys in 2007 who were prosecuting Zionist Fascists against the will of the worst traitor in US history.

W put Schumer recommended left wing Zionist Fascist Mike Mukasey in as AG, and all the 911 prosecutions stopped cold, as did the Co2 fraud prosecution.

Mike Mukasey is now a "conservative commentator" for Faux...
they will be indicted.

Not with Zionist Fascists Chris Wray and Merrick Garland in charge, nope...

Biden should have been indicted in the 1990s. He has been CHOSEN to be ABOVE THE LAW for FOUR DECADES...
Right, the economic downturn just so happened to have started AFTER Biden took office. Nothing to do with Biden. It is all COVID’s fault, ergo, Trump’s fault.

Ya’ll just aren’t too bright.
We have the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years. Better than Trump's.
Is that all attributal to Biden?
We have the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years. Better than Trump's.
Is that all attributal to Biden?
Why are so many businesses short on labor? Have you ever thought about why that may be with such a low unemployment rate?
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You are an obvious Trump minion no matter what you say. If it posts like a Trump minion, smells like a Trump minion, shows the stupidity of a Trump minion, it is a Trump minion.

Wow, so you're a Trump supporter? Wow, I didn't see that one coming. Way to go, bro!
I admit than I am bias against Trump minions. Not everyone who voted for Trump. The minions constantly standup for his wrong doings. You do that whether you vote for DeSantis or not.
All administrations make mistakes. Supporters need to be accountable for the mistakes of their candidate.
Trump minion, lemming, braindead, cult members feel Trump has never done anything wrong. IDIOTS. And you are one.

Dude, shhh, obviously I know you're a Trump supporter from the Trump rally we were at. If you don't want me to start talking about that, stop pushing me or I'm telling your leftist friends I saw you there. Shhhhhhh

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