Why were Reagan, Bush I and Bush II not plagued by criminal investigations, indictments, civil suits

Yeah, you "accepted " it after Gore flew down there with 300 lawyers and spent weeks digging through hung chads and found shit! :laughing0301:
Yes he did. He gave it his best shot and then said I lost.
Trump filed 40 plus law suits and lost them all. Most of his closest aids said he lost but the loser refuses to say he lost. The ultimate loser.
Yes he did. He gave it his best shot and then said I lost.
Trump filed 40 plus law suits and lost them all. Most of his closest aids said he lost but the loser refuses to say he lost. The ultimate loser.
trump may or may not be a loser but he has a place in your mind forever.....its funny as hell....get woke think about that poor old senile stumblebum you guys elected...hhahahahhahahhahhahahahahhahahahhaha
They were all much worse crooks than Trump.
For example, Reagan had Oliver North arrange to have Iran NOT release the hostages until after Carter lost the election.

The difference is that Trump is a DC outsider, so did not have the usual blackmail protections that the swamp has against each other.

There is not a single crime anyone can point to that Trump committed.

]That is long sicne proven to be a bullshit conspiracy theory.

there was no such arrangement
trump may or may not be a loser but he has a place in your mind forever.....its funny as hell....get woke think about that poor old senile stumblebum you guys elected...hhahahahhahahhahhahahahahhahahahhaha
Patriots never give up focusing on individuals who threaten our country, like Trump and you.
You are in our minds until you are no longer a threat.
We will win nd you will lose.
The Bush boys were Globalists and in bed with Demwits. Reagan served when there was still some semblance of parliamentary procedure, honor, common sense, and a sense of right and wrong. Had he served today, he would be raked over the coals by his political opponents as Trump is and has been.
Correct, you however omitted that the late Sen. Ted Kennedy openly offered to spy for Russia during the Reagan era.

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Yes he did. He gave it his best shot and then said I lost.
Gore lost.

Trump filed 40 plus law suits
No, he filed 29. And some of those were duplicates. And he won two of them, the rest, the judge dismissed on technicalities like time of filing without even hearing the case nor looking at the evidence as he simply didn't want the responsibility and weight of personally deciding the outcome of a national election, then having 10 million lunatics descending on his life threatening him, jeopardizing his career and reputation, protesting outside his house and making threats against his family just as they did to SCOTUS when they reversed RvW.
Why were Reagan, Bush I and Bush II not plagued by criminal investigations, indictments, civil suits after leaving office like Trump is?
The judiciary is more conservative now than in the 1980's and 1990's.
Trump and Trump minions whine that Trump is being wrongly persecuted and prosecuted.
NO,THE GUY IS A CROOK. It would be a crime if he was not investigated and prosecuted when the evidence warrants. Just like every other citizen.
Biden is the crook
They weren't bothered by that shit because the democrat party wasn't being controlled by commies yet. The commies took over during the Obama administration.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump Lauds Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un at Rally​

https://www.mediaite.com › Trump

Mar 27, 2022 — On Xi, Trump remarked, “he runs 1.5 billion people with an iron fist. Yeah, I think he's pretty smart.” And on the Russian leader, Trump mused, ...

Every teabagger/Trump accusation turns out to be an admission.
Why were Reagan, Bush I and Bush II not plagued by criminal investigations, indictments, civil suits after leaving office like Trump is?
The judiciary is more conservative now than in the 1980's and 1990's.
Trump and Trump minions whine that Trump is being wrongly persecuted and prosecuted.
NO,THE GUY IS A CROOK. It would be a crime if he was not investigated and prosecuted when the evidence warrants. Just like every other citizen.
Why is inflation higher now compared to all of those years. ?

I find it interesting that our economy was much better 4 years ago. By a wide margin. And yet in the past few years ever since Biden took office people like you iow…. Biden supporters or never Trump Republicans are constantly talking about Donald Trump, “white supremacy”, and investigations, instead of talking about how to improve our economy and our healthcare.
But Biden created inflation in every country in the world.

Right, the economic downturn just so happened to have started AFTER Biden took office. Nothing to do with Biden. It is all COVID’s fault, ergo, Trump’s fault.

Ya’ll just aren’t too bright.
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Rs are spineless cowards and will not venture in to prosecute when dems commit these crimes. They figure they'll play nice and dems will do the same. Nope, doesn't work.
Rs are spineless cowards and will not venture in to prosecute when dems commit these crimes. They figure they'll play nice and dems will do the same. Nope, doesn't work.

I agree with this to a large extent. Many Conservatives are, well, conservative. They tend to be less aggressive, less boisterous and more introverted. Liberals are, in general, quite the opposite. Conservatives, in general, need to step out of their comfort zone and challenge the loud mouths.
Right, the economic downturn just so happed to have started AFTER Biden took office. Nothing to do with Biden. It is all COVID’s fault, ergo, Trump’s fault.
Teabaggers keep repeating that lie.
COVID WASN'T Trump's fault, his reaction to it was.
AND yes, it was COVID'S fault.
Everyone, in the world gets their crap from China, what did Trump do?
Cancels the TTP and signs ANOTHER trade deal with China.
Ya’ll just aren’t too bright.
Sure retard.
I agree with this to a large extent. Many Conservatives are, well, conservative.
100% only claim to be conservative at election time or when a democrat is in office.
The ONLY times they are worried about the spending, deficit and debt.
They tend to be less aggressive, less boisterous and more introverted. Liberals are, in general, quite the opposite. Conservatives, in general, need to step out of their comfort zone and challenge the loud mouths.
Teabaggers started with Clinton, then EVERY time a democrat was president from then on, it's been investigation, after investigation,

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