Why won’t Merrick Garland release the affidavit for the Mar A Lago invasion?

I wonder why the Trumpsters aren't screaming about the tipster who alerted the FBI, the one who HAS to be VERY close to Trump?

Okay, I'm just kidding. I know why.
It’s okay, will be found illegal
You lie. It was Garland who asked a judge to unseal it so he could release it.

Asked a judge or had the little Goebbels run a propaganda piece?

Regardless - no judge DID "unseal" it and the Oberfuhrer released nothing - nor would he ever have.

Yet the warrant was released - and not to a Reich propaganda outlet, but to the legitimate press, to Breitbart who would not cover up the facts on behalf of the party. Which means the Trump team released it.

After all, Garland can make all the noise he wants, he NEVER intended for the warrant to be released, or he would have just done it instead of a bullshit cover story about asking a judge (darn, the judge turned me down, I really wanted to release it instead of orchestrating leaks, but the judge just wouldn't let me..)

Trump outsmarted you Nazi vermin, yet again.
No...they found crimes...but they decided that no prosecutor (that's on the take) is willing to file charges.

The point is...they have full control of the DOJ from top to bottom...so they can literally get away with murder and not worry about it.
That's why they want to prevent Trump from running.
He'll won't stop until every one of them is in prison.
He was nice about it when he was in before....and that was his biggest mistake.
They will never stop going after him as long as they consider him a threat to them.
Correction. They will never stop going after us as long as they consider us a threat. Trump is just in the way.
Asked a judge or had the little Goebbels run a propaganda piece?

Regardless - no judge DID "unseal" it and the Oberfuhrer released nothing - nor would he ever have.

Yet the warrant was released - and not to a Reich propaganda outlet, but to the legitimate press, to Breitbart who would not cover up the facts on behalf of the party. Which means the Trump team released it.

After all, Garland can make all the noise he wants, he NEVER intended for the warrant to be released, or he would have just done it instead of a bullshit cover story about asking a judge (darn, the judge turned me down, I really wanted to release it instead of orchestrating leaks, but the judge just wouldn't let me..)

Trump outsmarted you Nazi vermin, yet again.
Boi, do you actually have a replica SS uniform at your apartment?
Asked a judge or had the little Goebbels run a propaganda piece?

Regardless - no judge DID "unseal" it and the Oberfuhrer released nothing - nor would he ever have.

Yet the warrant was released - and not to a Reich propaganda outlet, but to the legitimate press, to Breitbart who would not cover up the facts on behalf of the party. Which means the Trump team released it.

After all, Garland can make all the noise he wants, he NEVER intended for the warrant to be released, or he would have just done it instead of a bullshit cover story about asking a judge (darn, the judge turned me down, I really wanted to release it instead of orchestrating leaks, but the judge just wouldn't let me..)

Trump outsmarted you Nazi vermin, yet again.

Of course a judge unsealed it. Had that not happened, it wouldn't have been made public.


“Even assuming I had participated ‘personally and substantially’ in the Epstein investigation [which I did not], the relevant Department of Justice regulations only prohibited me from communicating with, or appearing before, the United States on behalf of Mr. Epstein,’’ he said in an email, noting that while he represented a number of Epstein’s employees, he did not represent Epstein.
Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.


He represented the Epstein team.

You are so fucking stupid. You tie yourself in knots trying to defend the abuses by your Reich, but you're far too stupid to pull it off. You repeat what you get from the hate sites, but you don't have the brains to understand it, so you end up looking like - well, like this....

My foot is getting sore..................from KICKING YOUR ASS.

Look how your shit source totally ignores what Trump actually said in this quote. They insert things he didn't say. Nowhere in this quote does he say he achieved a "record for appointing the most appeals court and district judges"

JAN 18 2021
“We appointed nearly 300 federal judges to interpret our Constitution as written for years.”

Contrary to his boasts, Trump did not achieve a record for appointing the most appeals court and district court judges

Your shitty source it swirling down the toilet, Simp.
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Is that the same source that called Trump a liar because he said he had "the most beautiful wife in the world?"
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Okay, the assignment is to "look like a fat, jewy boy toucher".

What would you do different?


He represented the Epstein team.

You are so fucking stupid. You tie yourself in knots trying to defend the abuses by your Reich, but you're far too stupid to pull it off. You repeat what you get from the hate sites, but you don't have the brains to understand it, so you end up looking like - well, like this....


Again, idiot, no he didn't. Epstein had his own team of lawyers:

Epstein's defense lawyers included Roy Black, Gerald Lefcourt, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz, and former U.S. Solicitor General Ken Starr.
Okay, the assignment is to "look like a fat, jewy boy toucher".

What would you do different?

View attachment 683410

I doubt he's Jewish, a very German name.

Anyway, I don't care what religion he is, he's a Trump hater who had to recuse himself due to his Twitter activity.

Pile of shit Garland dove into the sewers to find someone to sign his warrant.
pissed someone is using your tactics back at you?

look - good list. i am a bit surprised but in looking, many are in heavy democrat areas anyway. the games they play are well documented in party switching to "fake it".

hell, liz just did it.

so sorry, but it is a fair question.

the follow up question is - what are the voters doing? they are going (R)

wanna keep playing, get better bullshit.
Nothing to play. Elections are happening on Tuesdays. Those are the ones that count and their results. Whatever the results are, so be it.

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