Why Won’t Trump Show Us The Warrant? Because It Shows His Criming.

This judge's close involvement with Jeff Epstein- the deceased pervert who was infamously 86'ed from the Trump properties- shows he should have recused himself.
Potatohead had to find a sleazy judge willing to go against the Constitution to sign the warrant. That piece of shit fit the bill.
Trump used the 5th Amendment, good on him, so did both Clintons and according to the left, they are guilty of nothing. It is a legal right that works well in a country where your are presumed innocent until proven otherwise.

I realize you don't have such Constitutional protections in your nation but this is a right to protect the accused.
Its not something that I have ever needed but then Im not a gangster with a mass of criminality to cover up. Like Donny.
Again, Trump doesn't need to prove anything, the burden is on the government. The very idea that you believe showing a search warrant is proof of innocence or guilt is just stupid. How can someone be so fundamentally ignorant?
If Trump was storing classified documents in an unsecure location wouldn't be enough, without showing that Trump also knew of the documents, and then continued to store classified documents in an unsecure location.

The first time the National Archives retrieved 15 boxes containing classified material was the warning.

The FBI raid on Mar-a-lago where they retrieved another 12 boxes of classified material is the proof.
Either way, I don't see how Trump wins another election.

The only thing that entices people to vote Democratic these days is to defeat Trump.

You want to chance that again, by all means, be my guest!
Democrats would love nothing more than Trump being the 2024 GOP nominee for president.
So Trump had the goods on the traitors that tried to do a coup against his administration and Potatohead didn't like that?

Oh snap.... This is only rumor (right now, and from a great source), but one of the Trump documents seized *is suspected to be* the 2017 fully unredacted 99-page report from FISA Judge Rosemary Collyer, outlining who the DOJ and FBI allowed to use the NSA database. pic.twitter.com/8d0Q0425MN

TheLastRefuge (@TheLastRefuge2) August 11, 2022
Was this Judge as close to Epstein as this...?


President Trump posed for pictures with a lot of losers, it doesn't indicate closeness at all.

Was this Judge as close to Epstein as this...?

Trump kicked Epstein off of his properties once he learned what a sleazeball Epstein was.

Meanwhile Potatohead appointed the sleazy lawyer that defended Epstein to a judgeship and then used the judge to sign a bogus warrant.

Potatohead is the problem you stupid uneducated Moon Bat.
Trump kicked Epstein off of his properties once he learned what a sleazeball Epstein was.

Meanwhile Potatohead appointed the sleazy lawyer that defended Epstein to a judgeship and then used the judge to sign a bogus warrant.

Potatohead is the problem you stupid uneducated Moon Bat.
Likely story.

Oh snap.... This is only rumor (right now, and from a great source), but one of the Trump documents seized *is suspected to be* the 2017 fully unredacted 99-page report from FISA Judge Rosemary Collyer, outlining who the DOJ and FBI allowed to use the NSA database.

If so, it would be one of many classified documents Trump had in his possession at Mar-a-lago.

Don't return stolen classified national security documents to the National Archives once.... shame on you.

Don't return stolen classified national security documents to the National Archives twice... And they send in the FBI.
It really does appear that Trump is guilty of something if he won't show what was taken and the warrant that tells what the FBI was looking for.

Is there any way Trump can counterspin the facts to his advantage?

Maybe claiming he's under a gag order on account of top secret documents making up the list?

This poses some difficulties for Trump. The DOJ will likely sit on the evidence until a couple of weeks before the election.

It all sounds much more like a structured plan by government to destroy Trump's reputation.

Before resorting to the ultimate solution or the final solution. An entire country's democracy is at stake!

The situation can't be more critical than what it's become!
And that would show just how guilty Trump is. That's kind of the point, that Trump is hiding it because it makes him look so guilty.
ahhahah trump is hiding what? hahahah he isn't the one that has any of it under seal...the xiden admin is...if it such a damning document why aren't they releasing it to show Trump is guilty?
How would they know where to look?

Probably someone who works for Trump who hates him. Which could be almost anybody including his own kids. It could be Ivanka.
How difficult is it to say look at Trump's house?
Folks are only going by Trump's standard...

"If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?"
-- Donald J. Trump

"You see the mob takes the Fifth."
-- Donald J. Trump

I don't care what Trump thinks, he isn't anything but an ex-President to me.

I care about fairness and the law and it's application. The side of politics that a person is on, is irrelevant to the Constitution. The 5th Amendment is a help to the innocent and those falsely charged and needs to be used more.
Its not something that I have ever needed but then Im not a gangster with a mass of criminality to cover up. Like Donny.
In America we are presumed innocent until proven otherwise, why give the prosecution anything to work with? A good lawyer will make sure you don't step foot on the witness stand. The whole idea that you have never needed it is stupid on it's face.

The 5th my help the guilty however it protects the innocent from a overbearing government and it's reach. So you can believe the BS you believe but we that hold the Constitution above political parties, it is a blessing and I hope you are never falsely accused,
FTA: The Fifth Amendment covers a broad range of critical but separate rights designed to protect Americans from a potentially overbearing government.

Chief Justice Warren offered this historical explanation for why the Fifth Amendment is designed precisely to protect the innocent from overzealous and unscrupulous accusers:
"The privilege against self-incrimination is a right that was hard-earned by our forefathers. The reasons for its inclusion in the Constitution—and the necessities for its preservation—are to be found in the lessons of history. As early as 1650, remembrance of the horror of Star Chamber proceedings a decade before had firmly established the privilege in the common law of England. Transplanted to this country as part of our legal heritage, it soon made its way into various state constitutions and ultimately in 1791 into the federal Bill of Rights. The privilege, this Court has stated, “was generally regarded then, as now, as a privilege of great value, a protection to the innocent though a shelter to the guilty, and a safeguard against heedless, unfounded, or tyrannical prosecutions.”"
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If Trump was storing classified documents in an unsecure location wouldn't be enough, without showing that Trump also knew of the documents, and then continued to store classified documents in an unsecure location.

The first time the National Archives retrieved 15 boxes containing classified material was the warning.

The FBI raid on Mar-a-lago where they retrieved another 12 boxes of classified material is the proof.
And why does he need to show anything? It is on the government, not Trump, he has no obligation to show or prove anything. I have no issue with the warrant being served or Trump not showing the warrant.

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