Why Won’t Trump Show Us The Warrant? Because It Shows His Criming.

no so we can laugh…it was likely another Adam Shifty staffer or a paid clinton foreign agent like michael steele…if history is anything, the facts tend to blow up in the cults faces
How would they know where to look?

Probably someone who works for Trump who hates him. Which could be almost anybody including his own kids. It could be Ivanka.
A search warrant doesn't show you a crime. All it will show is the address of the place to be searched, maybe an inventory of what was taken...
And that would show just how guilty Trump is. That's kind of the point, that Trump is hiding it because it makes him look so guilty.
Sorry, Donald. Screaming “planted evidence” isn’t going to distract anyone outside of MAGAland from the fact that the Trump team has the answer to why the FBI executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago this week. They have a copy of that search warrant that explains precisely what the FBI was looking for. Search warrants spell out what law enforcement intends to search for and what laws officials believe may have been broken.

Show us the warrant Donny, so we can see how innocent you are.

Well, as I see it, if he decided to NOT run soon, it probably suggests that someone has some real, legitimate evidence of crime or clear National Security issues. I'm not referring to a borderline document, I am suggesting a real, indictable offense.

If he announces a 2024 bid soon, it's clear to me he believes he is, or is in fact clean of any allegations.

The FBI had such a solid reputation for so long, it's probably in the best interests of America if the DOJ, judges and/or politicians deal with this in the public sphere as much as possible. Begin closed doors but provide broad strokes to the public as they did during the Russian Investigation.

This will have global implications if transparency isn't provided, even if it violates operational norms. This is a former president, it doesn't translate into a need for more clarity than that.
skews.....what will you say if the FBI found nothing of value in this raid?....
He'll lie through his teeth, repeating whatever his drone lords tell him today. Stupid sumbitches can't even grasp that what the FBI did to Trump, they can now regularly do to the rest of us. He'll twig to it someday.
I'm fine with the President signing out government property to take to his personal home, as long as he returns it at the end of his Presidency ... this hasn't been happening with The Donald, and that makes this the crime of theft ... and that's a felony if the value exceeds a certain amount ...

Did Trump sign these documents himself stating he took government property to his "Sea o' Lakes" estate? ... and why would any Federal Judge not think the stolen property was located at Trump's estate? ...

If Roe v Wade can be overturned ... then so can Ford v Nixon ... and long past time we did ...
And that would show just how guilty Trump is. That's kind of the point, that Trump is hiding it because it makes him look so guilty.
Yeah. You people have been repeating the same thing for 6 years and he's yet to be actually prosecuted for anything. The longer the FBI keeps the probable cause affidavit sealed, the more confident we can be that this was a fishing trip with 30+ ARMED agents. WTF? REAL assault weapons at a former president's home? What? Did the FBI assume they'd be met at the door by Tony effing Montana or something? Your party and its thugs in DC have lost their fucking minds. You and your Schutzstaffel in DC are gonna pay LARGE in November.
Sorry, Donald. Screaming “planted evidence” isn’t going to distract anyone outside of MAGAland from the fact that the Trump team has the answer to why the FBI executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago this week. They have a copy of that search warrant that explains precisely what the FBI was looking for. Search warrants spell out what law enforcement intends to search for and what laws officials believe may have been broken.

Show us the warrant Donny, so we can see how innocent you are.
What's a criming?.... hey the IRS posted their job openings for the 87,000 new jack booted thugs... it says applicants must be willing to kill..... Kill people that are behind in their taxes?????
What have idiots like you done?....
Sorry, Donald. Screaming “planted evidence” isn’t going to distract anyone outside of MAGAland from the fact that the Trump team has the answer to why the FBI executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago this week. They have a copy of that search warrant that explains precisely what the FBI was looking for. Search warrants spell out what law enforcement intends to search for and what laws officials believe may have been broken.

Show us the warrant Donny, so we can see how innocent you are.
Moron said “criming.”

Plus of course, it’s under seal.
They have a copy of that search warrant that explains precisely what the FBI was looking for. Search warrants spell out what law enforcement intends to search for and what laws officials believe may have been broken.
Your team is gettin' hammered on this one Binky. Believe it or don't, but the majority of Americans think this raid was too much. Executing a search warrant with over 30 armed agents is known as a raid. It sends a very clear message, one of intimidation. Except you stupid bastards can't understand that the BOM doesn't GET intimidated. He laughs at you short bus riders.

Just curious skewy... if he gets indicted and is going to trial around November, do you actually believe this is going to stop your DC thugs from losing the House?
Better still, if he gets tried in DC, no matter what the charge is or how sketchy the evidence, he WILL BE CONVICTED. We already know how corrupt that place is. Do you think that will stop him from running? If so, explain it to us.
Setting the 'criming' aside for a moment, let's talk end game. Can anyone explain how jury selection would work in a trail of a former president? Can you say kangaroo court?
if the fucker is guilty he is guilty....but if he isnt?.....someone is going to looking pretty bad if that happens......and it may mean your bad orange guy may get re-elected because of that fuck up...
Either way, I don't see how Trump wins another election.

The only thing that entices people to vote Democratic these days is to defeat Trump.

You want to chance that again, by all means, be my guest!
Sorry, Donald. Screaming “planted evidence” isn’t going to distract anyone outside of MAGAland from the fact that the Trump team has the answer to why the FBI executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago this week. They have a copy of that search warrant that explains precisely what the FBI was looking for. Search warrants spell out what law enforcement intends to search for and what laws officials believe may have been broken.

Show us the warrant Donny, so we can see how innocent you are.

Why doesn't Sleepy Joe or his underlings show the warrant if its so incriminating?

BTW, Trump wasn't even there when the G-Men decided to come in to Mar-a-Lago to rifle through his old ladies undies.

And they didn't show any warrant.
Major spike in TDS cases reported across the nation.
I'm tellin' ya now, when their media-whores of choice explain to them that he can't be stopped from running AND it looks like he'll win, there are going to be serious mental breaks going down. They cannot accept that they could literally convict him for murder, racketeering, damned near any federal crime they could name and it still doesn't disqualify him. In fact, the harder they come at him, the stronger his support gets.
When he wins, the Left is going to try to burn it all down. They're going to have themselves a BLM/Antifa right tantrum. If they want to practice urban renewal by arson they better keep it where THEY live.
Either way, I don't see how Trump wins another election.

The only thing that entices people to vote Democratic these days is to defeat Trump.

You want to chance that again, by all means, be my guest!

The key is that the people may want change and be tired of Sleepy Joe.

You're right that if people think that Biden is the greatest thing since sliced fucking bread, Trump won't win.
Either way, I don't see how Trump wins another election.

The only thing that entices people to vote Democratic these days is to defeat Trump.

You want to chance that again, by all means, be my guest!

Considering Right Wingers are the most pathetic group known to man......
You are likely correct. The Left will swarm the polls and defeat Trump by ANY means necessary. Conservatives WILL NOT GET OUT AND VOTE.
What they will do is hand their fights over to Jesus and WHINE AND COMPLAIN 24/7, 365

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
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