Why Won’t Trump Show Us The Warrant? Because It Shows His Criming.

Donny has ben bury designing new leisure wear. Too busy for warrants and shit.

Didn't Trump make doing what he did a felony when before it was only a misdemeanor? What an idiot.

And why is Trump trying to connect this to the other thing he's being investigated for? One has nothing to do with the other. And the other thing, he plead the 5th. That's hilarious because in the past he said only guilty people plead the 5th. Now he's saying something else. Can't you see you're being conned?
I'm the last guy to defend him. I know what he is, what he has done, and what he represents.

But if any legal action against him is not fucking air tight, it will just make things worse. And if anyone reaches too far and strikes out, it makes this whole ugly orange stain stronger.
It's great. Kind of takes the focus off Biden.

The headlines should read gas is $3.50 in Texas. You're welcome.
It was considerably less than that before Biden took office. Let’s not forget according to Biden this was Putins price hike so it seems given that logic this should be Putins price reduction. You’re welcome.
I'm the last guy to defend him. I know what he is, what he has done, and what he represents.

But if any legal action against him is not fucking air tight, it will just make things worse. And if anyone reaches too far and strikes out, it makes this whole ugly orange stain stronger.

FBI Tipped Off By Informant Who Guided It To Documents In Mar-A-Lago Raid​

An informant familiar with Mar-a-Lago and the whereabouts of classified documents former President Donald Trump potentially stored there tipped off the FBI before it executed a search warrant on Monday, according to reports from Newsweek and The Wall Street Journal.
The National Archives retrieved 15 boxes of documents from the Palm Beach, Florida, residence in February before asking the Justice Department to investigate Trump’s potential crimes in violating the Presidential Records Act by storing government materials at his home.

Sorry but if you made that big of a deal over Hillary's emails then this is true, he should go to jail just on hypocrisy alone.

Lock Him Up. Lock Him Up.

No, actually, I just don't want him to be able to run again. That's the only punishment I wish on him. After all, he was the POTUS. Show some respect. But he should not be allowed to run again. He's fucking Lex Luthor.
Sorry, Donald. Screaming “planted evidence” isn’t going to distract anyone outside of MAGAland from the fact that the Trump team has the answer to why the FBI executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago this week. They have a copy of that search warrant that explains precisely what the FBI was looking for. Search warrants spell out what law enforcement intends to search for and what laws officials believe may have been broken.

Show us the warrant Donny, so we can see how innocent you are.
Just more click bait by the propagandist for their idiotic cult base.

A search warrant doesn't show you a crime. All it will show is the address of the place to be searched, maybe an inventory of what was taken...that's it...but it won't show the affadivit that law enforcement used to get the warrant, trump doesn't have that.

This is just typical propaganda from the demafasicst, to try and deflect this political hit job, and deflect from their Stalinist tactics

FBI Tipped Off By Informant Who Guided It To Documents In Mar-A-Lago Raid​

An informant familiar with Mar-a-Lago and the whereabouts of classified documents former President Donald Trump potentially stored there tipped off the FBI before it executed a search warrant on Monday, according to reports from Newsweek and The Wall Street Journal.
The National Archives retrieved 15 boxes of documents from the Palm Beach, Florida, residence in February before asking the Justice Department to investigate Trump’s potential crimes in violating the Presidential Records Act by storing government materials at his home.

Sorry but if you made that big of a deal over Hillary's emails then this is true, he should go to jail just on hypocrisy alone.

Lock Him Up. Lock Him Up.

No, actually, I just don't want him to be able to run again. That's the only punishment I wish on him. After all, he was the POTUS. Show some respect. But he should not be allowed to run again. He's fucking Lex Luthor.
I hope we find out who that is. Just for the pure entertainment value.
Just more click bait by the propagandist for their idiotic cult base.

A search warrant doesn't show you a crime. All it will show is the address of the place to be searched, maybe an inventory of what was taken...that's it...but it won't show the affadivit that law enforcement used to get the warrant, trump doesn't have that.

This is just typical propaganda from the demafasicst, to try and deflect this political hit job, and deflect from their Stalinist tactics
The subject of an investigation does not have any right to know the details of said investigation until they are indicted. The TV is full of cop and lawyer shows and still some people don't seem to know a damned thing about how these things work.
It's great. Kind of takes the focus off Biden.

The headlines should read gas is $3.50 in Texas. You're welcome.
you want texans to thank you for 3.50 cent gas prices? really? and you wonder why we call you a cult?
The subject of an investigation does not have any right to know the details of said investigation until they are indicted. The TV is full of cop and lawyer shows and still some people don't seem to know a damned thing about how these things work.
agreed that’s why the entire OP is a joke and thanks for proving that for us as well
you want texans to thank you for 3.50 cent gas prices? really? and you wonder why we call you a cult?
Sources close to Trump told Rolling Stone he is now so paranoid he’s worried about being wiretapped — and trying to root out the FBI “rat.”

I hope Trump is miserable and makes a plea. Make everything go away if he promises not to run again.

Just run another guy like Trump. No biggy. You'll move on. Trump can still pull strings. Hell, even from prison he can. LOL.
skews.....what will you say if the FBI found nothing of value in this raid?....
That they found nothing of value.

But I don’t need input from someone inferring dishonesty out of one side of their face, while calling a legitimately served search warrant a raid out of the other.

And from knowledge on the subject, the feds don’t serve search warrants unless they have their ducks in a row. And Merrick Garland is as squeaky clean by the book as they come.

You may not like it, but somebody very close to Trump has spilled the beans. Think who in the top five people around him could it be. And they would have to have intimate knowledge of Mar A Lago, and was there when he left DC.
Why so right wingers can threaten their life? Like you wanted to know who the leakers were? It won't be safe for them if the right finds out.
no so we can laugh…it was likely another Adam Shifty staffer or a paid clinton foreign agent like michael steele…if history is anything, the facts tend to blow up in the cults faces
Sorry, Donald. Screaming “planted evidence” isn’t going to distract anyone outside of MAGAland from the fact that the Trump team has the answer to why the FBI executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago this week. They have a copy of that search warrant that explains precisely what the FBI was looking for. Search warrants spell out what law enforcement intends to search for and what laws officials believe may have been broken.

Show us the warrant Donny, so we can see how innocent you are.

Why Won’t Trump Show Us The Warrant? Because It Shows His Criming​

He may just be too busy in civil court defendanting :abgg2q.jpg: or perhaps preparing for another round of presidenting:abgg2q.jpg:
I apologize for all the eupheming and pedanting but your titling screamed for it...anyway enjoy another round with the roadrunner
Sources close to Trump told Rolling Stone he is now so paranoid he’s worried about being wiretapped — and trying to root out the FBI “rat.”

I hope Trump is miserable and makes a plea. Make everything go away if he promises not to run again.

Just run another guy like Trump. No biggy. You'll move on. Trump can still pull strings. Hell, even from prison he can. LOL.
hahaha sources told the Rolling Stone…what they don’t have college frats to make up rape stories about anymore? well school starts soon
agreed that’s why the entire OP is a joke and thanks for proving that for us as well
This is serious business, dead serious. A bold move like this means there is undeniable evidence of criminality. The right closing ranks around Trump means you excuse any crime he may have committed in advance. Kind of makes all the right's law and order rhetoric look like a joke.
What will you say when they do Harold?
if the fucker is guilty he is guilty....but if he isnt?.....someone is going to looking pretty bad if that happens......and it may mean your bad orange guy may get re-elected because of that fuck up...

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