why would a very religious person follow current events/politics...? Should he?

So tell me...what evil did Trump perpetrate as president?
Well, let's seeeee...

Fell in love with a murderous communist dictator.

Ignored Covid and allowed hundreds of thousands of Americans to die unnecessarily, leading to the highest death count on the planet.

Bore false witness against others on a daily basis.

Lied so many times it is impossible to count.

Tried to get the Ukrainian president to interfere in our election out of pure fear of Joe Biden.

Refused to concede the election in which he got his ass kicked and fomented an insurrection.

All this and more happened while you were in a coma.
Well, let's seeeee...

Fell in love with a murderous communist dictator.

Ignored Covid and allowed hundreds of thousands of Americans to die unnecessarily, leading to the highest death count on the planet.

Bore false witness against others on a daily basis.

Lied so many times it is impossible to count.

Tried to get the Ukrainian president to interfere in our election out of pure fear of Joe Biden.

Refused to concede the election in which he got his ass kicked and fomented an insurrection.

All this and more happened while you were in a coma.
Independent my ass.

Didn't figure you'd answer...but I do appreciate your true colors exposed.

Bet you believe in Russian Collusion and the Steele Report and said "the walls are closing in" in your sleep while wearing "it's Mueller time" onesie pajamas.
Independent my ass.

Didn't figure you'd answer...but I do appreciate your true colors exposed.

Bet you believe in Russian Collusion and the Steele Report and said "the walls are closing in" in your sleep.
Nope. But I do believe the Mueller report. Russia interfered in our election. Putin gave Trump a leg up. That's why Trump tried to obstruct Mueller's investigation. His ego couldn't take that he had help from the love of his life in getting elected.
Nope. But I do believe the Mueller report. Russia interfered in our election. Putin gave Trump a leg up. That's why Trump tried to obstruct Mueller's investigation. His ego couldn't take that he had help from the love of his life in getting elected.
The Collusion Delusion...it's insidious...

Like I said...you drink any cup of Koolaid that the MSM hands you and drink down every last drop...

...I'm sure it helps that it's leftwing bias conformation flavored...
The Collusion Delusion...it's insidious...

Like I said...you drink any cup of Koolaid that the MSM hands you and drink down every last drop...

...I'm sure it helps that it's leftwing bias conformation flavored...
You are very confused. I do not believe Trump colluded with Russia. But it is a fact Russia interfered in our election to benefit Trump.

Big difference.

There were those who did collude or attempted to do so, including Trump's son, and there is strong circumstantial evidence Trump, Sr. knew about it. But Trump himself did not directly collude.
You are very confused. I do not believe Trump colluded with Russia. But it is a fact Russia interfered in our election to benefit Trump.

Big difference.

There were those who did collude or attempted to do so, including Trump's son, and there is strong circumstantial evidence Trump, Sr. knew about it. But Trump himself did not directly collude.
I believe the entire hoax was concocted to undermine Trump's presidency. Did some Russians buy some Facebook ads and some bots steer social media....probably. Did that action affect the election... Likely not.

Mueller was in the awkward position of having to justify this canard by pointing to this "election interference" of posting on Facebook as the rationalisation for a billion dollar investigation based on a report created by a foreign investigator paid by the Clinton Campaign.

Now the right has learned from the left and used the "stolen election" to undermine Biden... and Boden is so weak that even with the Media on his side...it is working. Biden's approval is in the toilet.

AND it looks like TRUMP was right about everything. Shutting down the economy was and is a disaster...building a wall and the Remain in Mexico doctrine is the correct path to secure the border... And we need manufacturing here in America...where a few port slowdowns aren't going to get fuck the whole country...

Trump is going to beat Biden...or whoever...in 2024 if he runs. Biden is insuring that...
lol ... i didn't write ' 2 corinthians ' ... i wrote TWO corinthians. you didn't get that sarcasm, 'eh? did you know that donny's 'favorite book' has a chapter titled 'TWO corinthians'? that he read his 'favorite passage' from when he went to liberty university - you know - where the degenerate jerry falwell jr was head of?

TWO corinthians? lol .... that's yer moral chosen one...:lmao:
Unlike you I’m not obsessed with Trump, and in addition to that, wtf does that have to do with the topic of the thread? I’ll be sure to scroll by your posts going forward if this is an example of the stupidity they contain. 😉
So far, I’m out $3500 in gasoline overcharges since this fraud administration spiked fuel prices by stifling supply. I have to take it seriously.

There is something I do not understand...........it's off topic here but I've asked it many times with no answer. Trump claimed we were energy independent and the idea was to remain that way. So with that being the case I do not understand how a potential pipeline from Canada would stifle supply. Can you explain this to me?

why would a very religious person follow current events/politics...? Should he?​

It is wise to study the ways of your enemies.
Unlike you I’m not obsessed with Trump, and in addition to that, wtf does that have to do with the topic of the thread?

'cept YOU brought up biden's name ... what does THAT hafta do with the thread topic, 'eh?

I’ll be sure to scroll by your posts going forward if this is an example of the stupidity they contain. 😉

you can't even recall how this little b/f got started & you say my posts are stupid?

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... what an idiot.
'cept YOU brought up biden's name ... what does THAT hafta do with the thread topic, 'eh?

you can't even recall how this little b/f got started & you say my posts are stupid?

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... what an idiot.
Yeah, I asked if Biden is ‘moral’ and you responded with some stupid ass remark that no one but the morons living in your head would understand. Fuck off.
Yeah, I asked if Biden is ‘moral’ and you responded with some stupid ass remark that no one but the morons living in your head would understand. Fuck off.

I didn't get it at first either but once explained while it avoided your question it did point out the hypocrisy of so many.
I didn't get it at first either but once explained while it avoided your question it did point out the hypocrisy of so many.
The response had nothing to do with what I asked in my post. All you guys ever have is ‘but Trump’, news flash, the asshole that poster voted for is currently in office, not Trump. But you won’t hear one negative comment about him from that poster, and you talk about hypocrisy?
The response had nothing to do with what I asked in my post. All you guys ever have is ‘but Trump’, news flash, the asshole that poster voted for is currently in office, not Trump. But you won’t hear one negative comment about him from that poster, and you talk about hypocrisy?

You asked if Biden was moral. A fair question when much of the post was about Trump's immorality.

You may find some argument concerning hypocrisy but you most certainly can't condemn someone for voting for an immoral candidate.
Some Christians don't think Christians should follow politics and current events.
The vast majority of people, IMO, follow politics to stay vigilante, to remain knowledgeable and alert to what politicians are up to. Imaging all of the horrific things politicians would have passed that would have hurt this country and its citizens had they not paid attention anbd followed politics.

Because an American is a Christian does not mean they forfeit the same Constitutional Rights, liberties, and CONCERNS FOR THEIR RIGHTS ANDC FOR WHAT IS BEST FOR THIS COUNTRY.

There isn't anyone I know, especially right now, who trusts our government / politicians enough to allow them to do /. pass whatever they want without requiring the American people to 1st know what is in their legislation.

Democrats, for example, want to pass the $5.5 TRILLION 'Reconciliation Bill' without allowing the American people knowing what is in it.
- All Americans, in response to this, should be wearing T-Shirts that says,

We ALL remember the Obama-Democrat Porkulous Bill, the one D-Nancy Pelosi had the F*ING gall to say about, "WE HAVE TO PASS THE LEGISLATION FOR YOU TO FIND OUT WHAT IS IN IT."


Pelosi, and any other politician who ever says that to the American people. should be immediately cast out of Congress.

What Pelosi was saying to the American people was,
"You are stupid F*ing sheep who do not deserve to know what is in this bill, who do not deserve to know how we are using your tax dollars, so STFU & go away."

It worked last time, seemingly proving Pelosi right, so she isn't hesitating to do it again.
Yeah, I asked if Biden is ‘moral’

lol... as if you were really asking..... more along the lines of a statement saying the opposite in a very weak disguise. you knew it & i knew it.

and you responded with some stupid ass remark that no one but the morons living in your head would understand.

ne'eh .... it was giving you some facts that you didn't like after your false 'question'.

Fuck off.

is that trump humperspeak for how facts hurt yer brain?
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But you won’t hear one negative comment about him from that poster, and you talk about hypocrisy?

why didn't you ask if BOTH biden & trump are 'moral'.

so - okey dokey... i WILL answer your thinly veiled 'question' ..

is biden 'moral'?

morality covers a universe of actions. is he 100%? not at all. no one is.

is he of 'moral character'? when & where it counts, i'll say yes. for the most part.

can you comapre donny & biden side by side & say they are on equal footing?


not one bit. there... m'k? i answered. now a Q for you:

do you think trump has the same morals as biden in every way that counts? i think you're smart enough to know what i mean by that.

go ahead, i'd love to see yer reply.
you most certainly can't condemn someone for voting for an immoral candidate.

you sure can. if someone can't treat their own spouse & child(ren) with love & respect - or can steal from their own charity, or try to steal an old woman's home & property so he can bulldoze it & pave it over just so his casino patrons can park their limos a little closer to it, without batting an eye ....

how & why would you think he'd be good for the country?
you sure can. if someone can't treat their own spouse & child(ren) with love & respect - or can steal from their own charity, or try to steal an old woman's home & property so he can bulldoze it & pave it over just so his casino patrons can park their limos a little closer to it, without batting an eye ....

how & why would you think he'd be good for the country?

No idea what you are rambling about but I expect it's the cult mentality we see here quite often. I never supported Trump.

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