Why would Africans want to illegally immigrate to Europe and America?


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Sfax, Tunisia – Having attempted the journey twice in the past six months, Mohammed Sowe, a Gambian man in his mid-20s, has no illusions about the danger that awaits refugees trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to Europe.

The first time he tried to travel from the Tunisian port of Sfax, the boat he was on was stopped by Tunisia’s coastguard. During his second attempt, the sea almost took the lives of Sowe and the other passengers on board the flat-bottomed, keelless boat.

“The water was coming up over the sides,” he told Al Jazeera, adding that the waves were so violent that the passengers of the self-crewed boat were forced to make the decision to abandon their 350km (215-mile) journey after four to five hours at sea.

“The water was filling the boat, so we turned back,” he said on Thursday.

News of Wednesday’s deadly capsizing of a boat off Tunisia was just beginning to trickle into the refugee camps around the medina of Sfax, where Sowe has been living after leaving The Gambia.

Italian state television RAI cited four survivors who were rescued and brought to the island of Lampedusa, who said 41 other passengers on the sunken boat were likely dead.

The news of this shipwreck along with his own terrifying experience was not enough to dissuade Sowe from trying again to make the journey to Europe as soon as possible.

“You have to do it. You have to,” he said, gesturing to the sun-bleached square of dirt on which he sleeps and saying young Tunisian men, some armed with machetes, prey upon him and other refugees constantly.

“Europe is the land of opportunity,” he said.

https://www.foxnews.com › us › the-latest-group-of-116-africans-arrested-at-border

Hundreds of African migrants cross US-Mexico border in Texas over past ...

EL PASO, Texas - More than 500 migrants from African nations -- including Angola, Cameroon and the Republic of Congo -- have been apprehended in Texas, at the Del Rio Border Patrol sector of...

The Left's CRT, ESG and DEI agenda is telling everyone that White people are the world's oppressors, and they are the root cause of all of the world's social ills.
So why would Africans want to leave the safety of their countries where they are in control of their culture and their governments and migrate to a country of oppressors?
Is the Left lying?
BTW, legally immigrating is much safer.

Maybe it's like the various gold rushes.....Not many got rich but they settled the fuck out of the west.
Various reasons. Americans and Europeans are considered easy prey for criminals. The governments of these countries will give generous public benefits.
Sfax, Tunisia – Having attempted the journey twice in the past six months, Mohammed Sowe, a Gambian man in his mid-20s, has no illusions about the danger that awaits refugees trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to Europe.

The first time he tried to travel from the Tunisian port of Sfax, the boat he was on was stopped by Tunisia’s coastguard. During his second attempt, the sea almost took the lives of Sowe and the other passengers on board the flat-bottomed, keelless boat.

“The water was coming up over the sides,” he told Al Jazeera, adding that the waves were so violent that the passengers of the self-crewed boat were forced to make the decision to abandon their 350km (215-mile) journey after four to five hours at sea.

“The water was filling the boat, so we turned back,” he said on Thursday.

News of Wednesday’s deadly capsizing of a boat off Tunisia was just beginning to trickle into the refugee camps around the medina of Sfax, where Sowe has been living after leaving The Gambia.

Italian state television RAI cited four survivors who were rescued and brought to the island of Lampedusa, who said 41 other passengers on the sunken boat were likely dead.

The news of this shipwreck along with his own terrifying experience was not enough to dissuade Sowe from trying again to make the journey to Europe as soon as possible.

“You have to do it. You have to,” he said, gesturing to the sun-bleached square of dirt on which he sleeps and saying young Tunisian men, some armed with machetes, prey upon him and other refugees constantly.

“Europe is the land of opportunity,” he said.

https://www.foxnews.com › us › the-latest-group-of-116-africans-arrested-at-border

Hundreds of African migrants cross US-Mexico border in Texas over past ...

EL PASO, Texas - More than 500 migrants from African nations -- including Angola, Cameroon and the Republic of Congo -- have been apprehended in Texas, at the Del Rio Border Patrol sector of...

The Left's CRT, ESG and DEI agenda is telling everyone that White people are the world's oppressors, and they are the root cause of all of the world's social ills.
So why would Africans want to leave the safety of their countries where they are in control of their culture and their governments and migrate to a country of oppressors?
Is the Left lying?
Maybe you should familiarize yourself with what is going on in each of those countries where so many Africans are running away from.

Do they have freedom of speech?
Are they Democracies?
Can they easily find jobs?
If they are starving do those governments help them?
Is anyone allowed to help them to get a better life?
Are there gangs endlessly terrorizing them?
Why is Russia and so many other European and Asian Countries using Africans to rob those Africans of their natural resources and giving them nothing in return, as in the WAGNER Group which was sending all the loot to Russia?

Can you now see Something, or anything which would lead not only Africans but Central and South Americans, Chinese, and many others who want to do what people have been doing since the dawn of humanity.

WHICH IS - migrate to other places where life would be better for them and their families.

Nothing new.

So, why continuously try to turn any migration of people as something horrendous, when it actually only helps each country they move into?

Why have so many Christians in this country become so horribly selfish about helping those in need?
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Sfax, Tunisia – Having attempted the journey twice in the past six months, Mohammed Sowe, a Gambian man in his mid-20s, has no illusions about the danger that awaits refugees trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to Europe.

The first time he tried to travel from the Tunisian port of Sfax, the boat he was on was stopped by Tunisia’s coastguard. During his second attempt, the sea almost took the lives of Sowe and the other passengers on board the flat-bottomed, keelless boat.

“The water was coming up over the sides,” he told Al Jazeera, adding that the waves were so violent that the passengers of the self-crewed boat were forced to make the decision to abandon their 350km (215-mile) journey after four to five hours at sea.

“The water was filling the boat, so we turned back,” he said on Thursday.

News of Wednesday’s deadly capsizing of a boat off Tunisia was just beginning to trickle into the refugee camps around the medina of Sfax, where Sowe has been living after leaving The Gambia.

Italian state television RAI cited four survivors who were rescued and brought to the island of Lampedusa, who said 41 other passengers on the sunken boat were likely dead.

The news of this shipwreck along with his own terrifying experience was not enough to dissuade Sowe from trying again to make the journey to Europe as soon as possible.

“You have to do it. You have to,” he said, gesturing to the sun-bleached square of dirt on which he sleeps and saying young Tunisian men, some armed with machetes, prey upon him and other refugees constantly.

“Europe is the land of opportunity,” he said.

https://www.foxnews.com › us › the-latest-group-of-116-africans-arrested-at-border

Hundreds of African migrants cross US-Mexico border in Texas over past ...

EL PASO, Texas - More than 500 migrants from African nations -- including Angola, Cameroon and the Republic of Congo -- have been apprehended in Texas, at the Del Rio Border Patrol sector of...

The Left's CRT, ESG and DEI agenda is telling everyone that White people are the world's oppressors, and they are the root cause of all of the world's social ills.
So why would Africans want to leave the safety of their countries where they are in control of their culture and their governments and migrate to a country of oppressors?
Is the Left lying?
They believe they can take whatever they want from whomever they want to take it.

You do not agree that the USA is a shit hole country? How many of your own people will agree and where do they live in the USA?

You do not agree that the USA is a shit hole country? How many of your own people will agree and where do they live in the USA?
Says the Nazi boy whose country is infested with immigrants and is in terrible trouble of just about every imaginable sort .
Says the Nazi boy

Says an old experienced German Catholic who has lost many Jewish familily members in the Holocaust of the Nazis, Russian. You know and ignore this intentionally.

whose country is infested with immigrants and is in terrible trouble of just about every imaginable sort .

No. Not really. We have for example this year the very best weather since about 120,000 years here in Germany - and we are the new world champion in basketball and our football team wan a short time ago against France - who has currently one of he very best of all national football teams.

So we wan against France on "our" territory (football) and we wan against the USA on "their" territory (baseball) - but on the other side - I guess you heard something about - the stupid Russians started a war on Europe in the Ukraine much more than a year ago and threatened all big European cities with nuclear strikes. Where to play football and baseball in Europe in such a case? So the question is perhaps to blow whole Russia into the cosm.

On the other side: Why do you not just simple leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers? Yesterday! Then we had more time and power to enjoy our wonderful fine weather - and international football and baseball.

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According to what I have read:

* Population growth in the world is the highest in Africa.

* Economic opportunities in African countries are lacking.

* African young men feel that their only hope lies in emigration.

* Some demographers predict that eventually maybe up to 25% of Europeans will have some African ancestry.
Sfax, Tunisia – Having attempted the journey twice in the past six months, Mohammed Sowe, a Gambian man in his mid-20s, has no illusions about the danger that awaits refugees trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to Europe.

The first time he tried to travel from the Tunisian port of Sfax, the boat he was on was stopped by Tunisia’s coastguard. During his second attempt, the sea almost took the lives of Sowe and the other passengers on board the flat-bottomed, keelless boat.

“The water was coming up over the sides,” he told Al Jazeera, adding that the waves were so violent that the passengers of the self-crewed boat were forced to make the decision to abandon their 350km (215-mile) journey after four to five hours at sea.

“The water was filling the boat, so we turned back,” he said on Thursday.

News of Wednesday’s deadly capsizing of a boat off Tunisia was just beginning to trickle into the refugee camps around the medina of Sfax, where Sowe has been living after leaving The Gambia.

Italian state television RAI cited four survivors who were rescued and brought to the island of Lampedusa, who said 41 other passengers on the sunken boat were likely dead.

The news of this shipwreck along with his own terrifying experience was not enough to dissuade Sowe from trying again to make the journey to Europe as soon as possible.

“You have to do it. You have to,” he said, gesturing to the sun-bleached square of dirt on which he sleeps and saying young Tunisian men, some armed with machetes, prey upon him and other refugees constantly.

“Europe is the land of opportunity,” he said.

https://www.foxnews.com › us › the-latest-group-of-116-africans-arrested-at-border

Hundreds of African migrants cross US-Mexico border in Texas over past ...

EL PASO, Texas - More than 500 migrants from African nations -- including Angola, Cameroon and the Republic of Congo -- have been apprehended in Texas, at the Del Rio Border Patrol sector of...

The Left's CRT, ESG and DEI agenda is telling everyone that White people are the world's oppressors, and they are the root cause of all of the world's social ills.
So why would Africans want to leave the safety of their countries where they are in control of their culture and their governments and migrate to a country of oppressors?
Is the Left lying?
Because they're Luxury seekers.

Their country is a shithole, so they go to seek luxury, often without their wives and kids, and in the same process, try to make their new host country a shithole too. It's in them, it's their culture, and there's a political side in Western nations that gullibly accept them with open arms.

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