Why would any country deal with a nut job that reneges on trade deals and agreements?

Other countries rip us off in these trade deals, they don't trade fairly, it cots Americans their jobs, and lowlife scum liberals rip Trump when he vows to put a stop to it? Explain your traitorous actions libs.
Just as I thought

Your opening post is #fakenews
Yet, it was Mr. Trump that was complaining about events being rigged:

The contest's rules stipulated that the shot had to travel at least 150 yards, and according to The Post, tournament organizers had set up the tee short of the mark.
It was. The recount in Michigan highlighted how 40 precincts in Detroit cheated for Hitlery.
That is what we know about. How well do welfare queen red States count ballots?
Funny eh? So trump was right! Just admit it and move on!
admit what; who complained the most?

The contest's rules stipulated that the shot had to travel at least 150 yards, and according to The Post, tournament organizers had set up the tee short of the mark.
I love how people that have never employed a person in their lives, never done payroll, never had to fire an employee--these fucking people never shut the fuck up about business and trade. Obama worked at an ice cream shop for a few months, that was his entire extent in the private sector. The he supposedly was a law professor, not one student has ever come forward, before becoming, in his own words, a failed community organizer--somehow parlay that into becoming a two term senator and because he was as Biden so artfully put it “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy”--Obama was qualified to become president.

And for eight years Obama has lectured everyone that hard work has nothing to do with success, that luck plays more of a factor. This know-nothing twit has led to the slowest economic growth than any other modern president--and it isn't even close. Obama has been successful getting his agenda passed, with or without Congress, and because of that America has failed.

Let's let the guy that's actually achieved quite a lot, and by the way the road to success is paved with failures you fucking morons--the adults are back in charge.
Yet, it was Mr. Trump that was complaining about events being rigged:
It was. The recount in Michigan highlighted how 40 precincts in Detroit cheated for Hitlery.
That is what we know about. How well do welfare queen red States count ballots?
Funny eh? So trump was right! Just admit it and move on!
admit what; who complained the most?

The contest's rules stipulated that the shot had to travel at least 150 yards, and according to The Post, tournament organizers had set up the tee short of the mark.
Yet, it was Mr. Trump that was complaining about events being rigged:
It was. The recount in Michigan highlighted how 40 precincts in Detroit cheated for Hitlery.
That is what we know about. How well do welfare queen red States count ballots?
Funny eh? So trump was right! Just admit it and move on!
admit what; who complained the most?

The contest's rules stipulated that the shot had to travel at least 150 yards, and according to The Post, tournament organizers had set up the tee short of the mark.
apples and oranges.

1) Filing bankruptcy and skipping out on bills is standard practice to protect profits for large businesses these days.

2) Americas trade deals are one-sided with plants being built in foreign nations, but Americans still pay top dollar for the junk they make
Breaking: American liberals foam at the mouth over Trump victory, pull their hair out in bunches and pluck all their eyebrow hairs. The WHO is trying to determine if this is a virus or Trump derangement syndrome.
More leftwing nutters lies and fake news. This just as funny as,the rightwing nutters lies and fake news.

You got anything substantial or is it more BS?
Trump even reneged on one of his golf courses, offering a million dollars for a hole in one. He only paid out $10k when he was sued.
Report: Trump Stiffed Winner of $1M Hole-in-One Contest

He's constantly is sued for not paying for work done on his buildings.

He's planning on starting a trade war with Mexico and China....and probably Saudi Arabia....starting a nuclear war by bombing Iran and North Korea. Trump is much more dangerous than Hitler, because Hitler didn't have the bomb.

Yeah, cause it's so much easier to deal with pussified turncoats like your dear leader.
Other countries rip us off in these trade deals, they don't trade fairly, it cots Americans their jobs, and lowlife scum liberals rip Trump when he vows to put a stop to it? Explain your traitorous actions libs.
you are claiming everybody before Mr. Trump, was incompetent.

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