Why would anybody vote for a Democrat in this election?

Well first of all many of the things you blame on Biden and democrats are worldwide economic conditions that are an after effect of a pandemic. It should be an easy election for republicans but the reason why I’d see people voting dem would be if they are up against one of the maga republicans who is out there pushing stolen election lies and dishonest propaganda
It's a no brainer when a Democrat runs against a MAGA Republican who support the Big Lie and insurrection, as those are anti democratic forces at work, and voting for one of them will never be done by anyone who believes in the rule of law and the Constitution.
What Republican policy/initiative is un-American?

Propaganda is what you vote on and not shelter, food, transportation, crime, options/opportunity, etc.?
Election denying. Refusing to concede. Proclaiming American political opponents are existential enemies

I voted on facts. Fact is Joe Biden didn's steal the election through mulit-state voter fraud. His policy's from Jan 21, 2021 on didn't cause the rise in world oil prices, or the inflation that followed. He didn't cause the Afghan war to go sour.......
If that's true you'll have to forgive me. It kind of seemed like everybody not buying gas was responsible for those low gas prices, but I barely remember life before the pandemic to be honest with you. Okay, so how exactly did he do that? Honest question, because I never really hated Trump anyway. I just thought y'all were wrong about this one, but maybe not.
He did that by encouraging the oil companies to expand, produce, plan for the future with innovation and expansion of the products they provide us. By eliminating a lot of unnecessary red tape, rules and regs, he was opening the door to expand our refining capacities that Biden has again clamped down on resulting in several refineries closing altogether. The last significant oil refinery in the USA was built in 1976. The Trump initiatives made the USA energy independent and far more secure in that we were not dependent on anybody else for our energy needs.

On Day 1 Biden declared war on the oil industry by saying fossil fuel would be eliminated entirely, oil companies would lose any subsidies, took millions of land away from exploration by oil companies, and made it impossible for them to plan for the future with no confidence they would be allowed to profit from any investment.

And now Biden is going hat in hand to OPEC and Venezuela begging for oil and they are laughing in his face.
It's a no brainer when a Democrat runs against a MAGA Republican who support the Big Lie and insurrection, as those are anti democratic forces at work, and voting for one of them will never be done by anyone who believes in the rule of law and the Constitution.
So propaganda is more important to you than food, shelter, transportation, crime, national security, etc.?
Different people have different life experiences, perspectives, and priorities.

If we all had the same life experiences, perspectives and priorities, we'd probably all vote the same way.
Perspectives yes.

The Democrats are uniformly here saying their priority is 'orange man bad', 'Republicans bad' along with vague rhetoric with the same tired old military references or that somehow Republicans don't care about democracy or rule of law. They can't name one thing that the Republicans have done or promoted against democracy or rule of law but that's the assigned talking point so that's what they say.

But I can't believe their personal priorities are not shelter, food, transportation, their families being safe in their homes, enjoying a few pleasures of life, etc. Why do they turn a blind eye to what the Democrats have done and are doing to make all that so much harder if not out of reach for so many Americans?
Disclaimer: I know a LOT of Democrats and for the most part they are just ordinary Americans who want the same things all Americans want: a decent roof over their heads, food to eat, clothes to wear, enough money to give their children good things, afford a few other necessary/satisfying/interesting/fun things and/or help others.

But the Joe Biden presidency has made it more difficult for many, probably most Americans to afford any of that, and because Biden is doing the bidding of the Democrat Party, it goes without saying the Democrat agenda is the problem for most of it.

According the RCP recent polls--these are an aggregate of many different polls--Biden is seriously underwater re the economy, inflation, foreign policy, handling of Russia/Ukraine, immigration, crime, and abortion.

Why in the world would anybody, even a Democrat, vote for more of that?
Because the Republicans don't do shit!
If that's true you'll have to forgive me. It kind of seemed like everybody not buying gas was responsible for those low gas prices, but I barely remember life before the pandemic to be honest with you. Okay, so how exactly did he do that? Honest question, because I never really hated Trump anyway. I just thought y'all were wrong about this one, but maybe not.
Ptuh! I remember the Carter days with gas lines around the block; Guess what? Biden's worse and that's going to happen again.
Perspectives yes.

The Democrats are uniformly here saying their priority is 'orange man bad', 'Republicans bad' along with vague rhetoric with the same tired old military references or that somehow Republicans don't care about democracy or rule of law. They can't name one thing that the Republicans have done or promoted against democracy or rule of law but that's the assigned statement so that's what they say.

But I can't believe their personal priorities are not shelter, food, transportation, their families being safe in their homes, enjoying a few pleasures of life, etc. Why do they turn a blind eye to what the Democrats have done and are doing to make all that so much harder if not out of reach for so many Americans?
Because they don't promote the general welfare of Americans, it's all about the power and pushing the agenda to them. Hoi Polloi be damned.
If that's true you'll have to forgive me. I
It wasn't true. When we broke the 13 mbd mark, it wasn't because of shifting regulations, it was a deep discovery in the Permian Basin in Texas. Even then we were still oil dependent and subject to the price of oil on the world market.

Not even in Texas, the Oil Capital of the US.

I think most Republicans ARE informed on the issues. They know why inflation has been exacerbated by legislation the Democrats have passed and how Biden's E.O's and other policies he controls have made things worse.

Most Republicans know that the border is wide open and the really terrible problems that is causing for many many Americans not the least of which is resources needed by many Americans is being used up by the illegals coming in.

Most Republicans know what Democrat policies have escalated crime to unprecedented proportions.


Democrats seem to most often deny these things but want to focus on 'orange man bad' or Republicans lie about elections or whatever.
With all do respect, it’s rather pompous if you to speak for most republicans. I see a tremendous over politicalization of issues on both sides and much more dishonest hot air coming from the right. You have a point that the Left have blinders on about many issues an avoid discussing them. But the right is combatting them with very dishonest propaganda.

The border is not open. I drove by it last week. Checkpoints, patrollers everywhere, very far from a free for all.

I asked for the example of a well managed country so we can run economic comparisons. Can you point to one?
Because the Republicans don't do shit!
So you prefer Democrats who have exacerbated inflation, created an energy crisis, helped promote unprecedented crime, encouraged an unprecedented invasion of aliens, screwed up the supply chain, put us at far more risk of war, made it more difficult for Americans to have shelter, food, clothing, transportation and other necessities of life?

If Republicans 'don't do shit', I far prefer that to what the Democrats have done and/or doing.
So you prefer Democrats who have exacerbated inflation, created an energy crisis, helped promote unprecedented crime, encouraged an unprecedented invasion of aliens, screwed up the supply chain, put us at far more risk of war, made it more difficult for Americans to have shelter, food, clothing, transportation and other necessities of life?

If Republicans 'don't do shit', I far prefer that to what the Democrats have done and/or doing.
Disclaimer: I know a LOT of Democrats and for the most part they are just ordinary Americans who want the same things all Americans want: a decent roof over their heads, food to eat, clothes to wear, enough money to give their children good things, afford a few other necessary/satisfying/interesting/fun things and/or help others.

But the Joe Biden presidency has made it more difficult for many, probably most Americans to afford any of that, and because Biden is doing the bidding of the Democrat Party, it goes without saying the Democrat agenda is the problem for most of it.

According the RCP recent polls--these are an aggregate of many different polls--Biden is seriously underwater re the economy, inflation, foreign policy, handling of Russia/Ukraine, immigration, crime, and abortion.

Why in the world would anybody, even a Democrat, vote for more of that?
And the choice is a hate group that was part of or supported the destruction of our country, democracy and government with violence to force in a piece of shit called Trump as a dictator for life all on a lie. . Literally the most hated man in the world. Ya, you bet you have a lot to offer.
Disclaimer: I know a LOT of Democrats and for the most part they are just ordinary Americans who want the same things all Americans want: a decent roof over their heads, food to eat, clothes to wear, enough money to give their children good things, afford a few other necessary/satisfying/interesting/fun things and/or help others.

But the Joe Biden presidency has made it more difficult for many, probably most Americans to afford any of that, and because Biden is doing the bidding of the Democrat Party, it goes without saying the Democrat agenda is the problem for most of it.

According the RCP recent polls--these are an aggregate of many different polls--Biden is seriously underwater re the economy, inflation, foreign policy, handling of Russia/Ukraine, immigration, crime, and abortion.

Why in the world would anybody, even a Democrat, vote for more of that?
The Democratic Party is a collective, so you are exactly right. There is no reason to vote for any single Democrat because they are essentially a group think entity.
So you prefer Democrats who have exacerbated inflation, created an energy crisis, helped promote unprecedented crime, encouraged an unprecedented invasion of aliens, screwed up the supply chain, put us at far more risk of war, made it more difficult for Americans to have shelter, food, clothing, transportation and other necessities of life?

If Republicans 'don't do shit', I far prefer that to what the Democrats have done and/or doing.
What an idiot, and how did the democrats do this all by themselves. The worst thing you can do if you are concerned about the economy is to vote for a hate party president.
The Democratic Party is a collective, so you are exactly right. There is no reason to vote for any single Democrat because they are essentially a group think entity.
Ya you bet ,your choice of dictatorship is so much better.
It's a no brainer when a Democrat runs against a MAGA Republican who support the Big Lie and insurrection, as those are anti democratic forces at work, and voting for one of them will never be done by anyone who believes in the rule of law and the Constitution.
There is no American patriot who supports the hate group the right calls a party.

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