Why would anybody vote for a Democrat in this election?

The reason we have inflation, dumbfuck, is because Biden restricted American fuel on his 1st day in office

How did Biden's policies enacted after Jan 21, 2021 effect oil production and prices in 2020 when the problem started? Oil and gas price began rising after the cuts to production in 2020. They continued to rise when OPEC+ refused to increase production to meet the rise in demand world wide. Why didn't the old Republicans join with our President and call for them to increase production? Because they don't exist anymore, and the New-GOP doesn't mind if American get hurt by OPEC+ if if means they can blame the Democrats in a bid to regain power.
How did Biden's policies enacted after Jan 21, 2021 effect oil production and prices in 2020 when the problem started? Oil and gas price began rising after the cuts to production in 2020. They continued to rise when OPEC+ refused to increase production to meet the rise in demand world wide. Why didn't the old Republicans join with our President and call for them to increase production? Because they don't exist anymore, and the New-GOP doesn't mind if American get hurt by OPEC+ if if means they can blame the Democrats in a bid to regain power.
I included the link where he did it in the name of Climate Change, dumbfuck. We're done here.
I included the link where he did it in the name of Climate Change, dumbfuck. We're done here.
I didn't ask why he did it. I asked how that effected the production cuts in 2020 that started the bust/boom cycle. Not one of those EO's effected current production in the US or the world. Oil and gas prices began rising in 2020 not 2021 immediately after Joe Biden took over.
“Why would anybody vote for a Democrat in this election?”

Because that’s the only alternative … to “Big Lie” MAGA Republican lunatics in his home district?

Long live the “lesser evil” ?

Lots will because America is still at a phase in which the power of fascism to bring 95% or greater of the people together, hasn't been reached.

The Democratic party supporters won't be resigned to the fact that it's better to join the winning side until there 'is' a winning side. Then they will only semi-reluctantly go with the flow. But they 'will' go!

Fascist regimes of the past have proven that very little resistance will stand against the regime's power. Those that persist will nearly all either be eliminated or will need to go underground.

Depending on how Brazil's situation plays out, it could be enlightening for many Americans at a time when it's needed. It could have an effect of defusing America's situation, or even energizing it!
The only one employing fascist tactics are the Democrats. I've seen nothing in Republican agenda or proposals that are anywhere close to Fascism. The "America First" concept was the closest thing to Fascism the right has come up with but it was not the same as Fascist nationalism but rather taking care of our own people and problems and not allowing other countries to use us as their sugar daddy or personal slaves to serve them.

The left has distorted definitions of Fascism to use to demonize the right, but the real features of fascism are:

Fascism is a totalitarian system of Government. This meant a complete way of life in which the government attempts to control and organize with strong discipline as many aspects of people’s lives as possible. Government is more important than the individual needs of the people.

MAGAs support the Founder's concept that the power belongs with the people and promotes unalienable rights that the government cannot constitutionally touch.

To accomplish this the Fascist government must control media, education, communication, scientific institutions, religion, thought, speech and what options and choices the people will be allowed.

MAGAs think the federal government should stay out of all of that except what necessary rules and regs are necessary for shared use of the airways for communication.

Fascism differs from socialism in that the government does not necessarily own the means of production but does control the economic structure of the country. Fascism is inherently opposed to communism but ironically, along with socialism, is ironically a necessary stage in order to achieve communism.

The government and military are weaponized to control the people.
Why would anyone vote for a democrat?

Democrats promise a bigger gov't that will solve all your problems, and too many people believe that so they vote for the dems. This despite the fact that for decades the democrats have made these promises and spent boatloads of money with little in the way of results or progress to show for it. Is there anything they can point to since Kennedy that were successful relative to the amount of money spent on a given issue? I can't think of one.
That is the thing. Democrats cannot point to ANYTHING they've done in this Administration that has helped all Americans. They throw goodies to buy votes from this or that constituency, but they sure can't say Democrat rule has produced a stronger, more free, more prosperous, more secure American that benefits all demographics and offers them more options, choices, and opportunity.

All they have is 'orange man bad', Republicans are fascists that won't let them kill their babies or sexualize kindergartners and MAGAs are the spawn of Satan.

Okay I'm being overly dramatic here, but it honestly has gotten almost that bad.
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Fascism differs from socialism in that the government does not necessarily own the means of production but does control the economic structure of the country. Fascism is inherently opposed to communism but ironically, along with socialism, is ironically a necessary stage in order to achieve communism.
Fascism can own the means of production of a country by replacing elected government leaders with leaders appointed by the regime. WW2's Germany was the furthest thing from socialism or communism in that it stripped away the people's ability to choose their own wellbeing. Do you even understand the meaning of 'socialism' or 'communism'?
Do you understand that socialism is a necessary and attractive factor of capitalism?
How do you rationalize that fascism is a 'stage' to achieving communism?
Perspectives yes.

The Democrats are uniformly here saying their priority is 'orange man bad', 'Republicans bad' along with vague rhetoric with the same tired old military references or that somehow Republicans don't care about democracy or rule of law. They can't name one thing that the Republicans have done or promoted against democracy or rule of law but that's the assigned talking point so that's what they say.

But I can't believe their personal priorities are not shelter, food, transportation, their families being safe in their homes, enjoying a few pleasures of life, etc. Why do they turn a blind eye to what the Democrats have done and are doing to make all that so much harder if not out of reach for so many Americans?
Maybe people disagree with you as to why inflation is high. For example, I do, and analyzing and acting on the economy has been my profession for 22 years.

In addition to having different perspectives, two people can have different ideas on how to approach a problem. There isn't just one way. Both ends of the spectrum just can't seem to understand that.
Republicans attack gay and transgender rights. They attack the rights of women. They attack voting rights. They attack free speech rights. You are the one distributing propaganda.
The Republicans have absolutely done nothing to hinder gay and transgender rights. They simply demand that gay and transgenders abide by the customs, laws, policies that everybody else has to/should abide by and not demand everybody give them extra consideration and privileges. The GOP supports the right of parents to object when their children are exposed to objectionable curriculum in the schools.

The GOP has done not one thing to hinder the rights of any women. If you're referring to Dobbs, 81% of Americans believe laws can protect both the mother and the unborn, 71% of Americans support some restrictions on abortion, only 31% of Democrats support abortion on demand without restrictions. But Dobbs just returned the issue to the states, it did not rule on whether abortion should be legal or not. And Democrats say they defend democracy. That means they should defend the democratic right of the people in the states to make their own laws yes?

It is the Democrats who are working with social media and the MSM to suppress information, not the GOP. The GOP wants the media to report ALL information and not just that favorable to Democrats. The GOP wants social media to allow all points of view to be expressed and not just that of the left. The GOP are champions of free speech and all other unalienable rights the Founders intended the government not to interfere with.

It is the Democrats who demand what language is acceptable or legal or won't subject people to the cancel culture, not the GOP.

The GOP has taken away not one single voting right of any U.S. citizen. The GOP does want only citizens to vote and wants policies and processes in place to ensure that only citizens vote and they only vote once in any election. That the Democrats oppose that in almost every case suggests the Democrats WANT cheating. The GOP does not. If that makes the GOP evil in your eyes, then that's on you.
Fascism can own the means of production of a country by replacing elected government leaders with leaders appointed by the regime. WW2's Germany was the furthest thing from socialism or communism in that it stripped away the people's ability to choose their own wellbeing. Do you even understand the meaning of 'socialism' or 'communism'?
Do you understand that socialism is a necessary and attractive factor of capitalism?
How do you rationalize that fascism is a 'stage' to achieving communism?
Do you realize how ridiculous your post is to somebody who has actually studied these various doctrines?
Disclaimer: I know a LOT of Democrats and for the most part they are just ordinary Americans who want the same things all Americans want: a decent roof over their heads, food to eat, clothes to wear, enough money to give their children good things, afford a few other necessary/satisfying/interesting/fun things and/or help others.

But the Joe Biden presidency has made it more difficult for many, probably most Americans to afford any of that, and because Biden is doing the bidding of the Democrat Party, it goes without saying the Democrat agenda is the problem for most of it.

According the RCP recent polls--these are an aggregate of many different polls--Biden is seriously underwater re the economy, inflation, foreign policy, handling of Russia/Ukraine, immigration, crime, and abortion.

Why in the world would anybody, even a Democrat, vote for more of that?

Inflation and the price of everything is high all over the world. It would be much worse if Republicans were in office, because they have no problem with price gouging. Trump set up the high fuel prices before he left office and he did it so American oil companies would profit.
Businesses are subject to the same stresses the average American home is--increased costs of transportation, broken supply chains, high energy costs, runaway inflation in almost every single sector affects their bottom line. They cannot afford to run their businesses at a loss so they must raise prices.

The current Democrat administration has exacerbated all that and done absolutely nothing to help the situation.

You need to reads company financial statements. Many companies are seeing huge increases in their profits. A second factor is how competitive industries are. Televisions are very competitive, and they are down. Walmart has a 65-inch Roku television for $349. Broken supply chains are the responsibility of the company not Biden.
Maybe people disagree with you as to why inflation is high. For example, I do, and analyzing and acting on the economy has been my profession for 22 years.

In addition to having different perspectives, two people can have different ideas on how to approach a problem. There isn't just one way. Both ends of the spectrum just can't seem to understand that.
Well most economists seem to agree with me that Biden policies and initiatives have made inflation far worse than it had to be. Or more correctly, I agree with them.
You need to reads company financial statements. Many companies are seeing huge increases in their profits. A second factor is how competitive industries are. Televisions are very competitive, and they are down. Walmart has a 65-inch Roku television for $349. Broken supply chains are the responsibility of the company not Biden.

Big business is fully in bed with the Democrats who aid and abet them by making it far harder for small business to operate. Irrational rules and regs imposed by Democrats barely phases the big guys who welcome them because they put so much of their competition out of business. It wasn't the big boys who give Democrats huge donations that were shut down during COVID but all their smaller competitors were.

So yes, American big businesses are making out like bandits under the Biden administration while mom and pop operations flounder under inflation, broken supply chains, rules and regulations.

But once the competition is destroyed, I am pretty sure you won't be seeing such favorable prices from the big boys any more. And the Democrats will pretty much control all American commerce which, if they manage that like they do everything else, does not bode well for the average American.
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For any American who is thinking of voting Republican out of anger about inflation, here’s some advice: look before you leap. Republicans won’t do anything more than Biden has done to slow inflation. Indeed, they’ll probably do less. Despite the flood of GOP ads attacking Biden over inflation, Republicans haven’t put forward any proposals about how they would slow inflation. They talk of their plan to make Trump’s tax cuts permanent for the rich and big corporations, but that won’t do anything to reduce inflation. (By the way, inflation has been higher in many other countries – in Britain, it’s 8.8%, and in Germany, it’s 10.0% – so it’s ridiculous to suggest inflation is all Joe Biden’s fault.)

There’s another reason voters should look before they leap. Republican lawmakers actually support several policies that will increase inflation. Republicans have vowed to repeal the Biden-backed law that lets Medicare negotiate lower prescription drug prices, a law that will reduce inflation for nearly 63 million Americans on Medicare. Congressional Republicans were so eager to help big pharma instead of inflation-battered Americans that they blocked Biden from setting a $35-a-month price cap on insulin. That means higher prices – and inflation – for Americans with diabetes. Republicans are also intent on repealing Obamacare, which would push up healthcare prices for many Americans.

Republicans have vowed to take numerous other steps that would make it harder for tens of millions of Americans to cope with inflation. Republicans are threatening to create a debt ceiling crisis to shut down the government unless Biden surrenders to GOP demands to cut social security and Medicare. Many Republicans say social security and Medicare are far too generous, and their plans to cut those programs will further squeeze millions of older Americans who are already badly squeezed by inflation.

The only one employing fascist tactics are the Democrats. I've seen nothing in Republican agenda or proposals that are anywhere close to Fascism. The "America First" concept was the closest thing to Fascism the right has come up with but it was not the same as Fascist nationalism but rather taking care of our own people and problems and not allowing other countries to use us as their sugar daddy or personal slaves to serve them.

The left has distorted definitions of Fascism to use to demonize the right, but the real features of fascism are:

Fascism is a totalitarian system of Government. This meant a complete way of life in which the government attempts to control and organize with strong discipline as many aspects of people’s lives as possible. Government is more important than the individual needs of the people.

MAGAs support the Founder's concept that the power belongs with the people and promotes unalienable rights that the government cannot constitutionally touch.

To accomplish this the Fascist government must control media, education, communication, scientific institutions, religion, thought, speech and what options and choices the people will be allowed.

MAGAs think the federal government should stay out of all of that except what necessary rules and regs are necessary for shared use of the airways for communication.

Fascism differs from socialism in that the government does not necessarily own the means of production but does control the economic structure of the country. Fascism is inherently opposed to communism but ironically, along with socialism, is ironically a necessary stage in order to achieve communism.

The government and military are weaponized to control the people.

MAGA attacks voting rights, free speech rights, the rights of women, imposing your religious beliefs on us at the point of a gun, using weapons to intimidate voters and that is for starters. They are attacking their political opponents. Using right wing media to spread propaganda and falsehoods. A Democrat House candidate in Pennsylvania was threatened and finally attacked. We have the attack that was aimed at Nancy Pelosi. You are the Nazis.
Big business is fully in bed with the Democrats who aid and abet them by making it far harder for small business to operate. Irrational rules and regs imposed by Democrats barely phases the big guys who welcome them because they put so much of their competition out of business. It wasn't the big boys who give Democrats huge donations that were shut down during COVID but all their smaller competitors were.

So yes, American big businesses are making out like bandits under the Biden administration while mom and pop operations flounder under inflation, broken supply chains, rules and regulations.

But once the competition is destroyed, I am pretty sure you won't be seeing such favorable prices from the big boys any more. And the Democrats will pretty much control all American commerce which, if they manage that like they do everything else, does not bode well for the average American.

Big businesses got big tax cuts from Republicans. Democrats have tried to cut back on those massive tax cuts. Small businesses do not import televisions. They may sell them, but they do not import them. Apparently you are too dumb to get the point. Prices have come down in industries that are competitive. Industries that have little or no inflation is where inflation has been the highest. This is not about big business versus small business. As usual, you are trying to blow smoke on the issue.

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